Their Christmas Vows (13 page)

Read Their Christmas Vows Online

Authors: Margaret McDonagh

Tags: #Medical

BOOK: Their Christmas Vows
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Callie squeezed her eyes shut, her hands clinging to him as pleasure speared inside her. Oh, God! She had never expected anything like this. It was wonderful. Impossible. She wanted more. And Frazer when the rest of her was zinging with electricity and on the cusp of a climax the magnitude of which she'd never experienced before. Tightening her legs around his waist, she matched his rhythm, her body moving with his, meeting every demand, giving everything, taking everything, and she cried out as they soared together, tumbling in freefall over the precipice as an explosive release ripped through them.

Smiling as Callie snuggled against him, Frazer trailed the fingers of one hand down her spin, watching as the first light of the Christmas dawn peeped through the curtains. After the amazing night they had shared he wasn't sure he would ever move again. But he didn't care. Nothing mattered but winning Callie's heart. He didn't know how it was possible, but he loved her more every moment. What they shared was - special, amazing. It was something he had never imagined would happen to him, but now that it had he welcomed it with open arms. He would never cease to be thankful to fate for bringing Callie into his life, for letting her love him even a fraction as much as he loved her.

She made that little purring round of contentment that always got to him. `Morning, sweetheart. Merry Christmas.' He dropped a kiss on top of her head.

`Merry Christmas,' she murmured, and a tremor ran though him as she set her mouth to his neck and sucked on his skip. `I have a present for you downstairs.' seemed to know, anticipating her needs even before her brain had processed the hazy thoughts. His skilled hands and clever mouth left no part of her untouched or unexplored. Time ceased to have any meaning. Again and again she thought she would expire from sheer tortured bliss as he took her from one unbelievable pinnacle of ecstasy to another, keeping her on the brink, the ache inside her building and building to unbearable proportions. When she could stand it no longer, he caught her hands and linked their fingers together. Scarcely able to breathe, she wrapped her legs around him, desperate to feel all of him inside her, her hips moving restlessly to his.

`Please,' she sobbed.

`Look at me.' Somehow she forced heavy eyelids open in compliance with his heated demand. She met his fevered gaze, in little doubt of his need, his feelings. `I love you, Callie.' Her hands clung to his as he groaned and united them. . .thoroughly, but with torturous slowness. `Will you marry me?'

Stunned, she stared at him, filled with warmth, an unknown peace seeping through her. And she knew. At last she knew. Without doubt. 'Yes, Frazer, I will. I love you, too.'

His smile captured her heart, made her believe in for ever, in belonging. His mouth came down on hers in a searing, branding, possessive kiss, one she met and matched with equal enthusiasm. Who cared if she couldn't breathe? Breathing was vastly overrated.

`You've already given me the only gift I ever want. Yourself. Your love. Your trust.'


He saw moisture shimmer in her stunning eyes, and drew her in for a thorough, breath-stealing kiss. When he was finally able to speak again he rolled her over, cupping her face with his hands.

`We can't change the past, Callie, but we can make the present and the future whatever we want it to be. Together. I'll spend the rest of my days loving you. And we'll have as many children as you want, making every day special, making Christmas and family traditions all our own.'

`I can't believe this is real.' A tremulous smile curved her lips. `I must be dreaming.'

Sliding one hand down her delectable body, he gave the curve of her rear a gentle pinch.

`Ouch. Frazer!'

`Nope. You're not dreaming.'

Laughing, she wrapped her arms around his neck. `Then I'm the luckiest woman on earth.'

And he was the luckiest man who'd ever lived. He couldn't wait to tell his gran. To share this special day with her...the first day of the rest of his life with Callie.


Christmas Eve – Twelve months later…

THE sound of cheers filled the air as Callie and Frazer made a run for the car, finding themselves showered with rice in the process. Laughing, Callie turned her back on the crowd and tossed her bouquet. Made up of ivy for fidelity and marriage, holly for domestic happiness, snowdrops for hope and white roses for eternal love, it encompassed the spirit of the season and all her dreams and feelings for her new husband and their life together.

When she peeped over her shoulder she was thrilled to discover that the bouquet had landed squarely in the reluctant arms of A and E doctor Annie Webster. Annie scowled at her, but Callie only grinned. There was nothing she would like more than for her best friend to be as blissfully happy as she was at this moment.

Frazer trailed his fingers down her cheek before closing the passenger door and walking round to slide behind the wheel. As he started the car and drove them away-brightly coloured tinsel, banners and tin cans streaming and clattering behind them-Callie leaned back and closed her eyes, wanting to hold the memories, to relive everything about this glorious day... a day she had never expected to know.

It had been the most amazing year. A year in which she had said goodbye to her lonely past and embraced the future. Frazer had kept all his promises, proving to her every day that she could trust him, that he loved her, that her heart was safe with him. After their Christmas and New Year of discovering each other and announcing their engagement, to the delight of grandmother Lily, Frazer had presented her with a glorious platinum ring set with a heart-shaped purple sapphire he insisted was the exact same shade of her eyes. She had swiftly moved into his spacious, cosy cottage on the wooded hillside above the town and instantly felt at home. Her cats, Pecan and Maple, had taken

longer to settle and establish a truce with Hamish and with Frazer's floating band of feral misfit cats who roamed the garden and outbuildings.

In June, Frazer had been by her side when she was given the final all-clear by her oncologist and had come off the medication for good. He had then whisked her away to beautiful Tuscany for a week to celebrate. They'd made love, walked and talked, eaten far too much delicious Italian food, especially ice cream, and then made love some more. With every day that passed her love for him grew more intense, and-even more amazing to her-he continued to love her, too, despite her flaws, continued to desire her despite her imperfections.

`We're home, Mrs Mclnnes.' Her eyes opened, and the first things she saw were Frazer's sinful smile and sexy eyes. `I can't tell you how long I've been waiting to say that.'

`If I say I can't believe I' m not dreaming, will you promise not to pinch me?'

Chuckling, he cupped her cheek with one hand, and she pressed her face against his warm palm. 'how about I kiss you instead?'

`A much better idea,' she agreed, revelling in the raw, hot, intense meeting of mouths.

`Indoors.' His throaty voice was hoarse. `Before we scandalise the wildlife:

Happier than she had ever been, she slipped out of the car, her hand seeking his as they walked together to the cottage, Hamish scampering at their feet, a tartan ribbon around his neck. `For a Border terrier, he made a great ring bearer.'

`He did,' Frazer agreed, mischief in his eyes. `And he didn't do anything unforgivable in the chapel.'

Smiling, Callie leaned against him as he opened the door, reaching up to kiss his cheek. 'It was a beautiful wedding. Thank you.'

`You made it beautiful.' He manoeuvred them inside and closed the door, linking his arms around her waist and drawing her close. `You're beautiful. My Christmas bride.'

`It was a perfect day. I don't know how you managed it, but it was a wonderful idea to have the ceremony in the private chapel at Strathlochan Castle.'

Callie hadn't wanted anything big and fancy. She just wanted Frazer. And, knowing that her first brief, unhappy marriage to Ed had been conducted in a soulless register office, with just a couple of strangers as witnesses, Frazer had done everything and more to make this day unforgettable. Archie and ail their friends and colleagues from the air base, the hospital and the other rescue services, had been there to share it with them. Lily had been ecstatic, and in her element, while Frazer's parents, sister and her family had all flown over for the occasion.

She sighed, thinking of the magical ceremony and the fun-filled, happy reception which had followed it, with the bride and groom leading the way from the chapel to the castle's function room behind a lone piper, the music sounding hauntingly beautiful in the crisp winter air. Even the weather had been kind. Certainly kinder than the previous year, when Strathlochan had been hit by Arctic conditions for weeks. Today the sun had shone in a pale blue sky, glittering off the waters of the loch and the hills beyond, the peaks of which were dusted with a coating of snow.

Now they were home. They had decided against an immediate honeymoon, just wanting to be together, in their own space, with the animals, in the place they loved best. The cottage felt warm and welcoming, decorated as it was with fresh holly and ivy. A

too-big Christmas free, which she and Frazer had cut from the surrounding woods, dominated the living room, and a log fire smouldered in the grate. Christmas was now her favourite time of the year. It marked when she had come to Strathlochan, when she and Frazer had fallen in love, and when he had asked her to marry him. Her first ever happy Christmas had been spent here, with Frazer and Lily. And now her second heavenly Christmas saw her joined with Frazer. For ever. Every year they would have something even more special to celebrate and appreciate.

She looked down at her beautiful engagement ring. It was teamed now with a platinum wedding band, set with sapphires the same shade of purple. Frazer had insisted on wearing his own platinum band, telling her he wanted to proclaim his love and commitment to the world. Just thinking of his woods brought fresh tears to her eyes. How could she be this lucky? She, who had always been alone, had found her soul mate, a man who loved and cherished her, who had taught her how to trust and had given her a place to belong. He was a special doctor and a special man. Someone to trust in.

We've come full circle, haven't we?' Smiling, he led her to their bedroom. `I thought last Christmas had brought me all I could ask for, but today has surpassed everything.'

`You say the loveliest things.'

She smiled as a faint tinge of colour stained his cheekbones. For a tough, rugged, outdoor kind of man, he could -be wonderfully romantic. But she wouldn't tease him about it. Not now. Not when she had another special gift to give him.

`How do I get you out of this thing?' Frazer murmured, as he stood beside the bed. `It's a stunning dress, and you look sensational in it, so I don't want to ruin it. But it has to come off. Now.'

As always, a fiery ache of need tightened inside her as he growled his impatience, and she anticipated the wondrous excitement of the earth-shattering lovemaking she knew was to come. They still could never get enough of each other. Sliding the jacket of his dress suit off his shoulders, she went to work on his shirt.

`You look gorgeous, too.'

He grunted, his fingers struggling with the fine of tiny pearlised buttons that held her unconventional purple dress together. `At least you didn't make me wear a kilt.'

`Your knees are worth showing off,' she told him, biting back a grin, `but I. didn't want any important parts freezing off before you'd performed your marital duties!'

`Heaven forbid.'

The rich sound of his laughter sent a shiver of awareness down her spin. Hungry for him, she dispensed with his shirt, trailing her fingertips down his leanly muscled, hair-brushed chest and lower, smiling as his stomach muscles contracted in response to her touch. Urgency increasing, she turned her attention to the fastening of his trousers, swiftly releasing the button but having trouble sliding the zip over the obvious evidence of his arousal.

`I think someone's pleased to see me,' she provoked, leaning in to set her mouth to one male nipple. He swore roughly and she giggled. 'flow are those buttons coming along?'

`Damn it, Callie!'

Taking pity on him, she moved her own fingers to help, heat searing through her when the task was completed and he sensuously peeled the fabric from her body. She heard his breath hiss out, and for a moment she thought he might faint on the spot when

his gaze fastened with satisfying greed and hunger on her matching barely-there lacy purple bra and panties.

`You're going to kill me,' he groaned, his eyes darkening with hot passion.

He shrugged out of the remainder of his own clothes and her breath locked in her lungs, her heart thudding erratically as her gaze devoured the male perfection of him. She'd never tire of looking at him.

Closing the scant distance that separated them, Frazer tipped her unceremoniously onto the comfy four-poster bed that had seen a considerable amount of activity this last year. She opened her arms, welcoming the familiar, yet always exciting feel of his body against her own.

One look in his eyes and she knew she wasn't going to be slowing this down! What she had to tell him would have to wait until afterwards. Not that she was complaining or anything. She smiled to herself as his mouth and hands took possession of her body. And then she couldn't think any more...

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