Thrasher (22 page)

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Authors: K.S. Smith

BOOK: Thrasher
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I smiled and leaned in farther to Duke. His arm pulled me tightly up against his chest. “I can’t help it. I just keep looking at this ring. It’s gorgeous.” Pushing up, I kissed Duke’s cheek as Megan went on.

“It is. You did good, G.I. Joe. Where’d you get it? Tripp could use some pointers.”

Tripp choked on his water, and we all began to laugh. Glancing up at Duke, I asked Megan’s question again.

“Where’d you get the ring, babe?” An eyebrow now rose because I was curious too.

Duke leaned down, and his lips pressed against the top of my head as he spoke. “Was my mom’s.”

Those three words caused my heart to clench. It was very rare that Duke talked about his parents, but when he did, I could tell he missed them dearly. And the fact that he’d given me his mother’s ring made me love him even more.

Not only had he proposed to me, but he loved me enough to give me a piece of his family.



We hadn’t been home for even an hour when there was knock on the front door. “I’ll grab it!” I shouted, darting down the stairs. As I pulled the door open, I gasped at the sight before me: a delivery of roses — but not just one bouquet. At least twenty-five. Gorgeous, long-stemmed, red rose bouquets filled my porch.

“Delivery for Mrs. Duke Thrasher?” the man in the all-white suit said, and I couldn’t help but snicker.

“That’s me,” I answered, taking the first bouquet from him and bringing it into the house. I set it down on the kitchen counter and pulled the card from holder. I opened it up and then read the message before chuckling lightly.


You women go nuts over flowers. Not sure why. They die.
Happy for you, girl. -Gunner


I stood there, grinning from ear to ear as I watched the delivery man fill the first floor of my house with flowers. When Duke finally came trotting down the stairs, he stopped dead in his tracks on the bottom step.

“What the hell is this?” he asked, looking between me and the delivery man.

Still taking it all in, I passed the card over to him and watched as he read it then let out a grunt. “Prick.”

I laughed, knowing that Duke wasn’t mad. Gunner was one of his best friends. “I take it the guys know?”

Duke’s head nodded up and down. “Known for a while.”

“I’ll have to stop by the office tomorrow and thank him. But before word gets around, I think we need to tell my parents.”

Duke’s head nodded again. “Think so.”

After finding my phone, I dialed my mother. I wasn’t necessarily looking forward to telling her and my father about the engagement. Not because I didn’t think they’d be happy for the two of us, but because I knew the minute she found out her daughter was getting married, she would flood my life with wedding planners, decoration ideas, and trips to all of the top fashion cities in search of the perfect dress.

The phone rang five times and then went to voicemail.

“Hey, Mom, Dad. Just wanted to let you know Duke proposed this weekend on vacation. We’re getting married.” I quickly hung up and set my phone on the counter.

When I turned, Duke was staring at me, anger in his eyes. “Did you just tell your parents we’re getting married in a fucking voicemail?”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “Was that bad?”

He groaned and turned, heading back upstairs. “You can deal with that backlash, not me.”

I knew he was right. My parents were going to flip out that I’d left a message, but I couldn’t deal with them right now. My father was up to his eyeballs in his campaign, and I’d watched my mother take over poor Abbey and Connor’s wedding. She wasn’t going to do that to me.

If it were up to me, I’d take an afternoon off work, meet Duke at the courthouse, and call it a day. But I knew my family would have other plans. My mother would want a wedding in Tallahassee. Everyone who was anyone would be invited, and I’d have no say in the matter. I’d end up knowing the first hundred people there, and the rest would all be there in the hopes of winning my parents’ support in whatever political venture they were involved in.




Early the next morning, Duke and I were up. He was getting ready to head into the office and I, like I’d expected, was getting ready to meet with my mother.

“I need to know that we are on the same page here,” I said, exasperated, as Duke dressed in the closet.

His voice echoed through the room. “Yes, Brianna. Same page.”

My head fell back, and I gasped. “I’m serious, babe. My mother gets you to herself for one second, and this entire thing will go to shit. We’ll be just like Connor and Abbey. We cannot let her take over. Not to mention, she has my father in the palm of her hand. You work for him, he works for her. Do you get it? What she wants, she gets.”

He finally emerged from the closet, and I couldn’t help but admire how sexy he looked in his dark jeans and grey shirt that was pulled tight over his muscular chest. His hand reached out to me, pulled me off the edge of the bed, and pressed my body firmly up against his as his forehead came down to rest on mine.

“Same page. Our way or the highway. Promise.” His lips met mine in a swift kiss before he pulled away. “Be home late. Love you, Brie.”

My fingers rested on my lips, wishing our kiss had lasted longer. “Love you too.”

An hour later, I was seated at The Oxford Exchange awaiting the arrival of my mother when I heard her heels clipping against the checkerboard floor. Turning in my seat, I cringed before taking a deep breath
. You’ve got this, Brie. No backing down. This day is about you and Duke.

“Oh honey!” she exclaimed as I stood to hug her. “Your father and I are just delighted.”

We both took our seats, and she went on.

“A little upset at how we found out. I cannot believe that you simply left a message, but, nonetheless, thrilled. Your father tells me Duke is a wonderful man and will make an excellent addition to our family. Now, I’ve already been in touch with a wedding planner, and she is flying down this weekend to meet with us to discuss specifics. I was thinking it might not be a terrible idea to set the date for June 20. That will be two weeks after Connor and Abbey wed, and why not roll right into your big day. June is just a wonderful month for weddings. The mansion is the perfect setting, and the staff will be thrilled to assist. Oh, honey, your father and I are just delighted. Two weddings on his campaign trial. You have no idea what a boost this will be. Everyone loves a good southern soirée.”

I let her get it all out, and as soon as she gave me a moment of silence, I began with how things were actually going to work. “Actually, Mother, I don’t think any of that will be necessary. Duke and I already have an idea of what we want, and it doesn’t include all of that. We want something small and simple. There is no need to host such a grand event, especially after we’ll just be coming off another wedding. Something small will be just fine.”

I sat back in my chair and watched my mother’s face twist with anger, and when she went to respond, I held up my hand to her, halting her rebuttal. “This is non-negotiable. We do it our way, or we fill the paper with the news of our elopement in Vegas. It’s up to you.” My eyebrow arched, and, for the first time in my life, it appeared that I had the upper hand.



It had been three months. Three months that had allowed me to get my mother and father on board with a small wedding. Three months to finish up the school year and get acclimated to summer. Three months to finally marry the man of my dreams.

The planning process had been a nightmare, but luckily for me, I’d had Megan at my side every step of the way. She had been amazing, not allowing me to cave to my mother’s wants. She even stepped in at one point, telling Mother that she’d had her day with my father, and this was about me and Duke. I loved her for it so much.

It was the night before the wedding. Duke was in his hotel suite with the guys, and Megan and I were in mine. I’d opted to have the remaining bridal party stay in their own suite so I could talk to Megan. I had some news, and I needed her to myself.

I lay next to my best friend in the king-sized bed under dim lights, the cool breeze filtering through the room past the open, double French doors. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore was all that could be heard.

Duke and I had decided on a private island in the Caribbean for our destination wedding. We both loved the beach and couldn’t think of a better place to marry. Not to mention, it allowed for our guests to enjoy a vacation away from home. It also gave the guys some time to relax away from work.

“I can’t believe I’m getting married tomorrow. This all seems so surreal,” I whispered, hoping she was still awake.

I felt the bed shift under her movement. “I know. I can’t believe you’re so calm. I’d be freaking out.”

I rolled over to look at her. “I don’t think freaking out will be any good for the baby.” My lips tugged up into a smile as the words left my lips, and before I could guess what her reaction would be, Megan sat straight up, her eyes widening as big as I’d ever seen them.

“Baby?!” she shouted. “What baby?” Her voice was loud, and our doors were open, so instinctively I sat up and covered her mouth with my hand.

“Shut up,” I whispered, trying to hold back my laughter.

When I was sure she wasn’t going to scream again, I let my hand drop. Her eyes were still huge, staring at me.

“I’m not positive. I haven’t taken a test yet, but I’m pretty sure I am. You know how spot-on my period is every month, and I haven’t had one for six weeks now. Hence the reason I didn’t make a huge deal out of a bachelorette party.”

“Have you told Duke?” she quizzed, the sound of worry and excitement in her voice.

I shook my head. “Not yet. I brought a box of tests with me, but I haven’t taken them yet. I figured tomorrow was the big day, so why not add one more piece of excitement to the mix.”

“Tomorrow!” she shouted again then covered her own mouth, apparently realizing she’d shouted. “Sorry,” she whispered. “Tomorrow? How in the hell are you going to wait until tomorrow? We’ve got to find out now. I can’t believe you’ve waited this long.”

Lying back down, I rested my hands on my stomach. “Tomorrow morning. We’ll do it then.”

I heard a huff next to me as she lay back down onto her pillow. “Fine. Tomorrow, it is. Now enjoy your last night going to sleep as a single woman.”

I rolled over and hugged my best friend. “Night.”

“Night,” she whispered back.




The next morning, the knock came on the door before my alarm even went off. “Brianna, wake up. You’re getting married,” my mother’s voice echoed on the other side of the door.

I groaned as Megan climbed out of bed. “Make her go away,” I said, pressing my face into the pillow and pulling the covers over my head.

Megan laughed and rushed to the door. “Good morning, Mrs. Hamilton. Don’t you look lovely. Brie was just getting out of bed, weren’t you?” Megan jumped on the mattress and pulled the covers off me.

I couldn’t help the glare I gave her as I mouthed the word
She knew sleep was my weakness, and now she was tainting my last few minutes of rest with the presence of my mother.

I finally sat up, and my eyes scanned the room. They stopped on breakfast, which had been placed on the dining room table: French toast, eggs, and sausage.

“Breakfast,” I moaned.

And Megan was on it, grabbing the plate and then rushing it to me so I could enjoy breakfast in bed. As soon as I started to dig in, the door flew open, and my room was suddenly filled with too many loud women, squawking like a flock of seagulls.

I continued eating as my mother spoke to all of them, filling their heads with directions, agendas, schedules, and anything else she could dictate. Meanwhile, Megan climbed back into bed with me and stole one of my sausage links. We both sat there watching the spectacle that was taking place in my bridal suite.

“So, about that test. It’s going to be pretty hard to sneak away from all of this.” She pointed at the comical group of women floundering through the room.

I just shrugged my shoulders. “We’ll figure something out. If need be, we’ll use the guys as a distraction. That seems to always work with the ladies.”

Today the old saying,
the calm before the storm,
was not the case. Today the storm had come before the calm. And it had appeared in the form of a hurricane. Hurricane Amelia Hamilton, to be exact.



As I stood there in the bathroom of the suite, Megan at my side, I couldn’t help the nervous laugh that escaped me. Three tests, and they’d all read positive. Duke was either going to kill me or rip my wedding dress off and make love to me. Obviously, I was hoping for the latter.

“I’ve got to tell him. I need to go to his suite right now and tell him. Do you think he’s going to freak?” I was so nervous. I wasn’t sure of the answer. I knew Duke better than I knew anyone, but in this moment, I was questioning my guess at his response.

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