Through the Glass (28 page)

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Authors: Lisa J. Hobman

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #rekindled love, #Scotish, #5 Prince Publishing, #under $5, #Lisa J. Hobman, #English, #contemporary romance

BOOK: Through the Glass
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Chapter 23

March 2012 – Three Years and One Month After the Break-up

Felicity’s cell phone rang in the early hours of Sunday morning. Startled, she clambered out of bed and fumbled for her phone.

She finally spoke, out of breath. “Hello?”

“Felicity…There’s been a break in…at the gallery.” Lia’s voice was filled with distress. “They’re gone. The forgeries have been taken.”

Felicity sat bolt upright. “What?! When?” Panic washed over her. “I-I…what about the other pieces?”

“That’s the weird thing… Nothing else was taken. I can’t call the police, Felicity. If I call the police and they find out that only forgeries were taken they will wonder why we didn’t report them. We can’t report them now. We’d been in so much shit… I don’t know what to do. I’m so scared.”

Felicity was shaking and her heart was beating so loudly she could hear the pounding in her ears. “Lia, are you okay? Are you safe?”

“Y-yes. I’m fine. Just a little shaken. We’ll need to get someone in to change the locks.”

“Hang on…why were
contacted about this and not
?” Felicity asked, puzzled.

“I guess Franco forgot to update the database with the security firm. It’s no biggy. Don’t worry. I’m fine. Just a little upset.”

“Where are you? I’ll come and get you.” Felicity rushed the words out.

“No, no don’t do that. I’m home now. The doors are temporarily secured and the security firm has been instructed to guard the premises. It’ll be fine.”

Felicity sighed. “Okay, well if you’re sure. I’ll be in early and I’ll try to deal with this. We’ll come up with something… I promise, Lia”

“The thing that’s scaring me the most is that whoever was in charge of the forgery racket knows that
we know
something… Why else would they break in now to take the pieces? What if they come after
?” Lia sounded terrified.

“No…no…I think that now they have the paintings they have exactly what they want. Maybe it’s over, Lia. I really hope it is.”

“Me too, Felicity, me too. I’ll see you soon.”

Sleep evaded Felicity for the rest of the night as she tossed and turned wondering what the hell to do next. Eventually, giving in to her wakefulness, she showered and dressed quickly, leaving the hotel without eating. She arrived at the gallery early to find Lia already inside assessing the damage.

She rushed over and flung her arms around Felicity’s neck, sobbing. “Oh, Felicity, I’m so scared.”

“Hey, shhh. It’s okay. I’m sure it’ll be fine now. I think it’s over. Like I said last night, they have what they want. They didn’t take any of the other pieces.”

Lia was shaking uncontrollably. “But what if they come after us?”

Felicity placed her hands firmly on Lia’s shoulders. “Lia, you need to calm down. I
figure this out. Why would they bother coming after us? It’s not like we really know anything. I’m going to the UK next week to meet a new artist, and I’ll think all of this through. When I return, we’re going to report this whole thing, first to Franco and then to the police. We’ll do it together and back each other up. I just need to think it through.” She bit her lip. “And maybe if we leave it awhile the criminals will think we’re going to do nothing. If they are watching us, they will see things going on as normal. That way they won’t know to expect the police. I need to put everything down in writing and get the facts straight so that you and I are not implicated at all. We need to be kept out of this whole thing, or it could ruin both of our careers.”

Lia chewed on a fingernail. “Do you think that will work? If we wait I mean?”

Felicity nodded. “I hope so. I think…I think so.”

Lia closed her eyes for a moment. “Okay. Have you booked your flight for the UK and everything? Hotels and a car?”

“Not yet. I need you to do that for me whilst I start compiling a report. Franco knows about the trip. but he doesn’t know the reasons behind it as yet.”

“Okay. I’ll get on it right away. Will you be flying business class or first class?”

“Oh…I’ll just fly regular economy. It’ll be fine.” Felicity turned toward her office.

“Economy? Ewww. How come?”

“No reason. Just go ahead and book. I’ll be fine in economy.” She went into her office and closed the door behind her.

Being here, surrounded by all this wonderful art used to thrill Felicity. The buzz of finding a new and unknown talent used to drive her. But hearing Julian talk about the new talent
had discovered and how this woman painted with such passion had made her long to paint again. All this talk of forgeries, break-ins, and criminal activity on her doorstep tarnished everything.

Being so far away from everything she loved and knew was difficult, and she had felt like a fish out of water ever since arriving in New York. It was such an amazing city and this had been the opportunity of a lifetime, but all she could think about was Jim and going home. She wanted to be with him. He had loved her once. Maybe if she returned to the UK she could at least go to visit him and try to make him see that she had changed?

There must have been something deep within him, some part of him that still wanted her. She just hoped that it wasn’t only a physical pull that still remained for him. She wanted his heart to still desire her, too. The sex they had experienced together had always been great. The trust to share their desires and fantasies was something she had cherished until she had been convinced that sex and love weren’t enough. But now she knew that career, money, and power weren’t all they were made out to be either. Especially if there was no one to go home to at the end of the day.

She had decided, however, that whatever happened now, returning to the UK was the best plan. This was not the type of business you could be a part of if your heart wasn’t in it. And her heart was, sadly, no longer in it. Her heart had only one place it wanted to be and that was with Jim.


Chapter 24

April 2012 - Three Years and Two Months After the Break-up

Felicity sat in the airport lounge clutching the little case that held her tickets and passport. She felt sick to the stomach just as she did every single time she flew. Ridiculous considering the very nature of her job.
International Art Dealer – pah! Laughable
. This time was worse, however, as she knew that she had to speak to Franco whilst in the UK and inform him of the fraudulent goings on in the New York gallery. She hadn’t made Lia privy to this snippet of information, as she didn’t want to cause her any further worry. But Felicity now had enough evidence to point the finger at former gallery Manager, Chester Withers.

Her palms were sweating, and her heart was presumably choreographing a new version of
in her chest judging by its erratic beat. She glanced around at the eclectic mix of people surrounding her: Business people in suits conversing seriously on cell phones; parents and young children playing eye spy games to try and fend off the boredom of waiting; couples saying their heart felt goodbyes.

Her heart skipped a beat as she thought about Jim. She was going to be in Glasgow for the exhibition, so she was going to make time to travel up and see him again or at least to ask him to meet her. There were so many things she needed to say that couldn’t be said over the phone. Apologies needed to be made in person. She realised now that
was who she wanted. Despite their last encounter. She had to fight for him, prove to him that she had changed. And if it was too late, which she suspected it was, well…at least he would know the truth and she would have the opportunity for closure knowing that she had done everything she possibly could.

This was going to be her second to last trip back to the UK if things went as she planned. New York was not for her. She had once thought it offered her exactly the life she craved. But hearing about this fantastic new mysterious female artist had made her yearn for her brushes and canvas. She missed her friends. For goodness sake, she
missed her mum.

“Room for a little one?” A familiar voice broke her from her reverie. Looking up she smiled into the stunning face of Lia Cole.

“What are you doing here?!” Felicity jumped up and pulled her colleague into a death-grip hug.

“I should be asking you the same. I went by your hotel to check up on you, and they said you had already checked out. Why are you here so damned early?”

“Nerves, I guess. I always do this. I’m always scared that I’ll realise I’ve forgotten something and have to go back. So…if I get here early, I have plenty of time.” Felicity’s face heated at the admission.

Lia laughed. “Hmmm, that’s some twisted logic you got there, missy.”

Felicity shrugged. “Yes, it is, but it works for me. So why
you checking up on me?”

“Well, you sounded kinda worked up about the flight and about seeing Jim, so I thought I’d come keep you company for couple hours while you waited. Give you a little moral support.” Lia smiled sweetly. “I was kinda thinking that you’d be in your hotel room, but seeing as you’re here…so am I.” She held out her hands in a
ta daaaa

“Oh, that’s so lovely. Thank you so much. I could use a friend to keep my mind occupied. I do so hate flying. Come and sit.” Felicity moved over to the sofa again.

“Tell you what. Why don’t I go and get you something to drink? Calm your nerves a little?”

“Oh, I don’t know. It’s a little early and I know it’s maybe a little too much information, but I tend to get sick before a flight. So it wouldn’t work anyway.”

“Sure it would. And you won’t get sick because
here to take your mind off of things.”

Flick pondered on the thought of alcohol on her already churning stomach. “I really don’t think—”

“Don’t forget you have to clear security yet, and then you’ll be sitting around for a while or looking around the boutiques before you board. Anything you drink now will relax you for a little while but will have gotten out of your system way before that.”

Felicity scrunched her nose, “Ahhh, I just don’t feel—”

“Look, trust me, I’m a New Yorker.” Lia tipped her head to the side and framed her face with her fingers playfully.

“Oh, okay. Just one then, I suppose.”

Lia clapped her hands theatrically and headed for the bar.

Felicity sat and nervously stared up at the screen displaying flights and departure times. Flight nine forty-two was going to depart right on time. She had been sitting here for what had felt like a decade when in actual fact it had only been an hour or so. She had foregone her first class ticket and the sumptuous lounge that went with it out of guilt—a decision she now regretted—knowing she would be flying back here only to tie up loose ends before handing in her resignation and flying home again permanently.

. Her heart skipped once again.

“There you go. Jack and coke. With ice and a twist, seeing as we’re celebrating.”

Felicity took the glass from Lia and took a large gulp. “What are we celebrating?” Felicity knew the answer.

Lia rolled her bright green eyes. “Your future with your ex of course! Even though I think you’re totally crazy.”

Hearing those words made Felicity’s stomach do somersaults as the butterflies took flight again. She took another large gulp and shivered as the bitter alcohol hit her throat. “I know…I just… I love him. I always have. So many things have gone wrong for us. But I need to at least try to get him back.”

Lia’s bottom lip protruded in a mock sulk. “There are so many hot guys in New York who would just adore you and your British accent. New York guys are the best. You just haven’t given them a chance. Take that Vitale guy.” She fanned herself. “He was so hot. Although I don’t suppose he could be classed as a New Yorker…but anyways, I wouldn’t have turned him down!”

“Yes, but that would just be lust and I want—”

Lia interrupted rolling her eyes again. “Love, yada, yada…love…blah blah. I get it.” She smiled and leaning over she squeezed Felicity’s hand. “Don’t worry. It will all be over soon.”

Felicity huffed and scrunched her nose. “Thanks for
vote of confidence.” She gulped her drink again. A flush of nervous energy rolled over her and her stomach lurched. “Oh God, I think I’m going to be sick, Lia.”

“You know what I mean…and oh em gee, you’re such a
!” Lia laughed. “Look, you go and…do whatever you need to do in the restroom. You can leave your stuff with me. Try to hold onto your breakfast though, okay? It’s not good to fly on an empty stomach.”

“I’m not sure that’s going to happen.” Felicity stood and her stomach rolled again.

Without another word, she ran to the nearest bathroom, her hand covering her mouth. Luckily, the ladies room was empty. She made it into a cubicle and hurled
. Alcohol plus nerves = a very bad combination.
Sweating and panting, she sat back onto the hard, tiled floor. Her head pounded
This was one of the most severe flight panics yet, hardly surprising under the circumstances.
 I really should take a fear of flying course.
The cubicle began spinning. This was one severe panic attack.
 Lurching forward, she vomited again as her head swam.


April 2012 – Three Years and Two Months After the Break-up

“This place looks absolutely amazing, Jules. I can’t thank you enough.” Jim hugged his friend and ally. The exhibition,
Through the Glass
, was due to open in two night’s time. Felicity would land at Heathrow later today and then get a connecting flight up to Edinburgh where she would stay overnight. From there she would pick up the hire car that had been arranged for her and drive to Glasgow.

Jim couldn’t hide his excitement. There was also a little trepidation. What if his plan didn’t work? He had hurt her deeply when he last saw her. Then there had been the letter from her father urging him on. She had to still want him. She

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