ThePleasureDevice (15 page)

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Authors: Regina Kammer

BOOK: ThePleasureDevice
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She lay down on the padded table and put her feet in the
holders, spreading herself willingly before Dr. Christopher and unwittingly
before him behind the peephole. Even the detestable doctor’s wolfish expression
could not stop Nicholas’ irrepressible arousal. He was rock-hard.

Dr. Christopher bent down over his patient and said
something very quietly in her ear. Helena smiled, a sort of naughty smile it
seemed, and nodded. Dr. Christopher gave a little bow, then covered her eyes
with a blindfold.

Nicholas cringed as the doctor reached out to touch Helena,
then flinched when he pressed a finger to her most intimate of places. His
stomach churned as Dr. Christopher massaged gently, taking far too much
enjoyment in the act. Her view of her molester obscured, Helena writhed in
response to his ministrations. Nicholas hoped against hope she imagined a
fantasy lover, hoped she dreamed of him. Riveted, he could not wrench his eyes
from the despicable sight. His prick was painfully hard.

Helena let out a little moan, a joyous sound, and Dr.
Christopher flipped the switch on his vibrating machine. The soft whirring
could be heard in the small chamber under the stairs. Nicholas and Helena
tensed in anticipation.

“Good God, how the bloody hell did you get in here?”

Grace’s hissing brought Nicholas back to his own
predicament. She ran to the peephole and glimpsed at the scene on the other
side, then looked down at the bulge between Nicholas’ legs and smirked.

“Well, well, what have we here?” She cupped her hand over
his balls and stroked her finger along the erection straining against his

Nicholas recoiled against the restraints, trying to shake
her off. Grace pressed against him. “You just watch the show. I’ll make sure
you feel it too.” She pushed his head closer to the peephole, then knelt down
in front of his crotch.

Dr. Christopher positioned the vibrating wand over Helena’s

Grace unbuttoned Nicholas’ fly and drawers and freed his
rampant cock.

The wand touched Helena and she bucked up with a cry.

Grace took Nicholas’ length into her warm, wet mouth.

As he stimulated Helena, Dr. Christopher uttered
encouragements in her ear, his face unabashedly reflecting his arousal. But
Nicholas was far too distracted to consider such dreadfulness. His prick was
being attended to with the utmost skill by his medical assistant. She was
amazingly good. And thorough. He relaxed in his bindings.

Helena writhed rhythmically, her moans measuring the erotic
beat. Dr. Christopher’s free hand hovered over her perfect body, outlining her
shape, her curves, not touching but trembling against the urge to do exactly

As Grace’s tongue tortured Nicholas’ glans, as her fist
clutched his shaft, Helena rocked her hips, thrusting up against the wand,
undulating back down, scooping up again to press herself against the source of
her pleasure. Her hands gripped the sides, pulling at the sheet covering the
table. Her moans of ecstasy were music to Nicholas’ ears.

Dr. Christopher took her hand and murmured to her, eliciting
nods and questions in response. He guided her hand to the wand, holding it
steady while she took hold and became used to its shape and vibration. She
nodded and voiced her consent. Dr. Christopher withdrew his hand and smiled
lasciviously as he watched the girl begin to stimulate herself with the

Nicholas stared, enthralled, as his love held the device
against herself. Helena did not waver but pressed the wand as if she knew
exactly where she would feel the most pleasure. Her body responded with sensual
squirms, she voiced her ecstasy with dulcet moans.

He knew precisely what she was experiencing. Grace held his
hips steady as she took him to the back of her throat. Tears welled in his eyes
as he fought back every groan.

Dr. Christopher positioned himself on a low stool between
Helena’s opened legs, studying her sex, fluttering and swollen in excitation,
his face the semblance of dissolution. A sudden lurch revealed what he was

Nicholas gasped. Dr. Christopher’s enormous prick stuck out
through his opened fly. He stroked it, watching Helena, still murmuring
encouragements to her, his fist gliding along the shaft in a rhythm to match
Helena’s excited moans, growing louder, more frantic.

She thrust up her hips, holding the wand with stronger
resolution, her breath heaving, almost at her peak.

Nicholas was on the edge. Grace sucked his prick resolutely,
squeezing his balls gently in encouragement.

Helena screamed, her raised hips hovering motionless for
just a second before crashing down onto the table with a howl of contentment.

Nicholas shot his seed into Grace’s hungry, swallowing

Dr. Christopher continued to frig himself, more vigorously
now, a touch of desperation beading on his brow. Helena stirred from her
afterglow, moving the still-vibrating wand to her belly and reaching up to
remove her blindfold.

“No!” Dr. Christopher’s barking command could be heard clearly
in both rooms. Helena froze. The doctor masturbated himself in earnest. His
free hand reached out tentatively, then glided along Helena’s bare skin above
her garter. His fingers stretched to stroke her satisfied labia.

The blood boiled in Nicholas’ sated body. Anger replaced

But Dr. Christopher never touched his prize. His head fell
back and his body arched for a second before jerking forward. He pumped his
cock, shooting the milky ejaculate onto the floor between Helena’s legs.

Grace buttoned up Nicholas’ fly, kissed his cheek with a
giggle, then left without a trace.

Dr. Christopher made himself decent before he shut off the
vibrating machine and removed Helena’s blindfold.

For the rest of the time she was there, nothing untoward
happened. Helena got dressed, doctor and patient talked, she said her goodbyes
without ever noticing anything remiss on the floor. Dr. Christopher showed the
young lady out, then returned to the examination room to clean up and put the
equipment away.

It was ages before he freed an extremely stiff and stunned
Nicholas from his bindings. Not a word passed between the colleagues, only the
clink of metal filled the void. Once unbound, Nicholas fought against the urge
to thrash the man, his baser instincts tempered by his abhorrence of solving
problems with violence and knowing Helena could still be put at risk.

Instead, he left through the service door and walked home in
a daze.

Chapter Fifteen


Nicholas had to soldier on the next morning as if nothing
irregular had happened in the medical office the night before. There were
patients to see, mothers and children who had come to depend on his attentive
and compassionate services.

The reminders were, however, palpably present. He had aches
and bruises in places he had forgotten about. The formerly unnoticed door under
the stairs mocked him in the daylight. He flushed at the first sign of Grace.
She, however, took it all in stride, going about her business as if sucking the
prick of her employer’s colleague was an expected part of her work. She tidied
up his office and set out the tea tray with her usual cheer. His stomach
churned when Dr. Christopher grunted the requisite “good morning” with a scowl.
After that, the villain disappeared for the rest of the day.

Nicholas, of course, had no idea what he would say to
Helena—if he ever saw her again. She was engaged now and attended fewer
luncheons and soirees, having, he supposed, a wedding to plan for instead.

Lavinia insisted Nicholas stay in the game despite his
morose mood. After an uninspired tumble in bed, they settled against the
pillows. He asked her about the bondage room. She laughed with a toss of her

“He still has that, does he?” A memory glinted in her golden-brown
eyes as she threaded her fingers through the hair of his chest.

“It seemed ill-used of late.”

“He’s a scientist, Nicky, like you.” She drew spirals on his
stomach with a finger. “He liked to see how the mind and body reacted to
certain, well, stimuli. He took a lewd enjoyment of it all, but that really
wasn’t my fancy.”

Nicholas had to admit to himself he wasn’t quite sure if it
was his own fancy or not.

“Darling, there’s a ball tonight—”

“Good God, another one?” It was growing difficult to
continue to be pleasant amongst the ton.

“Yes. And you are escorting me,” she said, punctuating each
word with a jab of her finger.

He sighed.

She smiled and cocked her head to look up at him. “I saw
Penelope Hardcastle at the hat shop the other day. She expressly wondered if
you would be there tonight.”

“Ah, yes. Miss Hardcastle. I see now what you mean by girls
on the shelf gaining confidence in their third seasons.”

Lavinia’s mouth opened in surprise. “You dog! You didn’t!”

“It was she who seduced me, I’ll have you know. At the
Quimbys’. Third floor. Surely you know what goes on up there? I certainly did

Lavinia laughed, then cozied up to him. “Yes, well, just
save some energy for me, darling.”

* * * * *

Lavinia glanced about the entry hall as soon as she and
Nicholas arrived at Lord and Lady Hawkhurst’s home for their annual mid-Season
ball. She knew most everybody and was ready with a blithe comment or
sympathetic ear. But really she was looking out for her Nicholas and if there
were any young women of fine character he had not yet met and with whom he
should absolutely dance.

She spied a certain young lady whose third or fourth season
she was sure it was. “Nicky, have you met Margaret Withers yet?”

“No, darling. Is she very handsome?” he asked in an overly
charming manner.

Lavinia looked Miss Withers over. The young lady stood out
wearing a dress in the Aesthetic style with a Greco-Roman pallium crisscrossed
over her bosom. “Oh terribly so. I think she reads books in Greek or some such
odd preoccupation.”

“Well, that sounds ideal.” His tone dripped sarcasm.

Lavinia shot her lover a snide look. “You read Greek.”

“I do. And German, and Latin and a smattering of Turkish,
Arabic and Persian. Are there any lovely young ladies here tonight who can
entertain me thusly?”

Nicholas was being rather puckish and abominable that night,
making Lavinia wish Julius had kept him chained up in his dungeon. Through her
kid gloves, she dug her nails into his arm as he escorted her into the main
ballroom. Nicholas held his head high as if to annoy her.

They both stopped their childish games when they saw Helena.
She was gorgeous, dressed in a stunning turquoise blue with cobalt underskirts,
her mother similarly attired in sea green and deep forest, pendants on either
arm of a smiling Julius Christopher. Lavinia heard Nicholas suck in a
fortifying breath.

“Steady, Nicky,” she cautioned quietly.

But she smiled graciously as the trio came forward. “Julius,
how lovely to see you.” She nodded. “Mrs. Phillips. Miss Phillips,
congratulations are in order, I hear.”

Helena looked away with a blush, biting her lower lip. “Thank
you,” she said almost inaudibly.

The two men barely looked at each other as they muttered
polite hellos.

“Lavinia, dear, I wonder if you could do me a favor,” asked
Julius abruptly.

Always wary where it concerned her old lover, Lavinia kept
her cool and merely answered, “I will try my best.”

“It seems Mrs. Phillips is feeling a little faint and I
thought it a good idea she have a lie-down. I would like to take her upstairs
to the third floor. Some fresh air from the balcony and a rest would enliven
her, wouldn’t you agree, Ramsay?”

Nicholas stared at his employer. “A glass of cool water as
well, I should think.”

Julius nodded his response and returned his attention to
Lavinia. “Would it trouble you much to take Helena under your charge while I
attend to her mother?”

Lavinia seethed. “Not at all, Julius,” she responded as if
nothing were wrong. “I would love to spend some time with Miss Phillips.
Wedding chatter, you know.”

Sophia looked quite distressed but was nimbly whisked away
by Julius before she could utter a word.

Lavinia’s anger was mollified by the sight of Nicholas and
Helena gazing at each other in awe. Just then, Penelope Hardcastle approached,
her demure smile at odds with her gown. The lace edging on her square-cut
neckline gave the illusion of modesty, when in fact quite a bit was on display.

“Lady Foxley-Graham, what a beautiful dress,” she said as
her eyes flickered toward Nicholas.

“Miss Hardcastle, thank you. My dressmaker is right near
that hat shop. I should give you the address.”

“Please.” Her gaze did not waver from her target. The girl
clearly had far more invigorating topics on her mind than dresses. “Dr. Ramsay,”
she greeted him casually.

“Hello, Miss Hardcastle. Very nice to see you.” Like a boy
trying to choose between a puppy and a pony, Nicholas seemed overwhelmed.

“It occurs to me that the two young ladies might not have
been formally introduced,” announced Lavinia. “Miss Helena Phillips, may I
present Miss Penelope Hardcastle.”

The two young ladies greeted each other as young ladies

“Miss Phillips is engaged to be married, Miss Hardcastle,”
Lavinia taunted.

“Are you?”

It worked. Helena and Penelope began to chatter away as if
they had known each other for years. Lavinia nudged a besotted Nicholas.

“You know what that cad is going to do to her upstairs, don’t
you?” she hissed.

“Lavinia, please don’t remind me,” he groaned under his

“Well, I’ll see how I can make it worth your while, darling.”

“Dr. Ramsay,” came Penelope’s sweet voice. “May I inquire if
you will be free for a dance later tonight?”

Lavinia could see the distress on poor Nicholas’ face. “Perhaps
later, Miss Hardcastle,” she offered. “I fear he has been requested to look
after Miss Phillips for the time being while her fiancé is otherwise occupied.”

“Of course. I’m sure Miss Phillips needs a bit of protection
from those men who do not yet know of her engaged status.” Penelope shot
Nicholas a sly, knowing smile as she took her leave.

Relieved of the distraction of Penelope, Nicholas and Helena
once again gazed admiringly at each other, all the while trying desperately to
not be too obvious.

“Nicholas, be a dear, the waltz will begin soon. Partner
Helena, please?” She turned to the young lady in question. “I’m sure you won’t
mind a dance or two with Dr. Ramsay? I fear he’s still getting his ballroom
footing after having been away for some years.”

Helena looked absolutely thrilled at the prospect. “Yes,
Lady Foxley-Graham. I would love to dance with Dr. Ramsay.”

Lavinia smiled graciously. “That would be most appreciated.
But please, one moment, I would like to confer with my companion.” She stood on
tiptoe to whisper in his ear. “Take her outside during the dance, Nicky. No one
will notice. There’s the grotto in the back corner of the garden to the left.”

Lavinia’s heart was jubilant as she watched Nicholas and
Helena, their faces glowing joyfully, walk arm in arm to the dance floor.

* * * * *

Dancing with Nicholas was a welcome respite from the horrid
nightmare of her engagement to Dr. Christopher. And an amazing opportunity to
put her plot into action. The Hawkhurst mansion had a third floor absolutely
full of bedrooms.

As she clung to him, Helena looked out onto the crowd
fringing the ballroom. So many couples still on the dance floor would mean the
upstairs would be empty…

“I feel somewhat deprived of your full attention, Miss
Phillips. Is there another man you’ve set your sights on?”

Mortified, Helena looked up at Nicholas, his eyes twinkling
teasingly. “I was just admiring your companion, Dr. Ramsay. Lady Foxley-Graham
is quite beautiful tonight.”

Nicholas grinned at her. “I think she would be supremely
flattered if you told her that.”

“Me?” Helena envied the woman who was such a special friend
to Nicholas. The woman who saw him naked, who was free to touch him, who
enjoyed his attentions in bed—

“You are one of the most beautiful women to grace London
this Season, Miss Phillips. Surely you know that?”

Helena blushed. “Thank you, Nicholas.” It felt good to be
waltzing in his arms, almost familiar, and yet so new. “You know, we’ve never
danced together before.”

He pressed his hand more firmly against her back. “I was
wondering when you would realize that. Now that you are an engaged woman I
suppose you may dance with whomever you choose.” He leaned in a little. “We
should dance together more often,” he murmured.

Helena flushed at his flirtation. “We should. You’re quite

“Thank you,” he said, whirling her about handily.

She giggled and he did it again.

He pulled her more closely to him. “Are the turns making you
dizzy, Miss Phillips?” he whispered conspiratorially in her ear. “So much so
you must repair to the garden for a breath of fresh air?”

His insinuation made her giddy. “Dr. Ramsay, please, no
more,” she complained aloud. “It is a bit warm in here, and I’m afraid I need
some air.”

“Of course, Miss Phillips.” He offered his arm and escorted
her off the dance floor.

Once out on the flagstone terrace, they became like any
other couple escaping under cover of moonlight, arm in arm, seeking a
tête-à-tête. They quickly descended the stone staircase leading down into the

The cool air was refreshing against Helena’s heated skin.
Her closeness to Nicholas set her ablaze, letting loose a flood of fantasies,
fantasies still stoked by the fire of her last visit to Dr. Christopher’s
office. Blindfolded, she had imagined Nicholas as her lover, his sensual
ministrations torturing her exquisitely. She bit her lip. Did Nicholas think of
her when he touched himself? Oh God. Just the thought of him touching himself…

He guided her to a dark corner of the garden where they were
very much alone, then slowed his pace. He took off his gloves and laced his
fingers through hers.

Grateful that her glove concealed her sticky palm, she
squeezed his hand and turned to him.

He put a finger to her lips. “Not here. Come.”

The moonlight and the dim glow of lanterns revealed his
destination—an exedra, a large semicircular vault encrusted with shells,
pebbles and bits of glass looming majestically before a pool with a softly
splashing fountain. The famed Hawkhurst grotto. Lots of shadowy corners and far
from the crowds. Helena bit her lip again. Better than the third floor.

Nicholas led her to a low bench running along the curve of
the vault and chose the darkest spot for them to sit. He took both her hands. “I
hoped I would see you tonight. I never envisioned being with you like this ever

“Like what?”


Helena’s heart skipped a beat. For a moment he looked as if
he were going to kiss her. Instead, he wrapped her in an arm and pulled her
back against him.

“How have you been, love?” He gave her shoulder a comforting

She sighed. “Nicholas, I don’t know why my mother chose Dr.
Christopher,” she said quietly. “He’s not at all what my parents had wanted for

“Surely she gave you some explanation?”

“Not a reasonable one. I think she’s fallen in love with
him. Or his machine.”

His breath hitched at the mention of the device. “I fear
your mother is being deceived in some manner.”

“I think something is amiss as well. It is she who spends so
much time with Dr. Christopher.”

He bent down to her. “You don’t call your fiancé by his
Christian name?” he asked in surprise.

“I don’t feel comfortable calling him ‘Julius’. It feels

“And yet, you no longer call me ‘Dr. Ramsay’.” He nuzzled
his nose against her neck.

“That’s because you kissed me,” she said shyly.

“He hasn’t kissed you yet?” Nicholas was incredulous.

“He says I should remain completely chaste until my wedding

“Oh God.” It was said with a measure of disgust. “Be
cautious around him. Never be left alone with him. No doubt he has some
debauchery planned.”

The thought chilled her. “Well, we still have to wait for
Papa’s consent. I hope he—I know he won’t approve of such a match! Dr.
Christopher’s only a baronet. If I’m allowed to marry a doctor, why can’t it be

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