TheDungeon (12 page)

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Authors: Velvet

BOOK: TheDungeon
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Chapter Twenty-One


After his romantic afternoon with Kendall, Magnus drove his
sports car along the New Jersey turnpike toward home. Magnus couldn’t have been
happier. He was engaged to a beautiful, sexy, smart woman. His business was
booming, making money hand over fist, and he had two lifelong friends whom he
trusted implicitly. He cruised along the highway, playing an operatic song from
the Three Tenors. He belted out the tune, singing Pavarotti’s part. In his
youth, Magnus was a choir boy in the neighborhood’s Catholic church—even though
his voice had changed over the years and now cracked when he sang, it didn’t
stop him from singing along as he made his way home.

Magnus showered, changed clothes, and was ready before
eight. He fixed himself a drink and waited for his friends to arrive. “Oh, I
forgot to call Jan,” he said, taking out his cell phone to call his assistant.

“Hi, boss,” she answered.

“Sorry to call after business hours, but I need for you to
get on this right away.”

“No problem. What can I help you with?”

“Kendall and I have decided to have our wedding at the new
restaurant in the casino, and I need for you to make the necessary

“Sure thing, I’ll be glad to help.”

Magnus gave her the date, time and other pertinent
information. “It’s going to be small. Neither one of us wants a big brouhaha.
The wedding and reception will be close friends and family. I already texted
Kendall your number, I’ll also text you her number so you guys can work out the

“Okay, I’ll get right on it. Don’t worry, I’ll have
everything under control,” Jan assured him.

“Oh, I’m not worried, Jan. You’re the best. That’s why I’m
entrusting you with my wedding.”

“Thanks, boss.”

“Good night and I’ll see you tomorrow.” As he was talking,
his phone beeped. “Jan, I have to run. I have another call.” He clicked over.

“Hey, man, are you ready to roll?” It was Kevin.


“We’re pulling up, come on down.”

“Okay, on my way.” Magnus finished his drink and headed out.

He pushed through the glass revolving doors of his building,
went outside, and expected to see Kevin’s black Cayenne, but the Porsche SUV
was nowhere in sight. Idling in the building’s curved driveway was a white
stretch Hummer with silver rims and multiple sunroofs. Magnus slowly walked
over to the limo, trying to see if his friends were inside.

“Whatcha waiting on? Get in!” Tony yelled, sticking his head
out of the rear sunroof.

Magnus opened the passenger door and stepped in. The inside
of the luxury vehicle resembled a nightclub on wheels. There were running floor
lights that changed colors from blue to red to green to yellow and matching
overhead lighting. Plush leather seating and bars filled with top-shelf liquor
and champagne lined each side of the limo. Music blared from surround-sound
speakers. The only things missing were dancing girls and a stripper pole.

“Really, guys! Did you have to get the stretch Hummer?”
Magnus asked, shaking his head.

“It was Tony’s idea,” Kevin admitted.

“What’s wrong with all this? Tony asked, waving his hands as
if demonstrating the car’s accoutrements.

“Nothing, if you’re eighteen and going to prom with your
friends,” Magnus replied.

“I wish we had this back in the day. I would’ve gotten laid
right here,” Tony said, patting the leather seat next to him. “Here, have a
drink and lighten up. We’re gonna have fun tonight.” Tony handed Magnus a glass
of champagne.

“I’m telling you guys, I don’t want to go to some sleazy
strip club. I’m not into getting teased by some fake, tacky-looking striper,”
Magnus told them.

“Don’t worry, we’re not going to a strip club,” Tony assured

The driver pulled off and cruised to their destination. An
hour later, they were in Manhattan, stepping out of the stretch Hummer as if
they were three rock stars. Magnus looked up at the club’s sign—it read
“iCandy” in pink neon letters.

“I said no strip clubs,” he hissed.

“It’s not a strip club. Stop complaining and come inside,”
Tony said, walking ahead of his friends.

Magnus reluctantly followed. Based on the name of the club,
he expected to see half-naked women parading around and swinging on poles, but
he was pleasantly surprised. The club was classy and sexy at the same time.
There were no silver poles in sight and no sleazy-looking women. The interior
was pink and black with an oval center stage. Elongated white bars decorated
the sides of the room. The waitresses were dressed in sexy, pink gowns with
thigh-high splits, instead of boob-revealing tops and miniskirts.

“What is this place?” Magnus wanted to know once they
settled into a table near the stage.

“It’s a burlesque club, and the show is about to start in
ten minutes,” Tony told him.

Kevin signaled the waitress and ordered a bottle of 1738,
Magnus’ favorite cognac. “Have you seen a burlesque show before?” Kevin asked.

“No I haven’t, but I did see that movie with Cher and
enjoyed it,” Magnus said.

“Well, that movie ain’t got nothing on this review. I’ve
seen this show at least ten times and I never get tired of watching these
gorgeous girls strut their stuff,” Tony told him.

After their drinks arrived, Kevin raised his glass.
“Congratulations, man, on finding a good woman, and I wish you two a lifetime
of happiness.”

“I second that,” Tony chimed in.

As the three friends were toasting, the DJ stopped spinning
records and the band began playing, indicating the start of the show.

“Ladies and gentlemen, hello, and welcome to iCandy!” A
tall, toned blonde woman dressed in a black sequined gown and white evening
gloves announced. “I’m Ms. V, and I will be your hostess of ceremonies tonight.
I want you to sit back, relax and enjoy the experience.” She then waved her
hand at the pink velvet curtains behind her on the stage and they magically
opened, revealing five women dressed in tuxedos and top hats. Ms. V gracefully
exited the stage and the show began.

The women were lined up according to height and were
rotating their butts in the same direction to the beat of the music. Then they
branched off, one by one, doing a soft-shoe while peeling off their tuxedo
jackets, revealing sexy black corsets and fishnet stockings. They danced
suggestively around the stage before stepping down into the audience. When the
stage was empty, another woman dressed in a silver gown appeared with a
microphone in hand, singing a sexy French song.

While she belted out the foreign lyrics, the dancers removed
their top hats which had concealed black feather boas. The dancers tossed the
hats to the side, took the boas, suggestively lacing the feathers between their
legs and over their breasts. Their movements were erotic, but classy at the
same time.

One dancer with long, fiery red hair danced over to the guys
and zeroed in on Magnus. She looped her boa around his neck and playfully
danced in front of him, shaking her “twins” in his face.

Magnus sat there, sipped his cognac, and enjoyed her
sensuous dance. Although she wasn’t stripping naked, she was turning him on
with her overly sexy moves.
She looks familiar
, he thought.
With that
red hair, she resembles the Domme at The Dungeon.
The mere thought of his
favorite place made his dick twitch. He tried to ignore the sensation in his
pants, and felt guilty for thinking about The Dungeon when he had a sexually
gratifying relationship with Kendall. Magnus put the club out of his mind and
concentrated on the show.

A variety of dancers alternated taking the stage, with
provocative but classy costumes, teasing the audience with tassels and
feathers, while the sultry singer belted out cabaret show tunes. Although it
wasn’t a strip club, the venue was enticing nonetheless. Magnus glanced around
the room and saw several men and a few women on the edge of their seats, eyes
bulging, ogling the seductive dancers. As the performance wore on, Magnus’ mind
drifted back to The Dungeon.
I’ll go there one last time before canceling my

After the performance was over, Magnus was ready to go.
“That was great! Thanks, guys, I really enjoyed the show.”

“No problem. Now on to the next spot,” Tony said, signaling
for the waitress so he could settle the tab.

Magnus stretched his arms out and feigned a yawn. “I’m
bushed, guys. I’ma call it a night.”

Tony looked at his watch. “Are you shitting me? It’s not
even midnight yet. The night is still young.”

“I know it’s early, but I promised Kendall that I wouldn’t
be out late.”

“Now you sound as if you’re an old married man,” Kevin said,
teasing him.

“Yeah, yeah, what can I say? I’m whipped.”

Once they were outside, Magnus realized that he had to come
up with a quick plan to stay in the city since he was going to The Dungeon and
not back to New Jersey. “Uh, I’ma take a taxi and stay at Kendall’s tonight.”

“Okay, suit yourself,” Tony shrugged. “Since you’re bailing
on us, I might as well call Roxanne and get laid tonight.”

“Is getting some tail the only thing you think about?” Kevin

“Pussy and money, that’s what I live for,” Tony replied.

The Hummer pulled up, interrupting their banter.

“Well, have a good night,” Kevin said.

“Thanks, I will.” Magnus watched his friends get into the
limo and drive away, he then hailed a cab and made his way to The Dungeon.

Once inside the club, Magnus headed straight to the locker
room and opened the storage space that held his dirty little secrets. Magnus
was convinced that acting out his fetishes at The Dungeon wasn’t cheating. He
and Kendall were committed and he would never have intercourse outside their
relationship. Besides, this would be his final visit.

Tonight he was feeling Dominant, so instead of donning his
leather hood, like he normally did, he left the submissive, face-concealing
hood in the locker. He took off his jeans, white shirt and blazer, and replaced
his street clothes with tight, black leather pants matching shirt and
silver-toed cowboy boots. In addition to a variety of outfits—submissive and
Dominant—Magnus also had a shelf full of naughty toys in the locker. He browsed
through his prized collection and chose a ball gag and handcuffs for the

He made his way to the lounge, sat at the bar along with the
other tops and ordered a drink. As he drank the double shot of cognac, he perused
the room, taking in the scenery one last time.

Across the room a Domme was relaxing in a booth, while her
sub stood by her side, holding a martini glass as she sipped her cocktail.
After each sip, she patted his ass with a spiked board. Two women dressed in
black leather miniskirts and halter tops had their arms wrapped around each
other, grinding on the dance floor to an old Grace Jones song.

After finishing his drink, Magnus made his way over to where
the subs sat crouched on the floor. He peered over the selection but didn’t see
anyone that struck his fancy. Since this was his final visit, he had planned to
go out with a bang, but his heart wasn’t really into it. He moseyed out of the
Red Room and went to the lower level.

The open suite was alive with activity. The black matte
walls of the room seemed to be glistening with sweat from the members as they
engaged in a variety of acts. Magnus stood in the back of the dimly lit room
and took in the sights before deciding to make a move.

There was an A-frame apparatus that resembled a small Ferris
wheel in the center of the room. A man wearing ass-out chaps was strapped to
the device, and an Amazon-looking Dominatrix was standing at the side of the
apparatus vigorously spinning it. As the wheel spun around and around, the
Domme struck him with a sharp-tipped poker, extracting small amounts of blood
with each poke.

A woman dressed as a kitten with cat ears and a furry tail
crawled around on her hands and knees as a man dressed as a dog, with a spiked
collar, chased her around the room on all fours. Once he caught the cat, he
proceeded to get on top of her and dry hump her from behind.

On the other side of the room was a trio of men pulling
piercings in and out of each other’s dicks and nipples. Magnus watched as the
guy in the center yanked out the nipple ring of the man standing to his right.
The guy let out a loud yelp as the silver bar sliced through his skin, nearly
ripping off his nipple.

“Pull my ball vise tighter,” the guy on the left instructed
one of his partners.

“Oh, so you want more pain!” the center man said, as he took
hold of the vise and squeezed it with both hands.

“Yeah. Harder. Harder!” he responded, biting his bottom lip.

Ball squeezing has
to hurt like hell! So not
my scene
, Magnus thought as he watched the trio torture each other. On the
other side of the room were a couple kissing and embracing in the corner as if
they were high-school sweethearts on Valentine’s Day, which was in total
contrast to the spirit of the bondage, dominant, sadomasochistic club.

Seeing them kiss brought to mind his relationship with
Kendall and Magnus realized that this wasn’t the place for him any longer. He
was now a man deeply in love. Even though he was getting aroused as he watched
the sordid activities taking place around him, Magnus didn’t act on his
impulses. He had told himself that being at The Dungeon wasn’t cheating, but
now that he was actually there, he felt guilty. The Dungeon, his once-secret
decadent club, no longer appealed to him.

Magnus turned around and walked out the door. As he made his
way back to the locker room, he was stopped in his tracks by the sight before
him. Coming toward him was the Dominatrix in her fiery-red, waist-length wig.
She had never seen him without his hood and he wondered if she would recognize
him. He stopped mid-stride and waited for her to come closer…

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