Read Tiger Born Online

Authors: Tressie Lockwood

Tiger Born (8 page)

BOOK: Tiger Born
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She nuzzled close to his side. “I’d love to.”

* * * *

The boardwalk extended all along the lakeside, and a few points stretched over the water into a gazebo. Deja stood in front of Heath to take in the beautiful sight. She loved the way the moon reflected on the water, and even while there were plenty of other people out there, no one walked too nearby, giving her the feeling of being alone with her man.

Heath placed a hand on either side of her hips and moved in closer. “Happy?” he murmured against her hair, and she moaned in response. His cock hardened against her back.

“I can tell you are,” she teased.

“That’s you making those noises.”

“I’m not making any noises.” She moaned again, and this time, Heath curved a hand over her pussy. She squeaked and tried to push him away. “Stop, Heath, someone will see you.”

“It’s your fault.” He grabbed for the hem of her dress. She fought to keep it down, but the wetness had already started from his first touch. Horny as hell, she missed his body. Heath managed to work her dress higher, until his fingers brushed the edge of her panties. “No one will see unless they’re shifters, able to see in the dark, and even if they do, so what? Most are doing the same thing.”

“No, they aren’t. Everybody’s not sex-crazed like you, Mr. Hunter. I’m not doing it out here with you.”

“Not even this?” he asked and pushed a digit inside her panties to glide into her heat. Deja’s knees threatened to give, and she dropped her chin to her chest. Heath added another finger, and she gripped the railing. “Your pussy is so wet, Deja. I wonder why.”

She pushed back into his thigh, loving what he did to her but knowing if she didn’t stop him now she’d be riding his fingers in a few minutes. “Heath, you can’t be getting anything out of this.”

“I will watch as my woman comes. You don’t think that gets me hard? Hearing you moan, seeing you squirm against my fingers?” His arm came around her waist, and he held her tight to his chest while he stroked her mound. She bit her bottom lip to keep from shouting out when he grazed her clit.

“N-no, Heath.” She turned her face into the crook of his neck. Her heavy lids drooped, and she tried her best to look around to see if someone watched, but she couldn’t focus.

He thrust two fingers deep until they were buried to the knuckles. “Tell me no again, baby.”

She couldn’t say the word. Instead, she clung to his arm, doing all she could to stay quiet. He pumped into her sex and pulled back, only to drive in again. His hand brought to mind the feeling of his cock slamming inside her, and she craved it now. Raising a knee, she pulled at his arm and rocked her hips.

“Mmm, yes, baby, ride my fingers. Take what you need.”

The low rumble of his voice added to the experience. Her core muscles twined tighter. Her breath grew heavy and noisy. She clenched her teeth together, but it was too late. She came, and the shout ripped from her throat. Heath clapped a hand over her lips while he continued to work between her legs. She rode out the pleasure until it died down, and he stopped moving.

Deja dragged his hand away from her mouth. “Bastard, now everybody knows.”

Heath didn’t say anything, and she turned in his arms. Even in the darkness, she saw his need reflected in his eyes. If she didn’t get him out of there now, he would likely toss her up on the railing and take her. While that didn’t sound like a bad idea, she didn’t want to be arrested either, because there was no way she’d keep it down with his cock in her.

“Come on. Let’s go.” She took his hand and started off. Heath followed, still saying nothing. She got that it took all his effort not to act on his desire. Deja shivered in both anticipation and nerves thinking they might not make it. She stumbled over a rock on the path, and Heath bumped her from behind. His cock seemed to strain against her ass, even through his clothes. She moved faster.

They made it to the truck, and as she opened the door on her side, Heath grabbed her, reached beneath her dress, and dragged her panties down her legs. She yelped and looked around. The nearest people across the parking lot had their backs turned, so she quickly scrambled out of her panties and tossed them into the truck, then clambered in after them. Beside her, Heath stood gripping the door with one hand and leaning on the roof with the other. His gaze burned bright in the darkness, almost as if they held an internal illumination, but she knew it was just the moonlight reflecting in the cat’s eyes.

She put a hand up to touch his chest but hesitated with it hovering in the air. “Heath, we should go, at least somewhere where there’s no one around.”

He said nothing, and she held her legs tight together, knowing he would smell her come. The liquid ran from her pussy since she’d just had an orgasm, and she willed it to stop. The fact of the matter was, she wanted him again too. That one time could not satisfy the lack of satisfaction lately.


He walked around to the other side of the truck and got in. The violent thrust of the key into the ignition told of how hard he worked to keep it together. When he threw the vehicle into gear and tore out of the parking lot, she held on for dear life. They roared down the highway, Heath gunning it. She tried to remember how long it had taken them to get to the restaurant and almost groaned when she realized it had to have been at least half an hour.

Heath turned off the highway and headed down a back road at top speed. The route being less smooth, he hit a bump, and she bounced in her seat. One knee came up higher than she intended, and Heath swore. The next thing she knew, he’d turned into a narrow dirt lane between two high rows of corn and slammed on the breaks.

“Come here, Deja,” he snapped, and she caught the sound of his zipper lowering in the dark cab. Deja unbuckled her seat belt and climbed across the middle divider and straddled Heath. He grasped her hips, raised her up, and brought her down on his erection. She scarcely had time to arch so his cock slid into her channel. He tangled fingers in her hair and drove her mouth to his. Hungry kisses numbed her lips in seconds, but she gave into him as he thumped deep inside her heat and invaded her mouth with his tongue. After some time, he raised his head and demanded, “Off,” and started tugging at her dress.

She arched. “Don’t tear it.”


“I know, baby. I know you need it.” She leaned away from him and worked her dress up her torso. Heath’s eyes locked on her bare breasts when they came into view. She hadn’t worn a bra. Rough hands played with her nipples, pinching them, squeezing her mounds. She closed her eyes and let him have his fill. Her desire climbed with each touch and with each nip from his teeth. On his lap, her pussy clenched around his dick, milking her lover until she wanted to scream in release. Heath raised her up a few inches, only to let her fall hard on his cock. He crushed her to him in the next second to grind hard into her snatch until she thought she would faint. His roughness both turned her on and frightened her. She didn’t want him to stop, and his wild passion incited her lust.

He pushed the button to make his chair go back as far as possible to give them more room. Deja leaned away from him. He raised her legs higher so they both could see his shaft sliding in and out of her heat. “Yes,” he growled. “I’ve waited too long to have you. You feel so good around me, Deja. Faster! You’re going to make me explode!”

She arched her back and braced herself on his lap. Their bodies pounded together over and over until an orgasm began to build. She shut her eyes, but Heath wasn’t having that.

“No, open your eyes, Deja. I want you to look at me while you come.”

“I can’t,” she panted. “It’s too good.”

He squeezed one of her breasts, and she whimpered. When he caught the tip between his thumb and forefinger, her pussy gushed. She came screaming his name and never took her eyes off him. Seconds after, he pulled her to his chest and held her in place. Hot come flooded her channel, making her quiver from head to toe.

After they both calmed down, he allowed her to climb into her seat. He unbuttoned his shirt and held it out to her. “Put this on.”

She frowned. “My dress is okay. You didn’t tear it.”

He waved the shirt, and she took it.

“We could get into trouble if we’re pulled over, you know?”

He didn’t appear to be worried, but she realized after she’d pinched the last button into its hole, the act of her wearing his shirt with nothing on underneath and riding in his truck seemed to turn him on. He tucked his cock away in his pants, but she saw that it had already begun to grow again. Heath would want more sex when they got home, and she didn’t mind a bit.

Chapter Six


Deja buttoned her capris and pulled her top down over them. She turned sideways to check out her reflection at the back and decided the outfit looked nice and cool for visiting Heath at the office. She intended to invite him to lunch, and then she’d break down and hit him up for money. Now that they were engaged and working on their relationship, she didn’t feel so determined not to accept his help—well, every once in a while. She had slept at the house last night but then came back to her apartment today. Heath had protested, but she wanted to do things right. She didn’t want to make decisions because they thought they had to, being mated, but because both of them were on the same track. If they were to get to that place, then their decisions had to be theirs and not what was expected as shifters. Even with this argument, the only way she’d gotten him to agree to let her stay in her place was to assure him the cootchie was not off-limits. She laughed remembering his reaction to her use of such a word and then to her promise. The man’s desire seemed to grow by the hour.

She let herself out of the apartment and locked the door, then jogged down the steps to the street. Her place sat just a few blocks from Siberia’s “city hall,” where Ward kept his offices. The building was more like three large rooms and a kitchen, but recently Ward had been talking about expanding. She understood that he needed more room now that he dragged Heath into working with him, but the man also had to understand Heath craved the outdoors. He lived for the day he could start up another ranch, and she only wished there was land available close enough to Siberia that he could buy.

Deja pulled the front door of Ward’s offices open and peeked around it. The wide hall sat empty, and she stepped inside. The cool interior was a welcome change from the heat of the Texas sun, and she ran a hand over her damp forehead. The walls had been painted a mustard yellow, and the framed paintings on them consisted of various scenes of wild horses running. A few lakesides graced some, and one or two long, narrow tables with faux flowers as centerpieces completed the decor. Even still, she knew Heath would feel trapped in this place. He’d be running a finger inside his shirt collar and tugging on the hair at the back of his head as if attacked by bugs. She smiled thinking of it. Poor man. She needed to rescue him.

Voices to her left in the first room caught her attention. She started walking but fell back a step and staggered against the wall. A strong scent permeated the air and burned her nostrils. She slapped a hand over her nose and mouth, eyes watering.

“Carter, you idiot,” Joe shouted from somewhere nearby. “Damn it, that burns! I can’t smell a thing now.”

“Sorry, Joe,” came Carter’s muffled voice. “Packs a punch, doesn’t it? Only way to get the paint off. It will die down soon.”

“You better hope so and that my sense of smell isn’t damaged, or I’m going to have your hide.”

Dizzy from the fumes, Deja moved on, holding herself up using the wall. The next room appeared to be empty, so she kept going. The kitchen lay on the right hand side. She didn’t bother looking in. As she approached the last door, she heard Heath’s voice, and her heartbeat kicked up a notch in anticipation of seeing him. For one moment, she forgot the horrible smell and smiled, but then her head started spinning, and she covered her mouth and nose again.

Heath came into view through the doorway, looking sexy as hell in his gray slacks.
Damn, he has a nice ass.
When she took a step in his direction, that’s when she noticed where his hand lay—on the arm of that skank Tina.

“Are you okay?” Heath asked her.

The color seemed to have drained from Tina’s face, and she sagged toward Heath but kept her balance. “I think so. My nose might be broken though.”

Heath chuckled. Deja gave him credit for resisting the effects of the paint thinner. “That sounds like something Deja would say.”

Deja smiled hearing that she occupied his mind, yet something made her hesitate to step into the room and interrupt them. Heath saw Tina to a chair and walked behind the desk to grab a couple tissues from a box. He handed one to Tina, who pressed it to her nose with her thanks.

“This isn’t for you, is it?” she asked him. “This life?”

Heath hesitated and then sighed. “No, it’s not. Don’t get me wrong, I love the people of Siberia.”

“Just not in your face twenty-four seven with their problems?”

Heath ran a hand over the back of his head. “How can you tell? I used to own a ranch, and I loved every backbreaking bit of it.”

Tina made a face, pushing out a pouty bottom lip. “Aw, you’ll get one again. If anyone can get the approval to add those acres to Siberia, it’s Ward. He’d do anything for you.”

Deja gritted her teeth. Just how did Ms. Thing know so much about what Ward was doing for Heath?

“In the meantime, you have Deja.” Tina smiled, and Deja softened a little toward her. Maybe she wasn’t after her man. Tina went on, “I hear you two are having trouble though.”

Heath hitched his shoulders and sat on the edge of his desk. “We’re getting married after we bring your cousin back.”

Tina stilled, and her gaze drifted toward the window to the left of Heath’s desk. The hopeful thinking that she had no interest in Heath went out the window. The woman forced a smile if ever Deja saw one. “Before you know it you’ll have little cubs running around.”

“Not with all I’ve seen.” Heath shook his head and frowned. “Everything is too unstable, too dangerous. When I went into McAllen with Ward, there was an incident.”

BOOK: Tiger Born
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