Three Months and You're Mine (In Too Deep) (19 page)

BOOK: Three Months and You're Mine (In Too Deep)
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She nodded and gave me a shy grin and I picked up her
hand and kissed the back of it. Only instead of letting it go, I held onto it possessively so Caleb and everyone else would get the message.


Chapter 21




Zack Larson was the last person I thought I'd see when I turned to investigate a pinch to my ribs. Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God.
He was more than gorgeous. He had on a fitted, black V-neck that somehow simultaneously made his hair look darker and his eyes look lighter. He was sinfully handsome, and that dangerous looking slash to the side of his face put the whole thing over the top. He had this thick, muscular body—the one all swimmers had, and it looked freaking good, even concealed behind clothes. I felt like I was in danger of literally drooling as I took him in.

Bailey said something to Zack, and they talked for a second, taking the pressure off me. I was glad because I was speechless fo
r the first few seconds while I checked him out. We talked to Max for a little bit, before he leaned in close enough to touch me. My skin was on fire with desire to touch him. I felt like I could just rub up against him like a cat on a scratching post.

I was getting the impression that his feelings had changed, and believing he wanted me, even though I didn't know for sure, sent pulses of pure pleasure through my veins. I ached to touch him. I wanted
so badly to reach out and feel his skin on my skin. I leaned up and asked him if he thought I had potential.

He regarded me with an unreadable expression and then said, "Do you still think
have potential?"

On my nod
he picked up my hand and kissed the back of it. He held onto it and the feel of his big hand wrapped protectively around mine had me struggling to control my breathing. The bartender turned up the music, which made the rest of the crowd noise get louder. He leaned in even further. He'd just had a shower and all of my senses were aware of him.

"Zack?" I said.
My voice came out as vulnerable sounding as I felt. "I still want to wait for the end of May."

"I don't care how long you want to wait," he said, "as long as
you're with me when you stop waiting."

That was
exactly what I wanted him to say. How could I
love this guy?

"I promise it'll be with you," I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Meredith, I'm not pretending to like you to get you to stop liking me, so let me tell you right now, I'm gonna be pissed if that's the end result."

Okay then, I'll try not to stop liking you," I said, laughing.

Zack looked at me as if he'd just remembered something. "Please tell me you didn't already ask Caleb about…"

I couldn't lie, and an ashamed expression covered my face.

Please tell me you told him it's off—or you were just kidding or whatever?"

My mouth stretched in a regretful frown.

"You're telling him it's off before we leave here tonight."

eyes widened at the awkwardness of that task.

Zack leaned over to touch Caleb on the shoulder.

"Hey," he said. He gestured at me. "She's off limits."

Caleb raised his hands in surrender, "Whoa, she's the one who asked me to—"

"She was kidding," he said. "She just wasn't sure if you knew that or not, so I wanted to clear it up."

"It's all good," Caleb said, flashing that lazy smile.
"I was happy to help out a lovely lady, but I can see that you two are—"

"Yep." Zack said.

I had to smile at his deadpan expression. Caleb relented easily, and the bowing up was over-with in a flash, but I couldn't help but love that it happened in the first place.

had a second round before calling it a day. They all commented on how much they liked the scene, and I was thankful they'd all taken the time to come celebrate with me.

I followed Zack to his house. I'd been there tons of times, but this time when I pulled up, it felt different. Something had changed between Zack and I, and even though I couldn't put a name to it yet, I knew
things were different.

"Can I bring my flowers in?" I asked, getting out of my car. "I hate to leave them
out here."

"Of course." He reached out to take them from me, and I followed him in the house.
He set the vase and his keys on the narrow table in the entryway then reached out to grab my hand. He pulled me into the living room.

We were extremely comfortable on that couch, thanks to many hours of movie watching during his recovery. We fell into our respective spots, only this time we didn't turn on the TV. He reached his hand out and put it on my knee, and the spot where he touched felt alive with sensation.

"I want you to kiss me," I whispered.

Without hesitation he bent and put a kiss on my cheek, then another, a little closer to my mouth,
then another, on my mouth. I couldn't take it any longer. I had to have more of him. I took his head in my hands and pulled it toward me, forcing our kiss to deepen. He responded by opening his mouth to me. His tongue entered my mouth, and the feel and taste of it made me crazy with need.

I knew I was on a slippery slope, and I prayed I'd be able to hold out. That's not to say I wasn't planning on messing around, because I
totally was. In fact, there was something I'd had in mind from the second I laid eyes on him that afternoon. I pulled back slightly to stop the kiss.

"Will you
teach me how to make you feel good?" I asked, looking up at him through my lashes. "I know there are things I can do to help you out, and I'd like to do them if you'd be kind enough to tell me what you like."

Zack looked at the ceiling and sighed as if to say that one man could only handle so much temptation. "We can't be
doin all that, Baby Girl. It's a really nice offer, but I wouldn't be able to leave you hanging like that."

to," I said. "It would make
feel good to make
feel good, and I'm okay waiting. I want to. That's my choice." I was pretty sure he'd try to be a gentleman and not let me touch him if he couldn't return the favor.

He looked me over, deciding what to say next.
"There are ways I can make you feel good without, you know, there are other ways to help you, uh..."

"I don't want to feel it yet," I said. "I'm waiting for the thirtieth for that, but I seriously want to touch you
tonight. Please will you let me?"

He smiled at me and gave me a barely perceptible shrug indicating he was maybe okay with the idea. I put my hand down on the front of his
jeans where I felt the proof of his attraction. His length was straining against his jeans, and I slowly ran the palm of my hand back and forth on it a few times. He leaned back on the couch, finally relaxing.

"I'm getting you out of these," I said. I began to unbutton his jeans as gently as I could, considering how cramped it had become in there. He levered up on his arms to raise himself long enough for me to slide his jeans down. I left his boxers on because I was a little shy to take it all off, but I
quickly realized they'd just be in the way.

"Let's just go ahead and get rid of these," I said, tugging at the waistband of his boxers.

"Are you sure about this, Mere?"

"Yes I'm sure. Don't ask me anymore."

Without another word, Zack lifted up again, letting me easily slide his boxers down. He stepped out of them and then pulled the hem of his shirt until it was up and over his head. He tossed his shirt to the floor, and sat back on the couch in his birthday suit, sprawled out and lacking no confidence whatsoever. He was beautiful, and I felt the urge to kiss every inch of his body.

"You have to promise not to laugh at me if I ask you questions about what you want."

"Why would I laugh at that?"

"I don't know, I was just about to ask you what you liked better because I didn't know if I should do it with my hand, you know like with lotion or whatever, or if I should, you know use my mouth." I
smiled, unable to hide how stupid I felt for saying that.

He just gave me a sweet, gorgeous smile. "Either one would feel great, honestly, it's just a matter of getting a feel for
the motion."

"I was thinking I could have it in my mouth if you're good with that." I said. "I'm good with whatever you like, I'd just like to taste you
if you don't mind."

Zack leaned his head back and regarded the ceiling again as if he couldn't believe he wasn't dreaming. I used the
opportunity to bend down and put my face in his lap. I didn't take him into my mouth right away. Instead I just sort of rubbed my face on it, feeling the velvety hardness of it against my cheeks and neck. He let out a little moan of pleasure, and I continued to shift, gently rubbing the soft skin of my cheek against him. He had an amazing body, and I put light kisses at the top of his muscular thigh then made my way to the base of his shaft. I looked up at him to make sure I was doing okay, and he just smiled down at me.

As gently as I could, since I had no idea
how sensitive these things were, I took him in my hand. I'd seen him before, and touched him from the outside, but having him securely in my barehanded grasp was a different story. I could close my hand around it, but it was a freaking stretch, and I wondered why I didn't remember it being that big. I was suddenly a little relieved that we weren't planning on doing it that night. That thing was about ten times bigger than this vibrator my friend gave me, and I was thinking maybe I should try a few things to stretch myself out before we met in the cabin.

"You don't have to…" Zack said, snapping me out of my daydream.

"Oh, no it's not that. I was just spacing out on how big you are. I'm not sure it's gonna be physically possible for a, uh, novice such as myself to get that in me."

Zack's chest shook with laughter. "You leave all that up to me," he said. "I could
show you how it's done, but I'm pretty sure we'd end up, uh,
waiting if we do that."

"Are you okay with me wanting to wait?" I asked.

"Absolutely. In fact, we don’t even have to do
if you don't want—"

I want to." I smiled up at him, and (I'm ashamed to admit) licked my lips. I just didn't want them to be all dried up when I kissed him, but the reason I'm making note of it, is because, as cheesy as it may sound, I looked freaking sexy when I did it. I officially recommend the licking of your own lips when timed and executed correctly.

tentatively positioned my mouth at the tip of his erection, and looked up at him for approval. He shot me that gorgeous, easy smile.

The very instant my mouth opened to take him in, I saw and felt his hand come around the back of my head. He thrust into me while holding my head in place, and even though I was impossibly full of him, I somehow knew he
was still being extremely gentle. I could feel by his posture that he was trying to restrain himself. I took him deeper, ignoring my gag reflex, and opening my mouth fully to him. I was honestly a little surprised at how much of him I could take in my mouth. For a few thrusts, it felt like my lips almost reached his base. I couldn't get enough of it, mostly because I knew it must feel really good to him. I felt him pull back, and he stared down at me like he'd just come to his senses. "Meredith, I'm sorry. I shouldn't be going that hard. Have you ever done this?" I had, but it was unsuccessful—not nearly this good. So I lied. I shook my head in denial.

Zack let out a sweet laugh. "You don't have to be this good at it right now. We can take it slow."

"I'm good at it?"

He laughed again. "Yeah, you're good at it."

Without further ado, I went back to kissing him. This time I used my hand as well and I started pumping him with a rhythm that I can only describe as feeling natural. It was slow and gentle at first and then as the moments passed, our motions became more urgent and deliberate. I knew enough about sex to know that he'd be climaxing soon. I could just tell he was close by the way he grabbed himself and started helping everything along. He tried to pull away, and I figured it was because he didn't want to finish all over me, but I pulled him back, letting him know I wasn't scared. On the contrary, I wanted to feel him, taste him. He groaned as the orgasm started, and stream after stream of warm seed jetted out of him. Some of it ended up in my mouth, and the rest of it was on my neck and face.

"Oh my God, Meredith. I'm so sorry," he said looking down at me after taking a few seconds to recompose

"What are you sorry for?" I asked, using his shirt to wipe
at my face and neck. "I figured I could use your shirt since we're at your house. You can just go get you another one."

"I don't care about the shirt," he said. "I'm talking about all that business. I didn't mean for it to go down like that. I want to take it slow with you, Shorty, and that was some advanced shit we just did."

"Really? Was it good?" He huffed a laugh. "Don't ever ask me if it's good. I'll tell you if it's not. And, yes, God Meredith. It was so good that I acted like a caveman. I'm sorry."

BOOK: Three Months and You're Mine (In Too Deep)
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