This Love of Mine (Raine Series #1) (9 page)

BOOK: This Love of Mine (Raine Series #1)
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Oh hell,
what was I even saying, it's not like he wanted to date me. We had one late
night conversation and I was getting all uppity about nothin'. But I would
however, ask him about it when I saw him today. I glanced back at my grandmamma
and realized that she said we had a lot to do today and I couldn't help but
wonder exactly what that entailed.

what are we doin' today? I promised my best girlfriend back home that I would
call her today and spend sometime talkin,' if that's okay." It was sorta
true, but Cami wasn't the reason I was asking to get away.

reckon you have nothin' more than what you have on to wear, so I figured we would
head into town and get ya some clothes. After that, you're as free as a bird.
Sound good?" She winked and I politely smiled in return.

A little
while later, my grandmamma finally went to fetch me a pair of socks, which left
Lydia and I to our own devises. I never expected her to say what she did, but I
was grateful all the same.

a good boy and if given the chance, he will be good to you just the same."

I wasn't
exactly sure where this was all coming from, but I could only assume that she
had either seen us talking or knew her grandson
well. "I'll keep that in mind." And then my grandmamma
appeared at my side.

We said
our good-byes to Lydia and I promised to come by and see her regardless of how
busy I was. She told me that Harold was almost always gone workin' and that she
would enjoy the company. I watched as she made her way to her small pickup
truck and my grandmamma and I waved. I liked Lydia, and I think I was
definitely gonna like being in Texas, even though it would seem my favorite thing
about Texas would be gone soon.

two seemingly long hours of shopping with my dear old grandmamma, I was in
desperate need of a nap. I swear living here was going to turn me into an old
lady. As we made our way back to the truck from town, I caught sight of an all
too familiar face. Although I had only seen him at night, I was one hundred
percent positive it was him.

He was
standing outside of the feed store, talking to some girl in one of the
sleaziest outfits I had ever seen. Her jean skirt was barely covering her ass,
and her cut off tank top was exposing more of her stomach then I would deem
necessary. I wasn't a prude by any means, but this girl just looked cheap and
desperate, apparently his type. Once I pulled my eyes away from the tramp that
was now touching him, I noticed just how handsome this cowboy really was.

my eyes were drawn his jeans that were slung low and tight in all the right
areas, emphasizing his delicious ass.
My eyes kept scanning up the rest of his
body just as his hand slid beneath his black V-neck shirt, exposing just enough
of his six pack to make my mouth water. His shirt clung to his sweat-ridden
torso and his large protruding biceps. His tattoos were more prominent in the
daylight and the sweat glistening in the sun only emphasized the color in the ink
that covered him.

I licked
my bottom lip, just as my eyes caught sight of his face underneath that dirty
old baseball cap he always had on. Just as I was about to jump into the truck,
his eyes caught mine and I found myself unable to look away. His hand flew out
from under his shirt and waved in my direction. The girl he was talking to
didn't like this very much, and I could feel her death stare from across the

I gave a
quick wave and bounded up into the truck with my grandmamma. Suddenly, I was
worried that maybe he forgot about our meeting up today. I guess I would find
out in half an hour.



I was
trying to smile as politely as possible, as Taryn stood in front of me in all
her slutty glory. Unfortunately, her father owned the local feed store, which
meant she was always hangin' out there no matter what time of day.

and I had dated once upon a drunken night. She was the school and town slut and
almost everyone was guaranteed a piece of that if you played sports. That
wasn't the only reason I had slept with her, I actually liked the girl at one
point in time. She used to be all sweet and innocent, and now she was just used
and whorish. I have never been one to talk bad about the opposite sex, but even
her daddy knew what she was, and she seemed okay with it.

I was in a hurry, whether she wanted to
realize that or not was her problem. I had just told her I needed to be on my
way, when I felt
near. I wasn't
sure if she was actually around, but her presence was all I could feel. I
didn't know how to explain it, but there was something I couldn't deny about
her and it kept me longing to see her.

If I
hadn't been standing there looking directly at her, I would have thought she
was a hallucination. She looked amazing in her short white shorts and yellow
tank top. To top it all off, she was wearing a pair of brown boots that had my
heart beating faster by the second. Her long brown hair was pulled back in a
low ponytail and god damn, she looked good enough to eat. When I waved at her,
I guess I expected a little bit more of a reaction, but all I got was a small
wave in return and then she was gone.

I caught
sight of her grandmother as they turned out onto the main road back towards the
farms, but I couldn't help but wonder why she didn't come over and say
anything. And then it hit me like a ton of bricks when her annoying high-pitched
voice broke through my thoughts. Taryn! Of course she wouldn't come over and
say anything. Look at how Taryn was dressed and she was all but stripping me
down in the middle of town.

hand slid up my arm and I quickly pulled it away. "Taryn, I gotta get
back. I'll catch ya later." I turned and jumped into the idling truck. As
I pulled away from the feed store, I watched Taryn's face fall, but I paid her
no mind. I had a date in less than thirty minutes with the girl that just drove

When I
pulled back up to the stables, my granddaddy was standing in the shade waitin'
on me. I could tell by the look on his face, that he wasn't in a very good
mood. What was new? I threw the truck in park and jumped down and got to work,
haulin' the feed into the barn. If he was in a bad mood, I wanted nothin' to do
with making it worse.

took ya so long?" He sounded pissed.

Sir. I got caught up at the feed store. It was extra busy today." I didn't
stop long enough to see his reaction to my blatant lie, but I had no time to
waste. I needed to get my shit done and head out to meet Kayla.

your done with the feed, go ahead and take a break. I gotta head into town for
a quick appointment, but I'll be back around two. Don't make me wait on ya when
I get back, ya hear?"

Sir. I'll make sure I'm around. Is Gran going with ya?" I wanted to make
sure not to get caught in anybody's cross hairs with Kayla.

reckon she will come along. I'll see ya then."

that, he was gone. I finished haulin' the feed into the barn a little before
noon and I was pissed. I wasn't going to have a chance to shower. Although, I
guess it was a good thing, as to not tip anyone off. I was making my way up the
hill, when my cell started ringing in my pocket. I checked the caller ID and
quickly answered.

goin' on Glenn?"

a whole lot, dude. Just wanted to let ya know I booked us a gig tonight at the
small bar in town. Do ya think you'll be able to make it?"

I said no, would you find another singer?" I laughed knowing that was,
never gonna happen. Glenn and I started our little band in seventh grade and we
made a pact that if one of us left, the band would be no more.

bet your ass I would. Ha ha, just playin', so can you be there at say,

I'll be there. You think you'll be able to sneak someone in for me? I'm not
sure if she can make it or not, but it would be cool if I could get her
in." I wasn't sure if Kayla would even be interested in going, but I
wanted to give her the option when I saw her.

dude, no problem. I'll figure it out."

I'll see ya tonight."

I hung
up with Glenn just as I reached the top of the hill and her beautiful face came
into view. She looked even prettier than when I had seen her just a little
while ago. Her hair was now down and blowing in the breeze. Once again, I could
smell the faint aroma of strawberries, and my pants grew tight. Everything
about this girl had my body humming each I saw her. If I was a smart guy, I
would run in the opposite direction, but I have to admit, I'm not a very smart

She was
standing there staring in my direction, with the same look of desperation I had
whenever I saw her. I slipped my cell phone back into my front pocket and
straightened my ball cap. I knew how I must've looked to her, but damn if I
never got a chance to shower before seeing her. A small smile splayed across
her lips as I inched closer to her. Everything about her was contagious, her
smile included. I smiled back as I closed the distance. Every part of my hyperaware
body wanted to pull her into me and crush my mouth onto hers. Just the thought
of it, had my body responding and my heart racing.

hey there, cowboy." She grinned.

I got a
kick out of her little nickname for me. No one had ever called me cowboy,
except for my grandparents, but the words coming out of her mouth sent my mind

there, pretty girl. How's the leg today?" We hadn't gotten into detail about
that yet, but I couldn't blame her much.

thanks for asking."

leaned in to hug me just as I reached out to shake her hand. We ended up in an
awkward half handshake hug, and we laughed at the ridiculousness of it all.
When she pulled back out of my half embrace, I slowly let go, but keeping her
hand in mine was a feeling I never wanted to end. Her skin was soft and smooth,
and so warm to the touch. The electricity that shot through us was undeniable
and I found myself craving the feel of her mouth against mine. I had a small
debate in my mind over whether or not to just go for it, when my next move not
only shocked
, but me as well.

I tugged
on her hand that still rested in mine, pulling her body almost flush with my
own. My hand went up to her overwhelmingly beautiful face, brushing strands of
hair behind her ear. We stood staring into one another's eyes as the world
disappeared around us. I felt comfort and joy in her gaze and I slowly sealed
my lips over hers. Our kiss started out slow and gentle, but within seconds it
turned passionate and needy.

My hands
flew up to the sides of her face and I deepened the kiss to epic proportions.
My tongue slid across her plump lower lip and she instantly granted me access.
As our tongues massaged one another's, I pulled her closer, and it still felt
too far.

and pure lust ran through my veins as her warm hands slipped underneath my
shirt, massaging my taught back muscles. I knew her leg was hurt, but I wasn't
sure of the extent, so I digressed and settled for resting my hands at the top
of her ass. I knew this was headed somewhere more complex, and fast. I needed
to step back and gather my thoughts. I need to compose myself and take this
slow. Unfortunately, time wasn't on our side. I was due to leave the farm
tomorrow, and nothin' about that made me happy. I needed her, maybe more than I
wanted to admit to myself, but I needed her all the same.

I pulled
back a touch, and chanced a glance at her fallen expression. She was taking my
hesitation the wrong way. I could feel her body rejecting my advance to pull
her back in. I grasped for her thin tank top, bunching it up in my wary hands.
"Don't pull away." I whispered into the mid-day air.

hands flew up to her hair, pushing back through the long wind blown tendrils
and then came to rest on her hips. "Maybe, this is a bad idea." She
gestured between the two of us and my heart literally sank down to my feet. I
knew this was moving fast, but the want was still there.

I knew I
was leaving, and that I needed to let her know, but the look she gave me just
then, had me crumbling to the ground, figuratively speaking. "Kayla,
there's something I need to tell you." I took in a ragged breath, hoping
she would hear me out before leaving me in that open field.

squinted through heavy lids and let out a loud sigh. "You mean that you're
leaving tomorrow? I already know, Madison." Her hand flew up to her brow,
shielding the scorching sun from her vision. She stood staring, motionless, at
me and I couldn't bear to hurt her.

but no. I decided to stay a little while longer." I don't know why I lied
to her, but the sullen expression she held on her beautiful, innocent face,
morphed into something more. Adoration, joy, I wasn't sure, but it was better
than sad. I smiled down at her, as I closed the distance between us for the
last time. My lips sat hovering merely centimeters from hers. "Oh, and my
band is playing tonight. Come with me?" Before she could answer, my lips
were sealed to hers.

A gust
of wind passed at that moment, and strawberries assaulted my senses once again.
A smile broke out across my lips, as I tried to contain my laughter. Her lips
mimicked mine and we both let out a small, strangled laugh, before resuming our

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