This Love's Not for Sale (3 page)

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Authors: Ella Dominguez

BOOK: This Love's Not for Sale
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"When I see something I want, no, I don't.”

"Are you referring to my land or me?" Lilliana asked, placing her hands belligerently on her hips.

raised his right eyebrow mischievously and spoke in amused contempt. "Both, of course."

Lilliana had grown intolerant of Tucker.
She lifted her chin, meeting his pompous gaze straight on. “You can’t even begin to fathom the amount of fucks I do not give about what you want. You know the way out,” she pointed towards the road where he had come in.

Tucker threw his hands up in the air in
fake resignation, but smirked derisively. "Until later then, little

"Not if I can help it,” she pursed her lips.

Tucker got back in his car at a snail’s pace and fumbled around before closing his door and driving away. Lilliana stood watching his expensive car leave a trail of dust in its wake. As she walked away, she spied something on the ground where he had been parked and picked it up. It was his business card with his image obnoxiously portrayed on the front and with his personal number scrawled on the back.
Oh, sure, like that was an accident?
That Tucker was one sneaky son-of-a-bitch.

Back in her kitchen, she tried to calm her rapidly beating heart but it was no use. Tucker had a physical effect on her that she was finding exasperating. 
Displeased with herself, she threw the card into the garbage. She stood looking at it for several seconds, mulling over whether or not to remove it and stow it away for a horny rainy day. Tucker would at least be good for an occasional fuck should she get the itch. Against her better judgment, she removed it from the trash and hung it on her refrigerator, if not for any other reason but to remind herself that a man still found her desirable and to act as an ego boost.


Coming to the main road, Tucker paused and looked in his rear-view mirror trying to get one last look at the hellion who was wreaking havoc on his emotions. She was already out of sight and he considered turning his car around, busting in and taking what he wanted. There was no doubt she, too, felt the sexual tension flickering between them, but he’d been wrong before and he didn’t want that scene played out again.

He scanned his surroundings - the lush green fields,
a small picturesque lake nearby, half a dozen large outbuildings, and a fenced in area that once held horses. There had to be at least 100 plus acres of land going to waste. Oh, the things he could do with the goldmine the saucy Lilliana Norris was sitting on. He could split it up into residential tracts and make upwards of 500 million; maybe even more. It was just close enough to town that he could even make it an industrial park if he chose. His mind was busy thinking about where the parking garage would go, where the new ten story complex would be located, and how much green he would be rolling in if he went in that direction.  Hell, there was enough land he could make part of it residential and part of it industrial with a small strip mall or shopping plaza.

He was getting ahead of himself.
First and foremost, he needed to win over the smart-mouthed tease. After a little background checking, he could find out exactly what her needs were and go from there. He sped off with a new purpose: to win over the obstinate Lilliana Norris at any cost.

Chapter 3

Lilliana’s night was long and restless. As she lay tossing and turning, trying to think of everything but Tucker, her mind drifted to her last encounter with her ex-husband.

She remember
ed how just moments after finding out about her Auntie’s death she had run a hot bath, just wanting to soak away her woes. While the bathwater was running, there was a knock on the door. Only wearing a towel, she peered through the peephole and was irritated to see her ex-husband on the other side. When Lilliana had opened the door, Adam pushed his way past her without being invited in.

“I just heard the news, Lil. This is
awful. When do we leave?”

As usual, Adam had been presumptuous in his assertion that Lilliana would take him along with her.

not going anywhere. I’m leaving tomorrow morning,” she stated plainly. “How did you find out when I just found out myself only an hour ago?” she asked annoyed.

Adam looked hurt and sighed loudly. Lilliana knew this look all too well. He was pouting and her tolerance level was wearing thin.

“I called your office to ask when you were scheduled next and they told me.”

“You shouldn’t have called them and
you shouldn’t have come here.”

“I thought maybe you nee
ded to talk to someone and…”

Lilliana cut him off. As usual, Adam was thinking only of himself.  He was truly the m
ost selfish man she had ever known.

don’t need a sympathy fuck,” she had told him blandly.

Adam feigned shock and huffed at her, “That’s not what I was thinking about.”

His words were unconvincing as evidenced by his body language and the fact that he wouldn’t make eye contact with her.

hey had been divorced for almost two years and he was still sniffing around trying to get into her panties. Lilliana had found it ironic considering that when they were actually married, he was banging everyone in town more often than he was putting out for her.  When she had found out about his numerous infidelities, she promptly packed up the few belongings she had and left him. 

She knew Adam had always thought she would go running back to him, but when he received the divorce papers in the mail, she found it amusing that he was appalled that his money couldn’t keep her. She was even more pleased at how utterly stunned he had been when she didn’t ask for one red cent of his family fortune when they divorced

She recalled how Adam had stood in the middle of the living room pacing while she replayed their bad breakup.  She never did have much patience with him and he never could take a hint.

“You need to leave,
,” she had told Adam firmly.

“Precious, please. Let me buy the airfare and we can go to Connecticut together,” he had pleaded with her.

Like hell he was buying the airfare, she thought angrily. It would be just like Adam to hold it over her head like a crazed loan shark who would later threaten to lop off her tit when she didn’t repay him with sex or whatever else he had in mind.

“I’ve told you not to call me that. I don’t want you to buy the airfare, I just want you to leave,” she had stated more strictly than before.

Adam hunched over and let out a pitiful sigh.  His eyes shifted upwards in an attempt to give her puppy-dog eyes, but when she noted the movement of his irises as they danced over her half-naked body, his look had the opposite effect that was intended.

She had pointed towards the door without saying another word and Adam sulked towards it. He opened the door and gave her one last sorrowful look and attempted to say something, but Lilliana was fast on his heels. She had given him a swift shove and slammed the door behind him.

She remembered hoping that would be the last time she would see him, though at the time, she thought that was wishful thinking on her part. It turns out, other than his annoying phone calls, it really was the last time she laid eyes on him, and she had never been more relieved to be rid of her pussy of an ex-husband. She needed a real man in her life; someone who knew how to take control. She already had a vagina and sure as hell didn’t need another one.


Lying in bed, Lilliana’s eyes fluttered open and closed as sleep began to take her over. 

I plan on fucking you until you can’t walk…

Lilliana’s eyes popped open when Tucker’s words seeped into her mind unbidden. She sighed irritably and turned onto her side and closed her eyes again. 

Why don’t you educate me
then, sweetheart?

She refused to open her eyes this time. She punched
irritably at her pillow trying to fluff it up. When her nethers began to throb, Lilliana sat up angrily and stared into the dark. She stood and paced the pitch black room in a small circle, forcing herself to get her hormones under control. 

A good hard fuck is exactly what you need

She swallowed hard and cursed under her breath when she felt her own wetness dampen her underwear. Pissed off
at the effect Tucker was eliciting despite his being nowhere in sight, she turned quickly to go into the kitchen for a cold beverage. She made it into her living room when she walked straight into an unpacked box, stubbing her toe harshly. 

“Fucking, Tucker!” she shrieked.

She bent down, gripped her foot and hopped around only to fall over and crash head-long into another stack of boxes. She thrashed around for a moment, trying to stand and finally gave up.
Lying amongst the toppled boxes for several minutes, her breathing gradually slowed. As she stared up at the darkened ceiling, she wondered how ridiculous she must look lying in the lightless room, her tank top up and over one breast, her arms and legs splayed out in an unnatural position and the crotch of her favorite panties sporting a wet spot the size of Nebraska. Now it wasn’t only her pussy that was throbbing - but her head, lower back and left big toe.

Mustering up all the energy she
could, she rolled onto her knees and pushed herself up with both hands as she slid around on the papers and photos strewn around her. She almost lost her footing again but finally managed to stand and slowly back away from the mess. 

Flipping on the light in the kitchen, Lilliana moved to the refrigerator for a bottle of water. Just as she was opening the door,
Tucker’s image caught her eye. Dam that shit-eating grin spread across his gorgeous face and those fan-fucking-tastic, brilliant white teeth. She ripped the business card from the fridge and several small round magnets skittered across the floor. Tearing it in two, she tossed it into the nearby sink.

She gulped down her water swiftly and turned to go back to bed when she skidded
backwards on the magnets lying on the floor, doing an awkward ballet-move gone terribly wrong and landing on her still sore butt from her fall only moments before. Lilliana didn’t think it was physically possible, but she swore she bounced when she hit the parquet.

“Fuck you, Tucker McGrath!” she yelled again.

Tucker was proving to be a pain in the ass in more ways than one and she felt that somehow, this was only the beginning.


On the other side town, Tucker lay in his large
king-size, four-poster bed going over financial figures in his head and daydreaming about the endless possibilities of the elusive tract of land that kept slipping through his fingers. He was in slightly a panicked mode thinking about all the other real estate agents and investors that would be descending on the property shortly, all making their bids. He would have to fight them off tooth and nail and he knew it wasn’t going to be pretty.

Creeping up on him were thoughts of
the thorn in his side named Lilliana. Unable to turn off his brain, he sat up and reached for his laptop to do a basic background check on the feisty little girl while he sat in bed. Correction, feisty little

Who the hell did she think she was accusing him of not knowing women’s needs?
Tucker huffed out loud at the thought.  He had spent so many years doing nothing but pleasing women, there wasn’t a single doubt in his mind that given the opportunity, he could bring Ms. Norris to her knees with a simple a look or command.

While her information was being downloaded he chuckled softly at her
grating yet funny words.
The amount of fucks not given to what he wants
. No, perhaps not
He would just have to make sure he made his wants very clear to her and that plenty of fucks would indeed be given at a later time.

He read with interest about Lilliana’s upbringing, college and marriage, but found nothing of great value in the i
nformation presented. Upon delving further into her background, he found her assets were modest despite having been married to a wealthy man and he found it surprising that she wasn’t interested in at least hearing his offer.

even further investigation, he found a small article about the scandalous divorce from her philandering husband. Apparently it was the news of the town. Tucker felt a twinge of sympathy for Lilliana when he saw the picture of her distraught face in black and white. He also grew up in a small town and knew that nothing was secret and confidential in such a closed-off environment.  Though, now that he was somewhat well-known in the area, he didn’t fare any better for keeping his personal life private
Tucker stared at the picture of Lilliana for a few moments, taking note of her plump lips and flowing, long hair.  She was definitely a looker and quite photogenic, regardless of her hair style or length.

He glanced at the image of her now ex-husband and snorted
in disgust. What a fuck-up. Tucker knew his type, he had grown up with them his entire young adult life; small-town asshole living off his parent’s wealth. Hell, Adam probably hadn’t even accomplished anything on his own and was simply surviving off his parent’s name and fortune. Having grown up on a farm, Tucker new the meaning of hard work and there was no greater pride for him than his hard-earned education and self-made success.

Tucker was repuls
ed that Adam had cheated on Lilliana. Despite his reputation as a playboy, he took his wedding vows very seriously and had never once cheated on either of his two wives. Some things were just sacred, in his opinion.

He briefly chastised
himself for having had sex with the married woman whose husband had pummeled him earlier in the day. If he had known she was married, he never would’ve slept with her.

Tucker found it odd and disconcerting that t
hat no prenuptial agreement had been signed and still, Lilliana hadn’t sought any financial support from Adam Roberts during the divorce proceedings. She must be woman with scruples and values.
. That’s just what he needed - a woman who wasn’t at all interested in financial gain. He would just have to find another way to entice her.

tisfied with his search, he laid his head back on his pillow and began to mentally plot out his course of action, both with Lilliana and the 100 acres of pristine land. Tucker began to drift off to sleep with dollar signs in his eyes when Lilliana’s pouty mouth flashed past his closed eyes, along with that perfect heart-shaped ass of hers. He had gotten a look at it, but he didn’t see nearly enough of it to satiate his manly needs. He wanted to see all of it -
all of her -
every inch of her curvaceous body in the buff.  Most of all, he wanted to see her on her knees, begging to please him and looking contrite for the way she had spoken so unkindly to him.  He would show her just how wrong she was about him not knowing a woman’s needs.

Without thinking, his hand snaked down to his crot
ch and began rubbing his hardening cock.  Frustrated with the aching need throbbing between his strong, muscular thighs, he sat up brusquely and made his way to the shower. He set the water to a cool temperature hoping it would stave off his horniness, but it was ineffective. He closed his eyes tightly, rested one hand against the shower wall for support and began to stroke himself slowly as the cool water cascaded down his shoulders and back.

You have the most amazing molars…

He gripped his thick shaft tighter and picked up the pace. A deep groan escaped his throat as he leaned into the wall, his face hidden in the crook of his arm.

It just so happens that I admire all of your teeth, but it’s your ass I want

Oh, how he wan
ted her ass, too; to fuck and punish it like she deserved. He squeezed tighter yet as he sunk his teeth into his bottom lip, his climax building rapidly with images of Lilliana invading his brain.

You just don't know when to stop, do you?

He would prove to her he wouldn’t stop until he was satisfied and had his way with her. That mouth, those eyes, those magnificent tits and stunning ass

He grunted, threw his head back and his hot load burst forth. Tucker stroked the remaining bit of his cum out, all the while imagining the brown-haired beauty licking at the head of his cock and savoring every last drop his manliness.

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