This Trust of Mine (20 page)

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Authors: Amanda Bennett

BOOK: This Trust of Mine
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so fast now that you quit baseball, huh?"

think you underestimate me just a little too much for my liking darlin'."

that so?" I was playing coy. I had my hands behind my ass pressed against
the warm metal of the shed waiting for him to make his move. He didn't fail

hands slid up my exposed midriff until they came to rest on each breast. My
body instantly reacted and I wanted to reach out and touch him, but I wouldn't
let him have the satisfaction of knowing I was that easy when it came to him.

fingers rubbed and pinched my hardened nipples, making my heat respond with
desire. I squeezed my legs shut trying to prolong the inevitable. If he kept at
what he was doin', I would be coming in a matter of seconds. His deft fingers
slid around my back and under the thin fabric of my bra, unlatching it with
just one finger. I let out a small moan as I arched my breasts into his chest.
I watched his every move, as he moved his hands all across my upper body. I
still hadn't moved my hands from their position from behind me and I could tell
that he wanted me to touch him, just as much as I wanted to.

lips worked their way down my neck and then across my collarbone leaving a
trail of moisture in their wake. It was taking everything in me not to reach
down and unbutton his pants and take him into my hands. His frustration began
to show as he reached for the waistband of my shorts. When he looked up at me,
I could tell exactly what he wanted me to say and at this point I was willing
to beg, if need be.

me Madison, here, now."

you sure?"

reassured him with my mouth, as I crashed my lips down onto his. He instantly
granted my tongue access to the depths of his mouth and I found myself getting
lost in his kiss. My breathing had become rapid and I couldn't hold back any
longer. I let my hand fall to the top button of his jeans and unbuttoned them
within seconds. I pushed my hand down the front of his boxer briefs and wrapped
it tightly around his length. With just a few strokes, I could feel him
trembling beneath my touch. His breathing was fast and it caressed my skin like
a warm breeze.

hands dipped below my ass, pulling my legs up and around his waist. As my back
was pressed firmly against the shed, he pulled my shorts forward enough to pull
my thin panties to the side. Without warning, he was pushing inside of me and I
let out a loud pleasurable moan. His lips came back down on mine as he thrust
inside me deeper. The contact was never broken as he pushed himself as deep as
my body would allow one last time. My body stretched to accept his wide girth
and a few seconds later, I found my release right along with him.

forehead was pushed against mine as we both tried to catch our breath.
Something had changed since the last time we had been together. This time our
sex had turned into something more, into love, and I never wanted it to end. If
I died today, I would die one happy girl, knowing that the man I intended on
spending the rest of my life with, felt the exact same way.

Chapter 25


next couple of days passed by quickly and before I knew it, the day of our last
show before the music festival was upon us. Cami had been staying with Kayla
since she had come into town late Friday night and I had only talked to her on
the phone. Knowing that she would be there tonight with me, meant the world to
me. I honestly didn't think that I would be able to go on stage unless she was
there in the crowd watching and cheering me on.

and I had ridden up with Braden and Bryce earlier in the day to set up and the
anticipation of seeing her was nearly killing me. I glanced out the curtain one
more time, searching for her in the massive crowd of people.

can't find her."

worry, she will be here. I just talked to Cami and she said they were almost
here. You need to chill."

paced back and forth waiting for her to show up. I needed to see her before I
went on and I was nervous as hell, knowing what I was about to do. I had never
been nervous before about performing, so everything I was feeling was all
foreign to me. Glenn tried his best to keep me calm, but every time he tried to
help, it only made things worse. I was on edge and it so wasn't like me. I
reached for the curtain again when a small hand pulled my arm back. When I
turned and caught sight of her, my heart melted and my body instantaneously

the hell took you so long?"

let out a small laugh, "you a little nervous cowboy?"

now." I pulled her into me and placed a kiss to those, oh so inviting

we got stuck behind an accident on the freeway. But I'm here now, so just relax
and have a good show." She stood up on her toes and kissed me deeply.
"I love you Madison."

love you too, Kayla."


were coming up on our last song of the night, and I was itching to do what I
had planned for my special girl. I knew that what I was about to do would
totally ruin my hard ass reputation, but when it came to Kayla, I didn't care
if I looked like the biggest pussy in the world.

just want to thank y'all for comin' out tonight and hope to see y'all at the
Midnight Music Festival next month in Dallas. With this last song, I want to dedicate
it to my future wife, Kayla Anne James. Without her, I would be nothing but a
shell of a man. Kayla, I love you!" I shouted the last line into the
microphone as loud as I could and the crowd roared in approval. Everyone was
clapping and hollering and searching for the girl who I had just called out.
"Maybe if y'all shout loud enough, my girl will join me up here on

I caught sight of Kayla in the crowd of bodies and saw the sheer
look of horror and embarrassment on her face. "Kayla get your fine ass up
here before I come out there and drag ya up here myself." She stood frozen
in place, shaking her head frantically. I nodded back at her and waved her up
towards me. It was beginning to look like I was goin' to have to go fetch her
myself, when Bryan, the bouncer from the bar in town, scooped her up in his
arms and pushed his way through the crowd. When he got to the edge of the
stage, I reached out and took her in my arms. I gave Bryan a head nod and he
disappeared back into the sea of sweaty bodies.

"What the hell are you doing Madison? I'm going to kill you
when we get home, I hope you know that."

"No you won't pretty girl." I kissed her on the tip of
her nose and placed her on the stool next to the microphone stand. I hushed the
crowd down a bit before Glenn and Bryce began playing the song I had written
especially for Kayla. I ran my hand down her cheek and then clutched the mic in
my other one.

"There once was a time when I never thought I would find you.
I sought you out through time and pain. Never in a million years did I ever
think a girl like you would have my name."

I could see the tears welling up behind her eyes as I continued my
serenade. When I got to the chorus, Kayla's face lit up like the Fourth of

"Pretty girl you walked my way, and the only words I could
think to say were that I love you, I need you and want you in my life. Pretty
girl don't ever doubt, one day you'll be my wife."

And just like that, the tears started falling down her face. I
reached out for her hand and without hesitation she stood at my side. The
entire room of people ceased to exist, and it was only Kayla and myself on
stage. When the song came to the end, I looked deep into those sky blue eyes
and sealed my lips against hers. The guys carried out the rest of the song
without lyrics and eventually the echo of the cheers and clapping brought us
back to the present moment.

"I love you, Kayla James."

After the show ended, we had more than the usual amount of people
waiting to meet all of us and ask what day we would be playing at the festival
next month. Kayla never left my side and my hand never let go of hers. We made
our way through the small crowd of people left, until we were finally outside.
The cool night air, brushed across my heated skin as I turned quickly to wrap
Kayla up in my arms.

"Did you like the show pretty girl?"

"Absolutely. I can't believe you did that Madison. You are
absolutely amazing. How did I get so lucky?"

"Well I can be quite amazing. I am quite a catch, aren't
I?" I laughed against her neck before placing feather like kisses all down

"Someone's a little cocky."

"You would know." She slapped my shoulder and I kissed
her gently before placing her back down on the ground. "You ready to

"I thought I was leaving with Cami?"

"Nope, I have something else planned for the rest of tonight.
Don't worry, I'll get you home safely."

I grabbed her hand and pulled her behind me as we half ran to my
truck around the side of the building. I had enlisted the help of Joey, of all
people, to bring my truck up before the show was over so I could take Kayla out
for the rest of the night. I boosted her up in the cab, ran around the front,
and sped out of the parking lot. Twenty minutes later, we were pulling up to a
small bed and breakfast right outside of town. I gathered the small over night
bag I had Cami pack for Kayla and then collected her. I could feel her hand
shaking in mine and I gave it a small reassuring squeeze.

"You nervous?"

"A little bit." She whispered.

I stopped right outside of the entrance to the place and turned
her so she was facing me. I cradled her face in my hands and looked her right in
the eyes. "What's wrong, Darlin'?"

"I'm just nervous."

"Why would you be nervous with me?"

"It's going to sound stupid."

"Baby, nothin' you could say would be stupid. Tell me what's
bothering you."

"It’s the first time we are going to be together, alone, like
not in my house or out at our spot."

A small chuckle escaped, but I quickly choked it down not wanting
her to feel even more nervous than she already was. "Pretty girl, it's
just me. You know me. If at any time you wanna leave we can go."

"No, I want to be here with you. I promise."

I pressed my lips against hers and pulled her along with me inside,
to check in. After I got the key to the room, we made our way over to the
stairs and I scooped her up and carried her the rest of the way. I was bound
and determined to make this night one of the most memorable nights of her life.

As I was about to turn the key in the knob, Kayla's hand reached
out and stopped me. "You're not proposing are you?"

I was taken back by her reaction to the night. Not that I hadn't
thought of askin' her to be my wife, but I definitely thought it was way too
soon for all of that. But now I was questioning whether or not that was
somethin' she wanted, ever. "Would it be a bad thing if I was?"

She sucked in a strangled breath and I could tell the topic of
conversation was makin' her a bit uncomfortable. "No, that's not what I
meant. I just, don't you, I mean it's just too soon don't you think? Don't get
me wrong, I know I want to marry you, I just don't think now is the right time
to get engaged."

"Kayla, take a deep breath. I’m not proposing. I'm not sayin'
that I never will, because trust me I will, but no, not tonight."

I felt her tense body relax beneath my hands. "You okay


"Okay, now can we go inside?"

"Yes, please."

Chapter 26


The door swung open, exposing a small room filled with pink and
white tea-lights illuminating the small space. In the center of the room, sat a
giant all white king sized bed with pink rose petals scattered across it,
making a trail all the way to the doorway. I turned to look at Madison and
couldn't help but notice the sense of pride beaming across his face. He had
outdone himself that was for sure. As much as I had enjoyed our little romps
out on the land, this was something I had longed for since the first time we
had slept together.

"You did all of this yourself?"

"You doubt my mad romancing skills?"

"No, not at all. I know you have mad skills." I winked
up at him and slipped my hand into his. And as Madison led me into the most
amazing dream, I thanked my lucky stars for bringing this wonderful man into my
life, just when I needed him the most.


I sat in the passenger seat of Madison's truck beaming from ear to
ear. Last night had been far more than I could have ever imagined. Madison had
been gentle and rough when I asked for it, and I fell asleep tucked tightly
against him.

His hand slid down my thigh and I let out a small moan, as I
picked my head up off of his shoulder. "How ya feelin'' this mornin'?"

"Amazing. You?"

"Beyond words." He quickly kissed my cheek and then
focused back on the road.

I wasn't quite sure how he had gotten permission from my
grandparents to let me stay out all night, but at this point I didn't quite
care. I sat gazing out the passenger window as the fall foliage whipped past
us. The different shades of orange and red were mesmerizing. When we pulled up
at the end of my drive, I let out a small sigh. I wasn't ready to let go of
him, or of this feeling. I wanted to spend every second of every day with him,
but I knew he was itchin' to get home and check on his grandfather. I think
that's what I loved about Madison the most. He was always taking care of
everyone else and he rarely put himself first.

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