Three Men and a Woman: Evangeline (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (23 page)

BOOK: Three Men and a Woman: Evangeline (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Chase lifted his head when Briggs spoke, and Briggs could almost hear the sigh.

What? Did the dude really think he’d have her to himself the whole day?

Chase caved to the inevitable, wrapped his arms around Evvie, and rolled her over. Briggs stayed where he was a while longer, not minding the view at all.

Evvie had brought her knees up, and Chase was still fucking into her. Briggs got a great look at it—Evvie’s sweet ass open to him, that big cock going in and out of her pussy. His own cock was begging him to get in on the action, and he could only appreciate the upside of sharing a woman with his best friends.

He undressed as he moved to the bed. He climbed alongside, lifting up on one elbow, and letting his cock take the edge off by nestling into the bed. Evvie turned her head, and he took hold at the back of her neck.

“Hey, baby.”

“Hi, Briggs.”

He took her mouth. Her lips were soft, rosy already from the way Chase had been working at them. Her mouth was hot and welcoming. He went deep, groaning immediately. She was already turned on, already filled with Chase’s cock.

And he was turned on, too, having watched from the door, having her mouth, and thinking about what was coming. He did, after all, have a five-star imagination.

He’d spotted the little menagerie of sex toys downstairs and had brought the most necessary item along with him.

“My cock’s going up your ass, sweetheart. Double penetration. I want you to take care of both of us.”

She met his gaze when he pulled back to speak. Her eyes darkened, and he was sure it wasn’t only fear. She was excited about it. She nodded.

He kissed her hard and then moved around behind her. “I’m going to get you ready, babe. Chase, slide up the bed. Evvie, put your hands on the bed board.” The bed was a spectacular old pineapple poster, and Briggs was sure it had never seen this kind of action. That imagination of his was considering the possibilities for the four posts and a handful of ties. “Chase, keep her happy there.”

Evvie turned back to face Chase. He lifted up to kiss her, then settled back so he could play with her tits. She hung over him, those sweet tits all ripe for the taking. Like always, she loved that stimulation, moaning in pleasure.

In the meantime, Briggs got another hot look at her ass. Chase still worked slowly into her, taking his time about it now. Briggs put his hands on Evvie’s waist and pressed, flattening her pelvis a bit and tilting her ass up.

It was freaking hot, watching the movement of Chase’s cock in and out of her pussy, seeing the little tug of it on her ass. He put his lips to one of her smooth cheeks and sucked her. “This looks so hot, baby. I love your ass. I’ve been thinking about this for days. A double fuck, Evvie. This is going to be wild.”

Evvie was making little nervous sounds—anxiety and anticipation mixed. He couldn’t blame her. Chase’s cock was big—she was already stretched just to accommodate him. And Briggs was no pin-dick, either. She was going to be totally full of cock.

He took the lube he’d brought and coated his fingers, then spread some around her anal ring. She started moaning again, happy with just that.

Venturing further, he poked a finger in. That hole was so tight, she was good and taut even against just his finger. He reamed her a little, and she shuddered with pleasure.

“Briggs. Chase.”

They both encouraged her. “Good girl,” Chase said.

“That’s it, baby,” Briggs told her. “You got this.”

She was a little squeamish when he pressed a second finger in. Her breath caught in a squeal, and she tried to inch away. But there was nowhere to go with that hard cock nailing her pussy in place.

“Mmm. Mmm.”

Chase seemed to have her distracted with whatever he was doing with her tits, and she settled a little, rocking into his fucks. Gradually, she accepted Briggs’s fingers. He sank them in and reamed them around.

Her ass was hot and tight and fucking ready.


* * * *


Evangeline moaned in pleasure. Ever since Giovanni had said he’d be thinking about how she could please three men, she’d been anticipating this. Double penetration. Triple penetration. The words and the images they evoked were both incredibly erotic and entirely scary. She’d been imagining, wondering, and fearing.

But this was so good. She loved it.

That sweet, claiming kiss Chase had given her in front of the Victory women—his blatant, totally lacking in subtlety establishment of ownership—had turned them both on. He’d walked her away casually, but when they were out of sight of the sisters they’d picked up their pace.

They wanted to be home. They wanted to be in her bed.

But the urgency was gone the moment he had her in the bedroom. Sweetly, among kisses and touches, he’d removed her clothes. He’d allowed her to do the same to him. That had included some time on her knees, when he’d held her head and gently fucked her mouth. He’d pulled her to her feet after long moments of that pleasure, taken her mouth the same way with his tongue, and then laid her on the bed.

He loved her mouth. She would surely know it from the way he kissed her and his clear adoration when she’d used it on his cock.

But he told her, too. When he fucked her, he made love to her mouth as well as to her pussy, and he described in hot words how her mouth turned him on. Apparently she tasted sweet. And hot.

So he’d kissed her and slowly sank his cock into her pussy. He’d been sweetly loving, so different from the demanding, dominating fuck he’d given her before. It was a lovely contrast, and she wallowed in it. She suspected there was an apology in it, also, for that bit of a dust-up about having a home birth. If so, it was working.

He was building her toward a climax like he had all day to do it when those words came from the door. Chase had sighed but did what his friend instructed.

He held her against him and rolled over.

Even that was hot. She was impaled, squared down on that huge cock by her own weight. Then he started playing with her breasts with exquisite skill. He gave small, sharp pinches to the very tips of her nipples, seeming to find some nerve connection that went straight to her clit. Each little tweak made her moan.

In the meantime, Briggs was behind her. She knew he was watching, viewing her ass as Chase fucked her. It was wickedly erotic, letting him see her get fucked by another man. Then he came to the bed and started touching her ass, fucking his finger into her and then—oh, God—two. It was so much. Just as she’d imagined, an impossible overdose of stimulation. And yet, it was possible. She could tolerate it all. Could take it all.
it all.

Briggs gave her a couple minutes to deal with that second finger.

She knew what was coming next. After a while she knew he was teasing her with the thought. He had her ready for his cock. He was going to give it to her.

But he made her wait for it. He kept working her with those fingers, long past when her body had given over to him. At the same time Chase fucked her and tortured her nipples until she was so heated she was nearly screaming at Briggs to get on with it.

Or maybe she

His mouth was at her ear, and he was asking her something. Something.


“What do you want, baby? You have to ask before I’ll give it to you.”

She whimpered. “Briggs. Dammit!”

“What, baby?”

“Fuck me. Hurry. Please.”

“Say it. You know what I want. Say it.”

Fingers and cock and more fingers. Chase watching her, eagerly, blatantly anticipating the pleasure of that coming penetration—what it would mean for her, for him.

She was wild with it, nearly coming already.

She must have said it. Must have screamed it. Because suddenly, he was there, his cock shoving into her ass when she was already so full, so filled with Chase’s cock in her pussy. Somehow, they both fit, her body stretched incredibly to take both those cocks. She was crying and coming nearly right away, and they were with her. Pounding in and grunting roughly, both of them fucking her hard and pushing her on with their own insistent pleasure.

Double penetration. A double fucking.

“So fucking tight. Come, goddammit. Fuck her, Chase. I’m going to come, fuck, fuck. Move it. Move that ass. Fuck!”

She was lost to it, her body rocking, somehow flexing to take all they had, all they could give her. One, then the other, she pitched between them, letting them have her.

It was so, so much. It was all burn and distention and hot taking thrusts. Acute, overwhelming stimulation. They were so strong, her two men, flexing and pounding into her, using her, pleasuring her and themselves with her body.

They were with her. The moment she started screaming and spasming, they started howling, lunging and pumping into her until she felt it, the burst of their cum, hot spurts deep inside her, ass and pussy. They all shivered and shuddered, hard, wracking contractions of every muscle. Briggs and Chase celebrated in feral growls while she shrieked with ecstasy.

“Oh. Ow. Oh. Ow.”

Their lasts thrusts into her mellowed, gentling into grunting tremors and then final, lazy, lingering forays.

Trailing kisses along her back, Briggs slid out of her. He fell to the side, and, with both men helping, Evangeline lifted off of Chase and fell to the bed between them. They cuddled her, stroking and soothing.

“Holy shit. Motherfuck. Freaking hot.”

They both spoke as they petted her, words that barely registered as she lay tucked between them, fucked witless, not even making an effort to gather herself. She had one arm wrapped across Chase’s chest. Her other was behind her, draped along Briggs’s flank.

She held on to her men and slept.

Sometime later they nudged her awake. She thought they might have been working at it for a while. It was nearly two thirty, they said. They had to leave, and she had to walk down the hill to meet Maisy.


* * * *


Evangeline enjoyed her weekend. She got sweet, hot kisses as she said good-bye to Briggs and Chase. Her body was sated, lazy, and relaxed. She stood with them on her front porch, pressed between their bodies as they took turns at her mouth. She was sad to have them go, but at the same time she was filled with bone-deep contentment.

She was in love. And for once, in her lifetime of loving these men, they were hers. The two of them, at least. And Gio, soon, too. He would be back by the middle of the next week, and she would have them all.

So she went through her weekend activities happily, very aware of her many blessings. She met Maisy at the bus stop, and they walked back up the hill together as Maise related the events of her day. Nine-year-old Keith Victory—the one who’d given Maisy her nickname—was featured. Apparently, the school bus driver would be having a little chat with his parents.

Mother and daughter kept their Friday night ritual of a bike ride into the village for pizza and then a movie at home.

On Saturday, after their yoga class, they prepped for the sleepover. It had become a tradition that hosting the Victory children was an event of such magnitude that it called for a trip to Wegman’s flagship store in Pittsford. With a lot of help from prepared foods concocted by master chefs, Evangeline and Maisy put together a pasta bar for dinner with enough variety that there would be something appealing for each of the children.

Maisy’s favorite part of the trip was making her selections from the rows of candy-filled bulk food containers. The first activity when her “cousins” arrived in the afternoon was the baking of cupcakes. There followed a decorating contest, with prizes awarded for best faces in the categories of cutest, most gruesome, and most original. The canvas was a frosted cupcake, and the paints were the day’s assortment of gummies, jellybeans, gumballs, and bits of licorice.

No one could vote for his or her own cupcake, and the winners got their photos—with cupcake—posted on the refrigerator for the month. The activity had become a favorite of all of the kids, one that involved a lot of good-natured fun and teasing and that was surprisingly entertaining for all. Occasionally one or two of the parents stayed to participate, and for that circumstance the kids had developed a sympathy category—best effort.

Charlene and Teddy’s home was nearest the entrance of Victory Farms, and tradition held that their kids acted as lookouts. As soon as Evvie and Maisy pulled in from their shopping trip, it was game on. The older kids, nine-year-olds Keith and Alexandra and their seven-year-old sibs Michaela and Winnie, respectively, came by bike to help unload the groceries. By the time the cupcakes were in the oven, parents were showing up with their smaller children.

Saturdays were busy on the farm, but almost always, as parents arrived, they would stay for a glass of wine. The brothers and their wives were a remarkably close group, all of them appearing entirely comfortable and in good stead with each other. A time or two, as the afternoon waned, all six of them had ended up on Evvie’s front porch, sharing with her a couple bottles of something new from the winery. When they left, they kissed goodnight to Maisy and their nieces and nephews as well as their own children. They good-naturedly wished Evvie the best of luck and walked off as a group to Harriet and Scott’s home. Theirs was the biggest household of the bunch and at the far end of the property.

BOOK: Three Men and a Woman: Evangeline (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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