Three to Tango (13 page)

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Authors: Chloe Cole,L. C. Chase

Tags: #Contemporary Menage

BOOK: Three to Tango
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Chloe Cole & L. C. Chase

“Why didn"t you tell me that you slept with him when it happened? You could

have told me. You know me better than anyone. I have an open mind. I would"ve

listened to what you had to say.”

“It"s because I
know you so well that I couldn"t tell you straight-out. If you

knew that I"d already slept with Alec, you"d have never agreed to the idea. You"d

have automatically put him on your off-limits list and stepped down gracefully. But

don"t you see? It"s the three of us that works. And I wanted to make sure we were

all on level ground. If you felt like Alec and I were an established couple, it never

would have worked. I know you want him.”

Jace bobbed his head once, then averted his gaze to fix on the liquid lightshow

that played out against the studio windows.

“The question is, do you want me too? If the answer is yes, then I want you to

think about it.”

He didn"t turn to look at her as he spoke. “And that"s why you kissed me

yesterday morning.”

Melody nodded, then took a step closer, drawing his attention back on her. He

still seemed hurt and confused, but the anger that had vibrated around him was

gone. She lifted a hand to his damp, bare chest and pressed it to his heart.

“I love you so much, Jace. I always have. You have to believe that. And I

wouldn"t risk our friendship if I didn"t think this could be something amazing.”

She leaned into him, her breath suspended as she waited for him to pull away.

He didn"t. His heart raced beneath her palm. Closer she moved, until their hips

touched. And still he didn"t move. Melody slid her hand from his chest up his neck,

past his pounding pulse to his face, where she brushed his perfect lips with her


Gazes locked, Jace opened his mouth, capturing her finger with his teeth,

nipping gently. He groaned and closed his eyes. A heady mixture of elation and

desire coursed through her, but a second later he pulled away.

Three to Tango


“Mel, I still—I"m not sure. I don"t know if this is something I can do, and I

don"t want to hurt you.”

“Can we at least try?” Mel knew she was pleading, but she didn"t care. She"d

get down on her knees and beg if she thought it would help.

“She"s right, Jace.”

Startled, they both turned to face Alec.

“Sorry. You had a few more minutes, but I couldn"t stand it,” he said to Melody

with a shrug.

She nodded. He"d lasted a lot longer than she could have in his shoes.

He turned his attention to Jace, and the warmth in his eyes reflected in the

sincerity of his voice. “It probably doesn"t mean much, but I"m so sorry. I know now

that we handled this wrong. All I can say is that we never intended to hurt you. I

really do love you. I am playing for keeps.”

She nodded at his words, and it took all her strength not to hug him, try to

comfort him, because he was hurting too. They all were.

The three of them stood quietly as the rain continued to fall.

Jace spoke, his voice a whisper. “Okay.”

She and Alec"s eyes met.
? Had he just said okay?

His voice was stronger the second time.

“Okay, we"ll try.”


Chloe Cole & L. C. Chase

Chapter Eleven

He couldn"t fully make out their expressions in the dim light, but Jace felt the

fearful tension in the room dissipate as another, different kind of vibe took its place.

He was a little shocked at what he"d just agreed to. But the more he let the

idea sink in, the more it appealed. If he was being honest with himself, even though

he was hurt and angry when he"d seen them kissing, his first and immediate

reaction had been desire. He had wanted to be a part of them. Together.

Maybe it had never registered before because he"d always thought he was

firmly gay. Maybe he and Mel had been dancing around this their whole lives. How

many times had told her he wished she were a man? But from the beginning they"d

drawn lines in the sand and filled them with concrete, their roles defined and set—

until Alec had showed them a way across the lines.

It was crazy to want two people, to love two people. But he did. And they did.

He believed that.

Now that he"d agreed, he didn"t know what to do next. When it came to sex

with a woman, he was still a virgin. He"d popped his boy cherry when he was

sixteen with Jimmy Miller at a dance competition in Sacramento. And after that,

there had been no reason to try women.

Now, adrift in uncharted waters, the confidence and exuberance he usually

brought to a sexual encounter had abandoned him. All he could do was stand there,

looking at Mel"s silhouette against the pale blue glow of the stereo behind her, and

hope that she"d make the first move.

Or maybe Alec would.

Three to Tango


Rain tapped a haunting beat against the windowed wall of the studio while his

anticipation grew.

Alec ended the standoff. He stepped cautiously toward Jace, the way one would

approach a panicked dog. Warm, strong hands cupped his face; then firm, velvet lips

caressed his mouth. Alec"s kiss was heartfelt and full of conviction. That unique,

heady spice filled Jace with trust—in him, in them—and he knew instinctively what

Alec was telling him: that he was loved and this was right.

Just as Jace relaxed and began to settle in, Alec broke away and reached for

Mel, pulling her into their intimate circle. With one hand still holding Jace, he slid

the other behind Mel"s head and kissed her soundly.

Jace couldn"t pull his eyes away, mesmerized; his mouth watered.

Alec broke from Mel and turned his gaze on Jace, leaning back a mere fraction,

but enough for Jace to understand.

He shifted his gaze to Mel and held it for a long moment. Her eyes sparkled

like the falling rain caught in streetlights. His body thrummed, but he was still too

unsure to move. Mel closed the distance for him and pressed her lips to his. Testing,

enticing him without pressuring or rushing. He parted his lips, and she slipped her

tongue inside. The taste of peppermint shocked his mouth as his tongue joined the

dance she"d started. He deepened their kiss and was rewarded with a low keening


Soft, warm hands settled on the bare skin of his waist, and Mel pulled him

toward her so their hips bumped. Just as he lifted his hands to her cup her face, a

strong, large hand cruised up his spine, leaving sparks in its wake.


Jace had become so engrossed in kissing Mel he hadn"t noticed that Alec had

removed his shirt and moved behind him. Silky skin wrapped around hard muscle

pressed into his back while smooth softness molded to his chest. The hand that had

run up his spine now rested on his shoulder; the other hand slid possessively over


Chloe Cole & L. C. Chase

his torso and fanned out on his abdomen. A hot breath against his neck, just behind

his ear, sent a shudder racing through his body.

“You"re beautiful together.”

Teeth latched on to the corded muscle at the base of his neck. Every single

nerve ending in his body ignited.

The hand on his abdomen lowered, slipped inside the band of his pants, and

gripped his aching shaft while Alec"s hard cock ground against his backside. Then

the strong hand was replaced by a softer one. Although he was distantly aware of

who was who, the lines blurred, and it felt like countless hands were everywhere at


Alec forced Jace and Mel to move as one unit toward the desk. Mel bumped

against it and sat decisively as Alec shoved papers onto the floor. An already naked

Alec slid Mel"s shorts off as she pulled her shirt over her head. Then Alec hooked his

hands in the waist of Jace"s wet pants and pushed them down his legs.

Pale blue light from the face of the stereo ghosted Mel"s body and defined the

lines and curves of smooth, flawless skin.

“God, you"re beautiful, Melody,” Jace said, his voice rough.

“And so are you,” Alec whispered as he turned Jace"s head and kissed him with

aggressive possession. Jace swayed from the force of it when Alec released him and

stepped back, blending into the shadows.

Mel reached out for Jace and wrapped her hand around the back of his neck,

pulling him toward her. “I love you, Jace.”

He stepped between her open legs and took her lips, his hands firm on her

hips. She wrapped her long legs around his waist, took one of his hands, and

brought it to her breast. It filled his palm, firm and soft. He rolled her nipple

between his finger and thumb, and Mel moaned into his mouth, making his swollen

cock ache for release. She ran her hands along his chest and his abdomen, then

stroked his throbbing cock.

Three to Tango


She broke their kiss and asked in a raspy voice, “Do you still want to try?”

“Yes.” He nodded quickly, surprised by his lack of hesitation. “Oh yes.”

Distantly he heard foil tearing behind him, and then started in surprise when

strong hands reached around and rolled a condom over his dick.

Then Melody took Jace in hand and skillfully guided him inside her body.

Oh. My. God
. His knees threatened to buckle under him. One deep stroke, and

he was buried to the hilt, firmly encased in blistering liquid silk. Inside a woman,

inside Melody. His best friend. His best
friend. But she was more than that and

always had been. He knew that now.

Her body was hot and slick as it pulsed around him, tight but so incredibly

smooth. The feeling was new. Different but intense, and he moaned as her heat

clutched him.

Cool, lube-slicked hands cupped his ass and divided his attention. His breath

hitched in his throat, and a shiver charged through his pinging body. Alec kissed his

shoulder blades as long sure fingers moved between his cheeks and deftly set to

relaxing the tight ring of muscle.

Alec moved with him as he slowly pumped into Mel. She arched her spine and

threw her head back as Jace rocked forward, impaling her, then rocked back onto

Alec"s fingers.

Jace moaned in complaint when those fingers retreated. He heard foil tear

behind him a second time, and then groaned with desire when the head of Alec"s

thick cock pressed against his entrance. Alec pushed his way in slow and sure,

stretching and filling him, until he was fully seated.

“Oh. Mother. Mercy…” Jace ground out on the edge of sensation overload. The

three of them stilled for an extended breath with him buried deep inside Mel and

Alec deep inside him.

“Feel good?” Alec"s words fanned a hot breath across Jace"s shoulder. He could

only nod, having lost the ability to speak coherent words.


Chloe Cole & L. C. Chase

Alec grabbed Mel"s ankles and pulled her legs around his waist, trapping Jace

between them, and then he started to move. The three of them rocking, grinding,

thrusting in erotic unison.

How different but equally amazing his two lovers" bodies were. Mel was an

athlete with the body to prove it, but she was still feminine. Her highly toned body

was still soft, her corners rounded. If she were a dance, she"d be an American waltz,

a sensual glide across the dance floor. Alec"s hard body was unyielding, his corners

sharp and defined. Where Mel was a smooth waltz, Alec was like a
paso doble
. He

was the matador—passionate and strong—and completely in control.

Jace loved it, loved it all.

For ten years Melody had dreamed of this moment. Ten years she"d fantasized

and longed for Jace to want her as more than just a best friend. Now that it was

finally happening, she realized her every fantasy had paled miserably in


He made love to her the same way he kissed: masterfully leading her in a

graceful, sensual dance.

He leaned over her, his arms braced on either side of her shoulders, holding

himself up from crushing her into the desk. He lowered his head, and she met him

halfway, biting gently on his lower lip, pulling it into her mouth. Jace groaned and

then broke away, throwing his head back. She watched, mesmerized, as every

emotion he felt displayed across his beautiful face. A light sheen of sweat glistened

on his skin.

She dug her fingers into his biceps and tightened her legs around Alec"s waist,

holding the three of them securely together.

“I want to watch you come for him, Mel,” Alec growled roughly. His hands held

her legs for leverage as he pounded into Jace. Then he nipped at Jace"s shoulder.

The intensity and pace increased as all three of them raced for the edge. Jace

shoved his hands under her bottom and lifted her hips up, better positioning

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