Thirteen, Fourteen... Little Boy Unseen (23 page)

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Authors: Willow Rose

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Horror, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Crime, #Serial Killers, #Thrillers

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“After a few weeks, they’ll figure it out,” Helle’s mother had said. “If you keep going in there every night, they’ll keep crying. It’s very simple. If you don’t come, they give up.”

So, now that Per already slept through the night, and had done so for almost a week, Helle hoped she wouldn’t have to go through the same process as with the two others. Hopefully, it wouldn’t be necessary.


Her husband was calling from downstairs. Helle finished the letter, put it in an envelope and put her sister’s name and address on it before she hurried out of the nursery, careful not to wake up her sleeping son. She rushed down the stairs. Her husband Claes was standing in the kitchen with his muddy boots planted on her newly washed floors.

“Where’s my lunch?” he yelled.

“It’s in the refrigerator, ready for you,” she said, and ran to the refrigerator and pulled out a plate with four slices of rye bread with four different toppings. One with herring and onions, one with liver pate, one with mackerel, and one with cheese.

Claes growled and took the plate out of her hand.

“I didn’t know when you were coming in,” she argued, to excuse herself for his lunch not being on the table. Her husband was with the animals all day, or in the fields of their farm, and only had a short time to eat. And it was never at the same time that he decided it was time to eat. He was always busy and always grumpy.

Helle never took much notice of his moods, especially not since she had the baby. Nothing in the world could make her unhappy these days. Not even Claes’ growling or complaining.

“What, no egg today? What about pork roast? You know how much I love the pork roast.”

“I thought you’d like something else today, so I gave you mackerel instead,” she said, listening carefully in case Per woke up. She missed him so much when he was sleeping. “The doctor told me fish is so good for you.”

Claes grumbled while he ate. It had been a long time since Helle had lost any interest she might have had in the man, and now she felt less than ever for him. But, he provided well for the family, and with that she was content. He worked hard on their farm and gave her a life where she could take care of her three sons without having to work much, other than help him out here and there with the feeding of the pigs and such. Helle poured Claes a schnapps to go with the herring. It stopped the growling.

“Where are Ulrik and Peter?” she asked. The two older boys always helped out around the farm on weekends when they didn’t have school. Helle had prepared lunches for them as well, and put them in the fridge.

The mention of their names made the growling come back. Claes chewed loudly, smacking his mouth, sounding much like the pigs in the pen. He’d even started to look like one over the years, she thought to herself with a grin.

“I told them to run their bikes down to old Hansen and ask him if he needs any help.”

Claes growled and ate some more. Helle regained some of her affection for the man and remembered why she had liked him when they got married. He was very generous beneath that grumpy exterior. He could be so considerate. Old Hansen had recently slipped and hurt his hip, and he had no sons to take over the farm after him, or to take care of him when he needed it. Claes desperately needed the boys’ help around his own farm, so it was a huge gesture on his part.

“That was nice of you,” she said. “They’ll eat when they get back.”

Just as she had said those last words, she heard Per cry from upstairs and rushed up to get him, while smiling at the prospect of being able to spend time with her baby again.




November 2014

on his couch waiting for the nurse to arrive. He glared at the picture next to the TV. Elsebeth was smiling back at him from behind the glass.

“What are you smiling at?” he growled.

She had left him a year ago and, ever since, life hadn’t been much worth living. Still, he had to do it. He had to finish the race. Even if it meant becoming as helpless as a baby again. Life had a way with irony, hadn’t it? Here he was at the end of his life, and he couldn’t even go to the bathroom alone. They had given him a diaper. He peed through a hole in the side into a small plastic bag that they changed every morning and evening.

At least they hadn’t put him in a home yet. He was grateful for that. It was part of a new politic, his daughter had explained to him. They wanted the elderly to stay in their homes for as long as possible, so instead they would send a nurse twice a day. In the morning to get him out of bed, remove the diaper and change the bag, then one again in the evening to put him to bed. During the day, he didn’t do much except sleep. The city sent someone else over with food on a small tray…enough for three meals during the day. Tasteless colorless food. All he had to do was throw it in the oven or microwave and heat it up. They did everything to make his life as pleasant as possible, they said.

Ulrik would have preferred death.

The only fun he occasionally had was when he grabbed a nurse’s behind with a loud laugh, or when he pretended to be senile and tried to kiss them while calling them his wife’s name. After a little while, they caught on to him and started sending male nurses instead. That was the end of the fun.

Ulrik coughed and snarled. Where was that nurse? Usually, they arrived around nine p.m., but it was at least fifteen minutes past. They were never on time, but this was too much. Ulrik pulled himself up from the couch and walked across the floor of his old villa that he had shared for thirty years with Elsebeth before she decided to leave him. On the dining table that he never used anymore stood old withered bouquets of flowers and cards lined up telling him happy birthday. It was two months ago that his daughter had surprised him on his sixty-eighth birthday, along with her husband and children. Ulrik never liked surprises much, and he had hated this one in particular. It was his first without Elsebeth, and he didn’t feel much like celebrating. When they had arrived in the doorway with balloons and flowers and food in their arms, he told them he wanted them to leave. But, as usual, his daughter didn’t listen to her old man.

“Ah, don’t be so dull,” she had said, and stormed past him, starting to decorate the house while her good-for-nothing husband had started heating the food in the kitchen. Ulrik had tried to make them go away, and even tried growling at the grandchildren, but with no luck. Then, he had turned on the TV and turned up the sound, refusing to leave his favorite place on the couch for as long as the celebration lasted.

He grabbed his walker and walked with it towards the kitchen. He thought of the many nights Elsebeth had prepared coffee for them and always gave him a small butter cookie on the side. Sometimes—especially around Christmas—she would even give him a small piece of marzipan. Oh, how he missed those days. The small gestures of affection that he forgot to thank her for. He hadn’t had a cookie or any marzipan since. He didn’t even want to celebrate Christmas this year, much to his daughter and grandchildren’s surprise.

“But, Dad, you have to come. We’ll have fun. You don’t have to buy any presents. We’d just like to be with you,” his daughter Annie kept telling him.

But he wasn’t going. He was waiting for death, and there was nothing to celebrate about that.

Holding on to his walker, Ulrik managed to get himself to the window to look outside to see if he could spot the nurse’s car, but the street was empty. Maybe they had forgotten about him? It had happened once before. They had made all kinds of excuses the next day and told him they were very busy and they had many elderly who needed their attention, so he had to cut them some slack. Ulrik had ended up sitting in his own feces all night long on the couch, unable to do anything about it. He hadn’t thought it called for him to cut them any slack. But what could he do? Like a baby depended on his mother, so did he depend on their help.

In anger, Ulrik turned to walk back to the couch, fearing that was where he would end up spending the night, since he couldn’t get into his bed on his own. As he made the turn, he stared into a white expressionless face.

Finally, death had come for him, he thought, but much to his regret, he didn’t feel the satisfaction he had thought he would feel in this moment. It wasn’t a feeling of relief that had taken ahold of him. In the seconds the knife sunk into his chest, he was grabbed by a strange fear, and his entire body protested at having to leave now. He let go of the walker and tried to grab out at death standing in front of him. Desperately, he tried to scream, to call for help as he heard the nurse’s car drive into the driveway. But he knew it was in vain. It was too late. His time had come. As the tall and slender faceless creature in the black suit in front of him pulled out the knife just to stab it into Ulrik’s chest once again, he knew it was too late. Death had finally caught up with him, and it wasn’t at all as pleasant as it was cracked up to be.



November 2014

up by the letters, and kept reading until my children came home from school. The construction workers were still working on my façade and had put a ladder up in front of my kitchen window. I heard Victor throw his bike, then his steps on the stairs and the front door opening. Victor ran to his seat at the kitchen table and sat down.

“Where is my food?”

I put the letters back in the box, and then sprang up. The memories of Helle Larsen’s life lingering with me still as I buttered some toasted bread for him and topped it with strawberry jelly. I served the bread, then made some chocolate milk for him.

“So, how was your day?” I asked.

“You asked me that yesterday.”

Of course. That was always his answer. I had to try something new. “Did you learn anything new?”

“I never learn anything new,” he responded.

I buttered a piece of toasted bread for myself and thought about Helle Larsen preparing afternoon-tea for her family back in ’59. Things were really different back then, but a lot remained the same. They had eaten toasted bread with butter and marmalade back then as well.

The door opened again and Maya entered. I smiled. She looked tired. “Rough day, honey?”

She grumbled and threw her backpack on the floor. Things were becoming more and more normal with her lately. Since Dr. Sonnichsen had started working with her, she was gradually improving with every day that passed. She was becoming more and more herself. Even the grumbling and rolling of the eyes was back. I started to regret ever having missed it, but it was a healthy sign, and that made me happy.

“I hate school!” she said, as I placed her toast in front of her. She looked up. “I’m not gonna eat that. How old do you think I am?”

I shrugged and sat down. I took a bite of my own toast. It tasted wonderful.

“It’s filled with carbs,” she said.

I chuckled. Yup, she was definitely back to normal again. Well, almost. She still had some huge gaps in her memory that I sincerely hoped she would regain. It was frustrating for her from time to time, especially when talking to friends, that she couldn’t remember things they had done together. Her short-term memory worked perfectly, but her childhood, and especially the time up until the car-accident, she had almost no recollection of. She remembered her father losing control and hitting both Maya and his new wife. That was why she had run away. But other than that, she remembered nothing. I was unsure if she was ever going to. Dr. Sonnichsen had told me she might block it all out because of how traumatic it had been for her, and that it would come back to her if she ever let it, if she felt like she was ready to deal with it. For some, it never came back.

“You want me to make something else for you?” I asked.

“You have jelly on your teeth, Mom,” she snarled. “It looks gross.”

I smiled widely to show it to her better. She made a grimace and I laughed.

“That is so disgusting, Mom.” Maya got up. “I’m going to my room.”

“You’re not eating?” I asked, finally licking the jelly off of my teeth. I was worried about Maya. She was hardly eating lately. “I can make you something else. Maybe some yogurt? Or a banana?”

She shook her head. “I’m good. Dr. Sonnichsen is going to be here in an hour, and I want to go on the computer before she gets here.”

“So now the computer is more important than eating?” I asked. “What about spending time with your family?”

She scoffed. “What family? You’re always with Morten. And my dad? Well, I don’t even really know who he is, do I?”

“You have a father. Michael is your father,” I argued, but wasn’t convincing.

“We both know that isn’t true,” she said. “I don’t even want to see him anymore. There’s no reason to.”

I couldn’t argue against that. He wasn’t her real father, and after what he had done to her, I wasn’t going to let him into her life anytime soon anyway. Michael was desperately trying to get custody of Victor, even though he hadn’t shown much interest in the boy over the last several years. So far, he didn’t have much of a case, and I wasn’t giving him one.

“Well, you need to eat at some point. You didn’t have any breakfast either. Did you eat anything at school at all?”

Maya didn’t answer. She grabbed her backpack and stormed out of the kitchen. Seconds later, I heard her slam the door to her room. She had been on the computer a lot lately, and I hadn’t decided whether I thought it was a good idea or not. She seemed to be shutting out the world and everyone who loved her.



November 2014

At the age of sixty-nine, Jonna Frederiksen wasn’t as strong as she used to be. Carrying her grocery bags to her bike alone was getting more and more difficult, but she did it. Jonna refused to let her age define her. She was still strong; she rode her bike downtown every day, where she went shopping or ran errands. She cooked for herself, and never had any outside help. She was in great health for her age, Dr. Williamsen told her every year at her yearly check-up. Her eyes weren’t what they used to be, so she could no longer drive her car, but that didn’t bother Jonna much. She loved riding her bike across Nordby and greeting her neighbors, as well as the tourists she met on her way. She loved the strong sea breeze and the smell of seaweed.

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