Third Vampire Shadows (An Urban Paranormal Romance Novel) (10 page)

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Although it did make sense, she was in too much pain and confusion to try to understand him. With one last death glare at him, she started limping up the street. Mun Oh quickly followed her, thinking he had been a bit harsh.

“Okay, I didn’t mean to push you. I was just caught off guard by that sneaky rat’s attack, so…” He let his words linger as he stared at her face. She still seemed to be shaken by everything that transpired. “Are you sure you’re okay?” She remained quiet. “Look, just forget about that—everything that happened… erase it from your memory.”

“Why don’t
erase it for me?” she snapped at him, stopping in her tracks to face him. “You can modify memories, right? And you should’ve modified my memory a long time ago, but you didn’t. Why is that? Because I’m not your type of
Is that it? Or is there some other goddamn reason?”

For the second time that day, he was caught off guard. He didn’t know where she was going with this or why she was being like this all of the sudden. It was not like her to be inquisitive or to care for explanations. She sure was acting weird these days.

“I don’t know what you mean by that—”

“Why can’t you just BITE ME?!” she screamed in exasperation. “Ever since you came here, a lot of weird stuff keeps happening to me! I don’t know how to explain it and I don’t like it anymore! I just want to forget that you exist, that you came into my life—I want to forget everything about you. So just bite me, you bloodsucker, and let’s get this over with!”

“Okay, you know what, you’re overreacting right now,” Mun Oh said, trying to calm her down. He still didn’t get what she was all hyped up about. “Is that what you call a mood swing? Are you having a…” he thought for a second,
he asked, trying to sound concerned.

For a moment,
looked like a balloon that was about to explode. Her face was red and her eyes were filled with tears. However, she didn't say anything and simply sprinted up the remaining steps to their house.

Mun Oh shook his head in mingled disbelief and sadness. “You just don’t know…”

Deep inside of him, he knew there was another reason why he couldn’t bite her from the start. And now, more than ever, he was sure of that reason.


That night, Hyeon Jin felt more stupid than ever.
Why did I have to break down and be all melodramatic in front of him?
She kept asking herself. It was so not like her to wear her heart on her sleeve, because she believed that vulnerability was for losers. But she was only human. And she could only take in so much at a time. The horrible, creepy-looking bloodsucker who had almost sucked her blood, the fact that Mun Oh had to bite her eventually, the pain from being shoved to the ground, the anxiety, confusion, anger—everything was just too much for her to handle. To top it all off, there was still this annoyingly strange feeling that she couldn’t explain. A feeling that made her chest hurt and her whole body freeze every time she saw Mun Oh.

She stared at her bedside clock
. 1:45 a.m.
She should be fast asleep; she had three exams tomorrow and she hadn't studied a single lesson all day. Sighing heavily, she rolled out of bed and headed to the door.
A glass of strawberry milk might do the trick
, she thought. The moment she opened the door, a figure fell down at her feet, making her jump back in fright.


“What do you think you’re doing, pest?!”
yelled at him.

He picked himself up from the floor, his cheeks reddening. “I was just… checking to see if you were asleep.”

She took a step back. “Why? So you could come in here and bite me, huh?”

“No. It’s not like that.”

“Are you a peeping tom? A pervert? How long have you been outside my door?” she asked.

Mun Oh blushed. “What? I’m not a pervert! I was just—oh, for god’s sake—here I am concerned about you and you accuse me of such things? Dammit.” He turned his back on her and started walking away. “I’m going to sleep.”


He stopped.

“So, you’re not gonna bite me? I mean, I know you’d have to do it
. But can you just inform me if it’s time for you to do it, because I just…” She looked down. “I don’t like being surprised.”

Mun Oh faced her, his expression grave. “What if I told you that it’s actually overdue? I mean, I am running out of time. I should be biting you any day now or else…” He sighed. “You heard what

stared at him with wide eyes, full of concern and unease. “What will happen to you if you don’t bite me
on time
? Are you… are you gonna…” She let the words hang in midair, afraid to finish her sentence.

Mun Oh rolled on the floor with laughter. She didn’t know how to react. His abrupt change momentarily stupefied her.

“You… You should’ve seen your face! Priceless! You were so serious and it was so hilarious!” he said between waves of laughter.


“You think you’re in some sort of drama or something? I was kidding! So what if I don’t bite you? Nothing will happen! I’d probably save myself from a blood disease—that’s what's going to happen!”

That’s when it hit
, right in the face. It was all a joke. He wasn't going to be in danger if he never bit her.

I am so gonna kill this pest
, she thought angrily.

Quick as lightning, she threw a punch at him, but he swiftly dodged it, caught her arm, twisted it around and dodged her attempts to smack him with her other hand. They ended up on the floor, with
on top of him. For a fraction of a second, they looked into each other’s eyes, staring deeply, until they were both lost inside those eyes. The next second, their lips were connected, sending electrifying waves through their bodies, agitating the butterflies in their stomach and making their hearts beat like crazy.

She pushed herself off of him and covered her mouth in astonishment. Without another word, she ran back to her room and locked the door before plopping down on her bed and burying her face in a pillow.

Mun Oh scrambled up from the floor, touching his lips lightly. They were both thinking the exact same thing.

What the hell just happened?



“Hey! Breakfast! Hello?” Kim Junjin
called out as a disheveled
swooshed past him.

“No Dad! Can’t you see I’m late?!” she said before kissing him goodbye.

“Why does she always make it sound like it’s my fault that she’s late?”
asked Ji Sun, who was pouring him a cup of coffee.

Ji Sun smiled and planted a kiss on his forehead before sitting down.

“Where’s Mun Oh?”
asked, getting back to his newspaper.

“Oh, he woke up early. Said he’s gonna go for a walk first.”

was already five houses away from their house when she almost bumped into someone.

“Watch it you… YOU!” she shrieked in surprise upon realizing who it was.

“Oh… hey,” Mun Oh replied awkwardly.

She badly wanted to say something, but she really did not have much time, so she simply sidestepped him and continued sprinting.

“Running late? I can drop you off if you want,” Mun Oh offered.

“No thanks. You don’t have a car, pest," she said without looking at him.

She didn’t realize he was running right beside her.

“I can run faster than a car. I’m a bloodsucker, remember?”

“No. I don’t need any favors from you,” She tried to run faster, but she still couldn’t shake him off.

“Fine. I was just trying to help,” he said in a small, disheartened voice.

He stopped running, and for some reason, she did too. For a second, she looked helplessly undecided.

“FINE!” she said, breathing heavily. “Just make sure I arrive there on time, I've only got two minutes left and my school is—”

Without further ado, Mun Oh stood beside her and held her closer to him by the waist.

“Hang on tight.”

chuckled despite herself. “What… are we gonna fly?”

Mun Oh rolled his eyes and hissed. “No, stupid. I’m a bloodsucker. I’m not a bat, you dumb big-footed girl!”

“Hey! I was just—”

“Shut your big mouth. You might swallow all the air in this area.”

She hardly had time to reply. Everything was a blur. One minute she felt a cold gust of wind on her face as Mun Oh’s warm hands tightened around her waist, and the next they were already standing in front of her school, just in time for the first bell.

“WOAH!” she said. “That was— I can’t believe— You were— Wow!!!” she stammered.

He bowed his head slightly. “Told you…I’m faster. And it’s free.”

giggled. “Umm… thanks. I owe you one.” She started to turn away uncomfortably.

“You studied for your exams?”

She froze.
Shit! I forgot…
she thought.

“Tsk, tsk, I should’ve tutored you first. Why were you late, anyways? You should’ve woken up earlier,” Mun Oh said.

You pest! It’s your fault I didn’t get enough sleep! Because you…
She stopped right there, thinking it wouldn’t be good to think about what happened last night right in front of Mun Oh, considering the fact that he could read minds. She bit her lip. The second bell now rang throughout the campus, causing everyone to hurry up inside the building.

“Okay. Just, whatever you do, don’t close your mind. I mean, keep your mind open… keep it blank and wide open. Can you do that?” Mun Oh asked urgently.

“You’re not making any sense, you know.”

“Just... trust me!” Mun Oh yelled in vexation. “Keep your mind blank. I’ll try to contact you.” He smiled at her; something he only did once or twice ever since they’d met. “Now go.”

She scratched her head, but nodded slowly without fully comprehending and ran inside the building.


“What are you talking about, Han Kyung?” an irritated Min Ah inquired.

“You heard me right the first time, Miss.”

“Are you saying, our Mun Oh… He… He did what?”
asked, still in shock.

“He… He wouldn’t… He couldn’t!” Min Ah blurted out.

“You’ll find that, unlike your son, I do not lie,”
answered coldly.

“That’s it. We need to talk to him. We need to confirm this,”
said. “You,” he said to
Kyung. “Tell my son his presence is needed here, on his birthday.”

scowled, but bowed his head nonetheless.

“Anything else?” he asked the couple.

“Tell him,”
started, but paused as if he was unsure of what he was going to say. “Tell him that’s an
order… from me,” he ended with a heavy sigh.

“Like that’ll help,”
muttered under his breath.

Min Ah was ready to argue, but then she realized how painfully true
’s words were. Mun Oh was a good son, but he never really responded well to taking orders. He was simply born that way.

“That will be all,” Min Ah muttered bitterly.

made a final bow and left the room, silently cursing his dead grandfather for having a stupid debt of gratitude to the


___________ is the capital of Spain.

scratched her head and read the next question.

He is the first Emperor of

She blew a few strands of hair off her eyes and proceeded to the next question.

Suez Canal
was opened in _______.

She cursed under her breath, letting her head drop on her desk with a loud thud.

What does he mean by ‘keep your mind blank,’ anyways?
She wondered.
Is he playing with something?

She looked up and rested her chin on top of the desk.

Well, he did save my skin from being late. Maybe he really wanted to help me…

Her eyes landed on the wall clock up front and she almost fell off her chair. She had barely thirty minutes left to answer all fifty questions.

“Shit! What should I do? Okay, concentrate…” she mumbled to herself.

She closed her eyes and tried to “open her mind”… “Keep it blank” or whatever. But she found out soon enough how difficult it was to clear your mind when you’re increasingly stressed and extremely pressured. No matter how hard she tried, a picture of a big, fat, red F stamped on her test booklet kept flashing in her mind. After about three futile tries, she gave up. It wasn't really in her nature to be a quitter, but this was just a hopeless case. Besides, she wasn't really sure what to do; keep her mind blank and then what?

She stared blankly at the test paper perfectly laid on her desk and the blank exam booklet next to it. For a while, all she heard were the teacher’s footsteps as she roamed around, the harmonious sounds of scribbling made by her classmates’ pens, and the occasional sighs, grumblings and heavy breathings every time one encountered a difficult question.

Just when she was about to fall asleep, a spine-tingling sensation shot through her as an unseen force sent shock waves all throughout her body.

“Can you hear me now, you big-footed girl?”
a familiar authoritative voice said.

hastily looked around. She seemed to be the only one who had heard it. And she seemed to have heard the voice in her head, not through her ears.

Oh my god! I’m going crazy!
she thought, her eyes widening in shock.
I’m hearing voices in my head!

“You’re not going crazy, stupid,”
said the voice again.
“Although, you
crazy enough as it is,”
he added with a familiar chuckle.

“Shut up! Get out of my head!” she yelled, standing up abruptly.

Everyone turned to look at her with confused and annoyed expressions. She immediately turned tomato red.

“Is there a problem?” the middle-aged teacher asked with raised eyebrows.

“Can I go to the bathroom?” she asked out of nowhere.

The teacher eyed her disapprovingly through her thick spectacles.

“Yes, you can, but you may not.”

opened her mouth to speak but then closed it again. “What…?”

“It means NO, dummy.”
There was the voice again.
“You’re running out of time. What haven’t you answered so far? Or rather, have you answered anything at all?”
the voice mocked.

sat down and gritted her teeth upon realizing her assumptions were correct.

“You pest. Don’t you ever do that again!” she whispered to the air.

“You don’t have to speak out the words, dimwit. Just voice it out in your mind.”

She took a deep breath and tried to do what he said.

“Stop… calling… me… stupid…”
She did it! It was so strange.

“Why are you talking so slow? Are you retarded or something?”
Mun Oh jeered.

She rolled her eyes as she imagined him laughing his head off somewhere while he made fun of her… mentally… or in his mind… whatever you called this

Okay, so just tell me the questions. I’ll do my best to answer
Mun Oh said in a business-like tone.

She hesitated for a moment, thinking that whatever this was, it was still considered cheating. Then again, she didn’t really want to fail the exam. Besides, this was the best way to cheat ever. Nobody except for Mun Oh and her would know about it. Unless, of course, that pest tattled on her.

She stole a glance at the teacher and realized that she was watching her in a weird way. She sat up straight, thinking she might’ve looked a bit suspicious, and held the test paper to her face under the pretense of reading it.

“I only have ten questions for you,”
she started to say… in her mind.
“I’ll answer the rest by myself.”

She swore she heard him laughing…
in her head
. This was by far the weirdest and most mind-boggling thing she had ever done.

“Don’t be all modest and almighty now. I know you don’t know anything.”

“You think I just go to school to bully losers?”
she retorted, a bit affronted.

“Well, yeah.”

“Shut up! I study too, you pest!”

“If you don’t want me to help you, then fine. It’s not my loss…”
Mun Oh threatened.

“Just… just ten questions. That would be all.”
She paused.
“I don’t want to be unfair to… to the nerds in my class who spent all night studying.”

Mun Oh seemed to be at a loss for words. Or maybe he was just cracking up silently.

“You still there?”

Mun Oh chuckled.
“What are you saying ‘hello’ for? This is not a telephone.”
He sighed.
“Let’s get this over with. You’ll have to treat me later. I’m hungry.”


“First question, please…”
Mun Oh interrupted.

Abandoning all attempts to argue, she stared at the test paper once more and randomly picked ten questions, then mentally recited them to Mun Oh. She then silently hoped and prayed that she would be able to squeeze out decent answers from her brain for the remaining ninety questions.


Mun Oh felt pleased with himself as he walked round and round the small park in front of Hyeon Jin’s school, waiting for her to finish the test. As much as he wanted to call her ‘stupid’ for refusing to let him answer everything, a bigger part of him was pleased with the way she handled things. It was far from what he’d expected from a human. He always thought cheating was something humans did with no remorse. But she was something else.

“Pardon me if I disturb your moment of bliss, but I have a message for you,” a voice said from out of nowhere.

Instinctively, Mun Oh jumped back a few steps and went in full alert mode.

“Easy… I’m not gonna fight you.”

“Show yourself, coward!” Mun Oh yelled.

dropped down from one of the nearby trees looking all smug, his trademark Cheshire cat smile plastered on his face.

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