Through Smoke: The Troubled Heroes Series (33 page)

BOOK: Through Smoke: The Troubled Heroes Series
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“What makes you say that?”

His tone was offensive to her, almost like he didn’t believe her.  “Well one big red flag is the fact that he has a shift this morning and is already an hour late.”

“You sure he didn’t just oversleep?”

Eva let out a deep sigh.  Michael was right.  Dealing with the cops was about as effective as getting a drug addict to run the case.  “Mikey hasn’t been late a day in his life.  That and the fact that I didn’t see him or hear from him at all yesterday.  You ever think that Viper finally got him because you NYPD guys are too busy dragging your feet to get on the matter?”

“Miss Crisante, I’m just making sure we aren’t overreacting before we go balls out on a matter that can be resolved easily.”  He paused and she could hear some background noise.  “Now, when was the exact time you last heard from Mr. McGinnis?”

She gave him all of the details but couldn’t help but feel like it was a lost cause.  It was as if the detective was just taking notes to pacify her.  She hung up the phone and took one last view of the block.  She whispered to herself, “Come on Mikey, where the hell are you?”

Chapter Twenty-One


Michael’s head was pounding.  Every time his pulse would beat, a sharp pain cast down his temples.  Thankfully most of the lights in the room they were in were turned off, except for two that made it just light enough for him to see across to Casey, who had been dozing on and off.  He wasn’t even sure what time it was, just that even though he was exhausted both mentally and physically, sleep probably would not hit him.  He was glad Casey was at least getting rest, unless it was all a side effect from his injuries. 

“Casey?”  His voice was raspy so he coughed, clearing it out.  It was so dry from the little water they had gotten.  Swallowing, he cringed at how sore it felt. “Casey, you awake?”  He wanted to make sure that Casey was conscious and okay.  Their health was declining rapidly.

Casey lifted his head and muttered.  His eyes were half open and he nodded at him.  “What is it? I finally was about to fall asleep.”

Michael let out a deep sigh, thankful to hear his voice.  “You okay?”

Casey’s eyes shot completely open and he raked his hand through his hair.  “I’m alive if that’s what you’re asking.”

Michael suddenly felt guilty for waking him up. He would give anything to be able to sleep right now, but despite his exhaustion, it just wasn’t going to happen.  He kept trying to conjure up different ideas on what they were going to do.  Sadly, nothing inventive came to mind, but he wasn’t ready to give up yet, especially now that Viper was bringing Eva up again.  He had to stay alive long enough to at least protect her. 

“Casey, you got any ideas on what the fuck we’re gonna do?”  He tried to keep his voice low.  Regardless of how quiet they were, every tiny sound echoed against the metal walls.

“I got nothing, man.  I think we’re dead where we sit.”

Michael shifted his weight to try and get comfortable, but that was next to impossible.  He was extremely light headed and was unsure of what injuries he had sustained.  “We can’t just sit here. We gotta keep thinking and be ready.”  He paused and leaned his head back against the wall.  Closing his eyes, he tried to resist the floating
sensation that blindsided him
.  He grew nauseous and began to puke up the little food that Viper had brought to them.  It burned worse with each dry heave that shimmied up his body.  After what seemed like a lifetime, his nausea went away and he was left doubled over with sweat pouring down his brow.  Groaning, he leaned back again, keeping his eyes shut.  “Who the fuck am I kidding?  We’re gonna die in this shit hole.”

“I’m so sorry, Mikey. I truly am.”

Michael opened his eyes, looking at his little brother straight in the eye.  “So many times have you said that to me, Casey.  And every time I believed you.  Look where it’s gotten us.”  He wiped his face with the back of his arm.  “I don’t know what else to do.”

“I’ll think of something.  I’ve always promised you that I’d come through for you.  Just wait.”

Michael scoffed and shook his head.  Another wave of nausea shot through him. This time it passed quickly.  He leaned his head back again, wishing the room would stop randomly spinning.  “I should say that I’m sorry to you too, Case.”

There was a few seconds of silence and the tension was thick between them.  Michael was scared to open his eyes, but did to make sure that Casey was still awake. 

“What in the hell do you have to be sorry about, Mikey?  You’re here because you’re protecting me, just like you’ve done our whole life. This is all my fault and no one else’s.  You know damn well that I’m right.”

Michael held his index finger up to get Casey to be quiet. “This is not what I’m talking about.” Every now and then he had to stop himself to catch his breath.  It was like breathing through a straw with a hole in it. 

“Mikey, you okay?”

Michael heard Casey’s question but ignored it as he attempted to gain his breath.  Shifting his weight again, he put more of his back against the wall so he wasn’t slouching, and that supplied temporary relief on his labored breathing. 

“I’m fine.  Just tired.  I’m apologizing to you because I should’ve taken better care of you after Dad died.  We both ran wild.  I should’ve been harder on you so we would’ve never been close to being in a situation like this.”

The look on Casey’s face was full of disbelief.  Michael didn’t care though, he had to get that out just in case if something did happen to either of them.  Again, there were a few moments of silence and Michael’s words lingered over them, allowing both of them to sit and think about their past and how things could have easily been different. 

“Mikey, I think you’re delirious.  You alone couldn’t have saved me from being the way I am.  I was acting like this long before dad ever died in that fire and you know it.”

Michael shook his head and cringed at the pain that shot through his brow.  “No, damn it, you weren’t.  I was the man of the house after he was gone and I fucked it all up.  Mom couldn’t handle it alone and we sure as hell didn’t make it any easier on her.”

“You’re missing one thing though, big brother.”

“Yeah, and what’s that?”

Casey sighed and looked up at the ceiling.  “You got better.  You chose to stop and do something with your life.  For once in my life, I didn’t follow you.  I stayed with the drugs.  Why is that?  I followed you my whole life until what you did was right.  You can’t put blame on yourself for that one.”

“Yes I can, Casey.  I should’ve never led you to drugs in the first place.  Believe what you want, but I should’ve been your father figure.  That was my duty as the oldest, and now we have to face the consequences.”

“Mikey, get some rest.  I know we need to find a way out, but if we aren’t resting we won’t have the energy.  For once in your life, let me take control.  I think you need it worse than I do.”

“Yeah Casey, you’re gonna save us all by yourself.  In thirty years you haven’t done a damn thing.  Why start now?”  Michael regretted saying that the minute he thought it.  “Damn it, I’m sorry.  Here I am trying to apologize and I say shit like that.”  He paused and squeezed his eyes shut.  “Okay, let’s get some rest, but stay aware.  The minute we let our guard down is when he’ll be back.”



Eva couldn’t sit still.  She was deep down, praying for a busy day to allow time to pass without her thinking about the possibilities of where Michael would be.  She felt worthless.  There was obviously something going on.  Michael would not no show for a shift unless there was some huge reason.  Her gut was telling her that Viper was the reason.  She couldn’t be at work.  On the few calls they had ran, her mind would wonder, putting the patient in even more harm than had she not responded.  The cops weren’t doing a thing.  No one seemed concerned.  She had to come through for Mikey.  Even if this were some misunderstanding, just showing him that she was there would be huge.

She knocked on the side of the captains door.  He motioned her in, but was on the phone so she waited as patiently as she could.  After a few more minutes, he finally hung up, his eyebrow arching as he waited for her to speak.

“Sir, I’m not interrupting anything, am I?”

“No.  What is interrupting me is the fact that McGinnis no showed today.  Any possible reasons why that is?”

Eva began to pace back and forth in front of his desk, in what little space allowed. “Sir, that’s actually what I was coming in here to talk to you about.”  She paused and took a deep breath.  “I think something major is happening.  Mikey,” she stopped herself quickly.  “McGinnis would never leave us stranded like this without a big reason.”

Captain Rooker folded his arms across his chest and leaned back in his chair.  “What’s your point, Crisante?”

“My point is, he’s been hassled by this bookie who has been after his brother.  From what I gather, this bookie is pretty serious when he doesn’t get his money.  I think something has happened to McGinnis.  This is all just too weird, and recently he found out that his brother had went missing.  Now he suddenly isn’t at work.  That’s not just a coincidence, Sir.”

He didn’t respond, and the room fell silent. “And the cops are aware?”

Eva nodded.  Her temper flared at just the mention of the police. “Screw the police.  We’ve kept them informed and they just shrug it off.  I called them this morning about Michael and they handed me the twenty four hour bullshit they always do about missing people.”  She bit her bottom lip.  “Frankly, I have no idea what the hell to do.”

The Captain sat up in his chair and grabbed an address book from a side drawer.  “I’ll see what I can do, Crisante.  I know some detectives higher up with the NYPD.  Maybe they can light a fire under these other guys, so to speak. For the time being, get on the truck and run your calls.”

“Sir, I can’t even focus.  I’m driving myself crazy.”

He shook his head as he flipped through the book.  “I understand that.  You’re probably sitting there thinking you aren’t doing him any good by being at work.  New York is a big city.  He could be anywhere.  I’ll call the proper people who are experts in this.  You stick to what you know and work.  I’d let you leave, but with McGinnis being out I had to move some guys around.  I really need you on the ambulance.  Just do your best, that’s all I ask.  I’ll make these phone calls. This is the best thing we can do right now.”

“I really feel like I should be out there looking.”

“Trust me when I say that we’ll get the proper guys on the job.  I promise you that.”  The look on his face was full of sympathy, and for the first time that day, Eva felt like this could be possibly headed in the right direction. 

“Thank you, Sir. Let’s just hope the rest of the day passes quickly.  I feel like a sitting duck.”

“McGinnis would want you to stay here and work.  Don’t feel guilty about that.”



Casey watched as his older brother dozed off.  While he wasn’t sure Michael was in good condition to sleep, he relaxed at the thought of knowing that he was getting needed rest to rec
over from his injuries
.  He wasn
’t sure how he looked himself
, but he could definitely say that Michael looked like hell.  He probably endured much more physical damage. 

Guilt hit Casey hard.  Michael was in yet another situation like this because of him.  Again he pulled him into a dangerous situation.  Surely he would know by now that regardless of the hole he got himself into, Michael would be there to try and lead him out.  Too bad he never learned not to get in so far over his head.  Now the chances of them dying were greater than any other time in the past. 

He just wanted to show Mikey that he appreciated everything he had ever done for him. He couldn’t believe that Michael had actually apologized to him for not being there after their dad died.  If he only knew how much Casey appreciated everything he had ever done.  It hurt him to know that Mikey didn’t see it that way, and that he never showed his true appreciation.  Now was his chance to prove to him that he loved him.  He didn’t know how, but he was determined to get him out of this predicament and take care of Viper once and for all.

There were moments when Mikey would mutter something in his sleep, but every time he did it was too muffled for Casey to understand.  Casey had to do something soon or Mikey would die before Viper even got hold of them again. 

At times, Casey tried to get sleep as well, but his mind raced with different plans on what he was going to do to save them.  With their legs shackled to the floor it made everything impossible.  Casey was grateful that their hands were free now.  He examined the chains that were around his ankles.  The metal cuffs looked like they were made out of handcuffs that cops use.  The chains that led from that to the floor were locked on a hinge on the concrete.  He tried maneuvering the contraption to work it loose with no luck.  Whoever had welded it all together had done an excellent job.

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