Thong on Fire (7 page)

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Authors: Noire

BOOK: Thong on Fire
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We came off the highway and drove down some regular streets with houses on them. We stopped at a traffic light and I saw Dip was steering the whip with one hand, and rubbing his dick up with the other one.

Caine always got him rock hard. The shit he had was high-quality and it had me feeling good too, so I didn’t say shit when he pulled into a parking spot across from a deserted playground and told me to lean my seat back.

“I need a lil favor before we make this run,” he said, reaching for my breasts. He flicked his fingers over my nipples, then leaned his whole head over until he was mouthing my tittie through my shirt. “I need you to open up them legs, baby.”

I laughed and lifted my ass and slid my skirt up until my naked booty cheeks was touching the leather seats. Dip stuffed his hands all in my pussy before I even had a chance to get moist.

“Wait!” I told him, pulling on his digging fingers. “You gotta work on this shit before you just run up in me with them dry-ass logs, boy.”

He grinned, then licked his middle finger and worked it around my hole until I started getting hot. “Yeah,” I moaned, squeezing his wrist so I could control his finger and keep it right where I wanted it. “Yeah…”

I was like a wet sponge inside. All he had to do was press the right spot and pussy liquor ran all outta me and onto the seat. Dip pulled his fingers out and sucked them almost dry.

“Yum…Know what your pussy tastes like?”

“What?” I laughed.

“Like some Big Blo bubble gum. Creamy, sweet, and delicious.”

I told him he was crazy as he helped me climb in the back seat, then got out on his side and met me back there. We stretched out in the back with me leaning up against the far side door on my elbows and Dip getting him a comfortable spot on his knees. He pulled my thong to the side, then grabbed my left ankle and lifted my leg up, letting it hang over the seat. I braced my other foot against the console between the two front seats, and Dip went to work kissing my smooth thighs, making hot swirlies behind my knees and sucking my upper legs until I was moaning and gripping his ears.

He pushed his nose against my pussy and started sniffing real deep. Inhaling my insides hard enough to know what my breath smelled like. He ran his tongue all through my soft pussy hairs, pulling on them with his wet lips.

My breathing got deeper as he slid his hands under my ass, smacking his lips and inching his fingers closer and closer to my asshole. My foot jerked against the console and I reached down and pressed my mound real hard, then flicked my clit as he tongued it down.

“Move ya damn hand,” Dip said, brushing my fingers aside with his chin. “I ’on’t need no damn help with this pussy.”

By now my stuff was so wet I coulda slid a whole truck up in there. Dip sniffed it real deep a few more times, getting off on my scent, then started licking my slit like it was a warm honey bun. I shivered as he flattened his tongue, licking my whole pussy, and letting it slip between my lips and partly into my hole before swirling it all over my throbbing clit.

My ass was quivering as I arched my back and Dip dug into my booty and moved me around. I was pushing his head down deeper into me, trying to slow myself down, but wanting to come so bad I was panting out loud. He was running his hands everywhere on me. Up to my breasts, squeezing my thighs, dipping in my navel, digging in my ass.

I hooked my left leg around Dip’s head and fucked his face, shivering and moaning out loud as he slid his tongue deep up in me. It felt extra long and he was vibrating that shit, making cum run outta me as I ached for his hard dick.

And he gave it to me too. Dip came up off my pussy and grabbed hold of my ankles, sliding me roughly down the seat and making me bump my head on the door’s armrest. When I was laying flat he fell on top of me and guided his dick inside my wetness, shuddering ’cause he wanted me so bad.

“I need it hard,” I whispered into his neck. “Deep, baby. Don’t play no games, nigga. Fuck me right.”

He loved that shit. He got real guttural with his moans, growling all in the back of his throat as he pounded my pussy hard the way I liked it. I gripped his dick with my inside muscles and rode that shit out, digging my nails into the skin on his ass as he clenched his cheeks. Dip pulled my legs wider so he could get deeper in the pussy. My knees was spread wide and pushed up near my neck as he leaned forward on his thick arms and pounded me, then withdrew, pounded then withdrew. He rubbed the head of his dick all around my wet opening and I got hotter than I could stand. I grabbed his ass and pulled him back down into me, then screamed into his shoulder as I felt his dick spasm when he lost his nut. As soon as I felt that hot cum filling me up I came too, rotating my hips real hard and sucking his dick as deeply into me as it could go.

We was both stank and sweaty, so as soon as we were back in the front seat Dip turned on the air conditioner and passed me a pack of wet wipes outta his little console box. The moist little towels felt good and smelled good too, and I wiped my face, neck, titties, and coochie for days, using about ten of them.

“Next time you gotta wear a fuckin’ hood,” I told him as his warm cum flowed from me. I wiped myself again, then balled up the wipes and threw them out the window.

“Yeah,” Dip said, pulling out into traffic again. “Next time, baby.”

We passed the flask back and forth some more, and thirty minutes later we were parked outside an all-night diner in Queens. There was a lot of activity in the lot and Dip had pulled his ride into the last free space right up front. He looked all around, checking out the status in all his mirrors and stuff.

“What?” I asked.


“No, what to you. What you looking all around for? Everything is cool, right?”

Dip frowned and kept his attention on a group of thug niggas standing around a fly Escalade on our left.

“Yeah,” he finally said. “It’s cool. Let’s stroll.”

Dip was a big nigga, and when I climbed outta that g-ride with him I loved the way all kinds of heads started turning. I was killing my tight green skirt so I knew the attention we was getting was more about me than it was about him. Dip put his hand in the small of my back and guided me up the few steps to get inside.

“Order whatever you want, Shawty,” Dip said. “Just keep your mouth closed and when you see me fin’ta bounce, be ready to move with me.”

The diner was about halfway full and it felt like a damn meat freezer inside. The air-conditioning was turned up so high I was hugging myself and rubbing my arms even before the waitress showed us to a booth right across from the main counter.

“How ya’ll doing tonight,” she said, smiling at Dip and nodding toward me. She was skinny and pretty and not too much older than me.

Dip looked real serious, but not nervous. I watched the way his eyes swept the whole place in a matter of seconds. I held my breath until he nodded at the waitress, then I slid into the booth, cursing under my breath when the cold plastic seat touched the back of my thighs.

“I’ll be right back,” Dip said, getting up almost as soon as he sat down.

I watched him walk down toward the end of the long counter, then go behind it and dap out one of the cooks before disappearing in the back.

Dip wasn’t gone two seconds before one of the guys sitting in the next booth stepped to me.

“Whassup, baby. You hungry?”

He was cute as hell. Short, with pretty brown skin and nice braids in his hair. Pressed out in urban gear. Thugged down.
cute. My head was nice and buzzed, but I didn’t know nothing about Queens so I wasn’t about to cross Dip.

“Nah,” I said, smiling. “I’m with somebody. I’m waiting for him to come back.”

He nodded but said, “Aiight then. But lemme know if whatever that nigga feed you don’t get you full, you hear?”

I grinned real big and started to say something hot and freaky, but then the waitress was all up in my face, pushing a menu at me wanting to take my order.

“Um, I’ma just wait for my man to come back and see what he wants,” I told her, pushing the menu away.

“No,” she said, sliding it right back at me. “You gone order right now. He’s having whatever you’re having. Dig?”

Hell no, I didn’t dig, but I ordered a cheeseburger deluxe and a Sprite anyway.

“Good,” she said, smiling. “Your order will be right up.”

I looked toward the kitchen for Dip, but he was nowhere in sight. My cell phone chimed with a Jeezy cut, and when I reached in my purse I saw Tai’s number on the caller ID. I ignored it, waiting for Dip as I kept my eyes on the counter trying to see where he had gone.

All that rum and Yak I’d drunk made me have to pee. But I was scared to move. What if I went to the bathroom and Dip came out and thought I was gone? That nigga might roll out and leave my ass way out in Queens and then how would I get back home?

I was still sitting there looking for Dip and rubbing my freezing arms and squeezing my legs together when the waitress came back with our food.

“Here you go,” she said, setting the platters on the table. “You need some ketchup?”

I nodded, and as soon as she walked away Dip came back and slid across from me with a grin.

“Where was you?” I whispered, looking around. “You scared the shit outta me! I thought you left me!”

He looked calm and relaxed. “Leave you? Baby, please. A nigga would have to be outta his mind to do some crazy shit like that.”

The waitress was back again, this time with the ketchup. She put it down in front of me, but as soon as I picked it up Dip slid her his whole plate.

“Yo lemme get a doggie bag,” he said, picking up a fry and biting it. “She’ll take hers to go too.”

Minutes later I followed him out the door and down the steps to the row of cars parked out front. He was carrying a brown take-out bag in each hand and I was about to pee on myself for real.

“Wait,” I said, shivering as he clicked open the SUV door. “I gotta pee, Dip. Real bad, and I can’t hold it neither.”

He glanced around, then got in and stuck the bags up under the middle console. Them niggas was still loitering a few cars down. My man Tommy Danger was blasting from their stereo and mad traffic was shooting past up and down the avenue.

“Just get in, Saucy. I’ll take you up the block to McDonald’s.”

I shook my head and shuddered. Already I could feel the hot sting of pee trying to force its way from between my legs. “I ain’t gonna make it,” I said, then jetted back up the diner steps trying to keep my legs pressed together.

And I almost didn’t. I got in that bathroom and barely got my thong aside as I squatted and let go and pee splashed all over the toilet seat. I couldn’t have been in there more than five minutes or so, and when I got back outside the parking lot was quiet, them niggas with the Escalade were gone, and Dip was still sitting in the driver’s seat where I’d left him.

“Goddamn!” I said, opening the door to climb in. “I almost didn’t ma—” My words froze in my mouth. Dip was looking at me and breathing real hard. His eyes were wide and desperate and both his hands were pressed against his throat.

Bright red blood was soaking his shirt and running down into his lap. Little red drops were on his lips, and some was even coming out his nose.

“Oh my God.” I reached for him, then caught myself. I heard a siren in the distance and the street survival skills Dip himself had drilled into me kicked in hard. Dope. Cheese. Bullets. Cops.

“I’ll be right back, baby,” I told him. I reached under the center console, my hand sweeping from side to side. Dip’s eyes was begging me the whole time I was trying to find those take-out bags full of doe. When my hands came up empty, I cursed and backed away from the whip. Whoever had popped Dip had gotten what they came for. Damn. There went my riding bonus and those cherry-red Giuseppe shoes too.

“Just hold on, Dip,” I lied dead in his face. “I’m coming right back, baby. I’m ’bout to go get you some help.”

With one last look over my shoulder, I slammed the door shut and bounced.

Chapter 4

chill on all that drinking and getting high,” Tai told me the next morning. “You ain’t scared of doing all them crazy drugs? I mean, you got liquor fumes coming all out your pores, out your hair…”

I was laying in her bed exhausted and with sore feet. I stuck my head under a pillow and gave her the finger as she opened the curtains, sending sunlight streaking into the room.

“If your uncle coulda seen how fucked up and raggedy you was last night…your shit was wide open girl.”

“I know,” I mumbled, digging deeper into her bed. “That’s why I called you instead of him, remember?”

I heard her sigh.

“I ain’t gonna be stealing my momma’s car in the middle of the night to come get you off the streets no more, Saucy. If my momma finds out you told me to steal her keys and take her ride, both of our asses gone be dead.”

While I had to sneak out all the time, Tai’s mother never checked up on her. She actually trusted her, and that really tickled me.

“She ain’t gonna find out, Tai. Not unless you keep running your mouth all loud like you doing.”

“You was lucky I finally decided to answer my phone. You didn’t answer yours when I called you.”

I rolled over and squinted at her. I’d walked what felt like thirty thousand blocks last night and my toes were killing me. “I already told you, Tai. We was in the diner when you called. Dip had disappeared in the back on me and I was busy looking out for him.”

She got real quiet for a second, then said, “Did you see who shot him?”

I shook my head. “Nah. I told you I went to the bathroom because I had to pee real bad. He was already popped when I got back.”

“But you said you caught a ride into Manhattan on a water truck. What did you do about Dip?”

I sat up and looked at Tai like she had a dick on her forehead.

“I left his ass right there!”

Her eyes got big. “Oh my God, Saucy. He probably died!”

I shrugged. He probably did. But what the hell was I supposed to do about that? Dip was the one who had turned me on to this game. He knew the runnings and the risks ten times better than I did. I was just glad I had to pee when I did. Otherwise, there might have been two dead bodies propped up in that Expedition last night.

Besides, I was the one who got stranded and left out there to find my own way home. No sooner than I’d slammed the door on Dip, that cute little man who had tried to holla at me in the diner came strolling down the steps.

“What’s wrong, baby girl. What you do? Eat and run? I told you to get wit’ me if ya man’s bank was too short to get up in ya belly.”

Him and his boy was climbing into a fresh cream-colored Caddy parked two cars over. I saw my opportunity and jumped on it.

“Yeah,” I said sexily, strutting over to his car. “That nigga came up a little short. But his loss might be your gain.”

He started his engine and grinned at me.

“That right?” He dismissed his boy with a hand gesture without taking his eyes off me. “Yo, Jamal. Climb in the back, man.”

And then to me: “Yeah, baby. Toss that herb who brought a dime like you to some raggedy-ass diner. You wanna party with a winner tonight? I’m Wakim. Jump your fine ass on over in here with me.”

Tai stood up and opened the window. The breeze coming in felt good and all I wanted to do was roll over and go back to sleep.

“But wait a damn minute,” she said, turning toward me, her eyes suspicious. “You ain’t tell me about no cream Caddy, Saucy. You mean you made me come get your ass when you was rolling around town in a Caddy? I thought you said the damn water man had kicked you outta his raggedy truck?”

“He did. But that was after I ditched Wakim at the house party.”

Tai looked at me with her eyebrows up. She slid off her bathrobe and I closed my eyes when I saw all that meat hanging out the side of her Miss Piggy pajamas. There’s some shit big girls like her just shouldn’t wear, ya feel me?

“You bailed on Dip to go party with some niggas you didn’t even know? Damn. You should have at least called an ambulance for him, Saucy. Called the cops. Called some damn body.”

“Nah!” I sat up. “Who I shoulda called the cops on was that skinny Puerto Rican bastard who made me suck his dick for a ride across the bridge!”

Tai looked all shocked, but I was mad as hell.

I didn’t know shit about Queens, and Wakim and Jamal had taken me deeper into I-don’t-know-where-the-hell-I’m-at territory to this house party he said his man was throwing. The two-story house was rocking when we rolled up. People were hanging out all over the second-floor balcony and the music was loud as hell. Wakim took me inside and up to the second floor. He offered me some X, but I said no and smoked a blunt with his man instead.

The house was full of wall-to-wall niggas, and everybody was getting they heads buzzed. I drank and danced with Wakim, and even though I was a lot taller than him, I let him rub up on my ass as we leaned wit it and popped wit it too.

Wakim was really trying to put it on me when I felt my cellie vibrating on my waist and unclipped it. The caller ID said
, but the music was so loud I couldn’t hear a damn thing.

“Hold on!” I screamed into the phone. “I’m going outside! Don’t hang up!”

I left Wakim dancing by himself and started toward the balcony. The door leading out there was packed with bodies so I ran down the stairs yelling, “Hello! Hello! Hello!” into my cell phone the whole time.

With my finger stuck in one ear and the phone pressed to the other, I walked out the house as about five niggas was walking in. I bumped dead into one of them and his body was so damn hard I yelled, “Ouch!” He stared down at me looking all mental, and I gave him the same look and then rolled my eyes as I walked off the porch and down to the curb.

“Hello?” I said into my phone. “Who this? Don’t be playing no damn games on my phone. Who this?”

I heard static but I could see that the call was still connected, so I walked down a few cars and was just about to yell into the phone again when I heard the screams.

Niggas was wildin’ on the balcony and chicks were screaming like crazy. I looked up and saw a couple of homeys climbing over the banister. About five of them jumped down and hit the grass running fast, and I knew what time it was.

That hard nigga I had just bumped into was now out on the balcony waving a gat, demanding dollars and jewelry, and threatening to pop the next fool who jumped over the railing. My heart damn near stopped. I dropped down and duck-walked my ass around the car I was leaning on. I stayed crouched down, breathing hard, until common sense told me to waddle my ass toward the next furthest car, and then the next one, and then the next one, until I was safely down the block.

When I finally stood up my knees were aching, my leg muscles were burning and my heart was trying to come through my chest. I had to pee again, but I ignored that shit and started walking real fast. For what felt like miles. I passed a whole lot of houses that were shut down for the night. A few dogs barked, but otherwise the streets were quiet and the only sound I heard was my four-inch heels clacking on the concrete pavement.

I had just crossed a street when I saw the brake lights of a truck glowing from a driveway. I ran past three houses and flagged the driver down just as he was backing into the street. He rolled down his window and I flashed him a sad smile.

“Hey, mister. I need a favor. My girlfriend just dumped me to hang out with some guy she met, and now I don’t have a ride home. Can you take me into Manhattan?”

He had looked at my legs and hips, then up into my face.

“Ain’t you kinda young to be out by yourself this late, mami?”

I smiled. “Yeah. That’s why I gotta get home. My daddy’s gonna kick my ass if I miss my curfew.”

He smiled back at me. “I understand. I got a daughter about your age myself. Get in. I’ll give you a ride.”

“Saucy!” Tai closed her mouth, then opened it again as she listened to my story. “You sucked the truck driver’s dick? You told me the guy just offered you a ride!”

“Well, yeah, he told me to get in, but as soon as I did he tried to play me.”

And it wasn’t the dick-sucking part that had made me mad, neither. It was the fact that I didn’t get all that was due to me out of it.

“Gas costs money,” he’d said, putting his truck in park and opening his pants before I could even get my seat belt on.

I stared at him. He looked fatherly. Probably even older than Uncle Swag. I was young, but I wasn’t dumb, and it had been a long, crazy night. Old men liked their dicks sucked too.

“How bad you wanna get back to Manhattan?”

I didn’t give it another thought. I slid across the seat and put my head in his lap and went to work.
What the fuck
. I’d sucked plenty of dicks, and like he said, nothing in life came free.

But his ass had tried to yank me. I’d swallowed his muscle so good he’d started singing real loud in Spanish. But as soon as we left Queens and got over the bridge and into Manhattan, he pulled over and told me to get out.

“Okay, we’re in Manhattan, baby. I’m about to make this U-turn. Out you go.”

Of course I’d screamed on his ass and all that, but it didn’t matter. He was behind the wheel, and that truck full of big water jugs wasn’t moving an inch without his say-so.

If it wasn’t for Tai I woulda had to walk home all the way from the Queensboro Bridge. I’d called her and she’d done me a favor by picking me up, so I guess she had the right to bitch and chastise me now. It was the price I had to pay for asking her to steal her mama’s car. I sighed and put my head back under the pillow while she screamed on me about how crazy I was to be getting in trucks with strange men and giving them head just for transportation.

As far as I was concerned, listening to Tai talk her shit was no different than sucking that old man’s dick. It showed me that life would always be a bitch, and there was no such thing as a free ride.

A few months later my whole world caved in.

Uncle Swag got knocked.

The feds came gunning for him while he was in a meeting at work, and pictures of him with his hands cuffed behind his back and being led out of his office were being flashed all over ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN too.

Tai and I were cutting school when I found out. I was sitting with my head back in a sink at the Locks of Love hair and nail salon, and Tai had gone next door to buy her second platter of fried fish and chips. A nice Robb Hawk cut was playing over the speakers and I was loving the way my girl Carmiesha’s fingers were working my scalp.

“Raise up,” she said, gathering my wet curls up in a towel. I sat up and wiped my face with the facecloth she was handing me, and when I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw on the television hanging from the wall was Uncle Swag.

“Oh shit!” I jumped up from the chair. “Yo!” I waved my hand back and forth real quick. “Turn that music down for a second! Yo turn that fuckin’ music down!”

By the time they turned down the music and found the remote for the television, I’d missed most of what the reporters had said. But the little bit I did catch scared the shit outta me. Uncle Swag was being arrested for signing off on illegal liquor licenses to unqualified bars and clubs. They were hitting him with tax evasion charges and accusing him of taking kickbacks too. My whole body was shaking when Tai walked back in the shop chewing a mouthful of fish and dropping gobs of tartar sauce all over her titties.

“What’s wrong?” she said, noticing the panic in my face. I felt like I had just swallowed a huge rock and it was sitting on top of my bowels.

“I gotta get home,” I said, drying my face and snatching up my purse and book bag. Tears forced themselves from my eyes and I had no way to hold them back. My uncle was my world and I loved him hard. “Something bad happened to Uncle Swag,” I sniffed. “I gotta go home and see how to get him some help.”

“Hey where you going with wet hair?” the blow-dry girl called as I ran past her and toward the door. I threw my hand in the air.

“Not now!” I hollered. I almost broke the damn door down getting out of there, and if Tai hadn’t been light on her feet and right on my heels, that door would have swung back and knocked her ass out.

“I think she wanted you to pay her,” she huffed, trying to keep up with me as I jetted down the block toward the subway.

I never even slowed my roll. Pay that trick no damn attention! The only thing I was focusing on right now was Uncle Swag, and finding out what I had to do to help him get out this mess.

When I got inside the apartment I could barely see Aunt Ruthie sitting in a chair in the dark living room rocking Kaz’s long-legged butt on her lap.

“Turn on the television!” I hollered, throwing my bag on the floor. “Uncle Swag got arrested. He’s locked up!” The second I clicked on the light, I knew shit was much worse than I’d thought.

The crib had been tossed. Shit was all fucked up. I walked through the apartment with my mouth open, unable to believe my eyes. Every dresser drawer in the house had been emptied out. The mattresses were torn off the beds and the stuffing was falling out. Books from Uncle Swag’s den were tossed all over the floor in the hallway, papers scattered everywhere. They had even dragged shit out of Aunt Ruthie’s closet and swept her dresser clean, breaking bottles of expensive perfume and leaving glass all over the damn floor.

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