Theirs (6 page)

Read Theirs Online

Authors: Eve Vaughn

BOOK: Theirs
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“Trust me, it’s not something
either one of us counted on or
we’ve come to blows over it a few times,” Cash explained. “Our mother noticed the tension between us, and it’s probably what prompted her to have her little chat with you. Both of us wanted you and neither
of us
illing to back off.
Hell, we nearly came to blows over it but
in the end
we realized that we would rather share you than to let our feelings for you to
a rift between us.”

She raised a brow. “And what makes you think I would be okay with the two of you? I mean what kind of girl do you think I am?” Even though she wanted to throw herself into their arms. She felt the need to pay them back a little for the heartache they’d caused her these past couple years.”

Cash shifted nervously on his feet. “It’s a chance we were willing to take.
At first
Rusty and I
figured you would decide who you wanted to be with. But
it soon became clear that you might actually have feelings for the both of us. I couldn’t put my finger on why. It was just a hunch. But
I knew for sure after that kiss. You couldn’t have kissed the both of us the way you
if you didn’t love us at least a little. You’re not that kind of person. Was I wrong?”

Alex lowered her head and sighed. “
,” she whispered. “But
this can’t work. Rusty and I are going away to school and Cash, you have a couple more years at the u
niversity to finish up yourself not to mention you’ll be busy with
the factory. And to top it all off,
what would everyone say? My grandmother already thinks I’m going to shame her in some way like my mother did.
Aren’t you still worried about Tabitha
You said she had pictures. I wouldn’t put it past her to make good on her threat if she saw us together.

Rusty gripped Alex by her forearms and pulled her out of the chair until their bodies touched. “I don’t give a flying fuck about Tabitha. Let her do her worst, we can handle her. As far as everyone else, fuck them
too. What matters is how we feel about each other
and I love you
Alex. I’ve always loved you and I need you. We need you.”

Before she realized what was happening, Cash moved behind her and pressed his body against her back. He
his lips along the side of her neck, as Rusty slowly lowered his head. Alex was mesmerized, within the power of his intense gaze. Powerless to do anything else…she surrendered.







She couldn’t believe this was actually happening. Alex wanted to pinch herself again to make sure this wasn’t some dream she’d wake up from but she didn’t. The feel of Rusty’s mouth moving over hers was like a dream come true. She parted her lips
when she felt the press of his tongue, granting him entrance. She’d never been kissed this passionately before, and with so much hunger. Heat seared throughout her entire body making her squirm within the circle of Rusty’s arms.

Alex had dreamed of this since they’d shared that kiss in school but she had never expected it to happen again. The logical part of her brain told her to push him away and get the hell out of there while she stood a chance. But her body screamed yes! Her knees nearly buckled when Cash moved behind her and begin to press kisses on the back of her neck. Alex could have melted in that moment from all the delicious sensations whirling within her. Her pussy and her panties grew wet.

There had been nights when she’d think about Rusty and Cash while touching herself but the fantasy had nothing on the reality. It couldn’t compare to being in the middle of the two men her heart had ached for as long as she could remember.

Rusty’s kiss was firm and aggressive, he took, devoured and conquered her mouth, using his tongue to explore
. She enthusiastically returned his kiss, pushing her own tongue forward to meet his, shyly at first before matching his vigor. While this occurred, Cash continued to plant his lips all already her neck as he gave her the most amazing scalp massage.

Just when Alex thought her lungs would explode from lack of oxygen, Rusty pulled away gasping for air. “Hot damn. That was even better than I remember.” His hazel eyes had gone dark from the obvious passion he felt.

“Is that so?” Cash demanded. “Seems like I need to check this out for myself.”

Before Alex could properly catch her breath, Cash turned her around until she was facing him and captured her lips with his.

“Mmm,” Alex moaned. Cash’s kiss was differently more playful but equally devastating. He
to nibble on her bottom lip before f
ully sucking it into his mouth.

The sudden need to touch him overwhelmed her so she placed her hand against his chest. She reveled in the feel of taut muscles beneath her fingertips. Cash had been on the track and wrestling teams throughout his high school career so he had had the body of a well-toned athlete. As if her fingers had a mind of their own, Alex unbuttoned his shirt until he was bare-chested.
As she caressed his hard pecs, Cash cupped her face in his palms and took his time, kissing, licking and sucking on her lips.

She didn’t notice Rusty going to his knees until she felt his hands move up her bare legs, not stopping until they were halfway up her thighs. The fact that she was still in her diner uniform gave him easy access and though she should have objected over the liberties he was taking she was too caught up in the moment to protest.

“Your skin is so soft, Alex. You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this.” Rusty rubbed her hands up and down her legs, each time going a bit higher. Her legs were already slightly parted so when his fingertips touched the edge her panties, Alex let out a soft “oh.”

She turned away from Cash’s kiss so that she could look over her shoulder.
A smirk tilted Rusty’s lips as he
up at her. “Do you want me to keep going?”

Alex couldn’t have formed the words if her life had depended on it. All she could manage was a nod.

Cash leaned forward until she could feel the warmth of his breath on her ear. “You want to watch him do it, don’t you?”

Again, she was at a loss for words.

Cash chuckled. “It’s okay, sweetheart. Your eyes say it all.” Gently he turned her so that she faced Rusty’s direction. Cash then wrapped his arms around her waist and held Alex against the hard wall of his body.

his hands down her legs
once more
but when he went up again, he grabbed her panties and pulled them down until they pooled at her feet. Alex automatically kicked this aside.

Spread your legs a little more for me, honey.” Rusty’s soft command was immediately obeyed.

Without further
he cupped her pussy in his palm making Alex cry out in surprise and pleasure. Nothing could have
prepared her for this wondrous sensation. A jolt of pure pleasure raced up her spine.

“You’re already wet, Alex.” Rusty squeezed her mound with enough pressure to make her gasp in delight. “Did you like that?”

“Yes,” she whispered finally finding her voice.

“How about this?” Rusty released her pussy only to run his finger along her damp folds.

She nodded. “Mmm hmm.”

“And this?” He inserted his middle finger into her slick channel.

“Oh, God!”

Cash nipped her earlobe with his teeth. “You liked to be
don’t you? I wanna play too.” With that, he unzipped the back of her uniform and pulled it over her head leaving Alex in just her bra. Cash fumbled with the hooks before getting rid of that as well.

Suddenly feeling self-
conscious to be standing naked in front of these
, Alex
crossed her arms over her bare breasts.
, however,
yanked them to her side. “Don’t. You have a beautiful body. You have no idea how long I—
we’ve waited for this moment. I want to touch you.” He cupped her breasts in his large palms, squeezing and molding them. “So beautiful.” He buried his face against her neck.

Rusty continued his assault on her core, moving his finger in and out of her. When he added a second finger which stretched her virginal walls, she cried out in surprise. It hurt a little but the pleasure outweighed the pain.

“Cash, look at how she’s dripping all over my hand. She’s so wet,” Rusty observed before catching Alex’s gaze. “Can I taste your pussy?”

Could he? Alex thought she’d die if he didn’t. There was nothing more
that she wanted than to feel his
mouth on her womanhood. “Please,” she begged.

Rusty eased his fingers out of her sheath before licking the moisture from his hands.

How does she
taste, Rusty?” Cash
question sounded gruff as if he was ha
nging on to his to his control.

“Fucking amazing.” Rusty grabbed one of her legs and threw it over his shoulder before diving into her pussy first.

“Oh my God, oh my God!” Alex shook her head back and forth as Rusty sucked on her pussy like a man who hadn’t eaten in days. Her only experience with oral pleasure was what she’d read in books. She never imagined it felt this good.

As Rusty continued his task, Cash tweaked her nipples between his fingers until they
were rock
. Her entire body was aflame with a passion that left her speechless. Alex was so overwhelmed with
she could barely handle it. She was certain she’d collapse to the ground if Cash wasn’t holding her up. They worked her body until she felt s
omething burst inside of her.
it was
but it grew hotter and hotter until she felt like she’d explode.

“Yes!” She grabbed
of Rusty’s red locks and rode his face as a wave of pure ecstasy tore through her being.

Rusty lapped at the juices that freely flowed from her pussy, coating his mouth.
Her eyes rolled to the back of Alex’s head and it felt like she was floating on a cloud she didn’t want to come down from.

Slowly Rusty pulled away and rose to his feet. Never taking his intense hazel gaze off her face, he rubbed the moisture off his face with the back of his hand before pressing his lips against hers. She could taste herself on his mouth which sent another shiver of delight up her

“I wanna make love to you so bad,” Rusty whispered after breaking the kiss.

“Yes, let us.” Cash brushed his lips along her jawline.

She’d already allowed them to do things she’d never dreamed she’d do so there was no turning back now. Besides, she wanted them as badly as they apparently wanted her. She could think of no better way to experience her first time than with the two men she loved.

“Okay…just be gentle. I’ve never done this before.”

Rusty raised a dark red
. “Do you think we have?”

She widened her eyes in surprise. “Haven’t you? I mean it’s not like we’ve been close these past couple years.” She then turned to look at Cash. “You were away at college. Do you mean to tell me that there hasn’t been anyone?”

The blond nodded. “That’s exactly what I’m telling you. How could I be with anyone else when none of the women I came across could hold a candle to you? I love
Alex, we both do and we wanted out
time to be with you. You’re our best friend and the love of our lives.”

Tears sprang to her eyes. It was the most beautiful thing she’d ever heard. They had saved themselves for her which would make this night even more special?”

Rusty caressed her cheek. “And as I’ve already stated, I never touched any other girl. Not even Tabitha and trust me, it wasn’t from lack of her trying. She forced a kiss on me once and all I felt was disgust because she wasn’t you.”

Alex cupped his face in her palm. “Well I’m here now and I want you to make love to me.”

“Honey, you have no idea how long we’ve dreamed of you uttering those words.” Rusty swooped Alex off her feet bridal style and carried her to the bedroom. He gently placed her in the center.

She shivered in anticipation as she watched them undress. Alex was a bit nervous but she knew it would be all right because she trusted that they wouldn’t hurt her.
She raised herself into a semi-sitting position, resting on her elbows. “For a couple of virgins, you sure seem to know a lot about the female anatomy,” she teased.

Cash laughed as he unbuckled his belt. “We may be virgins but we’re not saints. We’ve gotten our hands on plenty of dirty magazine
and hav
e watched our fair share of porn
. If you knew the inner workings of a teenage boy’s mind, all we do is think about sex and what we’d do when it finally happens. Trust me, we’ve imagined this moment in our heads for a very long time.”

That explanation made sense because they were all she could think about since she was a kid a
well. A gasp escaped her lips when they both stood naked before her. The last time she’d seen them without all their clothes on was when they still bathed together. It was probably when she was around five when she noticed that they had parts she didn’t. When she asked her grandmother why she didn’t have a “ding-a-ling” too, that had ended their joint bath times.

The boys she remembered were nothing like the fully grown men who stood before her now in all their glory. They were absolutely beautiful. If Michelangelo was still alive he would have sculpted these two instead of David. Both were tall, with Rusty having the slight height advantage by about an inch, but Cash was broader, his muscles a bit bigger but not by much. She could stare at them all day and never get enough.

Though she didn’t have much comparison for the average dick size was, what rested between their legs looks damn generous to her. They were both long and thick leading her to wonder if they would fit inside of her.

Cash was the first to join her on the bed. She shivered as he pressed a kiss against her lips. “You’re shaking. Are you anxious?”

She released a nervous giggle. “Well, this is my first time.”

“If it makes you feel any better, I’m nervous too.”

“As am I.” Rusty
slid on the other side of her. He dropped a kiss on her back.

“We promise to be gentle.” Cash leaned in to give her a kiss but pulled back.
almost forgot.” He rolled off the bed and grabbed his pants.

“What are you doing?” She wondered aloud.

“We need to protect ourselves,” Cash explained pulling out his wallet and then producing a square foil. “After our father gave us the ‘talk’, he made us carry one of these in our wallets just in case. We never had to use them until now.”

“Oh. I guess that makes sense.” She was glad one of them was thinking about safe sex. The last thing she wanted right now was a baby when she
had so many plans
her life.”

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