Three Dirty Secrets (Blindfold Club #4) (32 page)

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Shane’s expression was horror. “Run that by me again?”

I laced my fingers together and rested them on the conference table. My stomach was a tangled mess of nerves, but I steeled my voice to sound confident. “I’ll give Roland what he wants. I’ll get on the table, let him negotiate a deal, and then we’ll have him.”

“No,” Shane snarled. “There’s no way I’m signing off on

“Oh, stop it. I’ll use my escape signal before anything happens and we’ll have the footage we need to nail him to the wall.”

It was like I’d told him to go fuck himself. “Did you not hear me when I said no?”

“It’s not a big deal. I can handle this.”

“How the fuck are you going to handle it? You’ll be naked, blindfolded, and restrained!”

“Shane, calm down.” His voice had gotten so loud it had drawn the attention of a few agents near the glass doors. “I’m a big girl. It’s ten minutes of being naked in front of a guy, which . . . spoiler alert, I’ve done before. And I survived.”

He stared at the table, refusing to look at me, and his hand massaged the back of his neck.

“I know this is the mother of all bad ideas,” I added. “But it could be our only shot. I don’t want to miss the opportunity just because I have to flash some skin.”

“All of it,” he interjected. “
of your skin.”

“It’s not ideal, but it’s the fastest way. Come on. You want this assignment over just as much as I do.”

There’s no way it was true, because I wanted the operation done with every fiber of my being. I ached to tell Silas. I’d get my big fish. No matter what reaction it drew from him, even if he left, at least I could count on my work making a difference.

“What about him?” Shane didn’t name names, but there wasn’t a need. “You think he’s going to be okay with your ridiculous plan?”

“Not really, but it’ll be done before he knows about it.” Guilt roiled in my belly. This was it, the last, terrible thing I’d do to get free and come clean.

“Andrea.” It was the first time in more than a year he’d used my real name. Shane’s expression was one I’d seen before, only the worry in his eyes was amplified to scary proportions. “You don’t have to do this.”

“I need out,” I said, my voice flat. “I already told Julius I’d do it.” It was anything but convincing. “This is win-win.”

He raked a hand through his hair, turning away. “Yeah? Then why the hell do I feel like we’ve lost?”

Friday came much too soon. I didn’t get nervous, but everything was backward, like some sort of twisted mirror. I stood in the dressing room tugging off my clothes with the other working girls as Payton hooked her earpiece in.

Thank God Dominic’s work kept their honeymoon short. She’d only arrived back last night, and was able to fill the spot when I called and asked.

Tara wasn’t working tonight. She had an appointment with Mr. Gold tomorrow, and I was filled with relief when I saw her name wasn’t on the schedule. Otherwise I would have felt compelled to lie about why I was about to get on the table. I’d been lying to myself all week, saying it would be easy. That Silas would understand in the end.

I was appreciative that Payton didn’t ask about him, or my motives. A year ago I’d stood here and watched her undress as she actively tried to deceive me, and now our roles were reversed. She’d lose out on the sale when I used my signal, but she could deal. Payton didn’t need it. She liked the negotiations almost as much as the money, anyway.

“Do you have a target figure?” she asked as I cinched the silk robe closed.

My distracted mind had a difficult time focusing. She was asking about price. “No, not really. Nothing below a thousand.”

“Are you fucking with me? I just saw you naked, Regan. We both know that’s insanely low.”

“It is?”

Trepidation washed over Payton’s face and she grasped my elbow. “I don’t like this, how nervous you are.”

I tugged my elbow free from her grip, unable to contain my irritation. “I’m allowed to be nervous.”

She smiled softly, like she was glad I had returned to normal. “Of course you are. Hey, this is supposed to be enjoyable for both you and the client. You’re gonna have a great time.”

“Yeah. I’ll be better when I’m on the table,” I offered.

I highly doubted it, but I focused on the goal. I pictured Roland’s face when we arrived at his residence tomorrow morning and asked him to come with us downtown. Would he lose his shit when he saw me with my badge? I let my anticipation for that moment fuel me as I followed Payton down the hallway toward Room Five.

Marquis stood beside the door, a sick, twisted grin smeared on his face. How much did he know about my plan? At least after tonight, I wouldn’t have to see him anymore.

Anxiety stiffened my muscles as soon as Payton and I were closed in the room. Hopefully Roland was punctual for his appointment and I wouldn’t have to wait long. On top of everything else, I wasn’t thrilled about the act of allowing myself to be bound or to surrender my freedoms willingly.

There was only one man I would do that for, which I suppose I was now, more or less. Getting on the table would remove the final barrier between Silas and me.

“Your client’s already in the holding room,” Payton said. “You want me to tell Julius to make him chill?”

Had she asked because I was staring at the table like it was the gallows?

“No.” I centered myself, searching for the ice queen I’d tried so hard to be.
You aren’t cold fucking Roland. He’s not a threat. Stop being a pussy and do your job.
I tore open the robe, hung it on the hook, and marched to the table. My voice was certain and business-like. “I’m ready.”

I sat. I lay down and stared up at the crystal chandelier, listening as she opened the drawer and pulled out the blindfold.

“This is my last night here,” Payton said matter-of-factly.

My surprised gaze found hers. “What?”

“Dominic and I are thinking about kids. He’s thirty-five, and loves to remind me he’s not getting any younger.”

I took the silky blindfold from her. “What about Julius?”

“He gets it, and it’s not like he needs my help. He knows what he’s doing.”

She stared at me expectantly, waiting for me to don the mask. I held my breath and slipped the elastic band behind my head, tugging the blindfold down over my eyes.

“I’m going to miss you,” I said. There was a sharp pain in my chest, even though it wasn’t a lie.

“Aw, you’re sweet. I’ll fucking miss you, too.”

I flinched at the sound of the Velcro ripping open. She closed it tight around my left wrist, and I bit down on the inside of my cheek. In a moment, she’d steal the last bit of control from me.

“Can you do the other one sort of loose?” I whispered.

She laughed softly. “Yeah, of course. Joseph told me you weren’t a natural submissive, so baby steps, right?”

“Right.” I swallowed as her heels clicked across the floor.

She curled the ribbon around my wrist. “How’s that?”

“Good, thanks.”

Her hair brushed my shoulder as she leaned close. “And just because I won’t be here anymore, doesn’t mean you get to be a stranger, Regan.”

A faint smile warmed my lips.

She leaned even closer so her breath was hot in my ear. Her tone was sinful. “I heard about your night here with Tara. Let me know if you ever want to play with me and Dominic.”

Beneath the mask, my eyes popped open. I was flattered, and the image sparked of Payton and Dominic together. I’d watched them on the monitor at the conclusion of the fake negotiations last year, and they’d been scorching hot. Would Silas want to play with another couple? Fuck, there was already too much shit on my mind, I had to compartmentalize it.

“I’ll . . . keep that in mind.”

She chuckled as she drew back. “Julius, Room Five’s ready.”

Footsteps diminished as she went to the chair in the corner and sat.

The air around me grew colder with each painstakingly slow second. My mouth went dry, like someone had shoved it full of cotton. Striking this deal with Roland would put a lot of things in motion. Would this be the first time he’d attempted to cheat on his wife? Or was he the clichéd man in politics who grabbed any piece of ass he could?

It had to be the second one. He’d been awfully quick to pull his wedding ring off at the gallery showing.

The door groaned open, shoes clopped into the room, and there was a thud when the door shut behind him.




It sounded as if Payton stood quickly from the chair. “Good evening, sir. Welcome.”

There wasn’t a response. He was probably too busy looking at my tits. I clenched my teeth so tight my jaw ached.
You’re almost done.
I’d agree to whatever sum he offered, because the faster this was over, the better.

“I heard it’s your first time here,” Payton said. “On the wall you’ll see a list. These are areas she’s interested in, if you are, too.”

God, filling out the willing list had been painful. Not that it’d ever get that far, but I didn’t want to leave something off that Roland would be into. I needed the sale as enticing as possible, and in the end I’d checked all of the boxes except for the extreme fetishes.

“May I take your coat?”

There was rustling as he slipped it off and passed it to her. He didn’t utter a thank you, and I don’t know why I was surprised. The more I’d dug into his background, the more I’d uncovered he was an arrogant prick.

“Let’s talk money,” he said abruptly, his voice harsh.

“You want to dive right into the deep end?” She gave half a laugh.

Was that a sports reference, or just an idiom? I would have put him more in the average category rather than attractive, but looks were subjective.

“I don’t like to waste time,” he said. “I’m a busy man.”

“All right. Nine.”


A noise cut off from her, like shocked offense. “Thousand.”

He responded with his own sound of disapproval. “You’ve got to be joking.”

“You came here specifically for her.”

He shifted on his feet, the shoes scuffing on the floor. “I won’t pay anything more than two, and she’d better be worth it.”

I couldn’t see Payton, but I knew her well enough. I pictured her hands clenching into fists and a tight smile plastered on her face, masking her irritation. It was fine, though. I’d dealt with my fair share of clients who had difficulty letting go of their money, and it was hardest with brand new clients.

“Satisfaction is guaranteed,” she purred. Could he hear the undertone of contempt? “If you don’t enjoy to the very last drop, you won’t be charged. So, to be clear, your offer is two?”

He seemed to consider her statement, then sighed. “Yes.”

She fiddled with the strap holding my blindfold in place. She thought this was the highest he was willing to go.

The words were bitter on my tongue. “I accept.”

“Congratulations, sir.” Payton’s hand lingered on my shoulder.

What was she doing? As soon as the deal was made, I got out of the client’s way as quickly as possible.

A beat passed before she spoke again. “Tonight’s the first time she’s offered herself. You’ll be her first client, so make it special for her, okay?”

He said nothing.

Payton’s palm squeezed, and her fingers brushed over my skin as they trailed away. Her footsteps drifted to the door, and then it was shut.

All alone now, Roland.
I probably had enough already and could use my signal, but no way was I going to go through this and leave the lawyers room to argue it was a misunderstanding. He’d need to make a move on me so it was concrete. It’d be impossible to argue against the video evidence.

It was utterly quiet in the room. I’d grown to crave the sounds of life and people like Silas did. I always had music on now when I was home alone. The silence was unnerving.

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