Thug Luv 2 (5 page)

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Authors: Jazmyne

BOOK: Thug Luv 2
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“Mark is dead and Ace knows Sunshine is alive.”


“What? How? I mean damn, what are we going to do now?” Brenda asked, taking a seat at the table.


“I have everything under control and handled, so don’t worry…”


“Don’t worry?” She asked standing to her feet. “We better be worried. Ace isn’t your everyday nigga,” she shouted.


“Chill the fuck out; everything is under control,” Adam yelled trying to conceal his anxiety. He knew Brenda was speaking the truth. Even so, it was too late to turn back now. “Just hear me out.” He said as he sat down. Brenda took a seat across from him and waited to hear what he had to say. Adam explained what would happen next.


Brenda laughed while shaking her head. “So you’re telling me we’re letting her go?” She asked in disbelief. “What we need to do is kill her. She knows too much; and to tell you the truth, I’m not ready to die.”


“Everything will work out. Letting her go is best. While he’s nursing her back to health is when he’ll be the most vulnerable. We can take him out then,” Adam plead his case. Once again, Brenda shook her head.


“Ace will never be vulnerable. You of all people should know that. Adam, it doesn’t matter if Sunshine tells him who held her captive for three years or not. He isn’t going to stop until everyone involved is dead,” Brenda declared. “I have to go get my mind right,” she said as she got up and grabbed her things to leave.


Brenda couldn’t believe Adam was considering allowing Sunshine to go free. She knew they should have killed her a long time ago. Being greedy and wanting something neither of them could ever have now had them in a fucked up situation.




Boog drove down the street at a normal pace. They were five cars deep.
My Nigga
by YG, Young Jeezy, and Rich spilled from the speakers notifying the entire block they had arrived. They didn’t give a fuck because it wasn’t a surprise they were there.


The block was dimly lit. The loud talking and bickering happening in front of the house a few feet away meant they were in the right spot.


“Slow up,” Jay told Boog. Boog did as instructed. Jay waved his hands; assailants began piling out of cars behind them with their guns and choppas ready to put in work. “Pull up,” Jay informed them, restarting the song.


“Mane, can any of you niggas help me?” Jay called out the window, grabbing everyone’s attention.


“What you need help with?” Someone asked. Jay didn’t know who he was and really didn’t give a fuck.


“I’m looking for J’vion. Do any of you niggas know where I can find him?” He asked.


“Why you looking for him?”


“I got some information for him,” answered Jay.


“Tell me and when he comes around, I’ll be sure to deliver the message for you.”


Jay smiled as he opened the car door and got out holding the choppa with both hands. “Let that nigga know we stay ready,” Jay said as he let his AK-47 do the rest of the talking. Once Jay pulled the trigger on his automatic gun, everyone else followed suit. They lit up the block as if they were lighting firecrackers on Independence Day. Cries for help, bodies dropping, and ducking for cover went unheard.


The gunshots ceased. “I said I’m gonna ride for my mothafuckin niggas, most likely I’m gonna die with my finger on the trigger.” Jay sung quoting the lyrics from “
My Nigga


“Hold up,” Ace said as he walked over to a nigga barely hanging onto life. “Where can I find J’vion?” He asked.


“Fuck you!” The boy said as he spit blood into Ace’s face. Ace laughed as he wiped the blood away.


“Fuck you too, pussy,” Ace said as he stood up, aimed his gun, and pulled the trigger once. “I’m sure he’ll get the message loud and clear.” He said, standing over the young boy’s dead body.


“That nigga wanted war, well tell his ass I brought it to his fucking street. He knows where to find me!” Ace spat, pissed off. It felt damn good to finally let off some frustration that he had been holding in for so long.


Chapter 6


It had been a week since Ace and his crew had made a move. J’vion not retaliating wasn’t good but that didn’t stop Ace from continuing to do what he had to do. Ace was pissed at the fact that J’vion kept slipping through the fucking cracks. He was slicker than a damn snake, which pissed Ace off the most. It was as if he kept getting a pass from death.


Ace hadn’t spoken to Aaliyah or his daughters; and that wasn’t something he could get adjust to. Ace had become restless. Lately, he hadn’t gotten much sleep; he kept having a reoccurring dream where he couldn’t make out the names or voices. He always woke up right after a shot was fired then a gut wrenching scream in a cold sweat, trying to figure out what was going on.


“Daddy!” The small voices yelled grabbing Ace’s attention. He smiled as he got up off the bench. Ace snatched them up into his massive arms and hugged both his baby girls tightly.


“We’ve missed you,” Savanna said.


“Yes, we miss you daddy,” Serenity added. “I’m having fun but I wanna go home daddy. I want all of us home together,” she informed him.


“We’ll all be home together real soon. I promise,” Ace guaranteed both girls as they wiggled to get out of his arms. “Aren’t you ladies going to tell me how your day has been?” Ace asked as he put them down.


“Daddy, we can talk later. I wanna get on the swing,” Savanna said as she took off running. Ace laughed as he turned his attention to Aaliyah.


Ace grabbed her then pulled her close. He inhaled her scent before kissing her soft lips. “I wanna thank you,” he whispered onto her lips.


“Amir, there’s no reason to thank me,” Aaliyah replied as she wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him again. She had been so worried about him it wasn’t funny. Aaliyah was certain Ace could handle himself in the streets. However, that didn’t stop her from worrying her heart out. It was always easier said than done.


“How’s work going for you?” Ace asked as they took a seat on the bench while keeping a watchful eye on the girls, who appeared to be having the time of their lives.


“Stressful, but it’s nothing I can’t handle,” Aaliyah replied laying her head on his chest. Ace wrapped his arm around her, pulled her closer as he listened to her talk, and watched his girls run around.


This was the type of life Ace had always wanted. Not the one he was living on a daily basis.


Aaliyah and Ace talked, laughed, and joked while enjoying their family outing with the girls.


Serenity and Savanna never ceased to amaze neither Aaliyah nor Ace. They were smart beyond their years.


Aaliyah and Ace chased the girls around the park. Watching the smiles on their faces was priceless. Aaliyah realized fighting for happiness was something she would never mind doing. She’d fight until she couldn’t fight anymore.


Aaliyah encircled herself with her arms. There was a smile on her face but tears in her eyes. She didn’t know she had zoned out until Ace wrapped his strong arms around her and whispered in her ear, “What are you over here thinking about?” He asked.


“To tell you the truth, my mind is racing. I’m thinking about everything,” Aaliyah answered.


“Do you mind letting me in?” Ace asked.


“Amir, my life has been one battle after another since I lost my father. As soon as I think I have something figured out or I find true love, I’m proved wrong,” Aaliyah acknowledged. “Honestly, it hurts more than I’m willing to admit.” I have you, the twins, and the ladies. But at times, I still feel as if I’m alone,” Aaliyah smiled through her tears.


Aaliyah didn’t realize it but she and Ace had more in common than they knew. Ace felt the same way. On the contrary, being the man he was, he couldn’t stop searching for his wife. Ever since his father had died, he had been and still was looking out for everyone but himself. It was part of his DNA. Ace didn’t know the outcome of his current situation. However, Aaliyah could bet her last dollar that if he survived, she would never have to worry about anything.


Ace didn’t respond because he was thinking of the right words to say. Aaliyah had come into his life unexpectedly and won his heart. He thanked God for her every day and didn’t know where he would be if she hadn’t come when she did. She had reopened his heart when he felt he could never love again.


“I know for a fact you’re not alone; and as long as I’m breathing, you never will be,” Ace finally spoke. “I promise, we can and will figure this out.” He stated while holding her securely.


“Amir, don’t promise me anything if you can’t keep it,” Aaliyah said.


“Aaliyah, my word is the only thing I have. So when I make a promise to anyone, I tend to keep it,” Ace assured her.


Ace turned Aaliyah around to face him. “You trust me?” He asked. She nodded her head. “Do you trust me?” He asked again.


“Yes Amir, I trust you,” Aaliyah answered looking into his eyes.


“I needed to hear that,” he stated as they shared a kiss.


Ace wanted Aaliyah to be happy. She deserved happiness and so much more. It didn’t matter what happened, he would make sure she was happy if he couldn’t offer her anything else.


“Daddy, I’m hungry.” Serenity said as she ran up to him and Aaliyah, rubbing her sleepy eyes.


“What do you wanna eat?” Ace asked.


“McDonald’s,” she answered jumping up and down. “Please can we go to McDonald’s, please daddy,” she pleaded.


“Lil ma, you know you only have to ask for something once and it’s yours,” Ace responded.


The four of them rode in Aaliyah’s car to McDonald’s which was only a few blocks away from the park. Ace sat back and admired the friendship and bond Aaliyah and his daughters shared. To Ace, it was priceless.


“Will you excuse us? We’re gonna run to the ladies’ room,” Aaliyah said as she helped Serenity up from the table. “Savanna, do you have to use the restroom?” She asked. Savanna shook her head no.


Serenity leaned over and whispered in her sister’s ear, “don’t forget to ask daddy,” she said smiling.


“What are you two up to?” Aaliyah asked laughing.


“Nothing,” both girls sang.


“Yeah I bet,” Aaliyah said grasping Serenity’s hand then headed toward the restroom.


Savanna looked over her shoulder to make sure Aaliyah and Serenity were gone. “Daddy, can we go to the mall so we can buy Aaliyah something nice?” Savanna asked; Ace smiled.


“Daddy she deserves it. Please can we?” She asked again.


“We can go to the mall tomorrow and pick her something nice,” Ace agreed.


“Daddy, Aaliyah doesn’t ask for anything. Everything we ask for she gets it for us,” Savanna maintained. “The least we can do is surprise her with something.” She said looking into Ace’s eyes. “Maybe you can take her out to eat and to see a movie,” she added. Ace laughed. It amazed him how smart his daughters were. Ace knew Aaliyah could afford anything her heart desired; money wasn’t an issue with her.


As of late, Ace knew he had been neglecting not only his fatherly duties but those of Aaliyah’s man–to spend quality time with the ones he still had left.


“What did daddy say?” Serenity asked as she ran back to the table.


“He said we can go tomorrow,” Savanna answered her sister’s question.


“Yay, we going to the mall tomorrow,” she said dancing in her seat. Ace and Aaliyah laughed.


“What did daddy say that has you girls this excited?” Aaliyah asked retaking her seat.


“We can’t tell you because it’s a surprise,” Savanna replied.


“Is that so?” Aaliyah asked looking at Ace. Both girls pumped their heads up and down.




A short while later, Ace pulled up to the park. He put the car in park and looked over his shoulder to find Serenity and Savanna knocked out. He chuckled as he gazed at a smiling Aaliyah. “I know you say there’s no reason to thank you, but I have to,” Ace declared. Aaliyah shook her head from side to side.


“I want you to know that I really appreciate you,” Ace told her. “Drive safely and call me when you make it home,” he finished as he leaned over and pecked her on the lips.


“You be safe also,” Aaliyah said as she opened the door then climbed out. Ace did the same as he held the door open for her. He didn’t close the door until she was safely inside.


Ace deactivated his car alarm.




His car exploded.


Aaliyah’s car shook as Ace’s body flew a few feet away. The explosion woke the twins up.


“AMIR!” Aaliyah called out as she jumped out of the car to check on him.


Attempting to pick himself up from the ground, Ace was dazed from the unexpected explosion.


“Amir; baby please answer me! Are you okay?” Aaliyah asked as she helped him up. He stumbled as he attempted to balance himself. His head was spinning; he was seeing double. Ace could hear Aaliyah. However, she sounded far away. “Amir!” Aaliyah screamed again with tears in her eyes. She knew she had to get him out of there. She struggled to help him to the car; she managed to get him into the passenger seat. When she got into the driver’s seat, she heard the twins screaming their lungs out. She wanted to break down as well but it wasn’t the time or place.


“Fuck!” Ace said holding his head.


As soon as Aaliyah put the car in gear and began to pull off, a bullet shattered her back window.


“Get out of your car seats and get down,” Aaliyah shouted as she stepped on the gas pedal.


“Aaliyah, what’s wrong with daddy?” Savanna asked crying.


“Aaliyah, I’m scared,” Serenity whined as both girls followed instructions.


Aaliyah’s mind was all over the place. She couldn’t think straight with Ace on the side of her grunting in pain, the twins screaming and crying, and bullets whistling past her head.


“How could a great day end so badly?” She thought as she merged onto the interstate.




Adam and J’vion had been going back and forth on the phone for the last thirty minutes.


“Mothafucka, I told you if you waited too long he was gonna strike first,” Adam yelled incensed. “I don’t understand why you niggas keep underestimating Ace.” He huffed, pacing back and forth.


“Shut the fuck up!” J’vion shouted in the phone. “I don’t see you doing a damn thing to take his ass out. So you don’t have shit to say about nothing I do,” he howled. “Have that bitch ready to go,” J’vion said before disconnecting the call.


Adam was annoyed and sick and tired of the entire ordeal with Ace. Everyone wanted Ace gone but didn’t have an inkling as to how to take him out. They were moving recklessly, while all of Ace’s moves were calculated. Adam knew it wouldn’t be easy taking Ace out. Yet, he didn’t anticipate it being as complicated as it was. Ace had shown him the ropes of the game. Like every master, Ace never revealed all of his moves. That would have been stupid on his part.

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