Thirteen (Love by Numbers Book 4) (31 page)

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Authors: E.S. Carter

Tags: #Fiction

BOOK: Thirteen (Love by Numbers Book 4)
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“Time to go home?” He murmurs against my lips.

“Yes,” I reply quickly, feeling him smile at my eager response.

He breaks our kiss and stands abruptly, knocking the table with his thighs and grabbing my hand to pull me to my feet. “Well, it was nice catching up with you all but we really have to go.”

He throws some cash on the table to cover our share of the bill and allows me to give a rushed goodbye before proceeding to all but drag me out of the restaurant and into a waiting taxi.

Before he’s even closed the car door, he’s rattled off our address to the driver and leant across to buckle me in. He then moves over to the other side of the backseat and buckles his.

I look at the space between us, totally at odds with the man who, moments before, couldn’t wait to drag me away from our company.

“What are you doing all the way over there?” I hold out my hand, and he warily looks at it like it’s about to sprout teeth and bite him.

His eyes hesitantly meet mine and I see the desire in his stare. He trails his gaze over my face, down over the swell of my breasts, which are barely concealed in a low cut top that Nicola loaned me, and then back up to my eyes.

“I’m just about holding it together here, Lils. If you don’t want to make the man in the front seat a spectator to a live sex show, then I suggest you don’t touch me until we get home.”

I can’t help but clench my thighs at the raw lust of his words. I stare at him for a beat, then blink, “As quick as you can, please, Drive.” I instruct the cabby with a swift few taps to the back of his seat. “Take us home.”


he taxi ride is excruciating.

My Davidson presses up against the front of my trousers, and every pothole the car hits sends a jolt of pain to my swollen member. If I don’t get to sink into Lilah’s sweet body soon, I swear I’m going to fucking combust. I’ll end up a pile of ash like one of those unexplained mysteries in an
Arthur C. Clarke

‘Man spontaneously combusts from sexual deprivation in the backseat of a cab.’

I really
do not
want that in my obituary.

When the car pulls up outside our building, I all but throw the fare at the driver and jump out, jogging as quickly as I can with a hard-on, around to Lilah’s door to speed up her exit. If I thought she’d let me without causing my crown jewels serious pain, I’d swing her over my shoulder, the way firemen do when saving someone from a burning building and I’d get her naked and in my bed before she knew what hit her.

As it is, I have to remind myself not to drag her too quickly because she’s still getting to grips with her new prosthetic. Then, I have to endure an endless ride in the elevator, where we are not alone. As soon as we get off on our floor, I scoop her up in my arms and carry her to our front door.

“Harry, put me down you big buffoon.” She shrieks when I sweep her off her feet.

“I will,” I fumble with the keys while holding her in my arms but manage to open the front door less than gracefully. “Once we reach our bed.”

I slam the door closed behind us with my foot, grab her handbag and toss it onto the sofa as we pass. Then I push open the bedroom door and throw Lilah down on the bed where she bounces a few times before coming to a stop and breathlessly giggles her head off. The sound is like music to my cock. Her giggles are churning the lust that’s been simmering under my skin into something deeper. Something like… love.

She shut me down when I almost let slip my feelings before, but there’s no stopping them now, and I open my mouth to speak as soon as her eyes meet mine.

She senses the shift in the air and her giggles peter out. Her eyes are searching mine, and I see the instant that she understands what I’m feeling, because instead of shutting me down, she slowly sits up and shuffles on her bottom towards the end of the bed.

When she’s close enough to touch me, she hooks her fingers in my belt and pulls me towards her so I’m standing between her thighs, never once taking her eyes from mine.


“Shh, don’t tell me yet, Harry.
Show me.”

So I do just that.

Without breaking eye contact, I slowly lower my body to kneel on the floor between her spread legs. Her hands trail up my sides before resting on my shoulders and I lean forward to taste her mouth. She opens for me immediately, and my tongue leads the way, tasting, licking and

She threads her fingers into the hair at my nape and scratches her nails against my skin causing a ripple of desire to skate down my spine. I’m torn between kissing her for hours and needing to be skin on skin. Need trumps all and I pull away from her mouth to trail kisses down her neck.

“Lie down,” I whisper into her ear. “Lie back and let me undress you with my hands while my mouth tastes every inch of skin I expose.”

She shivers and lies straight down, her arse on the edge of the bed and her feet still touch the floor. I kneel back to see her spread out before me and give myself a mental pat on the back for being the luckiest fucking man on the earth.

I allow my hand to skate quickly down her body, all the way to her feet, where I slowly take off her shoes. Then I run one palm up her left leg, pushing up the swaths of fabric from the long maxi skirt she has on. She always wears skirts or dresses, and they are always ankle length. I’d asked her the reason why and she told me that just because she wore a prosthetic she still liked to feel girly and skirts did that for her. She told me the only time she wears trousers is at work as she needs the flexibility for her physio exercises.

He skin is smooth and warm against my hand, and I can’t help but squeeze her toned thigh, kneading her flesh and gaining another full body shiver.

With my other hand I lift her skirt and gather it up to the edge of ‘Ally-tastic’, she stills and leans up on her forearms to catch my gaze, but she doesn’t stop me. Having watched Lilah remove her leg dozens of times, I don’t feel nervous about hurting her; I just want her to feel comfortable. So I study her face in-between watching my fingers as they unfasten all the straps at the top of her limb. Once Ally-tastic is safely undone, I pull it away and place it at the side of the bed. Then with gentle hands, I slowly pull off the sock that she wears over her nub to stop her artificial limb from chaffing. Lilah laughed when she told me that she doesn’t like the word stump, that it sounds too harsh, so she prefers the term nub. She said it sounds cuter and less scary when she’s talking to the kids she works with who have lost limbs. I get that. I understand that many people would feel uncomfortable looking at another’s loss or ‘deformity’. After all, we are a species that struggles with accepting differences of any kind, and as I look down at Lilah, so beautiful, so perfect and all mine, I think that those people are missing out. Missing out on knowing, making friends with and
others who aren’t the cookie cutter version of what makes someone worthy or what makes someone desirable.

It sure as fuck isn’t the colour of someone’s skin, or their size, or any of the other million things that make someone different to this perceived notion of perfection; it comes from within. I don’t have a word to describe what that something is, all I know is that Lilah has it; it flows out of her every pore, and I have never desired or wanted any woman as much as I do her.

Once I have her completely naked in front of me, I stand and discard my clothes without fanfare. Touching, kissing and feeling all of her silky skin has made me harder than titanium and I know Lilah is eager for the main show to start because she’s been relentlessly begging ‘Fuck me, Harry. Stop teasing and fuck me.’

Never wanting to disappoint, I bring my hard cock to her soft heat and slowly sink inside until I’m balls deep and gritting my teeth from the vice like grip her pussy has on my Davidson.

“God, it’s been too fucking long and you feel so bloody good.”

I pull almost all the way out and watch as I sink back in, inch by glorious fucking inch. Her hands tighten on my shoulders, then up to my neck as she drags my face down to hers and kisses me so hard that I see fucking stars.

Still I continue the slow, tortuous thrusts that are so delicious; I don’t think I ever want to stop.

Lilah is breathlessly writhing beneath me, wanting and needing more, so I give it to her and increase my pace fractionally while grinding against her clit on every down stroke. Oh, God, this feels good. Too good and I’m not ready to blow, but I’m eager to feel her tightening around my cock as she comes. So I slip my thumb between her wet, swollen lips and the little minx bites it making my hips jack-knife into her and eliciting a garbled, low moan that sounds a bit like ‘

Then her mouth closes around my thumb and she sucks and licks it so thoroughly that my cock twitches with every pull of her sweet mouth.

She narrows her eyes and smirks at me until I pull my thumb free, “You’re trying to make me lose control and that won’t do Delilah, not one little bit.” I can’t help the smug grin from erupting over my face when I use my wet thumb to circle her clit, all the while increasing my thrusts.

I can see it in her eyes; she wants to fire back a cheeky retort, but it dies on her lips as I move my thumb faster.

Fuck me,
watching her on the verge of orgasm has to be the most erotic thing ever. The way her blush spreads from her neck to her cheeks, her nipples becoming harder the wetter her pussy gets and her eyes fight to stay open. The icing on the cake, though, is when she finally lets go. Not only does she milk my cock for all it’s worth as her pussy spasms around me, but her nails dig into my back marking me, claiming me, unable to let me go and don’t I fucking love it. I love it so much that I have to squeeze the base of my cock almost to the point of pain, not to follow her over the edge.

She whimpers as I pull out, but I’m not done with her yet, and I gently climb over her still orgasm-dazed body, to spoon her from behind. I lift her thigh over mine and sink straight back into her without any need for a guiding hand. She is soaking wet and the heat that engulfs my cock is like liquid gold. The breathy moan she exhales when our thighs are flush has me on the edge again and this time I’m unable to hold back. I slip my free arm around her belly and dip it down lower to where we join, finding her wetness, I coat my fingers and begin to strum on that little bundle of nerves that drives her wild. My hips pick up their pace, and this position allows me deeper entrance, gaining me even more moans, and a few curses from Lilah’s dirty mouth. This time when she comes, I follow her within seconds, unable to hold back the swell of electricity that sets off fireworks in my cock and sends tingles over every inch of my skin.

Best. Sex. Ever.

I hold her tightly, her back to my front, my softening dick still encased in her glorious heat and my fingers lightly skimming over the warm skin of her belly.

She sighs, her body limp, her hunger sated and relaxes back into my hold. Our breaths sync, and just before I’m about to fall asleep with her in my arms, she whispers, “You can tell me now.”

My sex-sated, almost sleeping brain needs a second to catch up and then it hits me.

“I love you, Delilah.”

She doesn’t respond, just sinks further into my embrace and within minutes, we are both asleep.

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