Then You Happened (16 page)

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Authors: Sandi Lynn

BOOK: Then You Happened
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“Excuse me, but I have something that needs pounding.” I smiled as I undid my robe and let it fall to the floor.

He smiled as he set down his hammer and unbuckled his belt. “Is that so? How hard does it need it?”

“Very hard,” I said as I stood with my back against the wall.

Cameron took in a sharp breath as he stripped down to nothing. His cock was standing tall and at full force before he even reached me. He placed his hands on the wall on each side of my head as his mouth crashed forcefully into mine. My hands instantly gravitated to his hard cock as my fingers wrapped around him. A deep moan rumbled in his chest as his fingers slid down to
the area that was aching for his touch. I arched my back as he plunged two fingers in me and worked my insides. My heart was racing and my skin was on fire.

“Wrap your legs around my waist,” he commanded breathlessly.

He placed his hands on my ass and held me as my legs wrapped around him.

“Are you ready for some pounding?”

“Yes,” I whispered.

He thrust inside me with such force that I gasped. He felt amazing and I didn’t want it to end. He moved in
and out of me at a rapid pace as our moans were in sync with each other. His fingers squeezed my ass as he pounded into me, sending me right over the edge and into a beautiful orgasm.

“That’s it, babe. Come for me. I love it when I make you come. You’re so amazing.”

My legs tightened and my body shook as a whirlpool of pleasure overtook me.

“Oh my God, Sierra, you’re making me come,” he yelled as he pushed deep inside and spilled every last drop of his magical semen inside me and stared into my eyes.

I softly kissed his lips as he finished off. I grabbed the sides of his face. “Now I feel like I can face the night.” I smiled.

“I was happy to oblige.” He laughed.

“I need to go get ready and so do you.”

He let go of me as I unwrapped my legs and stood
on the ground. I bent down, picked up my silk robe and slipped it on. “I need to go shower. I’ll see you promptly at six thirty.”

“I’ll be waiting.” He smiled.

Chapter 29



I stepped out of the shower and, as I wiped the steam from the mirror, I looked at myself. Sierra felt bad for not telling me about Ryan and that was a step in the right direction. I was in love with her. There. I admitted it. I was in love with Sierra Adams, the girl who was way out of my league. I knew deep down, somewhere in that beautiful soul of hers, she wanted more than just sex from me. I had already started bringing her into my world and now that she was halfway in, I was going to make it my mission to completely break down her walls and make her admit that she loved me. There was something about that pretty little head of hers that told me she was falling.

I dressed in my tuxedo and walked over to the main house. As soon as I entered the foyer, I became breathless as Sierra slowly walked down the steps.

“You look beautiful.” I smiled.

“Thank you. You look very handsome in that tuxedo.” She smiled back as she straightened my bow tie.

Sierra ran her hand across my cheek and went to the kitchen. I followed behind and watched her as she took the bottle of tequila, opened it, and drank from it.

“Starting early?”

“It’s never too early, especially when Delia’s involved.”

I heard the front door open and James found us in the kitchen.

“How did I know you’d be hitting the bottle already?” He smiled.

She took one last swig and put the bottle away. “Okay. Now we can leave,” she said as she grabbed her handbag from the table and headed out the door.



I climbed into the limo and Cameron climbed in next to me. I pulled my phone from my purse and told him I had to make a quick phone call. I pulled my contact list up and scrolled until I found Marta’s name. I hit call.

“Sierra Adams. Long time no talk,” she answered.

“Marta, it’s been way too long. How are you?”

The fakeness between us was always a good one.

“I’m great, and how may you be?”

“I’m good. To be honest, the word on the street is that you’re blackmailing Don. Is that true? I know it couldn’t be.”

She laughed lightly before answering my question. “Oh, Sierra, always sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong.”

This was going to get good, so I put her on speaker. I held up my finger to Cameron and gave him a wink.

“Just answer the question, Marta? Would you do something like that?”

“Don and I have a special relationship. He broke my trust and he’s not going to get away with it.”

“Don is a slime ball, Marta. You of all people are smart enough to see that. Why the interest in him? He’s a li
ar and, to be honest, he’s Don.”

“You’ll never understand, Sierra.”

“You’re right, I never will, and I can’t believe I’m doing this, but you are to back the fuck off and you are to stop blackmailing him.”

“Don’t be silly. You will not tell me what to do. I’m going to forget that we had this conversation and you can go back to playing CEO.”

OH NO SHE DIDN’T. There was a moment of silence on my part due to the fact that I had to compose myself.

“Oh, Marta.” I laughed lightly. “Listen to me, you wanna-be-a-successful-corporate bitch. Now it’s my turn. You are to stop your sick little blackmail scheme or a certain person over at the IRS may be getting a phone call about your company’s unethical financial decisions, if you get my drift. It would such a shame if your firm was to be audited.”

“You wouldn’t dare,” she said with a nervous voice.

“Oh yes, I would. Did you really think that since my father died, all would be forgotten? Silly girl. Never underestimate me and the things my father passed on to me. Are we clear?” I snapped.


“Have a nice night, Marta. It was good speaking to you. We should do lunch some time. I’ll have Sasha call Belinda and set something up. Ta ta.”

As I went to put my phone back in my purse, Cameron reached over, grabbed my hand, and stared at me in disbelief.

“Sorry you had to hear that. I didn’t think she was going to act like that.” I smiled.

He just kept staring at me, not saying a word. “What? Why do you keep looking at me like that?”

“You just—I—you—”

“I just put her in her place. I know. I was trying to be nice about it. But you heard her, right? I had no choice. Plus, she told me to go and play CEO. When I heard those—”

“Stop babbling.” He smiled as he smashed his mouth against mine.

Before I knew it, the limo stopped and we arrived at the Beverly Hills Country Club. I broke our kiss and double checked my lips. I licked my thumb and wiped off some of my lipstick from the corner of Cameron’s mouth.

“That’s gross. I can’t believe you just used your spit on my face.”

“Really? Because you don’t seem to mind my spit when it’s all over your dick.”

“Did you just really go there?”

“I did.”

“Not fair. It’s totally different.”

“Spit is spit no matter where it is on the body.”

“Can the two of you get out of the limo?” James smiled.

We walked into the restaurant and were immediately taken to our table. My stomach started flipping out when I saw Delia and Clive sitting down. Fake smile. Check.

“Sierra, happy belated birthday, darling,” Delia said as she stood up and hugged me.

“Thank you, Mother.”

“Happy B
irthday, Sierra,” Clive said as he kissed my cheek.

“Mother, you remember Cameron, my escort?”

“I’m sorry. Say that again,” Clive said. I swear the man needs a hearing aid.

“This is Cameron; he’s the escort I hired for the week. Cameron, this is Clive, my step-daddy.”

I sat down next to Ava and gave her a hug. She smiled at Cameron and the two of them fist-pumped.

I needed a drink and I needed it now. This was no time for a waitress to be slacking on the job. A tall brunette carrying a tray of drinks stopped at our table and set down a cosmopolitan in front of me.

“I took the liberty of ordering that for you,” Delia said.

That works.

“How’s Adams Advertising, Sierra?” Clive asked.

“It’s great. I have no complaints. How was your trip?” I asked.

“It was good. I closed a lot of business deals.”

I bet you did.

“I saw Ryan the other day. Did you know he moved back?”

Delia smacked Clive on the arm. “I told you not to mention that.”

“Yes, I know he did.”

I handed Cameron a menu and his eyes widened as he opened it and saw the prices. “It’s a country club,” I whispered.

After the waitress took our order, I asked her to bring me two, not one, but two more cosmopolitans.

“I ordered your birthday present from Italy. So it should be arriving to your house within the week,” Delia said.

“Thanks, Mother. You shouldn’t have.”

Ava handed me a square box that was wrapped in pretty paper with little pink flowers all over it. I scrunched my nose at her as I unwrapped it. I carefully removed the lid, and inside the box sat a beautiful silver bracelet with a dangling heart that said “sister” on it.

“Ava, it’s beautiful,” I said as I took it from the box and slipped it on.

“I’m happy you like it. I have the matching one.” She smiled as she held out her wrist.

I reached over and gave her a big hug. “Thank you,” I whispered as I kissed her head.

“Sierra, I found a remodeler for you. Remind me before we leave to give you his number. He comes highly recommended.”

I looked over at Cameron and saw that he was about to burst into laughter. I gently kicked him under the table.

The waitress set my cosmos down and then our dinner came shortly after. As we were eating, I almost choked to death on my chicken when Delia told me she wanted to set me up on a date.

“I have someone I want you to meet.”

“No thanks, Mother. I’m way too busy to date.”

“If you dated properly, you wouldn’t need to hire men like him,” she said as she looked at Cameron.

He smiled awkwardly and continued eating.

“In fact, he’s here tonight,” she said as she looked around. “He graduated from Harvard and he runs his father’s property management company.”

“I don’t care if he was the King of England. I’m not interested
,” I said as I consumed my drink.

“Oh, look; there he is. Davison, over here!” she yelled.

“Just fucking kill me right now,” I whispered to Cameron.

He had the audacity to laugh.

“Davison, this is my daughter, Sierra. Sierra, this is Davison, the gentleman I was telling you about.”

He was cute. He wasn’t hot. He wasn’t muscular. He was your average Harvard boy. His hair was a little too blonde for my liking and my gaydar was off the charts.

He. Was. Gay.

“It’s nice to meet you, Sierra. Is that a Valentino?”

“Yes. It is. Do you like?”

“I love. I wish I could stay and chat, but my friend is waiting for me. Let’s meet for coffee one morning. I’d love to discuss that dress.”

“Sounds great.”

He walked away and before Delia could say anything, I looked at her and smiled.

“He’s gay.”

“He most certainly is not. He went to Harvard.”

I gulped the second cosmo and the effects were starting to set in. “Are you saying that only straight people go to Harvard?”


“I think you are.”

“I am not, Sierra.”

I turned to Ava and asked her how things were going. As we were conversing, Delia insisted that Clive dance with her. Cameron took hold of my hand as he got up from his seat.

“What are you doing?”

“I think this would be the perfect opportunity to practice our ballroom dancing skills. Don’t we have a class tomorrow night?”

“Ugh. That’s right,” I said as I got up from my chair.

He led me to the dance floor and we began practicing what we had learned in our one class we attended.

“We’re going to look like fools out here in front of all these old people that have been doing this for centuries.”

He laughed. “Just follow my lead, Sierra. I’ll stop you from looking like a fool.”

We were pretty good together and I was ignoring the evil looks that Delia was shooting my way.

“I need some tequila.” I smiled as I looked into his green eyes.

“No, you don’t. I think you’ve had enough to drink.”

“Who put you in charge of my life?”

“You did when you hired me to be your escort.” He winked.

“One more drink after this dance and we’ll call it a night.”

“Promise only one more,” he said.

“Promise on my Prada bag.” I smiled.

The song was over and so was our dance. As we were walking back to our table, my heart instantly stopped and I lost all breath.

“Hello, Sierra,” Ryan said.

I couldn’t move. I couldn’t breathe and I couldn’t think. All normal functions went out the window when I heard his voice. I took in what little breath I had and mustered up one word.


“You look amazing, Sierra.”

! I was back in reality.

“I know. I always do, don’t I? But then again, there are hotter girls out there for you.”

“Do you think maybe we could go outside and talk?”

“You lost the right to talk to me when you left me a voicemail saying that you weren’t coming back. So the answer to your idiotic question is no.”

“I see you’re still pissed.”

“Goodbye, Ryan.” I smiled as Cameron and I walked away.

I sat in my seat and all eyes from my family were on me. Ava grabbed my hand and held it.

“Are you—”

“I’m fine,” I interrupted.

I called for the waitress that was walking by and told her to bring me two double shots of tequila. She gave me a look and nodded her head. Shots in a country club was very unclassy. I pulled out my phone and sent a text message to James.


“Oh, boy. I’m on my way.”

“Sierra, I swear I didn’t know he was going to be here,” Delia said.

“It doesn’t matter. It was only a matter of time before we ran into each other.”

Where were those fucking shots?

The waitress walked over and set the shot glasses in front of me.

“It’s about time.” I scowled.

Delia got up from the table and gave me a hug before I could drink my shots.

“We have to get going now. Clive has an early flight in the morning. We’ll talk soon, darling.”

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