Tied Up By The Boss (The Key Party Chronicles) (4 page)

BOOK: Tied Up By The Boss (The Key Party Chronicles)
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Lea collapsed on his chest, their breathing labored and ragged.  He stroked her back as the sheen of sweat dried on their bodies before gently rolling her onto her back so he could dispose of the condom.  He came back to bed and pulled her close into his body, spooning her from behind.

“Sleep, Lea.  I’ll wake you up later.  I’m going to want you again.”

Chapter Three

Lea stacked the file folders on top of the copier and glanced nervously over her shoulder.  She’d been avoiding Tammy all morning in a futile attempt to not discuss the usual ‘what she did over her weekend.’  Lea knew if Tammy asked it was going to be very difficult to hide her feelings about Jack.

And she had feelings for Jack.

He’d woken her in the middle of the night to make love, and then again in the morning.  He’d driven her home in his beloved Mustang and then waited while she showered and changed to take her to breakfast.  After he’d disappeared, she’d spent the weekend replaying their night together over and over like a movie, looking for any clues that he might just feel the same.  All it had given her was a headache and a couple of sleepless nights.  She’d had to use a little extra concealer to cover the shadows under her eyes this morning before coming in to the office.

Jack had smil
ed and acted completely at ease, much to her chagrin.  She wanted him to feel as off balance as she was.  She wanted him to feel like one night wasn’t enough.  She wasn’t saying she was in love with Jack Britton.  She simply wanted a chance to find out if they could fall in love.  There didn’t seem to be much chance of that since he’d specifically said he didn’t want a relationship.  This was why she didn’t do casual sex.  Her emotions always got in the way.

She was so preoccupied with her thoughts she didn’t hear Tammy c
ome up behind her.  “Did you hear the latest?  Steve Simmons got fired this morning.  I heard it was Jack Britton’s doing.”

Lea didn’t turn around and kept her head down.  “
I’m surprised Steve lasted this long.”

Tammy snorted.  “
It’s not fair.  Steve’s young and he had his whole career ahead of him.  Jack’s an asshole to do this.  He’s not so perfect, you know.  I know stuff about him.  Steve told me some things he overheard one night when Jack was talking to Cal Meyer.”

Lea didn’t like the sound of that.  She hit the Pause button on the copier and gave Tammy her full attention.  “Since when do you care what happens to Steve?”

The look on Tammy’s face told her everything she needed to know.  “Holy shit, Tammy.  You’ve been sleeping with Steve?”  Lea had thought even Steve was too much of a jerk for Tammy to sleep with him, but apparently not.

Tammy shrugged.  “He came on to me.  He makes a hell of a lot more money than most of the men I date.  He’s not so bad once you get to know him.
  He treats me really well.”  Tammy straightened up, her expression defiant.  “Which is why I’m going to make Jack Britton very sorry he did this.  I’m going to hurt him like he hurt Steve.”

Tammy turned to leave, but Lea grabbed her arm before she could slip away.  “What are you going to do, Tammy?”

“I’m going to tell the senior partner something about Jack Britton that will ruin his career.  He won’t be the golden boy around here any longer.  He’ll know what Steve feels like today.”

Before Lea could stop her, Tammy was on her way to the upper floor where
Alexander Bradford, senior partner, and man with a big stick up his butt, had his office.  Lea was torn between running to Jack and going after Tammy.  She decided going after Tammy was her best bet, catching up with her at the elevator.

“Don’t do this.  You’ll regret it.  This won’t get Steve his job back, and could potentially ruin a good man’s life.  This will only serve to make you look bad by talking about someone behind his back.”

Lea had a pretty good idea what this embarrassing secret was and she needed to protect Jack.  He shouldn’t lose his career because he didn’t want a relationship. 

Tammy laughed as the elevator doors slid open.  “I fully expect to be fired today.  But I’m going down in a blaze of glory.  Come on up if you want to see.  It will be my final ‘fuck you’ to this crappy job.  I’d rather beg for change on the streets than work here one minute more.”

Tammy wasn’t going to be deterred so Lea turned and sprinted back to Jack’s office.  He was on the phone and frowned when she started waving her arms wildly to get his attention.  He shook his head at her but she didn’t give up until he made his excuses and hung up.

“Have you lost your mind, Lea?  You look like you’ve run a marathon.  If you want to talk about this weekend, we will.  But for fuck’s sake, calm down.”

She sucked in a breath.  “It’s Tammy.  She’s upset you fired Steve Simmons.  She says she wants to get back at you.  Ruin your career.  She says Steve told her a secret about you and she’s in Mr. Bradford’s office right now telling him.”  She grabbed his arm and started pulling him toward the door.  “You have to stop her.  I tried to talk her out of it but she’s determined to do this.”

Jack wouldn’t be rushed.  “A secret?  About me?  I can’t imagine Steve Simmons would know anything, Lea.”

“He overheard you talking to Mr. Meyer.”  She tugged on his arm again, frustrated he couldn’t see the dire circumstances.  “Jack, you need to go up there!”

A slow smile spread across Jack’s face and instead of heading toward the door, he pulled her into his arms and lifted her chin so she was looking into his intense blue eyes.  “Lea Taylor, you are one amazing woman.  Did you really try and stop her?  Try to protect me?”  He pressed his lips to hers and she forgot they were in the middle of the office as he made the room spin and her head swim.  He lifted his head and kissed the tip of her nose.  “Will you have dinner with me tonight, Lea?”

She pressed her hands to his chest to push him back but instead let her palms caress the muscles underneath his superbly cut dress shirt.  “Why not?  You’re going to have a lot of free time when you get pushed out of this law firm.”

He chuckled and she could feel the rumble beneath her fingers.  “I’m not going
to be pushed out of this firm.  Alex knows all about my unusual sexual proclivities.  Who do you think told me about the key parties?”  He laughed at her shocked expression.  “Tammy’s going to march upstairs and tell Alex something he’s known since day one.  He attends the parties every now and then himself.  This is a very kink friendly organization.”

Lea sagged against Jack, her relief overwhelming.  “Oh God, I thought she was going to ruin your career.”  She smacked at his chest.  “I was really worried, you know.”

He nibbled on her ear and his hand wandered down to squeeze her ass cheek.  “It’s been a long time since anyone’s worried about me.  I think I like it.  Can you forget I ever said I didn’t want a relationship?  I think I want one with you.  Are you going to give me a chance?”

She giggled, suddenly feeling very happy indeed.  “I will.  But how will we work together?  Aren’t there rules about dating your assistant?”

Jack lifted her in his arms and set her at the end of his large oak desk, insinuating himself between her thighs.  “I’m a full partner in this law firm and we can make any rules we like.  As long as you’re consenting to this relationship it’s fine.  In fact, what’s my schedule for the rest of the day?  Maybe we can start our date right now.  You are consenting, aren’t you?’

He looked so handsome standing there, his dark hair falling over his forehead and his blue eyes twinkling.  She’
d taken a chance and it had paid off.  She’d have more than one night with Jack. 

“I am.  I can’t wait to be tied up by the boss again.”

Jack took a few steps back and kicked the door to his office closed, locking it with a flourish.

“Never let it be said I keep a lady waiting.”  Jack pulled off his tie and held it up.  “I think we can use this for today.”

She held her wrists out with a playful smile.  “Tie me up, boss man.  I need it.  I need you.”

He grinned and began tying her hands behind her back.  “You make me happy, Lea.  Do I make you happy?”

She nodded.  She was happier than she could ever remember being.  All because she picked his keys out of a fishbowl.             

The End

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