Read TheRedKing Online

Authors: Kate Hill

TheRedKing (13 page)

BOOK: TheRedKing
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Her heartbeat quickened and she smiled, untying her robe.
The nightgown beneath was made of such thin fabric that it left little to the
imagination. Her nipples strained against it, the tops of her breasts swelling
above the low neckline. The thatch of hair covering her soft mound was also

His gaze swept her and when she was within arm’s reach, he grasped
her wrist and tugged her onto his lap.

Cupping the back of her head, he kissed her. Delia moaned
softly and pulled up her nightgown so she could straddle him easily.

“You’re so beautiful, Delia,” he said in a husky voice. His
hands roamed over her thighs and grasped her buttocks, squeezing gently.

“I’m glad you think so,” she whispered against his lips
before kissing him again. She caressed his faced and thrust her tongue into his
mouth. His tongue met it with hungry strokes.

Still holding her bottom, he lifted her slightly and Delia
clasped his cock. She guided the tip of it into her wet pussy.

“Oh Areus,” she breathed, her eyes closing. She arched her
neck and shook her hair back.

He groaned, placing a big, warm hand to the back of her neck
and kissing her throat.

Delia grasped his shoulders and rocked atop him. Delight
rolled through her and by his groans and increased breathing, she knew he was
as aroused as she was. She’d missed coupling with him. Being with him like this
aroused her so much that she didn’t want to wait. Her body cried out for him
and she rocked faster, gripping his hard shoulders.

Areus tugged down the front of her nightgown, freeing one of
her breasts. He lifted it and captured her nipple in his warm, wet mouth. His
tongue flicked it and she moaned, another jolt of desire rushing through her.

“So beautiful,” he said, his breathing ragged.

“Areus, I love how you touch me.” Her voice quavered with
scarcely controlled desire. “Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”

Again he groaned and freed her other breast. He sucked the
nipple while his thumb fondled the one his mouth had just left.

Delia trembled on the edge of a shattering climax.

Areus grasped her waist, his hips lunging upward as she
undulated on top of him. Her fingers bit harder into his shoulders.

“Look at me,” he said, his voice rough.

She opened her eyes partway and met his smoldering gaze. His
dark pupils nearly filled his green eyes. His lips were parted and sweat misted
his brow. He looked so wildly handsome and he belonged to her.

“Areus,” she murmured, sliding her hand along the side of
his neck, enjoying the feel of his hot skin and the way his pulse raced against
her palm. She kissed him and he plunged his tongue into her mouth.

His hips thrust upward faster and harder.

Delia tried to break their kiss as she came, but he clamped
a hand to the back of her head and she cried out into his mouth.

He gasped and moaned, filling her with his seed.

Delia melted against him, her head resting on his shoulder.
Areus’s arms draped around her.

Finally, he caressed her hair and said, “I think we should
go to bed.”

Delia lifted her head and smiled at him. “I agree.”

She cupped his faced and kissed him tenderly before climbing
off his lap.

She adjusted the front of her nightgown and tied her robe
while he fixed his trousers.

Areus rolled up the maps and extinguished the lamp. On their
way to the door, he playfully smacked her bottom.

“Areus!” She glanced at him.

He grinned and she smiled, taking his hand.

In his chamber, she shrugged off her robe and climbed into
bed while he undressed. He joined her and tugged her close to his naked body.

“Sleep well, Delia,” he said softly and kissed her hair.

“Sweet dreams,” she whispered, gently squeezing his hand
that rested against her stomach.

Though it was late and her body relaxed from their
lovemaking, she didn’t fall asleep right away. She worried about Areus, about
Lortia, Prem and the other kingdoms that might fall to Hippolytos’s tyranny and
Hypatios’s madness. The thought of losing Areus was unbearable, whether it be
by his death in battle or by him discarding her should she fail to provide the heir
he’d bargained for.

Yet if he would deny her for the latter reason, then he wasn’t
worth her sorrow. Still, a king needed an heir.

What if he went to battle and was killed before she
conceived? Losing him would break her heart, but if she at least had his child
it would be some comfort. Yet if Areus was killed, Lortia would fall to
Zaltana. She and his child would be in danger, most likely executed.

No. Like Simon, she had faith in Areus’s leadership. She
knew the kind of man he was and she knew in her heart he would keep their
kingdom safe.

The evenness of his breathing told her he was asleep.
Careful not to wake him, she turned in his arms. In the moonlight shining
through the window, she clearly saw his face. Even in sleep his brow furrowed,
as if the weight of his duties never left him.

At that moment she forgot her own worries as she realized
how they paled compared to his. Everyone looked to him for strength and
guidance. Everyone depended on him to keep them safe, but who did he turn to
when he needed someone to reassure him?

A new pang of love and respect darted through her.

“You have me, Areus,” she whispered.

Not that he would admit needing anyone. He would probably see
it as weak, but she knew that no matter what he showed the world, he was still
just a man. She realized that her most important duty as his queen was to see
to the needs of the man, even if he didn’t fully understand those needs

* * * * *

After three weeks of marriage, Areus left with Simon and
Philip for Prem to meet with the three other northern kings. Areus had already
received reports that Zaltanian soldiers were massing on the border of
Fernhill, but Hypatios had yet to arrive.

Etor remained in Lortia with Eli to defend the kingdom and
assist Delia. Though she felt safe with Etor at her side, she wished Areus had
taken him instead. Areus trusted the guard more than anyone and with an attempt
already made on his life, Delia would have preferred Etor watching his back
during the negotiations.

With Areus away, Delia carried on her work at the infirmary.
She needed to keep busy or else be consumed by worry.

The day after he’d gone, she joined Seth and Echo in the
village to assist Seth’s old mentor in the healing arts. Etor traveled with
them, as Areus had ordered him to accompany Delia whenever she left the castle walls.
Should Etor be needed for urgent matters, such as leading defenses, Areus had
ordered Delia to stay within the safety of the walls.

Seth’s mentor, Zev, despite his advanced years, was quick
witted and had a vast knowledge of healing and herbal remedies. Tall with long
gray hair he wore braided down his back, he often mumbled to himself while he

The small group assisted Zev on his rounds in the city,
checking on elderly folk, newborns and the sick and injured.

They were riding to a farmer’s cottage on the outskirts of the
city when a guard galloped toward them. He reined in near Etor, his mount
blowing from the sprint.

“Sir,” the guard said. “A woman arrived at the castle about
an hour ago. She claims to have information regarding Hypatios. At first we thought
she was a bit touched in the head. She’s covered with terrible scars and said
she’s traveled a long way to speak to Areus. We’re holding her in the dungeons,
but I think you should talk to her and judge for yourself whether she’s mad or
speaking the truth.”

“Hypatios?” Delia asked. “What do you think, Etor?”

“I’ll see her. I know you would like to stay here, Your
Majesty, but—”

“I know. We both promised Areus I would leave the walls in
your company only.”

“Go on,” Seth told them. “Zev and I can handle the rest of
the rounds on our own.”

Echo glanced at Seth and he offered her a quick but sincere
smile. Delia noted the man had been smiling more often since his friendship
with Echo.

“You may stay with them,” Delia told Echo.

“Seth?” Echo asked.

“Of course we can use her,” Zev replied before Seth could
speak. “The girl has good hands and a quick mind. The sisters taught you both

“Thank you, Zev. I look forward to helping again as soon as
I can,” Delia told him then she and Etor followed the guard back to the castle.

On the way, she said, “I did promise Areus I would trust
your commands, however I would like to know who this woman is and what she
wants with Areus.”

“She’s probably just a crazy peasant. However I will keep
you informed,” Etor agreed.

* * * * *

Delia had much to keep her occupied within the castle walls,
but nothing could prevent her from thinking about Areus and the strange woman Etor
now questioned. Was she merely crazy or did she have information about Hypatios?
If so, was she here to help or had she been sent by Hypatios as a distraction?

She didn’t see Etor until after dinner.

As was their habit in the evenings, Delia and Echo sat by
the fire in the great hall. Delia put the final touches on the gift she had made
for Areus when Etor approached.

“What have you learned about the woman?” Delia asked.

“I’m not quite sure yet,” he admitted. “I questioned her
intensely and she is currently in a cell.”

“Did Hypatios send her?” Delia asked, gesturing for Etor to
take the empty chair next to Echo.

Etor settled into it, his gaze unreadable. “It’s difficult
to say.”

“Who is she and what does she want?”

“She says she’s Hypatios’s old nurse and that she was close
to Areus’s mother during her captivity in Zaltana. She wants to speak to the
king directly, but she’s not the first person to attempt that. Normally I would
either send her off or sentence her to some time in the cell.”

Delia’s stomach tightened. “But this isn’t a normal
situation, is it? There’s something about her that troubles you.”

“I believe that she did know Queen Cosma. Whether they were
friends or enemies, I’m not sure. All she’ll tell me is that what she has to
say is for Areus only and that it’s urgent.”

“What could be urgent regarding a woman who’s been dead for
twenty-six years? Also, the guard who approached us in the city told us she has
information about Hypatios. What has she said about him?”

“Nothing. Again she said it’s for Areus’s ears only. When he
returns, I’ll apprise him of the situation, though I don’t want to burden him
with nonsense during this precarious time. It could be the distraction Hypatios

Delia nodded. “That thought crossed my mind as well.
Captain, I would like to see her.”

Etor’s eyes narrowed. “I don’t recommend it.”

“Sometimes one woman can tell more about another than even
the most aggressive man.”

“If I escort you to the dungeon to talk to a prisoner, Areus
will have my head.”

Delia smiled slightly. “We both know you’re exaggerating.”

“At the very least it will be twenty lashes. Save my skin, ma’am,
and wait for the king to return. In the meantime we’ll hold the woman.”

Delia doubted Areus would have Etor whipped, but truly she
had only been in Lortia a short time. The way he treated her would surely be
different than the way he treated his men and she knew that warriors could be brutal.

Still, she raised an eyebrow at Etor and said, “I believe
you’re taking advantage of my sheltered upbringing, however I’ll withdraw my
request to see her, at least right now—to protect your back.” A smile flirted
with her lips.

Etor’s lips curved upward the slightest bit and he bowed his
head. “Then I’ll bid you good night, ma’am.”

Delia nodded and Etor walked away.

“What do you think, Echo?” Delia asked.

“I’m not sure, but I don’t like it. Why does this woman
appear now? Who is she really?”

“Both good questions.”

Delia turned her gaze to the fire.

* * * * *

A week into his journey, Areus was on his way to meet with
the King of Drakesglenn. Though he traveled with his entourage, including Simon
and Philip, he missed Etor’s friendship and advice. More than he imagined
possible, he missed Delia. When he’d agreed to the marriage, his only concern
had been strengthening his alliance with Prem. In a short time he had grown to
care for her. He enjoyed spending time with her and though she hadn’t been
educated in the manner expected of a queen, he respected her opinions. She was
probably the most honest person he had ever met and one of the most

Being with her made him feel warm inside. Strangely, after only
a short time together, he had grown accustomed to seeing her every night. She made
him smile and put aside his concerns for a brief time. Areus trusted few
people. His true friends were very few, but he counted Delia among them. Even
when they argued, he felt closer to her than he had ever felt to anyone else.

So many times during this journey he wished to see her, talk
to her. If he missed her this much for a short time apart, the possibility of
months without seeing her while he fought Zaltana wasn’t a pleasant prospect.

Halfway to the castle in Drakesglenn, Areus was talking to
Philip when their party passed a field in which a man dressed in dirt-stained
trousers was whipping a filthy horse struggling to pull a plow over rocky
ground. The poor animal was far too slight for such heavy work and it appeared
to be lame in its rear leg.

Areus, disgusted to see any animal mistreated, turned Cosmo
off the road and into the field.

“You, farmer,” Areus shouted.

The man turned to him, his lip curled in annoyance. Upon
seeing Areus and his group, he looked surprised.

“What do you want, fancy lad? I’m trying to get my field

BOOK: TheRedKing
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