Thigh High

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Authors: Amarinda Jones

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Thigh High

Amarinda Jones


Fourteen years ago, Joe Patterson left the small outback town of Amberwarra Falls and broke Maz Adler’s heart. Now he’s back. Hotter and sexier than Maz remembered. It’s hard holding a grudge when you want to hold a luscious man tight against you and lick every hard, hot curve. But the man needs to be taught a lesson and Maz is the girl to do it.

Joe came back home for one reason. Maz. Problem is, Maz isn’t about to open her arms and allow him back into her life and her body. But Joe has a plan to seduce his lover and break down Maz’s resistance. His aim? Her total surrender. And he’s going to enjoy every hot, sweaty moment loving her under the Aussie sun.

An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication

Thigh High

ISBN 9781419923975
Thigh High Copyright © 2009 Amarinda Jones

Edited by Helen Woodall
Photography and cover art by Les Byerley

Electronic book publication October 2009

The terms Romantica® and Quickies® are registered trademarks of Ellora’s Cave Publishing.

With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written permission from the publisher, Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.® 1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH 44310-3502.

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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.


Amarinda Jones



Dedicated to Cyclops, who taught me a very painful lesson in trust. While he is a complete toerag, I thank him for the reminder that not all is as it seems in life. Always look below the surface, ladies.

And as always, where would I be without the dedicated Amarinda readers. Your loyalty means everything to me.

Trademarks Acknowledgement


The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

Akubra: Akubra Hats Pty Ltd.

Frosty the Snowman: Time Warner Entertainment Company

Google: Google Inc.

Red Door: UNOPCO Sub, Inc. Amarinda Jones



Akubra: wide brimmed hat made of leather

Beaut: excellent

Big smoke: the city. It refers to pollution or smog commonly found in the city

Blind Freddy: something so obvious even a blind person could see it

Blue: nickname for people with red hair

Bonza: great

Buggered off: gone, left

Buggers: used affectionately, like pests

Bum: butt

Bung: put in place

Dodgy: suspicious

Dunny: toilet

Dusty: nickname used for people with the surname “Baker”—flour is dusty

Drop-kicked: kicked a football

Fair suck of the sav: to give someone a break

Footy: football

Fringe: bangs

Frozen chook raffle: a chook is a chicken. Often in Australian pubs a raffle will be held to raise money for charity. A common one is raffling off a meat tray that can include a frozen chicken as part of the prize

Lamingtons: vanilla butter cake rolled in chocolate then shredded coconut

Mates: friends

Nong: silly person

On heat: lusting for someone

Pissed as a newt: drunk

Poofter: slang word for gay

Pull your head in: get real

Readies: available money

Struth: God’s truth—used as an exclamation

Scrag: trollop, slut

Sprog: child

Stoked: happy, pleased

Stone the flaming crows: exclamation—“are you kidding me?”

Strides: trousers

Stuff it: to hell with it

Toerag: someone who treats people badly

You old bag: affectionate term for a woman

Chapter One

“Aren’t you going to strip?” Joe Patterson was naked and ready for anything.

Marilyn “Maz” Adler smiled down at the naked man before her. The green eyes she knew so well caught and held hers and she had the overriding urge to push back the blond cowlick that made his hair always look rumpled and sexy.
Oh he looks good
. There was a manly rawness in his face that made her stomach contract and her heart race.
Did I ever get over him? And was he always so tall and lean and lickable?

Maz liked that Joe was so eager and needy, and that he dropped his clothes at her simplest command. He was spread out on the bed waiting for whatever Maz chose to do next and that gave her an amazing sense of power. There was also the thrill that despite the fact that they had been lovers a long time ago, there was a strange sense of the excitement of the unknown that held them. Maz also liked that Joe was basically ready and willing for anything Maz chose to do. She liked that a lot.

“You don’t like this?” Maz fingered the black lace of her slip, knowing that the pale flesh of her full breasts pushed out enticingly. Joe had always liked her breasts. He had often enthused lyrically about her pale, buxom curves and her titian-red hair.
You were born in the wrong century, Maz, and yet I am glad for it.
“I wore it just for you.” She could see Joe’s cock jerk in excitement. The wet warmth between her legs made her thighs slippery with need.
But I can wait. Lessons need to be learned here

They had met at the “no-tell-motel” outside town. It was relatively private and if enough money was exchanged no one would know either of them had been there. That was important in a small town. What they did was no one else’s business. Joe was there thinking it was to relive old memories of being together but Maz was there for revenge.

“I would rather you wore less.”

Maz raised her eyebrows in mock surprise. “This isn’t about you though, is it?” She had made that clear in her note.
Joe, I need you to come and do whatever I choose to ask of you.
It was the sort of note that said a lot but could mean just about anything.

“I was hoping we could share the moment.”

“Just a moment? Is that all you’ve got? I was hoping to have that fat, hard cock inside me for longer than that.” She liked how he swallowed hard to keep control. It made her feel better knowing he was not as in control as he pretended to be.

Joe reached out his hand to her. “Come here and I’ll show you what I can do.”

Part of Maz wanted to do just that. She wanted to slide down on his cock and be filled up with the hard heat of it once more. But that was not the plan. She had things she had to do first.

“Again, this is about me. You seem to be forgetting that.” Maz knew the easy smile he gave her was one of a confident man who believed whatever game she was playing would eventually give him pleasure. There was no way Maz was going to make this easy on Joe.

“Please, Maz…”

It would have been so easy to take his hand and fall into his arms as she once had so long ago. “Please what?”

“You’re a difficult woman.”

You have no idea how much, yet.
“But I can be fair.” She lifted the fabric from her thighs, just enough to reach under and hook the sides of her panties with her fingers. Maz knew Joe wanted to see more but that was not happening until she was ready, if ever. She tugged at her panties until the lace fell to the ground. Maz reached down. Picked them up and tossed them over her shoulder. “Mmmm, I feel so much more comfortable now.”

She walked to the bed, wondering at Joe’s self-control. He had changed from the eager, explosive young man she had once known. Maz looked at the fat head of his cock. She was itching to touch and taste. But that was not the plan yet. “You look awfully hard. Are you all tense with need, Joseph?” Maz had always called him by his first name when she wanted to prove a point. “And yet the skin looks so soft on the outside. Would you flinch if my tongue followed the long vein down your shaft?”

Joe swallowed hard and his hands reached out for her. “Anything you do to me I will love.”

Maz crawled onto the bed and slapped away his hands.

He sighed. “I know, whatever this is, it’s all about you.”

She smiled at his words. “Smart boy.” Maz lifted one leg over Joe’s lap and straddled his thighs. She could tell by the swift intake of his breath that he could feel the wet curls of her pussy against his skin. Maz moved against the muscled warmth of his skin, her clit pushing back and forward against his flesh, the contact making her shiver with need. Maz leaned forward over Joe’s body. She liked the way his cock jumped to meet her flesh in response. She pushed the bobbing shaft away.
Hard but soft

For the next ten minutes, Maz placed wet, sucking kisses all over Joe’s body, gently pushing his cock away every time it tried to get her attention. She squeezed it once just to get his reaction.

“Oh god.”

Good reaction.
“Too hard?” Maz squeezed again. “Too soft?” She rubbed the pad of her thumb over the tip. She heard his breath catch. “Oh, was that bad? You look like you’re in pain.” Although it had been many years since they had been lovers, Maz never forgot how exquisite it was to touch Joe. He was hot, hard and responsive and he struck an unforgettable chord inside her.


“Not yet.” Maz let go of his cock and leaned forward and licked his skin from his jaw, down his neck and sternum almost to the base of his cock before following the path back up and down again several times. She had always loved doing that. Maz saw how his hands gripped the bedsheet, knuckles white with tension. She pushed back until she was on her haunches, her legs spread just enough for him to see the mound of her pussy. Maz dropped her head and nibbled on Joe’s inner thighs, making sure to brush his balls with her hair, her hands, her cheek. She looked up at him. “Having fun?” Maz fisted his cock in one quick move. She smiled when he caught his breath, “I’ve always wondered what it would be like to suck one but I can’t do that, can I?”

“What? Why not?”

“You always thought it was tacky for me to do that to you. That I wasn’t ‘that kind of girl’.” Sex back then had been simple. Nothing too over the top. They had started out with the thigh-high rule. Heavy petting but no penetration. That rule had lasted one night. Rules were stupid. After that they had just experimented on each other. They were young and dumb and Joe had this honorable streak in him which Maz later discovered was flawed. It was kind of funny now, after all these years, that her first lover was back in her arms and his views on what kind of girl she was had changed.

“You can do whatever you want to me, Maz.” Joe’s voice was hoarse with need.

“Gee, I don’t know…” Her thumb once more teased the head of his cock as the other hand pushed up and down his shaft in a slow milking action.

“Do you remember everything I’ve said?”

“Oh yeah, and everything you’ve done,” Maz replied. That’s why she was there. The minute she heard Joe was coming back to town she made sure to contact him. She leaned down once more and did what she’d always wanted to. Maz slid her tongue down his cock, following the long vein along and then back up again. She liked the drawn-out, low growl of appreciation. She had never done that to any man ever before. And she knew she probably never would again. Despite everything else, Maz had never loved any man but Joe. She was just about to take another taste when there was a knock on the hotel door.

“Excellent.” She sat up and took her hands from his body. Time for her revenge.
Leave me as you once did? I’ll leave you behind this time.

“What? Why? Don’t stop. Just ignore whoever it is and stay with me.”

Maz made sure as she moved from his body he could feel how wet her pussy was. She wanted to leave him with the knowledge of the tight heat he could have been sliding up into. “That’s room service. I ordered cheesecake.” She had rung ahead to make sure there would be a distraction in the proceedings. Joe look stunned. He was meant to. Maz slipped off the bed making sure to flash just enough of her bare ass to make him feel hotter and needier.

“But what about me?”

Maz stopped and considered him for a moment. He really was a lovely man and if circumstances had been different she would have jumped back into bed with him.

“Hmmm, cheesecake or cock? Which one would satisfy this overwhelming hunger I have?” The knock sounded on the door again. “Actually neither. As for your little problem there, it’s a damn shame Cheryl is still not in town as I’m sure she’d help you out.”

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