Tiger Lily: Part Three (34 page)

Read Tiger Lily: Part Three Online

Authors: Amélie S. Duncan

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Tiger Lily: Part Three
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“Lily, we’re getting out to board the plane,” Jonas said gently.

We walked out of the car and onto the tarmac. “Thanks, Ian,” I heard Jonas say. My vision was blurred. We moved up into the cabin. Jonas fastened me in and cupped my face. “I’m proud of you, Tiger Lily. I know you’re hurting right now, but it’s over. You have your life and you have me. I love you.”

Memories clouded my vision again.

Jonas is reading the inscription of Peter Pan aloud on my bed in Jersey City. We are talking about it and he’s holding me. We are standing in the rain and he whispers in my ear, “I love you, Lily.”

I’m lying on Jonas’s chest in the loft. He’s reading Peter Pan to me.

Jonas held my hand as the plane taxied down the runway and lifted off into the sky.

We flew away.



a warm cloth at my bedside and I wiped over my face. “Thank you,” I mumbled. My throat felt like sandpaper.

He handed me a water. “I know how much that book meant to you. I’m here when you’re ready to talk about it.”

He went to rise, but I clasped his arm. “Where are you going?”

“After I put the towel away, right next to you.” He stroked my hair back from my face. I closed my eyes and waited. But I knew I wouldn’t have to wait long, because I wasn’t alone. Jonas would be by my side, helping me through my grief.

Jonas had quietly took me back to the suite the second the emergency lights were turned off. I went quietly. I had calmed down. How Jonas had managed to get me out of the prison, I did not know. It was something my mind had mercifully tucked away for the moment—the only mercy afforded me after finding out what happened to my book. A gift of love and a story straight from the heart of my father, marking the loving bond we shared as a family, was gone forever.

Truly, that book worked as a talisman, inspiring and guiding my life. My most precious memories were imprinted on its pages. I strived to be a Salomé, their loyal and brave Tiger Lily, who worked hard and never gave up on her dreams. It was my reminder of love and family. Because I was the last of the living Salomés, I had shared the story with the man I loved and told him my dreams of sharing it with our child. I told him how I hoped it would become our tradition, our legacy.

Despite all that the book meant to me, I knew I had been willing to sacrifice it and all my stolen possessions to remove from my life the man who had controlled and hurt me. And just like fate, the book became my ultimate offering. From its destruction came the last leverage Declan had over me. His violent aggression at the jail may have caused him to remain there until trial. This year? Next? I wasn’t certain when that would be, nor did I care. I wasn’t afraid either. I was completely done with him.

The mattress dipped, marking Jonas’s return. He molded himself to my side, placing his arm around my waist. I took the warmth and comfort of his arms.

I rested for most of the 17-hour plane ride to Seychelles. I ate when Jonas encouraged me and stretched outside the plane when we stopped to refuel, all the time meditating on my memories. Some memories felt like grooves were being carved into my heart. The pain was intense and part of me wanted to shut it down, run, or try to numb the feelings away, but from what I went through up until now, I knew that wasn’t the answer.

I believed I would reach the other side of grief.

I was strong and I would be stronger still.

This became clear as the hours passed on the flight. I found that I had to put effort into finding the painful memories. They were being broken apart by the support from the amazing man I fell in love with, Jonas Crane. He talked about nothing and everything with me. He encouraged, held, and caressed me. I thought I couldn’t love him more, but he showed me I could and did. I loved him utterly.

“We are almost there,” Jonas said, kissing me awake.

“Do I have anything I can change into?” I asked.

He rolled my trolley case from the side of the bed and set it down.

I opened it up and my nerves frazzled as I eyed the bikinis. I lifted the strings and tiny fabric and let out a short laugh. “I doubt I can fit these, have you noticed I’ve gained weight? Dr. Steinman will be amazed when I go back to see him.”

Jonas lifted one the tops. “I’ll judge if it’s too small. And our villa is secluded, so you could easily wear nothing,” he replied with a roguish grin.

I searched through the bag and was pleased to find a light blue, full-piece swimsuit that I held up. “Thank you, Kate.”

“Actually, Mary helped,” Jonas said.

My lips parted. “Thank you, Mary. She didn’t tell me. How did you get her to keep a secret?”

“I think Ian helped with that,” he said, and we both laughed. Ian certainly kept her attention. I went into the bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth. My eyes were still rimmed red, but I felt better and said as much to Jonas on my reentry to the bedroom.

“Good,” he said and kissed my forehead. He had a carry bag open and was rummaging through it. “Samuel prepared what he called an essential travel pack.” He held up a box with a video camera, underwater camera, and a digital camera.

“We can capture the whole vacation,” I said. He picked up the digital camera, turned it on and took a picture of me.

“Come here,” he said and I came closer. He put an arm around me and held the camera out and took one of us together, then kissed me.
New memories.
I exhaled and sat down on the bed. “I’m not familiar with North Island.”

“This should help.” He reached inside the side pocket of the case and handed me a brochure.

North Island Honeymoon Escape.
I sat down on the bed and gazed at the glossy photos and images dreamily as I looked through the brochure. It was a wish of my heart and born from the love and care that grew every day I shared with this wonderful man. I wanted it to be us getting married. I wished I could spend the rest of my life with him.

“Find something you like?” Jonas asked.

My gaze shifted to him before I had a chance to cloak my expression. He took in a sharp breath and I quickly turned over on my side. “The place looks like a tropical paradise.”

“We both know that’s not all. Please turn around and tell me what’s on your mind,” Jonas said, abandoning the suitcase and moving closer to me on the bed.

I sighed and did as he asked, though I chickened out and stared at his chin. “I love you and you love me. I know that. I just…” I licked my lips. “I mean it’s all good for now. But we’ve never really talked about, or I haven’t shared, what I hope for in the future.” I took a deep breath and then continued. “I loved my family. And I want a family of my own.” I stopped babbling long enough to catch my breath and peered at him through my long lashes.

His face was blank and he folded his arms, which had my heart beating faster.

“I knew—” He got out, but I interrupted him by saying. “I don’t expect
to marry me.”

He lifted the corner of his mouth. “You don’t want marry me?”

“I do. I would if you do, but if you don’t that’s fine,” I sputtered. I took a breath and tried again. “I love you very much and I’m happy being your girlfriend. I just thought you should know, as part of our relationship, what I hoped for in the future.”

After a minute, Jonas asked. “Can I speak now?”

I nodded.

“I knew you wanted a family before you told me. As for marriage, as you know, I wasn’t planning to get married again after my divorce.”

I swallowed and nodded, then flipped back over. “I understand. It’s fine.”

“Tiger Lily. I’m not finished speaking. Would you turn around for me?”

“Just give me a minute,” I said, my voice thick.

He crawled on the bed and turned me over, pinning me on my back. His eyes glimmered. “First, I was in my early twenties when we had Paul. He wasn’t planned, but I love my son. I believe I’ve grown in the fifteen years since he was born. I don’t think you were listening. I said I didn’t plan to. I didn’t say never. I can’t say never to you. I tried to make you my sexual companion and you’ve leapt to an exclusive, live-in girlfriend. If I had your track record with me, I’d relax.”

I could only blink. My heart pounded in my chest. He pressed his lips to mine and moved to break our contact apart, but I deepened it. My tongue slipped inside his mouth and tangled with his, giving him my own brand of a claiming kiss.

When I broke away, we caught our breaths and he grinned at me. “You ready to relax and enjoy our vacation, Ms. Salomé?”

“Yes, Mr. Crane,” I said. He pecked my lips and got up. “We have a short helicopter ride and then we get to enjoy our break.”

I grimaced. “Helicopter ride?”

“It’s fifteen minutes. I’ll be right by your side,” Jonas assured and gave me a quick kiss. He got up and took out a video camera. “We can take turns filming.” I held the camera and he zipped up the case. We then made our way back to our seats for the landing in Seychelles.

We exited the plane and I squinted against the bright sunlight. A warm breeze billowed our shirts as we finished our arrival clearance. Once done, a male representative from the hotel greeted and directed us to a buggy. We rode a few yards away to a small helicopter. And without a moment to spare, we were strapped into the leather seats and given noise-canceling headphones.

My pulse sprinted as the pilot closed the doors. I stared out the curved plexiglass windows. “The weather is perfect today. You should have a clear view of the island,” the pilot said.

The helicopter’s lift was surprisingly smooth and it eased with an almost vertical glide to the ocean. Still, my hands shook as I took the camera from Jonas. Taking pictures was a welcome distraction, in conjunction with the pilot’s discussion of island life. I panned around to film the islands. They appeared to pebble the vast breadth of azure water and were lush with greenery and large granite rocks. It was breathtaking.

I turned the video camera to capture Jonas’s excited face. It was as alluring as the ocean view.

“We’re approaching North Island,” the pilot announced.

Jonas took the camera from me and the helicopter hovered close to where the blue ocean met a shallower turquoise water with reefs. It expanded up to a white sandy beach. A single palm frond-covered hut seemed to be the only pause in the scenery.

We stepped out on the stone helipad and quickly followed our representative down the beach. The closer we reached, the more there was to see of the hut. It stretched into a modern, spacious villa.

The representative unlocked and eased back a glass framed retractable door at the side of the villa for entry into an open, spacious bedroom. The décor included a reclaimed wooden desk and woven chests, brightly colored lamps, and lounge chairs situated around a silk and mesh curtained four-poster bed.

My face lit up and Jonas rubbed my back. He took my hand and we walked through a curtain of shells to follow our guide, passing natural, furnished lounges, wood-carved tables, and colorful daybeds.

“We will use every one of them,” Jonas said and kissed my neck. He moved us outside to a plunge pool with a cascading waterfall. Farther out was a finished hut with silk netting and a large day bed out on the water.

“Would you like to discuss dinner?” the attendant said with a wide grin.

“One second.” Jonas turned to me and said, “I’ll handle it and lunch. Go explore and relax.”

I wanted to sit out in the hut, but something else tempted me more. I turned and walked through the kitchen and bathroom. The bathroom was dominated by glass windows and a large, sunk-in stone tub. Turning on the tap, I filled the basin, pouring in a selection of scented flowers and oils from a slate and bamboo tray next to the tub.

“Starting without me?” Jonas said, walking into the room.

“This is beautiful,” I said, gaping at the panoramic ocean view. He came up behind me and circled my waist, his hands resting low on my stomach.

“Not as beautiful as you.” The air seeped out of my parted lips. I shuddered as the jolt from his touch spread through me at his contact. I felt his chest expand against my back as he kissed the top of my head. He then turned me around and removed my clothes, like he was unwrapping a precious gift. He seemed to revere every piece of skin revealed. His gaze amorously lingered.

When he was done, I stood tall and naked with my hands at my sides, unashamed. I believed myself to be just as beautiful and special to him as he claimed. He stood back and the pleasure on his face warmed my heart. He hugged me and I hugged him back. “My Tiger Lily.”

I helped him remove his clothes with all the care he had given to me.

A sensual light passed between us as we stepped down into the bath. We dipped our heads back, dampening our hair. He picked up the pomegranate shampoo and massaged it into my scalp.

“They are bringing dinner in a few hours. They brought a tray of fruits, cheeses, and fresh fish for us for lunch.”

“Are we the only ones here?” I murmured as his hands massaged down my neck and back.

“In this villa and beach, yes. I thought we could use some privacy before we lose more of it with the book.”

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