Read This Time Online

Authors: Ingrid Monique

This Time (9 page)

BOOK: This Time
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“This is good,” she said between bites. Jack nodded, eating his chicken.
Sean found Lex right where Jack had said he'd be—at a small bar on Mills Lane at Cross Way. Cross Way was exactly what its name said: a large junction where every transportation vehicle operating between uptown and downtown met. Mills Lane was a small lane of bars and food shops a few minutes off the junction.
Lex sat at the bar, hunched over his rum glass. He was far too thin a man with pasty, sagging dark skin, a sign of too much alcohol abuse over the years. Lex looked up at him with blood-red eyes and smiled, revealing a missing front tooth. While Lex was a 24/7 drunk, he was reliable. The bar was dark, with a few scattered patrons. The barmaid, a plump Indian woman, smiled at him as he walked up to the bar. He noted her left lazy eye.
“Wha' yu' drinkin'?” she asked, with gold-capped front teeth.
“Coke, clean,” he told her and pulled up a seat beside Lex. She looked him over good before moving to get him his Coke. After she had served him, Sean turned his full attention to Lex.
“How yu' doin'?” Sean asked him.
“Bad, real bad. Lost my job.”
“Again?” Sean asked, disappointed. Lex had started the job, which he had found for him, a month ago. Come to think if it, he was always finding Lex jobs. He didn't mind because Lex was a good informer. Because he was always drunk or pretended to be, he was overlooked by just about everyone.
Lex finished his drink and waved the barmaid over. “Same,” he told her and she poured Lex some Ray and Nephew, Jamaican white run, straight. How he drank the rum straight was beyond Sean. That type of rum was so strong it was like gasoline.
“So, wha' do yu' have?”
“Mike's in Cayman,” Lex told him. “He's workin' on some'ting big,” Lex said under his breath.
“How big?” Sean wanted to know.
“Major shipment comin' in a couple of months.” Lex nodded, taking a sip of his rum. The man didn't even react to the intensity of the liquor.
“Which end?”
“Don't know,” Lex said with a slur.
“That's it?” Sean asked, disappointed.
“I hear he wants yu' dead,” Lex whispered.
“Tell me some'ting I don't know.” Sean couldn't help being agitated. He had hoped to get more out of Lex. Knowing about the shipment was good, but he wanted details. He couldn't exactly do a bust when he didn't know where the drugs would be.
“I suggest yu' watch yu' back.” Lex gave him a warning look. “I hear he's payin'.”
Sean's guard went up.
“Yu' been watched,” Lex whispered.
Instantly Sean took note of everyone in the place. He didn't see anyone out of the ordinary. No one was even looking at them. The barmaid was busy drying glasses.
“Thanks for the heads-up,” Sean said and pulled out a hundred dollar bill and placed it in front of Lex on the bar. Sean got up and left without touching his drink. All he could think on was Kelee. He had taken her out tonight; any- and everyone in the club had seen them together. He really didn't want Kelee in harm's way, but he also couldn't stay away from her either. The timing was really bad. He had to take care of Mike.
Sean heard laughter when he entered his apartment. Kelee and Jack were seated at the kitchen table playing dominoes.
“Who's winnin'?” He walked over to them. From what he was seeing Kelee was winning. He also knew Jack was letting her win. He was a killer when it came to dominoes. In all the years Sean knew Jack he had only won three games against him.
“Hi.” Kelee flashed him a smile that made him pause. God, she was beautiful. Jack grinned at him and he went to the refrigerator and got himself a beer. He leaned against the counter watching them finish their game. Kelee won of course and was real happy about it. Jack pretended at be disappointed for a brief moment.
“I'm gonna' say good night,” Jack said, getting up. “It was nice meetin' yu', Kelee.” He smiled at her.
“Yu' too, an' thanks for letting me beat yu',” Kelee said with a huge smile. Jack looked at Sean and laughed when he shrugged.
“Yu' welcome; hope to see yu,' again,” Jack told her and headed for the front door.
“I'll be right back,” Sean said to Kelee and followed Jack out.
“Wha' did he have?” Jack asked as they headed towards the elevators.
“Big shipment, no location, and Mike has paid eyes on me,” Sean said.
“Not good.” Jack looked at him, worried. “If he's watchin,' wha' 'bout Kelee?”
“I'll jus' have to keep her close,” he said with a smile.
“Knew yu' would.” Jack pressed the down button. “I like her,” Jack told him, getting on the elevator. “Later,” he said as the doors started to close.
“Later,” Sean told him and headed back down the hall to Kelee.
Kelee had just finished packing away the dominoes in their box when Sean reentered the apartment. She looked at him, glad he was back. Jack had been great company, but she wanted to be with Sean. The look in his eyes said he wanted the same thing. This was it. No turning back; she wanted him too much.
“Missed me?” he asked with a sexy smirk, which made her smile. She looked up into his stunning eyes and felt that familiar rush. Her breath got caught in her throat and she had to take a deep breath to steady the flutter in her heart. He pulled her into his arms, and his mouth devoured hers in a hungry kiss that promised nothing but pure pleasure. She wrapped her arms around his neck. His hands found her behind and bought her closer to him. She felt his sex harden against her belly. She moaned and pressed into him. She opened her mouth, welcoming the sweet invasion of his tongue.
Sean lifted her and took her into the bedroom. Kelee noticed the large king-size bed with its matching chests. He placed her on her feet at the foot of the bed. His eyes were filled with extreme desire. She reached down, pulling at his shirt. He pulled his shirt over his head, revealing a smooth muscular chest, with six-pack abs. He was magnificent. Kelee ran her hand down his chest and over his stomach. She noticed his holster and that he wore his gun behind his back. He undid his holster and placed it with his .45 on the end table. Without missing a beat he pulled her back into his arms, devouring her lips in a scorching kiss. Kelee melted into him. He released her mouth and stepped back, looking at her. She slowly took off her shirt and bra under his watchful eyes. Her nipples hardened as his eyes fell to her breasts. He moistened his lips as she undid her jeans and pulled them off. She stood before him in her panties, felt beautiful under his roving eyes that were filled with desire for her. She loved the way he looked at her. It spoke of his desire for her. The same desire also consumed her every being, a desire that only he could fulfill. His eyes met hers, and he smiled, moving towards her. He knelt before her and reached for her panties, pulling them down. She rested her hands on his shoulders as she stepped out of her underwear. He pressed his warm lips into her navel, setting off fireworks throughout her body. He stood up and removed his pants; she watched with anticipation as he revealed himself to her. He stood before her, proud and fully aroused. She suppressed a moan at the sight of him. She couldn't wait to feel him. He pulled her into his arms, kissing her until she was weak. She loved the way he kissed her. It was like he wanted to consume her. He guided her onto the bed, never breaking their kiss. His mouth moved down, consuming her breasts as his hand found her sex. Her legs flowed open, welcoming the invasion of his very skilled fingers. She moaned his name, digging her fingers into his shoulders as he caressed her until she was a writhing mess. He reached into the nightstand for a condom; she was grateful he had thought of them this time. She had bought some but they were at Lori's; she hadn't planned on making love with him tonight. But he was prepared and she was ready. She watched him as he put the protection on. She gazed into his eyes as he came over her; she welcomed him, sighing as he pressed into her, filling both her body and her soul.
Kelee clung to Sean moaning his name. She moved with him as he caressed her in the most intimate of ways. She reveled in the strength of him inside her. He cradled her as he moved against her, looking deeply into her eyes. Kelee felt an incredible freedom with him. His movements quickened, she met his every move, crying out his name as her body exploded with pleasure. She felt him stiffen a few seconds later, as he moaned her name. For what seemed like an eternity, neither of them moved. The only sounds in the room were their heavy breathing and heartbeats coming back to normal.
Sean pulled Kelee into his arms, cradling her against him. She ran her hands over his smooth muscular chest. They lay there in silence for a while, just holding each other. Making love with him was even better than she had imagined. Once again, Kelee couldn't shake the feeling of knowing Sean. It was crazy, because she didn't. She looked into his face. He gave her a sweet smile.
“Wha' wrong?” he asked softly.
“I don't want to scare yu',” she began, and paused.
“Tell me,” he urged.
“I keep getting the strangest feeling that I know yu',” she said and felt his body stiffen. She had scared him. She sat up, looking at him, worried. She wished she had kept her mouth shut. “I know we've never met before, but I can't shake the feeling that I know yu'. I know it must sound crazy to yu', but yu' are so familiar to me.”
“That's a good 'ting,” he said and pulled her down on top of him, kissing her deeply. She breathed a sigh of relief, glad that she hadn't scared him. She liked him and she really didn't want to scare him off.
Sean had a meeting with Jack and the police commissioner. He didn't want to take Kelee home, but the meeting was important. He dropped her off at Lori's an hour later, promising to call her. She gave him a lingering kiss before letting him go. He didn't want to leave her, but he had to. As he drove back downtown, he felt really guilty for lying to her. Her telling him how familiar he was to her after they had made love had only served to fuel his guilt. In a few days they'd be at View Cost where it all had started. He'd tell her there. He had to; he really couldn't lie to her anymore—not after last night. Making love to her was even better than he had remembered. The chemistry between them was overwhelming. He couldn't stop thinking about her and all the things he wanted to share with her while she was in St. Pala. He wondered how long she'd stay after her niece was born. He had to get her to stay longer. Maybe when he revealed who he was to her at View Coast she would extend her stay in St. Pala.
Chapter 8
Kelee was on cloud nine, a place she hadn't been before. And it was all because of Sean St. John. He was absolutely perfect and wonderful and she couldn't wait to see him again. He had told her she might not see him until the weekend in View Coast, because of a case he was working on. She didn't mind, not after last night. Last night had left a lasting and pleasurable impression on her. The weekend was only a few days away, and she couldn't wait to be with him again. Of course Lori noticed the change in her right away, as she joined her for a late breakfast.
“Someone had a good night.” She grinned with curiosity.
Kelee sipped her coffee, grinning. “No comment,” she said.
“Oh, yu' goin' to comment.” Lori glared at her.
“He took me to a friend's birthday party at the Swan, then we ended up at his apartment and I'm not giving yu' any details, married woman,” Kelee told her sternly.
“As long as yu' had a good time.” Lori gave her a curious look.
“Yu' see the look on my face?” Kelee said with a huge smile.
“I see it.” Lori laughed. “So, when yu' seein' him again?”
“This weekend at View Coast; he's working some big case,” Kelee told her
“Yeah, the Curve case.”
“What's the Curve case?” she asked.
“Curve's a local businessman and drug dealer. Sean's been trying to put him away for a while now.”
Now she understood why he kept running off. While he'd never talked about his work, Kelee got the feeling that he was very involved and serious about it.
“He doesn't talk 'bout it?” Lori asked her.
“Guess he didn't want to bother me with his work.” She shrugged.
“That's Sean for yu',” Lori said. “He does have that air of mystery about him.”
“Guess that has to do with his line of work.” Kelee reached for a breakfast roll. She had to admit that she really didn't know that much about what Sean did on a daily basis. The fact was that she didn't want to take their relationship beyond them enjoying each other's company. She would not be here that long to get attached to him. She recalled the connection she felt towards him, after they had made love. It bothered her, and she didn't know why.
“Wha' wrong?” Lori asked, concerned.
“Remember that feeling of familiarity I told yu' I had about Sean?”
“Yeah,” Lori said and waited for her to continue.
“It's like I know him, or I should, but I know I don't. Last night was crazy and disturbing to the point that I had to tell him.”
“How did he take it?”
“He thought it was a good thing.”
“So what's the problem?”
“It scares me, the connection is so intense,” she admitted.
“Are yu' scared yu' fallin' for him?” Lori asked. Her question stunned Kelee; she hadn't thought of that. There was no way she was falling for a man she hardly knew or had just met. That was straight up crazy.
“No, that's not it,” Kelee told her with certainty. “I do like him, but not like that.”
“Yu' sure?” Lori asked.
Kelee looked at her sister, wondering if she was right. No way. No way was she falling for Sean. That, she couldn't allow. She liked him, and she liked the sex, that was it. That was all there would ever be between them.
“I'm very sure,” Kelee said sternly. As long as she believed it she'd be fine.
“So, relax and enjoy yu' time with him,” Lori advised. Kelee agreed she would.
BOOK: This Time
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