Their Twisted Love (The Twisted Mosaic - Book 2) (3 page)

BOOK: Their Twisted Love (The Twisted Mosaic - Book 2)
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But the moment I saw Talia—no, before that—the moment I
heard her name, I wanted her back. The woman had ripped my life to shreds, but
no one else had ever touched my heart.

Joan sat up and tapped my chest with her fingers. "It's
that new accountant."

"How did you know?"

"I saw the fire in your eyes when I said her name. No
woman gets a response like that unless she's got a permanent grip on a man's

I groaned and leaned up on my elbows. "Got that

"What did she do to you?"

"She was an old girlfriend. Not really a girlfriend....
Ah shit, it was such a mess."

"Did you sleep with her again?"

"No. But I'm going to."

Her eyes narrowed. "And you're telling me this

"I thought you should hear about it from me, not from a
chatty paralegal." I stood up and pulled my pants on. "A few years
ago I wouldn't have cared. But now I like to think I'm better than that. That I
learned something from screwing with her."

She pulled the covers back and settled in to her bed,
pulling the blanket over her breasts. "Do you think you can make it work
with her this time?"

I put my shirt on inside out.
Damn it.
not. I don't know if... I want to.... Yeah. I want to." The buttons lined
up right this time. "This thing with you and me... we're done."

She freed my tie from the headboard and handed it to me.
"We had some great sex."

"Yeah, we did."

"I'll miss that." She let the blanket drop to her

Great breasts.
"Me too." I searched my
pockets for my keys.

She pulled the blanket up and tucked it tight. "But I
think that's all it really was."

"I wanted more. I tried.... I never slept with anyone

"I know."

"So if I want Talia back, I can't have anyone else in
my bed... my life."

Joan leaned back on the pillow and chewed her lip. "I
see.... I can't say I'm happy about it, but I understand."

"Thank you."

"Don't expect me to wait for you to get this little
slut out of your system."

"I won't."

"There are plenty of young men better than you waiting
to get in my bed."

I grinned. "Yeah, plenty, but none better."

"Ha. None worse, you arrogant asshole."

I leaned over and kissed her goodbye. "See you

Her eyes drifted left as she created a lie. "I have
meetings all day."

"Okay. Later, then."

She turned her back to me and mumbled something into her
pillow. Pretty sure I didn't want to know what.

I walked out the door and drove home, thought for a moment
about stopping for a drink, maybe pick up a waitress, but decided I really
needed a good night's sleep.

The Marriott Hotel where the DA's office usually housed
their witnesses and other guests was just a quick right turn and three blocks
away. Talia probably had a room there. I could go to my office and raid Claire's
files to find out for certain.
Go home.

I'd bought a house just outside of town, far away from the
drama and chaos of my work. I'd never owned a home before, but thought putting
down roots might be just what I needed to start over.

My footsteps echoed in the entryway as I walked to the
kitchen and poured a glass of bourbon, neat, and downed it in one swallow.

This place was too damn big for one person. I'd gotten rid
of all my furniture when I left Chicago... everything except that one leather
chair. The one Talia and I had made out in the night after Will and I'd decided
to play our little sex game with her. Another drink. Why had I kept it? A
reminder? A trophy?

No. A warning.

Do not get mixed up with that woman again.


I grabbed the glass and the bottle and took them with me to
the bedroom, but that cursed chair beckoned and I swung into the living room.

A vision of Talia appeared, wearing nothing but a thin tank
top stretched tight across her perky breasts. She leaned back, her bare ass
planted on the leather seat, her hair tangled like I'd ripped my hands through
it. She smiled like I'd never seen before—strong and confident.

Bourbon burned my throat as the glass emptied. "Are you
ready to take me on again?"

She draped her ankle over the armrest, parting her thighs.

But when I dropped to my knees to accept her offer, she

I kicked the empty bottle across the hardwood floor and
crawled into the chair. Even drunk, my litigious brain never stopped working.
you want her, you'll have to go through hell and back to keep her.

Hell? Already there.


The Same Mistake


Alex made me want to do bad things. I wanted to spread my
legs for him, sit on his face and make him lick my pussy like a dripping ice
cream cone. I wanted to let him wrap his hands around my neck and steal my
breath. Maybe forever. I wanted to bend over and... no.
I came here to
work him over like my worn out, abused vibrator.

I never should've come. What the hell was I

Claire had set up a work area for me in a small law
library/conference room. Alex's office was a mini suite. He worked in the
corner room behind the big desk while Claire occupied the space that guarded
his door.

I sat at the polished mahogany table opposite the closed
conference room door, so I'd know the moment anyone came in. The bookshelf
walls muffled any noise from the rooms next to me, but I could hear everything
that happened outside the door. I'd heard Alex come in and ask Claire if I was
here. She'd said yes, and he hadn't said anything more.

Doesn't matter. I have a job to do.
The maze of
spreadsheets and computer files kept my mind occupied, leading me into one dead
end after another.
Jesus, what have I gotten myself into?
Alex's people
couldn't find the money. What made them think I could?

Claire knocked as she opened the door. "Hey, Talia. I'm
going to lunch. Do you want to come with?"

My stomach growled. "No, thanks. I'm so close to
finding this...."

"You found the payment?"

"No, not that. I'm looking for an account I hope will
lead to another account, and then who knows?" I shrugged.

"Wow. You're good."

I'm so fucking lost.
"Not really."

"Yeah, you are. I never understood all that computer
tracking stuff. That's why I recommended you."

brought me here.

"Do you want me to bring you something?"

"Will you get me a salad?"


I gave her some cash and she disappeared. But the door had
barely clicked shut when Alex opened it. He stood there and stared at me. I
stared back.

Damn, he looks good.
His hair was a bit longer in
front, falling into his eyes as he tilted his head. His shoulders flexed as he
stuffed his hands into his pockets, sleeves rolled up, tie loosened. I couldn't
help following the line of buttons down to his belt buckle... and beyond. He
shifted, hiding any evidence that he might still want me.

I opened a file and flipped through it, still watching him.
"Want something?"

And then the slow, dangerous smile—the one that'd made me
spread my legs for him so many times—laughed in his eyes. "Oh darlin', I
want so many things." He stepped toward me, closing the door behind him
and circled the table. "I want you naked, spread out on that table, tied
down... no, not tied down. I want you to fight back."

"I will." I scooted my chair back, but he kept

The smile turned into a snarl. "I want to bend you over
my knee and spank your bare ass."

"Just try."
God, I'm dripping already.

"And pound your hungry pussy until you come, screaming
my name."

Fuck yes!
"Not your name."

His eyes flashed.
Got him.

He sat on the edge of the table, clasped his hands over his
thigh and leaned in close. My chair was already backed against the wall. I had
no escape. "But first, I want my money back."

"Your what?"

"The money you scammed from me and Will."

"Oh, that?"

"What did you do with it? Did you spend it all or do
you still have it?"

He really wanted it back?
Greedy bastard.
gave it to charity."

"Fucking hell. You did what?" He slid off the
table, hitting the floor with a resounding

"I gave it to The American Cancer Society in memory of
my dad. I still have the thank you note if you want to see it."

"Why? Why didn't you keep it?"

I stood and invaded his space. "Don't you know me at
all? It was never about the money. I needed a win. You two had been screwing me
over for months. I wanted revenge, and I'd already broken your hearts, so I
thought the best way to get back at you was through your wallets. Stealing the
money was my way to score a victory."

"Jesus." He stalked around the table, running his
hands through his hair. "You gave them Will's money too?"

"All of it. I haven't thought about it since."

"Damn it, woman."

"I'll pay you back if you want."

"No. I don't need it. It's just... do you know what you
did to me? You threatened my entire career. I lived in fear for months—still
do—that the phony cop would talk. And all because of a fucked-up affair."

Don't gloat. Don't....
"Win." I tried to
bite back a smile.

He turned and glared at me. "You little bitch. I'd be
really pissed if I wasn't so proud of you." He shook his head and smiled.

"Thank you... I think."

"Yeah, really impressed... and turned on." He
approached me again, his desire quite evident.

I didn't back away. Instead, I reached for the bulge in his
pants as he closed the gap between us.

"But you deserve a spanking."

Oh shit. Is he serious?
I pushed back. "I don't
think so."

"I do." He jerked me against his body and reached
for the hem of my skirt, kissing me as he pulled it up.

I tangled my fingers in his hair, pulling it back from his
face while our mouths got re-acquainted.
God, I missed him.
His tongue
flitted between my lips, enticing me into a mutual game of capture and retreat.

He tucked my skirt around my waist, pinning it between our
bodies so it wouldn't slide down. Then he tugged my panties below my ass
cheeks, smiling at me like the evil bastard my pussy knew all too well.

I wrapped my knee behind his thighs, spreading my legs and
grinding against his hard cock.

His palm smacked my bare skin.

"Ow! What are you–?" Again. "Ouch, damn

"Shh." He held my stinging butt, rubbing my hot
flesh while I tried to squirm free. "Don't fight it."

"I thought you wanted a fight."

"Later." Another slap sizzled on my skin, tingling
across my ass to my throbbing clit.
Oh, that felt nice.
My nipples
perked up, too.

He slid his other hand between my legs, finger-fucking me
while the spanking continued. Each slap drove his fingers in further and pushed
my clit against the heel of his hand. "Make me come."

"You will."

"Oh God."

He kept up a slow, erratic pace. I never knew when his hand
would hit next. Waiting nearly killed me, and I died each time his palm
connected with my burning flesh. His thumb brushed my clit, sending violent
shock waves rippling through my body.

"Fuck me. Please! It's been so long."

He laid me across the table, shoving files and reports to
the floor. My hand bumped my phone and the screen lit up, revealing the picture
of Scott I kept as wallpaper. "Oh God, no!"

I sat up and pushed Alex back. He stumbled and collapsed
into a chair. "Ready for a fight now?" His eyes glittered, and he
unzipped his pants.

"No. I can't...." I picked up my phone and waved
it in front of his face.

He laughed. "So that's the boyfriend." He took the
phone and studied the picture. "You can do better. Even Will's hotter than
this guy."

"Shut up." I wrestled my panties in place and
pulled my skirt down.

"And I'm badder than both."

My ass bore the handprints to prove it. "Don't you have
something better to do?"

"Better than torturing you? Nope." He laced his
fingers behind his head and leaned back, his open zipper tempting me. "My
lunch appointment cancelled."

"Well, I'm busy." I bent over to gather my
scattered files, and felt his hand caress my sore butt. "Are you sexually
harassing me?" As if I'd complain.

"Yes. Let's go eat."

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"And staying here—alone—is?" He stood and zipped
up his pants. "Come on."

"Lunch hour is almost over."

"Who cares? You're with the boss." He didn't wait
for an answer.

I grabbed my purse and followed him out the door. "I
thought Ms. Turner was my boss."

He slapped the elevator button. "Fuck Joan."

"Have you?"

Alex winked at me with a cockeyed grin, the closest he'd
ever get to admitting he'd done something unethical or immoral.

"Never mind." I stepped into the elevator.

He took me to a little hole-in-the-wall place a few blocks
from the office and across the street from my hotel.
Does he know I'm
staying there?

"It doesn't look like much, but the food is good."
He smiled at the waitress as he pulled out a chair for me.

"Such a gentleman."

"Gotta keep up appearances. I have a good reputation
here." Alex sat across from me and skimmed the menu.

"Really? No more bad boy?"

"Not in public."

A little thrill fluttered between my thighs. "Good to

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