Throw Them All Out (28 page)

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Authors: Peter Schweizer

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and American Recovery and Reinvestment Act,

Bachus uses,

Clark on,

congressional use of,

Durbin uses,

Gartman on,

Hamilton and,

investment fund industry and,

as political intelligence,

Insider Trading and the Stock Market

insider trading laws.
See also
insider information

as applied to Congress,

in European Union,

SEC and,

Internal Revenue Service: political influence over,

Internet networks: Obama and,

Interwave Communications: congressmen buy IPO,

Invenergy: receives federal grant,

investment fund industry: and insider information,

lobbying by,

and political connections,

Reid and,

Schumer and,

supports Obama,

taxation of,

Isakson, Johnny: trades in pharmaceutical industry stocks,

ITT Education Services: stock price declines,

Ivanpah Solar Electrical System,

Jefferson, William: FBI investigates,

Johnson, Lyndon B.: and crony capitalism,

use of blind trusts,

Johnson & Johnson: congressmen trade in stock,

Jones, Paul Tudor: as Obama supporter,

Jones, Stephanie Tubbs: and congressional ethics committees,

journalism: and conflict of interest,

Kaiser, George: as Obama supporter,

Kennedy, Robert, Jr.: supports Obama,

Kerry, John,


trades in financial stocks,

trades in health care industry stocks,

trades in pharmaceutical industry stocks,

Khosla, Vinad: as Obama supporter,

kickbacks: Baird on,

Kilgore, Tom: and crony capitalism,

King, Angus: as Obama supporter,

Kozlowski, Dennis: and conflict of interest,

Kramer, Orin: as Obama supporter,

Kristie, James: on crony capitalism,

Krock, Arthur: on crony capitalism,

Kuttner, Robert: on

Lampe, Henry: on Buffett,

Lantos, Tom: and Boeing Corporation,

law, rule of: Congress as exempt from,

Madison on,

Lazzaro, Vic,

Legato Systems: congressmen buy IPO,

Leucadia Energy: receives federal grants,

Lewis, Jerry: personal use of earmarks,

and real estate investment,

Lewis, Michael:
The Big Short,

Lightspeed Ventures,

Lippmann, Walter: on crony capitalism,


by Berkshire Hathway,

by Blackstone Group,

close congressional connections to,

Coburn on,

by health care industry,

by investment fund industry,

by Managed Funds Association,

and political intelligence,

Lofgren, Zoe: supports credit card fee reform,

Lott, Trent: nepotism by,

Luongo, John: as Obama supporter,

Lynn, William J.: and defense industry,

M&T Bank: and PPIP,

Maclay, William,

Madison, James: on rule of law,

Madison Dearborn Partners,

Maloney, Carolyn: facilitates mass transit project,

personal use of earmarks,

and real estate investment,

Managed Funds Association: lobbying by,

Manne, Henry:
Insider Trading and the Stock Market,

Market Vectors TRN fund: congressmen trade in,

mass transit projects: Maloney facilitates,

Pelosi facilitates,

Mathis, Brian: as Obama supporter,

Maxim Pharmaceuticals: congressmen trade in stock,

McCain, John,

McCaskill, Claire: invests in Berkshire Hathaway,

McChesney, Fred: on political extortion,

McDermott, Jim: trades in biotechnology industry stocks,

medical technology: and Medicare Prescription Drug Act,

medical tourism,

Medicare Prescription Drug Act: Bush signs,

medical technology and,

Medicare reform,

Merck: congressmen trade in stock,

MiaSole: receives federal manufacturing credits,

Microsoft: congressmen trade in stock,

MidAmerican Energy Holdings: receives

Miller, Laura,

Montesquieu, Baron de:
The Spirit of the Laws,

Moran, Jim: background,

dumps financial stocks,

Moynihan, Daniel Patrick: on low public expectations,

Musk, Elon: as Obama supporter,

Mylan: congressmen trade in stock,

Nanogen: congressmen trade in stock,

National Association of Convenience Stores: supports Credit Card Fair Fee Act,

National Association of Realtors,

National Grocers Association: supports Credit Card Fair Fee Act,

National Retail Federation: supports Credit Card Fair Fee Act,

Nationwide Health Properties: congressmen trade in stock,

Nelsen, Bob: as Obama supporter,

Nelson, Ben: invests in Bekshire Hathaway,

nepotism: in Congress,

Netscape: congressmen buy IPO,

NexGen: Soros invests in,

Nordic Windpower: receives federal loan guarantees,

Northfield Labs: congressmen trade in stock,

NRG Energy: receives federal grants,

Soros invests in,

Obama, Barack: and alternative energy,

Audacity of Hope,

Buffett supports,

and crony capitalism,

and Gregg,

and health care reform,

and Internet networks,

investment fund industry supports,

Kennedy supports,

and political connections,

Soros as economic adviser to,

Soros supports,

and Strategic Petroleum Reserve,

supports railroad investment,


Oberstar, James: trades in pharmaceutical industry stocks,

OnDisplay: congressmen buy IPO,

Opal: congressmen buy IPO,

open protocols: Silver Spring Networks and,

options trading,

Oxford Health Plans: congressmen trade in stock,

Page, Larry: as Obama supporter,

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: biotechnology industry and,

and crony capitalism,

Food and Drug Administration and,

health care industry and,

health insurance industry and,

pharmaceutical industry and,

United Health affected by,

Paulson, Henry: and Buffett,

and economic crisis of 2008,

Paulson, John,

Pease International Tradeport,

Peco Energy: receives federal grant,

Pelosi, Nancy: buys Clean Energy Fuels IPO,

buys Quest Energy Partners IPO,

buys Visa IPO,

and conflict of interest,

and crony capitalism,

denounces FBI investigation,

facilitates mass transit project,

personal use of earmarks,

and real estate investment,

supports Credit Card Reform Act,

suppresses Credit Card Fair Fee Act,


Pendergast, Tom: and graft,

Pentagon: supports defense industry,

Permanent Political Class,

arrogance and elitism of,

and economic crisis of 2008,

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