TICEES (85 page)

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Authors: Shae Mills

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Korba smiled warmly. “Don’t worry. I’m sure that I will be able to use plenty of your help over the next little while,” and the group chuckled.

Toran turned and looked to the rest of the men. “Well, I think that this at least calls for a small victory drink, don’t you? At least I need one after being confined in a cockpit with no outlet for all my energy.”

Everyone agreed, and then Tarn spoke. “While everyone here indulges themselves in a celebratory toast, I think someone should at least tend the ship.” He smiled. “So if you will excuse me, my Lord, I will return to the Bridge.”

Korba nodded to him. “You are so right, my man. I assure you that we will not be idle long. If there any untoward issues, please relay them to me immediately.”

Tarn nodded to all the men. “My Lords,” and he turned and left.

Toran poured the drinks for them as they all sat. Dar raised his glass to Korba. “To the new Empire,” he smiled. The group raised their glasses and nodded to Korba as they all took a drink.

“Well,” said Fremma. “I realize that this is a far-reaching question, but what’s next?”

Korba chuckled and then leaned back in his chair, rubbing at his weary eyes. “Sleep,” he commented. “All I want is sleep.”

Fremma smiled as his eyes moved beyond Korba. “I bet,” he whispered as he stood slowly.

Immediately, all the men looked in the direction of Fremma’s gaze to where Chelan stood at the entrance to Korba’s chambers, her beauty alive. Dar leapt to his feet, nearly spilling his drink, but he could move no farther.

Chelan’s deep brown eyes met Dar’s, and she felt her heart nearly stop. She took a hesitant step away from the wall as she clutched at the beautiful white gown that he had given her so long ago.

Dar could barely catch his breath. “My Lady,” he rasped, utterly enamored.

Chelan smiled at him and took another step. “Dar,” she whispered, and instantly he sprang up the stairs, gathering her up into his arms.

“Oh, pretty lady,” he uttered.

Chelan buried her face in his long, silver-blonde hair and kissed his neck. She lingered in his embrace, never wanting to let the Warlord go.

Finally he lowered her to the floor and looked deeply into her eyes, his fingers caressing her soft, pink cheeks. “Are you well, my Lady?” he asked softly.

Chelan couldn’t tear her eyes from his. “Yes,” she whispered. She reached for his lips with her fingers and brushed them tenderly. “I’m even better now.”

Dar felt his body warm, and suddenly he wished he could be alone with her for an eternity. He closed his eyes and exhaled sharply, his heart splitting with the love that he harbored for her.

Chelan held his face to hers. “I wanted you to know how much our last night together meant to me, Dar. Over the years, you were never out of my thoughts or my heart.”

Dar could no longer speak, his emotions overwhelming him. He held her hand to his lips as he tried to regain himself. It was Toran who finally came to his rescue as he patted Dar on the shoulder.

“Hey, my friend. Let’s not monopolize the Lady.”

Dar smiled down at her and nodded as he stepped back. Chelan’s eyes followed him for a moment more before she looked at Toran. “My Lord,” she greeted demurely.

“My Lady,” he smiled, and he embraced her, kissing her cheek lightly.

He stepped back, and Chelan looked beyond him to Korba and Fremma. “My, quite the get-together of the top military brass,” she commented, her eyes sparkling. “Who arranged the party?”

Dar turned back to her, having collected himself. “Why, I believe Korba did,” he replied warmly, and he extended his arm to her.

Chelan grinned up at him as she accepted his invitation, and then she looked down at Korba. “So, am I invited to the festivities, whatever they may be?”

Toran nodded to her and then hesitated. He looked at Korba and frowned. Then he looked back at Chelan. “My Lady. Have you been sleeping?”

Chelan appeared bewildered by the comment, and she looked up at Dar and then to Korba. Korba smiled at her. “Actually,” he interjected, “she has been sleeping,” and he smiled as he looked at Toran’s stunned expression. “She never knew. I never told her.”

Dar grinned at Chelan and then urged her forward, ushering her to a chair by Korba. Toran then descended the stairs, and all were seated once again.

Chelan pushed herself back into her seat and looked about the room uneasily. “I have the feeling that I have been left out of something.” She looked into Dar’s brilliant eyes.

“Oh, quite the contrary, my fair lady. You were far from uninvolved in last night’s endeavors.”

Chelan looked nervous. “Involved in what?” A small, hesitant smile touched her lips.

Fremma cleared his throat and leaned forward. “Well, it seems, my Lady, that your mate over there took it upon himself to administer a little hand-slapping to Ticees for his past mistreatment of you.”

The entire group smiled, but Korba remained very still, watching Chelan carefully. She clasped her hands tightly in her lap, her muscles betraying her anxiety. “I wondered when and if you would ever react,” she said softly, her voice wavering. “I thought your treatment of the whole affair was … a little subdued.”

Dar nearly choked on his drink, and he leaned forward and set it down. He looked over into Chelan’s fawn-like eyes and smiled. “Oh no, my Lady,” he whispered. “Korba’s reaction was far from subdued.” He smiled broadly. “Delayed maybe, but hardly subdued.”

Chelan’s eyes darted back to Korba, her body beginning to quake. “Oh no, what did you do?”

Korba smiled with love in his eyes, but then he watched as Dar rose. “If you permit, my Lord, I would like the privilege of enlightening our Lady as to the past evening’s events.”

Korba nodded his permission warmly. Dar turned to Chelan and knelt before her, taking her hand in his. “As I said, my Lady, Korba’s reaction to Ticees and his mistreatment of you was far from subdued. Let’s just say that with some military planning that could only be described as a stroke of genius—” Dar hesitated, captivated by her big brown eyes. “Well, let’s just say that you will never have to worry about Ticees again. I can assure you of that, my Lady, for your Lord took it upon himself to issue the final punishment personally.”

Chelan continued to stare at Dar. “What are you talking about?” she asked in a tremulous whisper. But Dar only smiled. Chelan’s eyes travelled over to Korba, and she saw for the first time the blood that caked his cloak. She nearly lost her breath, but Korba was calm, his features soft and his eyes warm.

Toran smiled at her, tearing her gaze from Korba as he spoke. “What Dar is trying to say, my Lady, is that Ticees is dead.”

Chelan’s breath caught. She looked at Korba, and he nodded the affirmative. Chelan glanced at the floor, her thoughts jumbled.

“My Lady,” Fremma called, and Chelan looked up. “On the night that Shan told us of your whereabouts, he spoke at length about you to Dar and Korba. He had indicated to them at one point that he had told you that he had felt that you were worthy of a Warlord, if not the Emperor himself.” Fremma watched her as she began to quiver. “Shan was a great man, Chelan, and a very perceptive one. He assessed you, your regal elegance, your kindness, your gentleness, and your beauty, accurately. You are truly worthy of an Emperor.”

Chelan was now shaking, and she felt her heart stumble. She could only stare at Fremma. She was not sure she was comprehending all that was being said, and after a long time, she finally looked into Korba’s serious face.

Dar stood, followed by Toran and Fremma. He nodded to Korba and raised his drink. “To the new Emperor.” They all took a sip of their drinks, and then all three men sank to their knees before Korba and bowed their heads.

Chelan’s eyes went wide with disbelief. Then she watched as Korba rose slowly to his feet. He extended a hand to her, but her legs faltered. He pulled her to her feet and held her firmly. His eyes never left hers as he signaled silently for the men to rise.

Korba reached for his drink and raised it to Chelan. His voice was soft and low. “And here is to the new Empress, the most wonderful woman the galaxy has ever seen.” All four men raised their glasses to her and took a sip.

Chelan was speechless. Korba set his glass down and hugged her tight. She clutched onto his shroud as he held her for a long time. Then he drew her back and placed his hands on either side of her face, his thumbs caressing her pretty pink cheeks. Korba smiled at her and then looked over her head to his men.

“As the new Emperor,” he began softly, “my first act will be to relinquish my command of RIBUS 7 at my earliest convenience. In doing so, I have one task to complete, and that is to deal with some insubordination enacted in the heat of battle by my First Officer.”

All eyes flew to Fremma as the warrior’s jaw dropped.

Korba nodded to him. “While insubordination seems to suit you, it would be wise in the future to make sure that very few opportunities to disobey direct orders from those above you ever exist. Therefore, in an effort to solve this problem, I hereby promote Fremma to the status of Commander of RIBUS 7.”

Broad smiles broke out on everyone’s faces, but Fremma was stunned. Korba released Chelan and stepped up to his Second-in-Command. He took his hand. “Congratulations, my friend. It is a posting I have always felt that you deserved,” and he hugged the warrior firmly.

Chelan hugged herself as wondrous tears of happiness welled. She smiled at Fremma and nodded to him as Korba returned to her side.

“I would like to thank you all for your support and for a job well done.” He continued. “We will be working closely together in the months to come, and all of you will be pivotal in the decision-making processes regarding the new Empire. While Iceanea is being cleaned up and readied for our arrival, I will remain here with Chelan. You are all welcome to visit any time.”

Chelan clasped her hands in front of her chest, her heart bursting with pride and admiration for the men before her. Toran was the first to step up to her. He kissed her lightly on the cheek. “Congratulations, my Lady. I look forward to serving you and your man for many decades to come.”

Chelan blushed. “Thank you,” she whispered.

Toran backed up, and Fremma stepped forward. He took one of her hands and smiled. “And I would also like to congrat—”

Chelan leapt at him, her arms surrounding his neck as she almost knocked him over. “I’m the one who gets to congratulate you, my gentle warrior!” And she took his lips, kissing him hard, long, and passionately.

Roars of approval went up from all the men.

Chelan finally released him, and Fremma let her feet touch the floor. His eyes widened as he looked down into her pretty face. “Damn! This day just keeps getting better.”

Everyone laughed, and Fremma took a step back. Then Chelan looked at Dar, and her heart melted. He stepped up to her. “My Lady, I, too, look forward to serving you, Korba, and the New Empire. I will always be there to defend, to protect, and to aid you in any way I can, from now until I fall. My allegiance will always be to you.”

Chelan’s knees weakened, and her throat constricted. Dar surrounded her with his arms and buried his face in her neck. His lips found her flesh, and as he inhaled all that she was, his eyes welled. “I love you with all my heart and soul, my Lady,” he whispered.

Chelan instantly burst into tears, her fists clasping locks of his molten hair, clutching him to her with all her strength. “Dar, you are the music in my soul.”

They lingered together for a long time, and finally, Dar reluctantly released her. He kissed each of her cheeks, his tears mingling with hers, and then he took a step back and drew in a large breath of air. Then his eyes settled on Korba. “You take good care of her, my Lord. I will answer to you for everything, but you will answer to me if you let our lady down.”

Korba nodded with respect to Dar. “I would expect no less.”

Dar glanced back at Chelan and winked. Then he pivoted on his heel, and all three men left the Command Center.

Chelan watched them go and then looked up into Korba’s azure eyes. “Is it true?” she whispered. “Is this for real?”

Korba smiled at her and nodded. “It is true. It is all ours, pretty woman.” His hand brushed over her petal-soft cheek and down her slender neck, and he felt her quiver under his sensual touch. She closed her eyes, and he drew her to him. His hands moved over her shoulders and down her lean back as he kissed her ear. “And as my second act in my capacity as Emperor, my Lady”—he paused, pulling her back and tilting her beautiful face to his—“I would like to spend the next few hours, the next few days, and the rest of my life making sweet love to you.”

Chelan trembled, and her eyes sparkled. She held onto him tightly as she tried to catch her breath. “I think I would like that, my Lord,” she whispered, and she stretched up and kissed his lips tenderly. Then she stepped back from him and turned away.

Korba watched his exotic, alabaster beauty head for his chambers, and his heart swelled. When she had disappeared within, he smiled to himself and took a deep breath. Slowly, he reached inside his shroud and withdrew the carefully folded pink gown that he had carried next to his heart for these long years.

His hands squeezed into the soft, pink material as pressed it to his face. He had been robbed of his pretty woman for so long, and now he would make up for every lost moment with her. Korba laid the silky pink gown down on the command console and backed away from it. From now on, it would be Chelan herself that he held close to his heart, and he would never let her go.

Korba turned toward his quarters and paused. It was a new morning, a new dawn, and most of all, it was a new Empire. And from now till oblivion, he would share that Empire with his beloved Lady, for she more than anyone deserved its riches and its securities. Korba smiled as he stepped toward his room. Their room. She would not be disappointed.

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