TheTrainingOfTanya2 (2 page)

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Authors: Bruce McLachlan

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: TheTrainingOfTanya2
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After a few dozen strokes, the whip turned briefly to her strangled breasts. This brought Tanya to a twirling fit as she tried to evade the stinging swipes that licked at her assets and imparted hot spikes of feeling. The torturess stood tensed before her slave, legs apart, perched on her heels, her arm flinging the strands out in casual sweeps. Tanya's nipples were the areas most pained by the flogging because the nuggets were already very raw from the various abuses the cruel and implacable woman had visited on them.

A trio of final lashes between her legs was bestowed and then the weapon was placed back on its hook. Tanya was left hanging limp with beads of sweat trickling down her form. Tears were in her eyes as a sense of relief flooded through her. Again, the endorphins from the flogging surged unchecked to bring a dizzying natural intoxication.

Her Master stole another collection of rope as her Mistress took up a bizarre phallic rod. The black length had several translucent crystals in its base and the gems were set in copper mounts and linked by strands of flowing arcane text. More runes and sigils dotted the entire length and these were embossed on the black sceptre in dark brazen lines.

"You'll find this product of dark magic far more enjoyable than the glove, slave. At least for a while anyway," the woman said.

The Mistress stepped forward with her acquisitions and proceeded, brusquely to slot the rod into Tanya's sex. Because she was already wet with desire, the dildo slithered in with ease. It opened her and filled her with its hefty dimensions. Tanya stiffened and her toes wiggled against the air. Her back arched and lifted her head up as she unleashed croaking sobs of response. The feel of it sliding into her depths was exquisite and the defilement by this weapon ran on until it nudged her deepest regions.

The rope was then brought into play. The black strand was tied about her with expert celerity and sterling skill. The strand hooked lines over her hips and ran around her waist. The plexus hauled the toy in as the strands joined and ran through her crotch. A knot pressed itself sternly to her clitoris and nudged the sheathed dildo. As her Master forged the weave, Tanya gave whimpers of rapture. Every time he caused the rod to move, or, when he brushed her loins, she wanted to surrender to his desire all the more devotedly.

Tanya looked around from side to side to catch glimpses of his boots and firm legs. The stolen images greatly bolstered her lust.

The rope parted at the knot on her clit and grabbed around the phallus while another section flung another cord over the base to stop Tanya rejecting it. The strands then pressed to her anus and another knot leant to her sphincter to reveal itself with every movement of her lower body.

"She is ready for you," pronounced her Master.

The torturess threw an arm out in a clawed gesture and her hand suddenly flashed with diabolic energy. Black crackling arcs of power spread their ragged forks between her fingers and an opaque star started to muster in her palm. Her lithe digits curled in and fed the welling ball of sickly radiance.

"Oh no! Please! Mistress! No!" she cried.

Tanya's innate fear of the glove made her quake and wriggle from the similarity of this sight to that awful device of torture. The squirming made the rope chafe against her, but she was too afraid to remain still.

"Nooooo. Master! Don't let her do this to me!" she screamed.

Bringing her hand forward, the woman touched the base of the dildo. The power instantly seemed to shift into it. The charge wriggled into the structure and poured into the jewels to have them suddenly glow with lurid black light.

When the transfer of energy was completed, the dildo started to move of its own accord. Acting slowly at first, it then began to gather speed, accelerating as the dark magic brought steady oscillations. The shaft quivered within Tanya and teased her womb in the most delightful way. Her holler of terror dropped through octaves into a throaty gurgling murmur of ecstasy.

Tanya whimpered softly and closed her eyes. The vibrating shaft was making her belly melt with joy.

"There. Isn't that nice, slave?" quizzed the torturess.

"Oh, yes, Mistress. Thank you, thank you so much," Tanya declared with enthusiasm.

The walls of her pussy clenched to the device as it toyed with her insides. The proximity of dark magic as it used her body started to infect her mind with a more distinct act. The power of vice was a desire that the black magics found highly agreeable as a form of sustenance and Tanya's already cracked psyche began to focus more diligently on seeking more punishment. She was aching to feel the suffering that the grim energies wanted. The near sentient force required it as its own variety of food.

"You want to be punished, slave?" gently asked the Mistress.

The woman was well aware of the nature of the power and what it would do. She ran her nails down Tanya's inner thighs and the light scratches elevated the voluptuous responses.

"Oh yes, Mistress! Torture me in any way you wish!" she decreed.

Tanya's eyes rolled as she stared with glazed focus on the image of the woman's boots.

"You want to suffer for me then, slave?" she added.

The Mistress was clearly seeking to have Tanya confirm and commit to her conjured proclamations.

"Yes, Mistress. Anything to please you, Mistress," Tanya sobbed.

The lure of sensual input of any variety was so strong that she would assent to anything to gain it. The dark magic was more powerful than anything she had encountered before. It corrupted her instantly and deeply. She could see what effect it was having on her, but she could do nothing to stop herself. The evil force was throwing her onwards on a lascivious tidal wave that she could not oppose.

The Mistress reached up and took down one of the candles. She held it above the "V' of Tanya's quaking and pregnable legs and a steady tilt brought a cascade of wax down that splattered on her inner thighs. The strangely insubstantial trickles suddenly gave way to jolts of hot dismay. The scorching effects made Tanya unleash a startled cry.

She poured more wax onto her as the woman let a steady drip of rain fall on her Tanya's skin to coat the inner surfaces of her legs. Each and every droplet made Tanya spasm and wail softly. In turn, the dildo started to gather more speed. The slow continual shake escalated continually as more pain coursed through her body. The dark magic was stealing this valuable energy to fuel its enchantment.

The hesitant pain and the extreme pleasure tore at her with vivid fangs. The frozen splashes were swiftly joined by a steady application of more droplets and Tanya felt herself being coated in a searing second skin of black wax. As the initial areas dried, her shivering thighs cracked the crust. This caused particles to fall away and let the torturess pour new molten trails into the splits, again to seal them.

Spots started to land on her buttocks. The lines that sped down her rear caused her to shake and mewl even more energetically. The knots rubbed her clit and rear, and their chafing touch was merged with pleasure as the dildo continued to feast on her distress and vibrate at a joyous rate.

The seductive movements of Tanya's luscious adversity prompted a sudden end. The woman set the candle back amongst the others and moved to gather new toys.

Crouching down before Tanya's tear-streaked face, she placed her hand to her slave's features. Her nails sunk into Tanya's cheeks and forced her jaws wide.

"Now, where are we? Aha!" she said and the other hand darted in and grabbed her tongue with a ferocious pinch. Tanya gave a momentary squawk as she felt the painted talons dig into the soft flesh.

"Out we come, slave," ordered the woman.

The Mistress pulled the length out to an extent that made the root murmur with pain. She held Tanya's extended tongue in place with a most uncomfortable grip, which left her unable to close her jaws lest she risk biting off the organ.

Tanya could only helplessly watch as the woman brought up two small stems of wood. They had been connected at one end by numerous coils of cord that locked the sticks together. The other end had similar strings attached, but they not fastened, yet. This created a savage set of delicate timber pincers.

The open end was parted and threaded onto her tongue. The implement was slid on until her tongue was half way along and the flesh was squeezed in a painful press. The extended ends of the two sticks dug into the corners of her mouth, but she could do nothing as she stared lovingly at the woman that was now preparing new torment for her.

Closing her fingers to the open side, the torturess brought the two ends together and held them. This wrung the base of Tanya's tongue so forcefully, she burbled and begged her to take it off her mouth. Tanya's words were too distorted by the clamp to be understood and the Mistress merely ignored her, anyway. The strangling bite was painful and as she tried to pull her tongue out of it, she found that it was impossible. The swell of flesh beyond the sticks left her unable to slither back through the crimping stems.

"Oh she really does not like that does she?" asked her Master.

Tanya felt his hand take hold of her shin and use it as a handhold while he leaned around to take a better look. The Mistress smiled and the loose cords were knotted to leave the bizarre gag entrenched and immobile.

"But if she wants to please me, she
!" said the Mistress with a severe tone.

Sobbing, Tanya pulled at her bonds and tried to find some way in which to alleviate her stresses. The effects of the gag replaced the loss of waxen rain and this pain helped feed the toy. The device thrummed within her and merged her pain and pleasure into a cocktail that she had no means to accurately judge. She hated the pain, but without it, the toy would not be pleasuring her so divinely. The paradox was broiling her sanity and perverting her psyche even more monstrously than before.

Her Master stepped behind Tanya and started to gather up her hair. Weaving rope into it, the plait was merged expertly with lines of rope and braids of hair to create a firm and anchoring hybrid. A metal ring was knotted to the very end and with the click of heels and stomp of boots, they both moved away.

A wave into the blackness brought forth a clatter of animated chain. The links spat down from above and snapped a hook into the circle of iron. The chain withdrew instantly and pulled the rope to drag Tanya up by her hair. Her roots bellowed with rage as they were used to haul her up and out like some mode of organic hammock.

Tanya snarled against her gag as her rear was levelled out to allow them to continue as they wished. The Mistress returned between her stretched legs and took down a fresh candle as she went.

Her Master crouched down before her and stared up into her grimacing features. He rested his arms across his knees and prepared to watch the show his partner would create.

The Mistress attacked Tanya's quivering buttocks with the wax and poured it onto the weal-streaked flesh. Tanya had hoped that the welts would deaden the feeling in her rear, but the minor damage to the skin in no way spared her any suffering, in fact the bruises proved a hefty assistant in tormenting her.

Hollering onto her pernicious gag, Tanya squirmed and choked some mangled words to seek mercy. All the while, she was torn between the extreme ecstasy of the toy and the rending anguish of her ever-worsening bondage and torment. However, the suffering soon started to rise and mar her pleasure. The toy vibrated the crotch knot and the rough ball ground endlessly against her clit to make it increasingly raw the longer and more wildly the toy beat her pussy.

Even with all her pain, Tanya started to feel an orgasm looming. The increase in her travail brought the toy to a thrashing rabid fit of sanity sapping stimulation. Gasping for breath, driven with anguish, Tanya felt the bliss gathering and starting to eat away at the pain. The ecstasy was making her amiable to her distress and then she actually began to enjoy it. She was being seduced by the hot bite of the wax, the aching chafe to her belly, the strain on her hair, and the contortion of her defenceless form.

Tanya's eyes were captured by the physique of her Master. Every curve, every muscle, every glint of light upon his leather attire was making her weep with desire. She imagined that the wild toy within her was his manhood and that at any moment, he would close in and kiss her again. She was sure that one brush of his tongue to her captive organ would bring her to immediate climax.

The torturess spied the approach of relief and decided to keep her in such a starved and heady state. Setting the candle aside, she grabbed a cane and delivered it onto Tanya's exposed rump with a deep penetrating thwack. A second after its application, Tanya hollered and lurched against her bonds. The densely compressed nerves revealed their mistreatment with a vicious and lengthy unveiling.

The Master shuffled forward a little and reached up to caress her cheek. The act of fondness made her well with happiness and as fresh tears started to course down her cheeks, she heard the cane hurtling through the air again.

The lithe weapon rained down onto Tanya without relent. The layer of wax shattered under its assault and proved no barrier to its effects. The stroke of the cruel device was increased by the intricate pattern of already tender contusions. Tanya screamed with full vigour as she was soundly thrashed.

As Tanya feared might occur, the pain made the toy increase its toil yet again and she was worked ever so slowly up through the folds of rhapsody toward release. The toy worked diligently to bring her to climax, but the sheer havoc being heaped upon her was making the rise lethargic. It kept her in a heady trance where she was tricked into exulting in the savagery of her lot.

 The cane fell repeatedly, which taught Tanya to love her torment. The weapon was reworking her psyche, moulding it into the configuration of a hopeless masochist abandoned to the cruel rule of Master and Mistress.

Dripping with perspiration, Tanya began to convulse with fright as the sheer potency of her imminent orgasm began to expose itself. The sensations were terrifyingly intense and she released incomprehensible pleas for the woman to stop. The Mistress answered with the ongoing swipe of the cane while her Master merely smiled and offered his soothing touches to her reddened face.

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