Thinking Functionally with Haskell (6 page)

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If we like we can declare a precedence level and an order of association for
, but we won’t spell out how.

Sections and lambda expressions

It is a matter of style, but in the main we prefer to write scripts in which all the little helper functions are named explicitly. Thus if we need a function that adds 1 to a number, or doubles a number, then we might choose to name such functions explicitly:

succ, double :: Integer -> Integer

n = n+1

double n = 2*n

However, Haskell provides alternative ways of naming these two functions, namely
. The device is called a
. In a section one of the arguments of an operator is included along with the operator. Thus

(+1) n = n+1

(0<) n = 0

(<0) n = n<0

(1/) x = 1/x

Sections are certainly attractive ways of naming simple helper functions and we henceforth accept them onto our list of Good Things to Use in Moderation.

There is one important caveat about sections: although
is the section that adds 1 to a number,
the section that subtracts 1. Instead
is just the number −1. Haskell uses the minus sign both as the binary operation of subtraction and as a prefix to denote negative numbers.

Now suppose we want a function that doubles a number and then adds 1 to the answer. This function is captured by the composition
(+1) . (*2)
of two sections. But the result is unsatisfying because it looks a little abstruse; anyone reading it would have to pause for a moment to see what it meant. The alternative seems to be to give the function a name, but what would be a suitable name? Nothing helpful really comes to mind.

The alternative is to use a
lambda expression
\n -> 2*n+1
. It is called a lambda expression because mathematically the function would be written as λ
+1. Read the expression as ‘that function of
which returns 2∗
+1’. For example,
ghci> map (\n -> 2*n+1) [1..5]


Once in a while a lambda expression seems the best way to describe some function, but only once in a while and we will take them out of the box only on rare occasions.

2.3 Evaluation

Haskell evaluates an expression by reducing it to its simplest possible form and printing the result. For example, suppose we have defined

sqr :: Integer -> Integer

sqr x = x*x

There are basically two ways to reduce the expression
sqr (3+4)
to its simplest possible form, namely
. Either we can evaluate
first, or else apply the definition of

sqr (3+4)
sqr (3+4)
= sqr 7
= let x = 3+4 in x*x
= let x = 7 in x*x
= let x = 7 in x*x
= 7*7
= 7*7
= 49
= 49

The number of reduction steps is the same in each case, but the order of the reduction steps is slightly different. The method on the left is called
innermost reduction
and also
eager evaluation
; the one on the right is called
outermost reduction
lazy evaluation
. With eager evaluation arguments are always evaluated before a function is applied. With lazy evaluation the definition of a function is installed at once and only when they are needed are the arguments to the function evaluated.

Doesn’t seem much of a difference, does it? But consider the following (slightly abbreviated) evaluation sequences concerning the function
that returns the first element of a pair, so
fst (x,y) = x

fst (sqr 1,sqr 2)
fst (sqr 1,sqr 2)
= fst (1*1,sqr 2)
= let p = (sqr 1,sqr 2)
= fst (1,sqr 2)
in fst p
= fst (1,2*2)
= sqr 1
= fst (1,4)
= 1*1
= 1
= 1

The point here is that under eager evaluation the value
sqr 2
is computed, while under lazy evaluation that value is not needed and is not computed.

Now suppose we add the definitions

infinity :: Integer

infinity = 1 + infinity


three :: Integer -> Integer

three x = 3

will cause GHCi to go into a long, silent think trying to compute
1 + (1 + (1 + (1 + (1 + ....
until eventually it runs out of space and returns an error message. The value of
is ⊥.

Again there are two ways to evaluate
three infinity

three infinity
three infinity
= three (1+infinity)
= let x = infinity in 3
= three (1+(1+infinity))
= 3
= ...

Here eager evaluation gets stuck in a loop trying to evaluate
, while lazy evaluation returns the answer 3 at once. We don’t need to evaluate the argument of
in order to return

One more definition, a version of the factorial function:

factorial :: Integer -> Integer

factorial n = fact (n,1)


fact :: (Integer,Integer) -> Integer

fact (x,y) = if x==0 then y else fact (x-1,x*y)

This is another example of a
recursive definition
(the definition of
was also recursive, and so was the function
in the previous chapter). Expressions involving recursive functions are evaluated like any other definition.

Here the two evaluation schemes result in the following sequence of reduction steps (we hide the steps involving simplification of the conditional expression to make another point):

factorial 3
factorial 3
= fact (3,1)
= fact (3,1)
= fact (3-1,3*1)
= fact (3-1,3*1)
= fact (2,3)
= fact (2-1,2*(3*1))
= fact (2-1,2*3)
= fact (1-1,1*(2*(3*1)))
= fact (1,6)
= 1*(2*(3*1))
= fact (1-1,1*6)
= 1*(2*3)
= fact (0,6)
= 1*6
= 6
= 6

The point to appreciate is that, while the number of reduction steps is basically the same, lazy evaluation requires much more space to achieve the answer. The expression
is built up in memory before being evaluated.

The pros and cons of lazy evaluation are briefly as follows. On the plus side, lazy evaluation terminates whenever
reduction order terminates; it never takes more steps than eager evaluation, and sometimes infinitely fewer. On the minus side, it can require a lot more space and it is more difficult to understand the precise order in which things happen.

Haskell uses lazy evaluation. ML (another popular functional language) uses eager evaluation. Exercise D explores why lazy evaluation is a Good Thing. Lazy evaluation is considered further in
Chapter 7

A Haskell function
is said to be
f undefined = undefined
, and
otherwise. The function
is nonstrict, while
is strict in both arguments. Because Haskell uses lazy evaluation we can define nonstrict functions. That is why Haskell is referred to as a
functional language.

Haskell has built-in (or primitive) types such as
. The type
of boolean values is defined in the standard prelude:
data Bool = False | True

This is an example of a
data declaration
. The type
is declared to have two data
. The type
has three values, not two:
undefined :: Bool
. Why do we need that last value? Well, consider the function

to :: Bool -> Bool

to b = not (to b)

The prelude definition of

not :: Bool -> Bool

not True
= False

not False = True

The definition of
is perfectly wellformed, but evaluating
to True
causes GHCi to go into an infinite loop, so its value is ⊥ of type
. We will have much more to say about data declarations in future chapters.

Haskell has built-in compound types, such as

a list of elements, all of type
a pair consisting of an
and a
a triple

an empty tuple

Int -> Int
a function from

The sole inhabitant of the type
is also denoted by
. Actually, there is a second member of
, namely
undefined :: ()
. Now we can appreciate that there is a value ⊥ for every type.

As we have already said, when defining values or functions it is always a good idea to include the type signature as part of the definition.

Consider next the function
take n
that takes the first
elements of a list. This function made its appearance in the previous chapter. For example,

take 3 [1,2,3,4,5]
= [1,2,3]
take 3 "category"
= "cat"
take 3 [sin,cos]
= [sin,cos]
2.4 Types and type classes

What type should we assign to
? It doesn’t matter what the type of the elements of the list is, so
is what is called a
function and we denote its type by
take :: Int -> [a] -> [a]

is a
type variable
. Type variables begin with a lowercase letter. Type variables can be instantiated to any type.


(++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]

:: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]

:: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> c)

The last line declares the polymorphic type of functional composition.

Next, what is the type of
? Here are some suggestions:

(+) :: Int -> Int -> Int

(+) :: Float -> Float -> Float

(+) :: a -> a -> a

The first two types seem too specific, while the last seems too general: we can’t add two functions or two characters or two booleans, at least not in any obvious way.

The answer is to introduce
type classes

(+) :: Num a => a -> a -> a

This declaration asserts that
is of type
a -> a -> a
for any
number type
. A type class, such as
, has a collection of named methods, such as
, which can be defined differently for each instance of the type class. Type classes therefore provide for
functions, functions with the same name but different definitions. Overloading is another kind of polymorphism.

Numbers are rather complicated, and are explained in more detail in the following chapter, so we illustrate type classes with a simpler type class

class Eq a where

(==),(/=) :: a -> a -> Bool

x /= y = not (x == y)

This introduces the Equality type class, members of which can use one and the same equality test
and inequality test
. There is a
definition of
as part of the class, so we only have to provide a definition of

To become a member of the
club we have to define an
. For example,

instance Eq Bool where

x == y = if x then y else not y


instance Eq Person where

x == y = (pin x == pin y)

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