Things That Go Bump in the Night IV (26 page)

Read Things That Go Bump in the Night IV Online

Authors: Ashleigh Raine,J. C. Wilder,Lorie O'Clare

Tags: #Anthologies

BOOK: Things That Go Bump in the Night IV
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“Ready?” Leo called out, footfalls entering the room.

Arden lifted himself off of Jill and gave Leo an annoyed smirk.

“Well, it looks like you two were skipping to another kind of dessert,” Leo said shamelessly.

Jill thought about being embarrassed, then changed her mind as she noticed what Leo was carrying. A silver tray full of big luscious strawberries, each dipped in chocolate. Some dark, some milk, some white and some in a combination of all three.

“Oh wow, wow, wow, wow, wow…”

Leo knelt in front of her, holding the tray like an offering. “My lady.”

It was almost impossible to select only one. But a dark chocolate one had started to melt, making it look even more delicious and sinful. Unable to resist temptation, she lifted the strawberry to Arden’s lips.

He took hold of her wrist, and proceeded to eat the luscious treat from her hand.

When he’d finished the fruit, he suckled each of her fingers into his mouth, then moved to her palm, licking in ever widening circles. Jill watched, awestruck, wondering if her panties were flame retardant.

“Delicious, dear brother.” Arden grinned.

“No need to brag,” Leo said. “I have no doubt Jill’s flavor surpassed that of the berries.”

Feeling a blush coming on again, Jill pulled a small white chocolate strawberry from the tray and put it in her mouth, savoring the smoothness of the chocolate and the 155

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sweetness of the berry. “Yes, Leo, the berries are absolutely delicious.” She picked up her wineglass and held it high in tribute before taking a sip. “Everything here is phenomenal.”

“Just you, Jill.” Arden sipped his wine.

She looked from brother to brother and chuckled in spite of herself. “Wow. If my mom ever found out I was alone in a house with two men, she’d run to church and beg for her daughter’s sins to be forgiven.”

Arden and Leo looked at each other for a moment and Jill couldn’t keep the words from coming out of her mouth. “Wait. Do you guys do this all the time?”

Leo answered first. “Well, we’ve both dated the same woman—”

“I just thought you might enjoy meeting my brother,” Arden interrupted, as though trying to change the subject. “And his culinary skills are the easiest thing about him to swallow.”

“Wait a second. You guys dated the same woman? At the same time?”

“Yes,” Leo replied simply.

Arden gave her an embarrassed grin. “We have the same taste in women. So, yeah, it has happened a few times.”

“And it doesn’t bother you? You two don’t get jealous of each other?”

“If the woman is happy and enjoying herself, then why should it bother us?” Leo shrugged.

Jill looked between the two of them, torn between shock and absolute fascination.

They watched her expectantly, as though waiting for her to say or do something.

“Well…um…that’s definitely…um…different.”

The sound of a cell phone ringing somewhere deep in the house interrupted the awkward moment. Arden set down his glass and stood up. “Sorry. That’s got to be a client. I promise I’ll be right back.” He headed down the hallway.

Jill’s gaze followed Arden until he disappeared, leaving her alone with Leo. Small talk…small talk…what could she say? “So, uh, are you guys on call all the time?” She rolled her neck, trying to loosen her muscles and avoid looking Leo in the eyes.

“It often seems that way. People get inspired at the craziest moments and forget that it’s better to email.” Leo finished his ice wine.

“Yeah, they get excited and just can’t wait to tell someone. I’ve had people leave me messages on my shop answering machine at all hours of the night. Some people forget that you might have a life away from work.” Jill rubbed her shoulder. The wine was definitely helping, but there was still one stubborn muscle that wouldn’t relent.

“Life away from work. What a dream that would be.” Leo set his glass on a side table and walked behind Jill. She wasn’t sure where he was going until she felt a warm hand slide under where her own hand had been. “If you don’t mind, I can help you a little bit.”


Twofold Desires

Both of his hands pushed and soothed her neck and shoulders to the point where all she could do was nod and breathily reply, “Yes. I mean, no, I don’t mind.”

Maybe he had a second job as a masseuse. Jill was so lost in his touch that she couldn’t gather the words to inquire about his incredible skill. She was putty in his hands. Truly. And then her mind starting thinking sinfully again, causing wetness to pool between her thighs. She wanted Arden to come back so they could continue what they’d started last night. She wanted Leo’s hands to move from her neck and stroke every inch of her body. Closing her eyes, she lost herself in a fantasy that no good girl from West Virginia would ever think about having.

She smelled sunshine seconds before Arden’s mouth covered hers. Fantasy became reality as his tongue demanded then claimed, and she willingly opened for him. He lowered onto the couch, knees pinning her thighs, hands framing her face while he dove deeper and deeper into her mouth. And still Leo’s hands continued to work their magic, her muscles liquid beneath his palms.

A mix of contradictory emotions filled her, relaxed and comfortable, needy and desperate. It was so confusing, she didn’t know how to react, relying on instinct alone to guide her. And instinct told her she wanted to be touched by these men or her arousal would rage out of control.

Moaning her acquiescence, she tangled her fingers into Arden’s hair, holding him to her. His lips sought her neck, and his tender bites burned the skin that Leo had so recently soothed. Leo’s hands moved to the middle of her back, rubbing beneath the clasp of her bra. At some point the top buttons on the back of her dress had been undone, and now it gaped in the front, offering Arden a view of her white lacy bra. His hands followed his eyes, cradling her breasts.

But it wasn’t only Arden’s fingers caressing there. Leo’s hand skimmed over the lace-covered flesh, while Arden slipped her other breast from the fabric shell. Two matching growls of approval filled the air before Arden took her rigid nipple into his mouth.

Jill cried out as Arden suckled her flesh. The tiny nub was a power center of nerve endings, eliciting sensations in her clit, between her legs, down her spine…everywhere.

From behind her, Leo kissed the back of her neck, one hand kneading the base of her spine. His other hand cupped and massaged, tugging on the nipple opposite Arden.

With both breasts being touched, she felt like lightning bolts were striking all over her body. Each touch caused her body to shudder, her toes to curl, her fingers to wrap tighter in Arden’s hair.

“Beautiful,” Arden said, barely above a whisper.

So many hands, mouths, touches, her body was on overload. She gasped, lost, not knowing what to do, how to react.

The dress hung off her body, the buttons along the back now completely undone.

But still, the sudden release of her bra surprised her, as both breasts spilled completely 157

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from their constraints. Two sets of hands undressed her, smoothly sliding her dress and bra down her arms, leaving her naked from the waist up.

Then Leo’s hands were gone, and for a moment it was just her and Arden, his dark hair brushing against her nipples as he kissed her stomach.

Like tiny butterflies, need rippled across her skin. Everything became brilliantly clear. It was Arden she wanted. He was the reason she’d come here tonight. He was the only reason. She couldn’t make it more than that.

Leo knelt next to her, fingertips tenderly brushing across her cheek then down along her collarbone. “It’s too much,” she whispered.

All motion stopped as both men looked at her for confirmation. She couldn’t tear her gaze from Arden, his eyes full of all the emotions she remembered from last night.

Jill laced her fingers with Arden’s, then forced herself to meet Leo’s gaze. Embarrassed at her wanton behavior, she grabbed her dress, lifting it to cover her breasts. “I-I’m sorry.”

Leo nodded, a slight smile forming on his lips. “Enjoy my brother as I know he’ll enjoy you.” He kissed her forehead before standing up and moving away from the couch.

Jill watched Leo walk down the hall, surprised when a flicker of guilt and sorrow made her tremble. Why did she feel like she’d just made the wrong decision?

Blinking back tears, she struggled with the conflicting emotions that hadn’t disappeared with Leo’s exit. How could she care so deeply about both brothers already?

Bringing her attention back to just the two of them, Arden lifted their linked hands above her head and pressed his lips to hers. She saw and felt nothing but his earthy sunshine. Her senses reeled again and she let the dress drop to her waist, surrendering herself to Arden.

The dress fell to the carpet as he lifted her to her feet. Wearing nothing but sandals and a tiny scrap of white fabric, Jill felt strangely empowered. The liquid heat of Arden’s gaze as he took her in from head to toe made her legs tremble, but she forced herself to remain upright as she returned his stare.

Arden pulled his shirt over his head while Jill kicked off her sandals and shimmied out of the tiny piece of lace passing as underwear. She kept an eye on Arden, admiring as each bit of flesh was revealed. Bronze skin sprinkled with dark brown curls, powerful muscles, every bit of him firm and tight. When he lowered his jeans, she sucked in a deep breath. God how she loved a man in black briefs. It was better than presents at Christmas time—and oh how she wanted to unwrap him.

As though reading her mind, he raised an eyebrow and gestured for her to approach. She’d thought she would take her time, smoothing her hands down his body, tracing each muscle, tasting him all over, but the moment she pressed her nipples against his bare flesh, they both went into a frenzy. She didn’t know if Arden lifted her or if she’d climbed him, but her legs were now around his waist, her back arching as he rasped his teeth over her nipples.


Twofold Desires

They weren’t speaking with words now, only desires. Too much wanting, too much need—Jill knew their first time would be as fast and furious as the feelings ripping through her. She needed that violent outlet—slow sex would probably drive her insane.

Jill slid his briefs down enough to free his cock. She couldn’t see it, only feel its heat wedged between their bodies, throbbing against her clit. It was enough to make her cry out and squirm against him.

Arden groaned, his hands clamping down on her ass to keep her from moving. But that just shoved him tighter against her clit. Already over the edge, she sobbed as an orgasm shot through her body.

Unable to stop herself, she rocked against him as the tremors burst through her.

“Oh, fuck, Jill,” Arden cursed through gritted teeth. “You’re gonna make me come.”

They dropped to the couch, Jill still trembling. She needed him inside her so she could come again and again and again. This was crazy. It had never been like this before. She’d never climaxed so quickly—and never without having to help herself get there after the guy was finished.

Arden slid his briefs off completely then knelt over her. Sweat dripped down his chest, his arms trembling. “This time is gonna be fast. I’m sorry.” And in one easy thrust he was sheathed inside her.

It felt fantastic. Beyond fantastic. Out of this world. His cock slammed in and out, faster and faster, his breath coming in rapid pants against her neck. “I want you. I can’t get enough, Jill. I just want more. More.”

His words drove her unbelievably higher and she stifled a scream. He buried his face into her neck, teeth scraping as he thrust even faster. Tilting her head to the side, she found herself staring into Leo’s eyes.

He stood in the hallway, eyes locked on their writhing bodies. She wanted to be shocked, offended, upset, but his eyes…in his eyes she saw every bare emotion she’d seen in Arden. Need, desire, and lust twisted inexplicably with fading hope. She knew that all she had to do was hold out her hand and Leo would come back and somehow, everything would be all right.

Arden trembled beneath her hands, his whole body arching as he made one final thrust. His seed shot hard and hot inside her, each liquid pulse taking her higher and higher, making her fly. With Leo filling her vision, Jill began to come, her pussy rippling, keeping Arden deep inside.

Jill shattered, her eyes slamming shut, her cries mingling with Arden’s moans. She threw out her arm, reaching for Leo.

But when she opened her eyes, he was gone.


Ashleigh Raine

Chapter Five

Leo pushed open the door of
Jill’s Bloomers
, silencing the welcome bells with his palm before they could chime.

Behind the counter, Jill was hard at work, her fingers wrestling with wire and green tape, a floral masterpiece in progress. She hummed along with the radio, her hips swinging from side to side. With her back to him, he was able to watch unnoticed as she continued to dance, occasionally singing along with the music.

So she was in a good mood after her late night with Arden. No surprises there. The two of them had fucked until the early hours of the morning.

Leo had watched then without her knowing, too. Well, she’d noticed once, her eyes focusing on him only while Arden rutted away inside of her. But Leo’d made sure to be out of view when her eyes opened post-climax.

Call him a detached bastard, but adding emotion into the mix right now would only fuck things up. Arden was already so wrapped up in Jill, Leo had no choice but to be the balance. The charming seducer, the guilt-free pleasure, the clinical half who could show Jill that it wasn’t a competition, but a cooperative venture.

And if he gave up now, there wasn’t a chance in hell of survival.

He gave the bells on the door a gentle swing, ready to announce his arrival.

Without turning, Jill called out, “I’ll be right with you.” She held up the stem wire she’d just attached an artsy twig to, nodded and laid it down next to a pile of purple chrysanthemums, then spun around, a welcoming smile wide on her face.

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