
Read TheWolfInside Online

Authors: CarrieKelly,Kelly

Tags: #werewolf, #wolf romance, #wolf sex, #wolf shifter, #bbw, #bbw erotic romance, #alpha wolf, #gangbang, #menage

BOOK: TheWolfInside
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The Wolf Inside

BBW Werewolf Anthology

By Carrie Kelly

Copyright 2014 by Carrie Kelly

Cover Art:

Can Stock Photo Inc. / Prometeus

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All characters in this story are made up by
the author. They aren’t based on any real people.

by the Wolf Pack



When the
first flakes of snow hit the windshield, Sibyl cursed. She left the heat of
central California for a vacation, not a summer snowstorm. Outside the window,
the towering pine trees loomed over his little car and she frowned at the
sensible sundress she wore. She didn’t even have a coat.

Gabe said
his family’s bed and breakfast was the perfect place for a summer get away. Why
did she listen to him again? Sure, Gabe was her boss – and gorgeous
– with rusty hair and sharp green eyes, but that didn’t mean much.

He’d never
go for an overweight sales analyst like her. She was only an asset to the
company. But his eyes glittered when he told her about the place right on the
beach of Lake Tahoe. Plus, he gave her two weeks off and a fifty percent
discount on a room. He probably gave the same deal to all the people in the
office – Sibyl was the only one without a family to vacation with.

She squinted
at the directions he’d scribbled for her and slowed her car. The lake, which
was as blue as the evening sky, lapped against the shore roughly. It stretched
as far as she could see. Being out in the middle of that huge blue mass might
be as frightening as being at sea.

No thank
you! All she wanted to do during her vacation was stroll along the beach, in a
tasteful one-piece and sarong, and catch up on her reading list.

something dark swished through the trees. Sibyl caught a glimpse of it turned
to look. Was that a bear? A wolf? It’s shining yellow eyes met hers, and the
creature disappeared into the woods.

Her heart
pounded against her chest as she turned onto the little dirt road, now dotted
with snow, that led to the bed and breakfast. It wound down through the trees
and along the shore until she pulled up the grand house. Probably Victorian.
They had places like that back in Sacramento, but Sibyl had never been inside
one before.

Only two
other cars sat in front of it – a truck and a BMW SUV that belonged to
Gabe. Great! Her boss was here. Some vacation this would turn out to be!

shivered as she climbed out and grabbed her suitcase from the trunk. Then a
hand wrapped around hers from behind – a large man’s hand that scorched
her skin to the bone.

“Hey!” she
cried and spun around.

helping with your bag, Sibyl,” the man said in a low timbre. He stood at least
a head taller than her, which wasn’t uncommon. She was short
– the worst combination.

His pale
blond hair was dotted with snow and his eyes shone with little pinpricks of
blue flame. Probably just a reflection, she thought. He looked like he was
carved from a statue – everything about his face was perfect from his
straight nose to his seductive lips.

Damn. Why
did she keep meeting handsome men who wouldn’t want a thing to do with her?

“How did you
know my name?” she mumbled and let her fingers slip off the handle.

The man
smiled and turned inside. “Come in, before you catch a cold.”

“Hey! You
didn’t even tell me your name,” she called and trotted after him. Every inch of
her skin was covered with goose bumps and she brushed the snow from her honey
blonde hair. It was her best feature, by far. Her mother reminded Sibyl of it

Jonathan. Gabe told me you’d be coming,” he said and held open the door.

The warmth
of the room flooded her skin, and she rubbed her arms. The interior was
decorated like she assumed it would be. Floral wall paper. Fancy uncomfortably
looking furniture. Nothing like the ugly modern motels she usually stayed at on
business trips.

“Your room
isn’t ready,” Jonathan said and leaned against the check-in desk. “But you can
relax in the sauna while you wait.”

Heat flooded
Sibyl’s cheeks. “The sauna?”

“It’ll help
you warm up,” he said and his seductive lips slipped into a smile. Those bright
blue eyes trailed over her body, like he saw through the floral sundress to her
rolls and dimples underneath.

She wrapped her
arms around her chest and frowned. “I can just wait here.”

stepped up to her. “No. It’s far too cold for that. Plus, the storm is only
going to get worse. Gabe didn’t tell you about the dodgy weather up here, did

“This is
normal weather for June?”

“Not normal,
but it happens once every ten years or so. You chose the perfect time to

Sibyl didn’t
agree with him, but she didn’t want to seem rude or ungrateful either. Not when
a vacation like this would usually be out of her price range. “Where’s the

“I’ll show

She reached
for her bag. If she was going to sit in a hot room, at least she could use her
bathing suit.

bother. You can borrow a robe. We have one just for you.”

“But my
bathing suit. . . .”

“Is not
needed. You’ll have a towel.”

Sibyl’s face
felt like a sauna as she followed Jonathan through a little sitting room, with
a fire roaring in the fireplace, and into the sauna area. “Where’s Gabe?” she

dinner. He’ll greet you soon enough. Here.” He handed her a blood red bath
robe, as fluffy and soft as a rabbit.

“You have
red bathrobes?” she asked and took it. It smelled freshly laundered and vaguely
of lavender.

“For you,
yes. Gabe said you’d be even more beautiful in red.”

Her eyes
widened. Her boss would not say that – not about plain fat Sibyl. “You
must have me mistaken with someone else at the office. He probably said it
about Sheryl.” She was thin and tall – the kind of woman men liked.

lip quirked. “Is Sheryl here?”


“Then he
meant you,” he said and trailed a thick finger over her cheek.

Her skin was
probably just as red as the robe.

slipped out of the room, and Sibyl took a deep breath. What kind of game was
that guy playing? No way Gabe said that about
! He was probably just
trying to be nice.

The sauna
was hot, and that’s about all the good things Sibyl could say for it. Who
wanted to be drenched in sweat? But it did warm her up, although she was sure a
bowl of soup or a cup of hot cocoa could’ve done that just as well. When she
stepped out of the room with the towel wrapped around her chest, she noticed
Gabe leaning against the door frame.

His powerful
shoulders were clad in a snug T-shirt, much different from the suits he wore to
the office. “I’m glad you came,” he said and smiled. He clutched the red robe
in his strong hands.

Sibyl almost
slipped back into the sauna. “What? Oh, yeah. It was, uh, a last minute
decision. Is my room ready yet?”

Gabe shook
his head and stepped behind her, draping the robe over her shoulders. “No. You
can relax in the dining room. Dinner’s ready, and you look famished,” he
breathed in her ear as his hands dug into her fleshy shoulders.

Sibyl moved
out of his grasp like he’d bitten her. “Don’t!” she cried.

Her boss
tilted his head to the side. “Don’t what?”

Touch me
like that
, she wanted to
say, but it sounded silly. It wasn’t that Sibyl minded his touch, but he’d feel
the her full flesh. It’d probably disgust him. “I need to get dressed.”

Gabe glanced
around the room. “In what?”

Then she
realized her clothes were gone. Someone must’ve taken them while she was in the
sauna. “My clothes. Where are they?”

sundress and sandals really weren’t appropriate for this weather. The robe
should be warm enough, Sibyl,” he said and smiled.

She wrapped
the robe around her body and let the towel fall to the floor at her feet. The
tie was secure enough, but she wasn’t even wearing any panties now – and
the way Gabe looked at her soaked her pussy.


What was she
supposed to do?

“Come. Dinner

She followed
her boss into the dining room, which was smaller than she’d imagined. There was
only one table, set with a turkey, roasted venison and several other dishes. A
bottle of red wine sat at each end of the table.

“Is this
included in the bill?” she asked and took a seat.

chuckled. “That’s what your worried about? It’s on the house.”

already lounged at the table. He smirked as she sat down.

“Where are
the other guests?” Sibyl asked and fidgeted with her silverware.

aren’t any others. It’s only you and the three of us,” Gabe said.

“Three? But
there’s only two of you.”

yanked a leg from the turkey. “Adrian’ll be here soon.”

Sibyl didn’t know any Adrian. And she didn’t know if this mystery person was a
man or a woman. Most likely a woman, she figured. No way three gorgeous men
would want to be trapped at a secluded bed and breakfast with her for two

All the food
was delicious, and she tried to not to pick at it, but her stomach turned into
knots. Something was off about Gabe and Jonathan. And why was she the only
guest? Had other people known about the snowstorm and cancelled their trips?
Speaking of the storm, Sibyl glanced out of the dining room window and her eyes

The snow
came down so thickly she could hardly see anything besides the white rush of
it. She took a sip of red wine, which warmed her throat as it went down, and
peeked outside. It looked like a blizzard.

“How much
snow is there?”

“Four inches
so far,” Gabe said.

Sibyl stared
at him. “So far?”

laughed and his white teeth shone in the light. “You’ve never been to the
mountains, have you?”

She stabbed
at a piece of steak. “A few times as a kid. It never snowed in June.”

“And it
usually doesn’t,” Gabe said and sipped his wine slowly. “This is a special
occasion all around.”

What the
hell was he talking about? Maybe her boss was drunk – that might explain
his weird attitude. “What kind of special occasion?”

Gabe only
smirked and his green eyes caught the light and reflected it back into her
face. Then he licked his bottom lip to catch a drop of the wine, and a shiver
coursed through Sibyl’s body. What would those lips feel like on her?

Wait. Why
was she thinking about him like that? Sure, Gabe was gorgeous, but he was her
boss and way out of her league!

“Well?” she
asked again.

“You're here.
That’s the occasion,” Jonathan said and ripped the meat off the second turkey
leg. How much could he eat? Gabe’s plate was almost empty too, and she swore he
filled it up at least twice.

brought a bite of venison to her mouth and frowned. “I’m not worth
celebrating,” she mumbled.

“To the
contrary,” Gabe said.

Suddenly, a
door banged open at the front of the house and feet clomped inside.

back,” Jonathan mumbled.

glanced at the doorway, but no one stepped through. Too bad. If another person
came, it’d take the pressure off her. Being the center of attention was acutely
uncomfortable at the moment, especially when her skin prickled to be touched
and her pussy flooded with juices at the sight of the two hot guys she dined

Get it
, she told
herself with a sigh.

The lights
flickered as they finished their meal, and a loud bang sounded from the woods.
Sibyl started, and the whole room descended into darkness.

generator!” Jonathan growled.

squinted. The windows let in a white glow, but she swore she caught the hint of
glowing green and blue eyes in the dining room as well. How was that possible?

A candle burst
to life, and Gabe held a little lighter in his fingers. He smiled at her in the
dim glow and lit the rest of the candles. “We’ll have to fix that to get the
power back. Shouldn’t take long,” he said and patted her shoulder. “I’ll bring
out dessert first though. We want you to be satisfied while you wait.”

The way he
said the words seeped into her flesh and sent a shiver of need through her

“I don’t
need dessert,” she said and pushed aside her plate. Sibyl was surprised he
didn’t tell her
to eat dessert – her last boyfriend had.

Gabe lifted
her chin to meet his eyes. “You most certainly do.”

The candles
hid the blush seeping over her cheeks, and she glanced around the room.
Jonathan slipped away again, and she hadn’t even noticed. How did he move like
that? Sneaking around like some kind of predator.

Gabe went to
the kitchen and set the plate in front of her – a little chocolate cake
surrounded by raspberry sauce and whipped cream. Positively decadent. Sibyl
squeezed her chubby thighs together and frowned. In truth, she hadn’t eaten
something like that in years.

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