'Til the End of Time (14 page)

Read 'Til the End of Time Online

Authors: Iris Johansen

BOOK: 'Til the End of Time
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He opened the door and cast another quick glance over his shoulder. He felt a sudden poignant pang of tenderness. She looked as vulnerable as a sleeping child in the huge bed. He stood there a moment, just looking at her. Then he softly closed the door behind him.

“Wake up, Alessandra. We have to get the hell out of here.”

The web of sleep was torn with an abruptness that brought Alessandra bolt upright in bed. “What is it?”

Sandor strode out of the bathroom and tossed her clothes on the bed. He had turned on the flashlight, and his face was taut and hard in its faint glow. “Get dressed. There’s something happening out there, and I don’t like it.”

“What?” She jumped out of bed and began dressing swiftly. “A guard?”

He nodded. “Very much in the plural, judging by the voices I heard in the garden.” His lips
tightened. “I didn’t stay to count them after I saw a helicopter start to land.”

“Reinforcements? But how could they know we’re here?”

“I have no idea. We’ll worry about that after we’re gone. Ready?”

She nodded as she snatched up her knapsack. “Let’s go.”

He was already at the door. He stopped her by placing his hand on her arm. “This isn’t what I planned,” he said quietly. “I wanted this night to be as perfect for you as it was for me.”

Good Lord, was he
at a moment like this? Then her impatience was submerged in tenderness. She had a lot to learn. When danger surfaced, she had instinctively pushed the experience they had shared to the rear of her consciousness, as if it hadn’t existed. Sandor had obviously been even more conscious of the danger than she, and yet he hadn’t allowed it to diminish what they’d had together. “There are a few advantages to being awakened in the middle of the night,” she said with a smile. “I won’t have to wonder when I wake up in the morning if you still respect me.”

“I’ll respect you. Tonight, tomorrow, for the rest of our lives.” His kiss was quick and hard. “Now let’s get out of here, or the rest of our lives may be very brief.”

They were halfway down the hall when they heard the voice; loud, hollow, and slightly distorted by the megaphone. “Karpathan!”

Sandor muttered a curse.

“It sounded so close,” Alessandra whispered. “Are they in the castle?”

“Downstairs in the entrance hall, by the sound of it. Or at least

The voice came again, slightly mocking. “Come and talk to me, Karpathan. You’re in no danger at the moment. I have something special and entirely fitting planned for you.”

She knew that voice. “It’s Naldona,” Alessandra said, shocked.

Sandor nodded. “The helicopter. He obviously couldn’t resist the temptation to come and close the trap himself.” He turned and began striding down the hall toward the main staircase. “Stay here.”

“You’re going down there? They’ll kill you!”

“We need time. I don’t want them rushing us.” He cast her a reassuring smile. “I’m not going downstairs. I’ll stand at the top of the stairs and talk to him.” He flicked out the flashlight. “And I’ll make damn sure the hall is in complete darkness and I’m not a target.”

“Then I’m going with you.”

“I expected that. You’re a difficult lady for a man to protect. Why not let me fight this particular dragon?”

She fell into step with him. “He’s not a dragon; he’s a rat. And, thanks, to my many ventures into subterranean Tamrovia, I’ve become very familiar with the breed lately. Who knows? I may be able to handle him better than you.”

“Naldona is—”

“I’m going with you.”

They had reached the head of the staircase. “It appears you already have.” Sandor raised his voice. “I’m here, Naldona. Say what you have to say and keep the lights turned out.”

“How cautious you are, Sandor.” Naldona sounded almost hearty. He had discarded the megaphone, but his voice carried clearly in the high-ceilinged hall. “I told you I had plans for you. I wanted to see your face when I told you about them. I have only a few men down here with me. Surely a legend like the Tanzar can’t be afraid.”

“I’ve been enough of a fool for one night,” Sandor said dryly. “I’m not about to walk right into your hands, Marc.”

“But you’ve already done that. I have a troop of soldiers at every entrance to the castle, with orders to shoot you on sight.” Naldona paused. “Along with the lovely Miss Ballard. Are you there, Miss Ballard?”

“I’m here.”

“I wondered how a mere woman was able to evade one of my best men. I should have known Karpathan was involved. It was very discourteous of you to violate my hospitality by departing without saying good-bye. I’ve had a good deal of trouble reassuring Bruner of my good intentions, and I’m very annoyed with you.”

woman? “I thought the assassin you sent to my room would make my explanations,” Alessandra said through clenched teeth.

“Oh, he did. He was very eager to make excuses. Unfortunately, it didn’t prevent his eventual demise. I was very angry that morning.” His tone became silky. “But I’m not angry now. I couldn’t be more pleased about the way things are working out. Lovers should share the same fate. It’s so very poetic.”

She could feel Sandor stiffen next to her. “Lovers?”

“Oh, yes, I know about that. It was really to be expected. The dashing, romantic Tanzar and the whore of—”

“Shut up, Naldona.” Sandor’s words cut him off with barely restrained violence. “Leave her out of it.”

“So gallant. I suppose that’s to be expected too. You must forgive me. You can’t expect me to have the same sense of delicacy as you. I’m only a poor peasant, while you’re a nobleman.”

“I believe when we started out together we planned to eliminate that distinction.”

“I was an idealistic idiot then, but I soon came to my senses.” Naldona laughed. “However, you never did realize what we had in our hands. You’ve been a fool in more ways than one, Sandor.”

“Perhaps.” Sandor’s voice had regained its coolness. “I’m particularly interested in identifying one aspect of my stupidity. I thought we’d made it into the castle unseen. How did you know we were here?”

“You were unseen. I was a little upset that the guards had grown so careless. I suppose, after all this time, they thought it unlikely you would come back here.” Naldona paused. “But I knew you’d come. I knew how you felt about this heap of stone. I would have been even more upset, however, if the guards had failed to pick up your voices on the monitors.”


“I took the precaution of having the halls of the castle very thoroughly bugged. Both your voice and Miss Ballard’s came over very clearly as you were giving her a tour of the ancestral home. My
men called me at once in Belajo and requested instructions. I told them to wait until I could get here before they interrupted you in your romantic idyll. Wasn’t that kind of me?”

“Very kind,” Sandor said. “But I’m sure you had your reasons.”

“Oh, I did.” Naldona gave a low order, and there was suddenly the sound of rapid footsteps on the parquet floor of the foyer. “Don’t be alarmed. My men aren’t going to rush you. They’re just going to the other rooms on this floor to carry out an order. I think you can imagine what that order is, Sandor.”

“Yes.” Sandor’s voice was harsh with pain. “I can imagine.”

“Oh, it hurts, does it? I do wish I could see your face. Can you smell it? The odor is very strong down here.”

“No, I can’t smell it.”

“You will soon. I promise you.”

“Sandor?” Alessandra drew a step nearer. “What’s happening?”

Naldona’s tone held malicious pleasure. “Yes, tell her what’s happening, Sandor. Since she’s going to suffer a tragic end, she should know the details.”

“Did you consider how difficult it will be to explain Alessandra’s death to Bruner?”

“I’ll find some way of casting the blame on you. Your death will give me considerably more time, Sandor. Your followers will be devastated and thrown into confusion. With Bruner’s weapons I’ll be able to turn this war around.”

“It won’t be that easy. I’ve trained men to take my place.”

“But you’re the legend, and when a legend dies …” There was the sound of footsteps in the foyer again. “It seems we’re ready. You have your choice. You’ll be blown apart if you try to leave by any of the entrances.”

“I know my choice.”

“Good. I’m leaving now.” There was a sound of a door opening. “But I’ll be outside watching. If it lasts all night, I’ll still be there, and enjoying every minute of it. I want you to know that.”

Sandor didn’t answer.

“I do wish I could see your face.” Naldona’s tone was wistful. A tiny flame flickered in the doorway. A match. “Good-bye, Sandor.” The tiny flame plummeted toward a dark, shining pool on the floor.

The pool exploded, sending flames leaping high! The front door closed behind Naldona. Flames were streaking across the foyer, eating everything in their paths and gaining strength as their hunger was fed.

“Gasoline!” Alessandra breathed. “Oh, Lord, he’s set fire to the castle.”

“Yes.” Sandor’s face was expressionless as he stared down at the inferno below.

“Can we stop it?”

“No.” He stood there an instant more. “Naldona can be very thorough.” He turned away. “It’s not safe to speak. I imagine Naldona is listening to us right now. He’d love to hear us whimper. He’s not going to do that.” He took her elbow and turned on the flashlight. “Come on.” He was half running down the corridor toward the back staircase leading to the nursery.

“Sandor, can’t we—”

He shook his head and touched his fingers to
his lips. Then they were running up the flight of steps of the back staircase. It was only after the door of the nursery closed behind them that he spoke. “I think it’s safe to speak in here. Naldona said the listening devices were in the halls, and he evidently didn’t know how we entered the castle.” He swiftly crossed the room to the panel of the secret passage. “After the first flight of stairs, the secret passage angles away from the castle to the hill. With all Naldona’s forces gathered on the castle grounds, there should be no problem getting out unseen through the exit on the hill. The castle should burn for hours, and we’ll be at the airfield before Naldona will be able to enter the ruins and search for our remains.”

Ruins. This home Sandor loved so much was being destroyed. Alessandra stood watching him as he began to tug at the panel closure, and felt a surge of wild anger. They had no right to do this to him. He had been so happy showing her the house and the objects he loved. He was
He wanted only what was best for his country and his people, and Naldona was doing this monstrous thing to hurt him. She was experiencing the same frustrating despair she had known when Dimitri was dying and she hadn’t been able to help him.

Now Limtana was dying and she couldn’t do anything to help Sandor either. Well, she couldn’t stand here and do nothing. Not this time.

“Damn, this panel is stuck again.” Sandor’s voice was harsh with impatience. The panel had opened only a few inches. “We’ll be lucky if the smoke doesn’t begin pouring in on us before I can get it open.” He glanced over his shoulder as he
heard the door of the nursery open behind him. “Where the hell do you think you’re going?”

“Keep working on it. I’ll be right back.” She heard him call her name, but ignored it as she quickly ran from the nursery and down the back stairs.


There was already the faintest drift of smoke rising to the second floor. At the other end of the hall Alessandra could see an orange glare reflected from the blazing foyer. It sent a chill through her. That other fire had been like this, merely a reflection at first, then alive and hungry like a beast clawing at— She blocked the thought swiftly. Not now. Never. It was gone. There was only now.

It was too late to go downstairs. She had only a few precious minutes. What pieces had Sandor said the family valued most? The vase on the hall table. It had been a gift from his father to his mother. The snuffbox beside it had a cameo picture of his grandfather inside the lid. The triptych given to his great-grandfather by Czar Nicholas. What else? Oh, Lord, the

She flew down the hall and into the master bedroom. The lovely silk shawl was lying on the chair beside the bed, where Sandor had tossed it.
She snatched it up and bolted from the room. The smoke was thick now, and she had to struggle not to cough. She spread the shawl on the hall table and placed the vase, snuffbox, and triptych in the center and tied the corners into a makeshift knapsack. Her eyes were stinging, and she couldn’t repress the coughing now. Her lungs felt seared. She slung the knapsack over her arm and ran toward the back staircase. She had almost reached the top of the steps when Sandor opened the nursery door.

“I was just coming for you. Why did you—?” He broke off as he caught sight of the silk shawl. “You went back for a

“Among other things.” She came into the room and closed the door. “I see you’ve managed to budge the panel.” She looked critically at the dark opening. “Well need to widen it a few more inches.”

“It’s wide enough for us to slip through.”

“But not wide enough for Leo.” She knelt in front of the rocking horse and began to slip the loop of the shawl knapsack from around her arm. “We’re taking him with us.”

“What?” He was staring at her as if she had gone mad. “He’s made of oak and must weigh forty pounds. Besides the stairs and over a mile of passageway, we have three miles of rough hill country to cross before we get to the airfield.”

“That’s only twenty pounds apiece. We’re both tall and strong.” She knotted the shawl firmly around the neck of the rocking horse. “I’m not going without him.”


“No!” She turned to look at him, her eyes blazing. “He’s important. I’m not leaving him for Naldona to destroy. Open the panel wider.”

Clearly he was frustrated with her, impatient … and feeling some other, more gentle emotion as well. “Oh, hell!” He crossed the room and began tugging at the panel.

She stayed where she was, kneeling in front of the rocking horse. His bright black eyes were gazing at her with eagerness about the adventure to come. “I’m afraid we’re going to have to find you a new home, boy,” she whispered. “There will never be another
here, but you’ll be all right. You’re a survivor, just like me.”

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