Their Border Lands Refuge [Men of the Border Lands 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (11 page)

BOOK: Their Border Lands Refuge [Men of the Border Lands 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Owen stroked her down from her orgasm before lifting her legs and plunging his thick cock deep into her cunt. It stretched already swollen and sensitized tissues to the point of pain but quickly morphed into a full feeling that had her pussy gushing. Once he was all the way in, he waited for her to adjust to his size before pulling out and thrusting back in again. The drag of his cock over her hotspot shot sparks straight to her clit. Her vaginal muscles quivered with need as once again, he stroked her toward release.

“Fuck! You’re so tight around my dick. I can’t get enough of you.” His guttural groans excited her to a near frenzy.

Knowing that she could steal some of his control always made her hot. Owen began tunneling in and out of her cunt with quick, short stabs that soon turned into deep thrusts. He stared into her eyes as he brought her closer and closer to another climax.

“Please, Owen. Harder, faster. I need you so much.” She gasped as he finally let go of his control and gave her what she begged for.

He hammered into her with his hard cock until she could feel her climax growing like some great avalanche of pleasure threatening to bury her. She was sure that when she came, it would be wonderful. Tension stretched along her muscles and tendons as her lover filled her over and over again with his stiff cock.

“Aw, hell. I’m not going to last, baby.” His voice sounded strained as he reached between them and located her clit.

As soon as his finger touched her aching nub, she succumbed to the overpowering explosion that took her breath and left her panting with no way to scream out her release. Owen grunted above her then called out her name as he filled her with his cum. Liquid heat splattered her cunt as he lowered his head onto her neck and growled.

When he had recovered, he moved off of her and pulled her into the cradle of his arms. Kissing her on the cheek, he struggled to regain his breath while she fought to regain control of hers as well.

“I love you, Sky.”

“I love you, too. I think I’m useless now, though. I don’t even think I can cook dinner tonight.”

Owen popped her on the side of her thigh with a laugh. “You’re not getting out of cooking tonight. Get up and get to work.”

Skyler squealed and jumped off the couch, grabbing her clothes as she ran for the kitchen. She grinned to herself as she quickly gathered everything to make beef stroganoff for them. She hoped Simon would hurry back. She was anxious to find out what he had learned. Surely there would be families close by that she could get to know the women in the household. The prospect of a friend was exciting.

While she cooked, she carried on a conversation with Owen, who remained in the den tending to the fire.

“Do you think Simon found anyone willing to help? He’s been gone a long time.”

“I don’t know, but we can hope so.”

“Did he say how many people lived in the area?”

She heard him chuckle. “No. Now stop asking me questions I don’t know the answer to.”

She stuck he tongue out at him and continued to stir the sauce on the stove. She checked the flame on the burner and turned it down to let the concoction simmer. Then she wiped her hands on a towel and returned to the den to harass Owen.

Just as she dropped down on his lap, the sound of a vehicle out front had her scrambling to get up again. Surely it was Simon. She hurried to the door to open it for him, but Owen stopped her from disengaging the locks.

“That’s not Simon’s truck. I know the sound. Get upstairs. Now!”

Chapter Ten


Simon wasn’t comfortable pulling into the drive of their nearest neighbors. He had been alone for so long that the idea of bringing even more people into his life bothered him. But the fact of the matter was, they needed help with the wolf situation and he knew that Skyler was eager for female companionship as well.

He sighed and climbed out of the truck. He was so intent on his own thoughts that he hadn’t noticed that someone had walked out onto the porch until they stopped him in midstride.

“Hold up right there.”

Simon held out his hands to his side palms out to show that he wasn’t armed. He should have been paying attention.

“What do you want?” The other man stood with a rifle aimed right at him.

“I’m Simon. I live just west of you about three miles over. I don’t mean any harm. My partner and our wife are having wolf troubles. We knew that many of the families around here are working together to thin them out some. We were hoping to work with you on that.”

The other man stared at him for several long seconds before nodding his head and lowering the rifle.

“Come on in. I’m Micah. We can talk inside where it’s warmer.”

Simon nodded and followed the other man inside the house. Another man stood next to the fireplace with a rifle as well. He nodded at Simon and set the weapon down.

“This is Jeremy, my partner. Jeremy, this is Simon from our west. He’s interested in thinning out the wolves and wants to be a part of our hunting party.”

“Good to meet you, Simon.” Jeremy reached out to shake hands.

Simon met him halfway and then took a seat when Micah offered it.

“So you’ve been having trouble with them as well?”

“I’m sure with your group hunting them over here that they are moving our direction now. We would like to keep them moving.”

“Have they attacked you yet?” Jeremy asked.

“No, but they are moving in close. What concerns me is that they are so close to the house and I’ve heard they will attack humans now. Is that true?”

“Yep. They’ve done it several times. There are several groups of us that hunt to keep them thinned out. You’re welcome to participate. We can schedule a hunt on your land to move them off.” Micah stood up. “I’m going to go get some coffee for us. I’ll be right back.”

Simon watched the other man walk toward what he assumed was the kitchen. It was obvious that their woman was in the kitchen by the way they had sat on that side of the room.

“Usually when we hunt, the women are all in one place to make it easier to keep them safe while the men are out. Do you have a cellar large enough for about five or six people?”

“Yes. We can make it comfortable for them. That’s a good idea, but I don’t want them left alone.”

“Don’t worry, they won’t be. We usually leave one or two men with them for safety. We don’t take chances with our women.”

Micah walked back in followed by a pretty woman who was obviously pregnant. He stood up and accepted his cup from Micah and nodded toward the woman. She kept close to Micah as she handed a cup to Jeremy. The smile on the other man’s face made it obvious that he worshiped the ground she walked on.

“This is our wife, Rachael. Rachael, this is Simon, one of our neighbors. I think we will be hunting wolves on his property in a few days.”

She smiled shyly and nodded her head.

“Our woman’s name is Skyler. I know she would be thrilled to have someone to talk to, ma’am.”

“I’d really like that. There are several other women who normally join us when the men go hunting.” She looked up at Micah after he pulled her onto his lap when he was seated.

“These hunting trips allow the women to spend time with each other.”

“I understand you do some bartering and such as well in your group.” Simon was pleased things were going so well, but he was antsy to get back home, too.

“We do. Are you in need of anything in particular?” Micah was running his hand up and down Rachael’s arm.

“Actually, we’re looking for a couple more hens.”

“Hmm,” Micah looked over at Jeremy. “We don’t have any extra, but didn’t Gary say they might start eating some of theirs?”

“He did. Said there were too many to keep up with now.”

“We’ll get in touch with them for you when we alert every one of the need for a hunt on your land.” Micah smiled.

“I would appreciate it. We have extra canned tomatoes and blackberry jam.”

“Have you had any trouble with black market agents?” Jeremy asked.

“No. Not so far.” Simon sat forward, worried that he was about to hear more than he wanted to.

“Luke and his family had a run-in with some not long ago. You need to be on the lookout for them. We don’t usually see as much of them in the winter, but I expect that will change as more people move out here.” Jeremy glanced over at Rachael.

Simon could tell there was something they weren’t sharing, but he figured it was private and didn’t ask. Just the thought of the threat to Skyler sent chill bumps down his spine. Worrying about the wolves was hard enough. Black market agents were the main reason Owen and Skyler had moved out to The Border Lands to live with him in the first place.

“We’ll be watchful for sure. I really appreciate your willingness to include us in your hunting group. Just let me know when you plan to schedule it and we’ll have the basement ready for the women.” He stood up, ready to head home.

Micah carefully switched Rachael to the chair as he stood up. Jeremy joined them as they walked to the door. Simon shook hands with the two men and quickly walked outside to keep from letting the cold air into their warm living room. Micah followed him out, picking up the rifle as he walked through the door.

“Can’t be too careful with the wolves. They are known for being sneaky bastards. Drive safely and we’ll be in touch soon.”

Simon waved his thanks and climbed into the truck. As he backed out of the drive, he realized that he’d enjoyed the brief visit. Maybe becoming friends with some of the other families in the area wouldn’t be so bad. He knew that Skyler would enjoy it immensely. She was starved for female companionship.

He couldn’t wait to get back to tell Owen and Skyler all about their neighbors. She would be thrilled and excited to hear that Rachael, their wife, was pregnant. He hadn’t thought to ask how far along she was. He was no judge on things like that.

The idea hit him that Skyler might end up pregnant. Women had trouble sometimes conceiving after all the diseases had nearly wiped out the female population all those years ago, but it didn’t mean it couldn’t happen. He knew that she and Owen had been lovers for several years now and she hadn’t gotten pregnant. He guessed there was a good possibility that she wouldn’t be able to have children. While he hoped that wasn’t the case, if it was, it wouldn’t change how he felt about her. She was his purpose in life now.

With that thought, Simon drove toward home and his family. He needed to see them, especially Skyler.


* * * *


Skyler hid in the last bedroom upstairs in the closet behind the hanging clothes. This room was full of boxed-up clothes, toys, and other junk from the previous owners. She hoped that it was a false alarm. She was worried about Owen all alone downstairs. Why had they come when Simon was gone? Had they watched and waited until he had left on purpose?

Stuck in the back of the closet, she couldn’t hear anything that was going on. It made waiting so much harder. Time seemed to stand still as she sat trembling in the corner in the dark. Her breathing seemed to echo in the tiny closet. She knew it was just her mind playing tricks on her, but it didn’t slow her pounding heart any.

The seconds slowly slipped by as she fought to remain still. It wouldn’t do to make noise and alert whoever was downstairs with Owen that she was up there. She knew better than to divide Owen’s attention. After what felt like hours, the sound of footsteps in the room outside the door alerted her that someone was close by. She prayed that Owen would soon open the door and tell her that everything was okay.

Wood creaked under someone’s feet as they walked further into the room. They didn’t immediately head for the closet. This frightened Skyler. Owen knew where she was hidden. Fear threatened to squeeze her heart into. What had happened to Owen? Where was Simon?

The footsteps continued into the room. Then they moved closer to the closet and her hiding place. When the door opened, Skyler swallowed down the scream lodged in her throat. When the door closed again, she fought the crazy need to laugh in relief. Tremors took over her body as relief that she hadn’t been found coursed through her blood.

Silence once again filled the closet as she waited for whatever happened next. She knew better than to leave before either Owen or Simon came and got her. Even if it took forever, she wasn’t supposed to leave the closet for any reason.

After what felt like forever, the pounding of footsteps growing closer alerted her to someone’s return. She hugged herself tighter as she waited.

“Skyler!” Owen’s voice thrilled along her nerve endings as he threw open the closet door.

“Oh, God, Owen! Are you okay?” She launched herself from the closet into his open arms. “I thought something had happened to you.”

“Shh, baby. It’s okay now. They’re gone. Let’s get you downstairs where the fire is. You’re shivering and ice cold.”

“I was so worried about you. I couldn’t hear anything and then the footsteps and it wasn’t you.” She knew she was babbling. She couldn’t help it.

“It’s okay. He half carried her downstairs and wrapped a throw around her as he pulled her onto his lap.

Skyler saw the rifle sitting next to them on the couch. He wasn’t taking any chances that they wouldn’t come back again.

“What happened, Owen?”

“There were three of them so I didn’t have much of a chance to stop them. I was scared to death they would find you. They already knew you were living here. They’ve been watching evidently. I told them you were with Simon. One held a gun on me while two of them searched the house. The first place they searched was the cellar, so we were right to not use it.”

“They’ll come back, won’t they, Owen.”

“Yeah. As soon as Simon returns, we’ve got to figure out what to do.”

“I’m scared, Owen.”

“I know, baby, but Simon and I will keep you safe.”

She snuggled up with Owen, leaving his right hand free to get to the rifle if he needed to. If the men came back, when they came back, her men were in danger because of her. She burrowed into Owen and fought the tears that threatened to spill. She didn’t need to burden Owen any further by being an emotional mess. God knows she had done enough of that when they were on their way to The Border Lands.

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