Threes Company (9 page)

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Authors: N.R. Walker

Tags: #erotic MM, #Romance MM

BOOK: Threes Company
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I looked at them from my beach chair, Adam was in the middle of us. "Do you guys get to do this often?" I asked them.

"Not as often as we'd like, but yeah," Adam answered. "Once every couple of weeks we find a way to get away."

Simon looked out toward the flat, blue water. "You know what it's like when you run a business. Free time isn't exactly free."



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I nodded, thinking back to my restaurant back home because I knew exactly what he meant. And right on cue, my cell phone rang. I looked at the number. "And speak of the devil," I mumbled before answering. "Callie!"

"Hey, Mister Man of Leisure," she goaded me.

"How's the Florida sun?"

The sound of her voice made me happy. "Good, Cal. How're things going up there? Everything under control?"

I rolled off my chair and walked off a few yards, giving a bit of courteous distance between me talking on the phone, and Adam and Simon.

Callie chatted brightly, telling me all about what I'd been missing at home, which admittedly wasn't much.

People were still talking about me—the scandalous rumors were still buzzing along the grapevine. Callie tried to laugh it off when she told me, but it still stung.

"But they're coming into the restaurant again?

You've been busy…"

"Yeah," she said quietly, and I understood. She didn't have to explain.

"They're happy to eat there, as long as the chef's not gay."

Her silence was my answer. Fuck.

"They won't let it go, will they?" I asked her quietly.



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"Sure they will," she said. "Just give them time."

"How much time?" I asked rhetorically. "Until I'm broke?"

Callie sighed and changed the subject. She'd been out to check on my house, making sure it was as I'd left it.

As she talked, I turned back to look at Adam and Simon, some thirty yards away, on the chairs in the shade. They were talking and smiling. Just looking at them made me smile.

"Wil?" Callie's voice snapped me back.

"Yeah? Sorry…"

"I asked if you were still spending time with that other guy?" she repeated. "Or did you meet someone else?"

My grin widened. "Maybe."

I heard her gasp through the phone. "Who is he? Is he cute?"

I laughed. "Um… well…"

"Wilson Curtis, you better not leave me hanging."

I chuckled at Callie. I knew when she called me by my full name, she meant business. And with the safety net of telling her over the phone, I took a deep breath and told her.

"Well, it's not really a
. It's more like a

She was silent, obviously trying to make sense of what I saying. "What?"



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"Well, it is a
," I clarified. "But it's not one

Then I added, "It's

"Two?" Callie gasped again. Then she drawled out,

"Wilson Curtis, you sly dog."

I could hear the smile in her voice.

"I know!" I laughed at the ridiculousness of it all.

"They're great though, Cal. Adam's the fun one and Simon's the serious one of them."

"Jeez. Wil, you make it sound like these two guys are a couple."

I knew she'd presumed when I said
that I'd meant I'd scored twice with two separate men. "Um," I started, unsure how to explain. "Well, they are a couple."

Callie was quiet again, trying to get the scenario right in her head. "So they're a legit couple, as in boyfriends…?"


"Then what are you to them?"

I changed the phone to my other ear and gave a quick glance back to the two men in question. They were still talking. "Dunno, Cal. I haven't really asked them that,"

I answered honestly. "Just a bit of fun, I guess. It doesn't matter. I turned up here alone and they're taking it upon themselves to make sure I have the best time."

"So they're using you while you're there to fulfill



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some fantasy?"

"I don't know, Callie," I replied rather shortly.

"Maybe it's mutual."

She huffed into the phone. "I'm not criticizing or judging, Wil. I just worry that's all."

I sighed dramatically. "I know, Cal." And I did know. She was my best friend. She'd been with me through everything. "I know you worry."

"Just tell me you're being safe and I'll leave it alone."

"Of course I am."

"Good," she sighed, relieved. "That's good." Then she sighed again, happier this time. "You can still give me details when you get home in just over a week."

I laughed into the phone. "Not sure you want
the details, Cal."

She laughed. "Yeah, well, okay. Not all the details."

My smile faded. One week. Just over a week. One week, and my time here was done. My time with Adam and Simon was done. It made my stomach twist.

"You okay, Wil? You've gone quiet on me," my best friend asked. She knew me so well.

I sighed. "Callie, it's so good here. It's so free. I walked down the street holding his hand, Cal. In public! Do you have any idea what that's like? For the first time in my



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"Oh, Wil…" she breathed into the phone.

I sighed. "Fuck, Callie."

"Then make the most of what time you have left,"

she replied. "Make it the best week of your life."

I scrubbed my hand over my face and sighed again, and when I looked at Adam and Simon, they were both looking at me. "It's already been the best week of my life, Cal."

Callie was silent for a long moment. Then she said,

"Wil, Rod asked about you. He wanted to know if I'd spoken to you."

I heard what she said. I heard the words. But in that moment, I understood something very clearly. "Callie, you know what? I don't want to know. I don't care."



"I'm glad to hear it. He's an ass, and you deserve better."

I snorted. She never did like him. Before I could say anything else, she said, "Right. I have a restaurant to run, and you have some fun to be had. Now quit wasting time talking to me and go find your man."

I laughed. "Um, Cal, I just told you. It's not one man. It's two."



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I swear I could hear roll her eyes. "Then go find your… men."

The line clicked dead and I grinned.
My men.
I liked the sound of that.

I walked back to where they were and all but fell onto my chair. "Sorry about that."

"Everything okay?" Adam asked.

I nodded, not wanting to divulge my homelife

troubles and put a damper on the day. "Callie's got it all under control. She's been out to my house, checked on a few things."

"Oh," Simon said. "Everything okay?" he repeated Adam's question, but then added, "Your house okay?"

"Yeah." I nodded, though I don't think either of them was convinced.

"Do you
your own house?" Adam asked.

I nodded. "It was my parent's house. They died two years ago, so I kind of inherited it."

"Oh," Simon said softly. "I'm sorry."

"Yeah, I'm sorry," Adam agreed. He shook his head and frowned. "I didn't know."

"'S'okay," I told them. "You couldn't have known"

"Have you got any brothers or sisters?" Simon asked. This was the first real personal information we'd exchanged, which was odd, considering how very personal



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we'd been.

"No," I answered. "None. Have you?"

Simon nodded. "One brother, one sister. Still got both parents and they're still married."

I looked at Adam. "Family?"

He shook his head and answered quietly, "None."

Simon was quick to jump in, moving the

conversation along, and I deduced just as quickly Adam's family issues were not something he was comfortable discussing.

Adam sat up and seemed to have had enough of this conversation. He peeled off his shirt. "I'm going for a swim.

Who's with me?"

Silly question, really. We both were, of course.

* * * *

On the way back to the hotel, Simon made some

phone calls, including one to the café where Dee worked.

We stopped in on our way and were greeted by Dee herself with warm hellos and a huge grin. Simon and Dee caught up, apparently quite close friends, and I understood her coldness toward me when she thought Adam was now with me.

Talk turned to that Hartley developer guy and Dee



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shook her head, suddenly fuming. I still didn't really know what was going on, but from what I could understand, someone had sold out to Hartley. He'd secured ownership of one gay bar, apparently. "I'll call you and tell you all about it," she told Simon. "But he's turning Key West straight, one development at a time."

Dee got busy with other customers and we sat at a booth, Adam and Simon on one side, me on the other, facing them. They sat close together, their sides touching and Simon had one arm around Adam's waist. It was sweet.

I loved seeing them so wrapped up in each other, so very happy. It truly was a pleasure to witness. Our sodas were delivered, and Simon held up his drink. "To a great day."

I clinked my glass to his, then Adam's, and Adam did the same. Only when he tapped his drink against Simon's, he looked at him and spoke just for him. "I love you."

And my stomach clenched. My heart rate took off.

Simon grinned at him and returned the sentiment.

"Love you, too."

It was the first time I'd heard those words uttered between them. I wasn't surprised, not at all. Anyone could see they were in love… but to hear it…

I looked down at the table between us, wanting to



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give them their moment. I wondered why my heart thumped funny, why hearing those words, those very special three little words, made my heart rate spike, why my stomach was in knots.

It wasn't jealousy.

It wasn't jealousy at all.

It was longing.

I tried to squash the feeling. I tried to tamp down the yearning in my belly for what they had. And I tried to ease the aching realization that what I thought was love, what I had with Rod, wasn't love at all.

It wasn't even close.

"Wil, you okay?" Simon's voice startled me.

"Yeah," I answered with a smile. "It's all good."

Neither looked convinced. Adam tilted his head.

"Sure everything's okay back home?"

I shrugged. "As good as it's gonna get."

"Wanna talk about it?" Simon asked.

"Not really," I said quietly.

Dee came to our table with her arms full of food. I was grateful for the distraction, and the morning's activities had given me quite an appetite. I started to eat, and when I looked back up at them, Adam was looking at me, his food untouched.

Simon looked at Adam. "You know what?" he



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asked, trying to lighten the mood. "It seems Wil needs some

Mental images of how we'd de-stressed Simon

earlier today flashed through my mind, and I almost choked on some salad.

Adam chuckled, then his smile died and his brow pinched. "But you were both going to take turns in fucking me! Wil said so!" He looked genuinely put out, but then tried not to smile. "You can't promise that kind of fun and then not deliver."

I chuckled, a dozen shades of embarrassed, while Simon just laughed cheerfully. He patted Adam's hand.

"Oh, we'll deliver. Don't you worry about that."



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Chapter 7

Deliver, we did. We took turns at fucking Adam all right, but not one at a time. We did it together. Simon and I both prepped him, licking, sucking, and fingering him, stretching him.

Adam was on all fours on the bed, while Simon and I knelt beside him, behind him. Simon slid into him first, slowly, deliciously.

And I watched.

I watched Simon's long cock slide in, then pull almost all the way out and then push back in. Again and again.

"Oh, baby," Simon whispered.

Adam moaned in response. "Fuck, you feel so good."

Simon groaned, almost painfully. So I kissed him.

Fucking hard. I held his face and thrust my tongue into his mouth until we needed air.

Then he pulled out of Adam, his cock still hard as steel. He looked at me. "Your turn," he said gruffly. "Fuck him like you mean it."

I pumped my cock in my fist once, making the sure the condom was rolled all the way down and nicely slicked



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with lube, and I slid straight in.

He was still tight, and oh-so-hot, and I pushed in as deep as I could. Adam arched his back. "Oh, fuck! Wil!

Yeah, baby, just like that!"

Simon moved to Adam's side and using a handful of hair, he pulled his head back. Leaning down, Simon smashed his mouth over Adam's. I could see their moving tongues, thrusting in time with my cock in his ass.

He felt so good. So, so fucking good.

Simon now knelt in front of Adam, lifting him to a kneeling position, while I was still buried in his ass. He cupped his face adoringly, lovingly, and whispered, "You know how beautiful you are right now?"

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