Three Thousand Miles

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Authors: Deila Longford

BOOK: Three Thousand Miles
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Three Thousand Miles- Jealousy

Book two

Of the Three Thousand Miles Series



















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Email: [email protected]



















~For my family~






















wake to blinding lights that my eyes cannot fully adjust to. I reach out my hands and feel that I am on some kind of bed
I shift around but I can hardly move. My legs feel numb but I can still feel them. My arms ache and the pain that I have in my lower abdomen is excruciating. I try again to open my eyes
this time I force myself to focus
I see that I am in a hospital room. The walls are white and there is a
distinctive smell of chemicals
–a smell
I remember from the last time I was in hospital. I see that there is an empty seat sitting by my bedside. There is also a small table with a coffee cup on it and a black Chanel bag. I slowly and painfully slide myself up a little in the bed and I look over at th
e door, which is slightly closed
. I can hear people talking out in the hallway, I cannot make out what they are saying but the voice is familiar to me. I wonder of how long I have been here. I take my mind back t
o the last thing I can remember.
Michael and I were in the car and we were going to Columbia so
I could sit my exams. I close my eyes and Michael’s gorgeous face flashes in my mind, the roar of the Lamborghini

s engine I can still he
it now. The rate
which my heart was beating as Michael
and I ran for our lives, I can
still feel the sweat that
my body.
The long
faced man that followed us until he shot us.
I can still vividly see his cheeky wink that he gave before he pulled the trigger. I close my eyes and I can feel tears about to pour from them. From the guilt, I have for taking Michael with me that day. It was my fault that he was shot. If anything has happened to
him, I will never forgive myself.
I open my eyes and I see the door push back slightly I can hear a woman talk and I recognise that it is my mom. The door opens fully and I see her walk in
her face is gaunt and there is worry in he
r eyes. She is wearing
black skinny jeans, a black sweater her hair is golden, and in a perfect bob, she
has her sunglasses pushed back into her hair. As she looks at me,
begin to stream down her face.

my dear!” she says as she rushes over to my bedside and gently hugs me. “Oh
how are you feeling?” I move my body slightly and the pain I feel is overwhelming
however, I do not want to alarm my mom so I say

“I am a little sore but I am
” she hugs me again and her
tears have become worse.

“Mom I am fine, please do not cry,” I say my voice is shallow and I grit my teeth trying to not show the pain.

do you know what has happened to
you?” My mom says as she moves
slightly back from me. I sigh and say

“Yes I know that I was

” tears again start to run down her face and her voice is shaken as she speaks.

t was a horrendous random attack
the police are trying their best to
find the culprit but A
lanna sweetie
I am not going to lie to you
the police think that the chances of finding however did this awful thing is slim
” she says. Nevertheless, I know who did this to me and I know the reason
however, there is no way I would ever tell my mom.

“Mom is Michael okay?” S
he smiles at the sound of his name.

“Yes he is fine he wasn’t as hurt as you were the doctors
said that he saved your life!” My mom beams at her words

“Where is he?”

“His father flew to New York and moved him into a private hospital I am not sure if he is still there

And what about Jackson,” my mom looks nervous as she considers her next words.

“Sweetie, he didn’t make it,” I gasp in horror and I have to try hard to fight back my tears.

“That’s awful,” is all that I manage to say. I cannot contemplate the fact that Jackson died because if me. I feel my heart beat double in speed and I can hardly breathe.

how long have I been here?” S
he sighs and reaches into her black Chanel handbag to take out a tissue.

“Today is Monday and you have been here three weeks today

“I have been here so long was I asleep all that time?”

weetie you were badly injured you lost a lot of blood and you had to have emergency surgery to remove the bullet
. T
he doctors thought it would be best for you to sleep for a while to give yourself time to heal
” I cannot take this in I feel the pain and it must be real.

Can you please go and get Adrian?” M
y mom’s face changes and she hesitates before she talks.

Adrian is not here

“What? Where is he?” S
he moves closer to me and takes my hand.

“Alanna he hasn’t been here since you were admitted no one has seen him we don’t know where he is,” I gasp and I feel that this cannot be true. He would not leave me he said he would never do anything to hurt me.

“Mom, please tell me where he is!”

I don’t know,” she says in a broke
n voice.

e was here in N
ew York the day I was hurt
. H
e was going to meet at college he wouldn’t just leave me!”

“I don’t know what t
o tell you, he hasn’t been here, A
” I shake my head this cannot be true.

“Has he even called?”

“He calls the hospital almost every day but no one knows where he is
. H
e just asks if you are ok then he hangs up
. A
is there something you want to tell
me about him?” I feel nervous
I fear that my mom knows something. “What could I tell you?” I say in a rattled voice.

“Did he break up with you?”

“No he was on his way to
be with
me he loves me
I don’t understand why he is not
will you please get me my phone?”

“No A
you’re not up to that
I better go get the doctor you need to be checked over
” my mom says and walks out the door. I rest my head on the pillow and a gentle tear comes to my eye
I w
ish that Adrian were here and I cannot
lose him he is my world.

iss Hart how are you feeling,” t
he male doctor says as he enters the room with my mom by his side. I sit up straight and quickly wipe away my tears I look to him and say

“I am little sore but I am ok

I guess

e walks over and takes my hand
, he flips it
and checks my pulse as he does I can’t help but stare at this doctor
. H
e is gorgeous, so young his dark hair and eyes are beautiful, and I
lose myself
in the dark richness of his exotic skin. He smiles at me and says

“I know this must come as a shock to you but you are fine now
. I
t will take a while longer for the pain to go away and I will give you some pills for that
However, you will have to do some physiotherapy
it was quite an impact and your muscles have weakened but I have every belief that you will live a long
healthy life
. I
t will just take some time to get you back to the way you were

I smile at him and I say

“How much longer do I hav
e to stay here?” He laughs as he replies.

“A while longer
I am afraid
” I sigh and he writes down something on his clipboard.

“Do you think it would be ok if I had my phone?” I say in a sweet voice but before he gets the chance to answer,
my mom interrupts.

lanna let’s not try to do too much
you need time to rest
” I don’t look at her I know she is only doing this because she doesn’t want me to call Adrian. I look to the doctor, he sees the look of despair on my face he stares into my eyes, and I stare back
, he begins to talk
in a soft but masculine voice

please rest
now I will send in the nurse to check you over again
goodbye for now
.” H
e says and I feel that he is a little uneasy he walks very fast out of the door until he is out of sight. My mom walks over to a dark grey closet at the opposite side of my bed and opens it with a key. She takes out a fresh nightdress and my wash bag. She walks over and lays them on top of the bed.

“Darling I am so happy that you are ok
I have never been so scared in my life!” I look to my mom and
wonder if Adrian was scared
does he even care about me anymore? I cannot think of all the possibilities and my heart aches as I realize that he may be gone for good.

The nurse
called Melissa
is now in the room she has poked and pulled at me in every way. She has slid me out of the bed and I am now sitting on the edge.

“Miss Hart it’s very important for you to move around you need to familiarise yourself with the way you used to move so in your own time please try to stand up
” my heart races

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