'Til the End of Time (20 page)

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Authors: Iris Johansen

BOOK: 'Til the End of Time
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Fallon Parker had done it.

Even with all the negativity from her parents and sister about leaving Nashville to go to school out west, she had done it. Fallon had completed her first year at Stanford University. Yeah, she had gained the dreaded freshmen fifteen, but it didn’t matter.

She had done it.

Without anyone’s help — not her parents, her sister, her friends — she had kept her 4.0 grade point average.

On cloud nine, Fallon jumped into her Charger and drove down to San Jose to meet her friends. They were all going out to celebrate and she couldn’t be more excited about the fake ID in her purse. Fallon had been such a good girl her freshman year, but now she was a sophomore and she was gonna live this summer. Fallon was on a mission.

Get drunk, find a guy, and hook up. Maybe not sex, but at least make out some. It was simple really, and Allison, her roommate, had said that the Trails Pub was the place to do all three.

After parking her car beside Allison’s, Fallon headed inside.

“ID please,” said a big black man standing as high as a giant who, according to his nametag, was Pinky. Fallon had no clue what was so pinky about him, but she had learned quickly that in California, ya kinda just go with it. Fallon smiled nervously as she opened her clutch and pulled out the ID she had made. “Thanks Amanda, have a nice night,” Pinky said with a grin as he handed her the ID.

Fallon looked confused but then remembered her name was Amanda on the ID. “Why thank you so much, have a nice night yourself.”

Pinky smiled again as Fallon made her way into the bar. She spotted Allison with Hannah and Kristin, the girls from the dorm room across the hall from hers, at a corner booth by the bar and she made her way to them with a big grin on her face.

The Trails Pub was packed wall to wall with every type of person imaginable. As Fallon made her way toward her friends, she noticed guys glancing her way with appreciative looks on their faces. She smiled confidently, knowing the short jean skirt and dark red tank that matched her boots was a great combination for man-catching.

“Damn Fal, looking good!” Allison said when Fallon reached their table. Hannah and Kristin smiled and waved as Fallon sat down. They weren’t used to sexy Fallon. The Fallon they knew walked around campus in sweats all of the time.

That was freshmen Fallon, sophomore Fallon was sexy.

“Thank you, thank you,” Fallon gushed as she looked around the bar.

“A round of tequila, Teagan!”

The bartender smiled over at the girls before very efficiently pouring four shots and handing the drinks to a waitress. As the waitress set each shot on the table, the girls picked them up, bringing the glasses to the middle for a toast.

“Here’s to the first of four years done!” Allison exclaimed as all three girls joined in with her, clanking their glasses together and taking the shot quickly.

It burned down Fallon’s throat. She wasn’t sure what the awful liquid was, but Lord it was
Fallon looked off to the side, seeing that there were some good looking men in the bar that night. Fallon was giddy with excitement at trying to pick one up she was so used to keeping to herself over the past year and was ready to branch out.

As Fallon’s eyes skimmed the bar, they met with a pair of smoking gray ones. Fallon blinked twice as her eyes were held hostage by his. He was gorgeous. Shaggy dark brown hair framed his face, and his nose was wide but fit his face perfectly. His lips were thin, she noticed as he brought his bottom lip in between his teeth. He had a very ‘boy next door’ kind of look to him but with an edge. A dangerous edge, Fallon decided as he slowly stood. He was tall with big arms, one covered in tribal tattoos, the other bare. His eyes never left hers as he went around the bar, away from the table of equally huge guys, to lean against the bar as he watched her.

He was just staring at her like he didn’t care who noticed or if it was rude. It was as if he saw what he wanted and he was waiting to pounce. It was the craziest thing ever!

“Jeez, that dude is staring at you hard Fal,” Hannah said.

“Like really hard,” Kristin said.

Fallon looked back at her friends, but only for a second before turning back to the dangerous guy at the bar. He was wearing a nice tailored suit and had left his jacket at the table. The shirt was a pale green that was rolled up to his elbow showing off his tattoos. The first couple buttons were open, and she could see that there was writing on his chest. She wondered what it said, and she wondered why his friends were wearing suits too.

Who were these guys?

“Go talk to him Fal!” Allison yelled, “He’s flipping hot!” He sure was.

“I don’t know,” Fallon said nervously, as the thoughts from the ‘freshman Fallon’ intruded her mind.
What if he was some guy with the mob or something? He was muscular and dark and sexy and … mmm…

“Don’t be a wuss! Go!” Allison said, interrupting Fallon’s thoughts.

Fallon looked back at the guy, and then looked at Allison. She nodded before slowly getting up and making her way towards him. As she sauntered towards him like a girl on a mission, his face broke into a grin so wide that she was blinded by his straight white teeth. He had dark hair dusting his chin. He looked rugged, lustful. Fallon didn’t say anything as she leaned against the bar, feeling him rake his eyes over her body before returning to her face.

“What can I get for you sugar??” the bartender asked.

“A beer, please,” Fallon said before a beer appeared in front of her.

“Four bucks.”

Fallon went to get cash out of her pocket when, out the corner of her eyes, she saw the guy shake his head and say, “Put it on my tab, Teagan.”

“Yup,” Teagan said before going off to help another customer.

Fallon looked up at the guy, a sexy smile on her face. “Thank you.”

“Sure,” he said as he held his beer out to her. Fallon clanked her beer to his before taking a hefty sip. The cool liquid went down her throat and she wanted to gag.

It was her first time drinking beer, and she decided that it too was disgusting.

“Don’t like it?” he asked. Fallon shook her head.

“I usually only drink wine.”

“No wine here, baby girl. Teagan, a Mule please.”

“A Mule?” Fallon asked as the bartender nodded and went to work on her drink.

“Yup, good stuff. Tequila, ginger ale and lime juice. Drink of champions.”

“So I guess you’re not one since you’re drinking a beer?”

They both looked down at the beer he held in his hand; he then chuckled before looking back up at her. “This is my warm up drink.”

“Oh is that right?”

“Sure is, try it,” he said as the bartender laid the drink in front of her. She picked it up and took a sip.

It was fantastic. Fallon couldn’t even taste the tequila.

“It’s good, no bite at all,” she said with a nod.

“No bite now, but tomorrow, you’ll be singing a different tune if you have too many.”

Fallon laughed as he chuckled along with her. “I’m Lucas, by the way.”

Lucas held out his hand, and Fallon took it. He had huge hands, they swallowed hers and people said she had big hands. “Fallon.”

“Fallon? Interesting.”

“Thanks,” she said with a grin.

“You live around here?”

Fallon looked up and her eyes were drawn to his again. Before when she was across the bar, she couldn’t see how gray they were. Now that she was closer, she could see his eyes were like smoke or maybe a dark rain cloud. They were so captivating, hypnotic even.

“I do. I’m a sophomore at Stanford,” she said, while still being dazed by his eyes.

“Oh really, a smarty pants then?” he asked with a lazy smile.

She giggled, “Something like that.”

“Wait! If you are a sophomore, you’re what? You’re not 21.”

Shit on a shingle.

“Um, well,” Fallon sputtered as she looked towards Allison for help, but Allison was giggling and flirting with a guy who had come over to the table. When she looked back up at Lucas, he was leaned in close, a naughty grin on his lips.

“Oh, someone has a fake ID huh?” he whispered as Fallon turned deep red.

“Are you going to tell on me?”

The words flew from her mouth before she could stop them and she wished they hadn’t when she saw the devilish grin that crossed his face. God, she sounded so damn young!

Seductress? YEAH RIGHT!

“I don’t know. What do I get if I don’t?”

Fallon weighed his statement for a moment, before looking up at him. She had nothing to offer him but money, and by the way he was dressed, she was sure he had enough of his own. If he thought she was gonna give him sex, he might as well go on and turn her in! So she blinked twice at him before saying, “Um, what do you want?”


Lucas Brooks chuckled as he looked down at the beauty who had walked into the bar.

After losing hockey’s Stanley Cup Playoffs earlier that evening, he was feeling pretty crappy but then she walked in. Lucas’ eyes had been drawn to her as soon as he heard the click of the naughty little red cowboy boots she was wearing. Didn’t she realize that red is an eye catcher? He was sure she wanted attention, and he wanted to give it to her.

Fallon what an awesome name was by far the most gorgeous girl in the bar. She looked like a porcelain doll. Yeah, her breasts were a little smaller than he liked, but her ass made up for it. He liked big asses on girls and she had one. It might have been her hair too; it was long and wavy, a golden brown that brought out her heavy-lidded, deep caramel, wide eyes. She had a deer- in-headlights look to her but he knew, just by talking to her, that she wasn’t dumb. Her nose was small and dainty, and when Lucas set eyes on her luscious glossy red lips, he knew he had to talk to her — and have her.

Fallon wasn’t much younger than he. He was 21, but her innocence made him feel like he was 40: like the Big Bad Wolf trying to hook up with Little Red Riding Hood. But Lucas’s Little Red Riding Hood was gorgeous and she had no clue who he was, a big plus in his book.

“It’s quite simple really,” he said with a wink of his eye. “Just a simple kiss, and my lips are sealed.”

Fallon giggled, looking off to the side before looking back up at him. He liked that she was tall. Usually the girls he hooked up with were shorter and the tall ones were models who didn’t eat anything. He couldn’t stand them. Lucas loved to eat and when he was stuffing his face, he hated having a female watch him with a ‘please feed me’ kind of look.

“If your lips are sealed how are you supposed to kiss me?” she asked in a low, intimate voice.

Ooh, she had a little country flair to her. The way she drew out the
, told him she wasn’t from California. Mm, he liked that too.

“Naughty girl, who said anything about open-mouth kissing?”

He was rewarded with a deep blush and a shy smile. “I just assumed.”

“Or you were hoping.”

She giggled, and rolled her eyes. “Oh shut up, and kiss me already.”

A slow grin went across his face before he took her chin in his fingers and slowly lowered his lips to hers. When Lucas’ lips touched Fallon’s, he swore his whole body caught on fire. She slowly moved her hand into his hair, bringing him closer, so their bodies molded together. When she slowly parted her lips, he drove his tongue into her mouth, sweeping and swirling his tongue with hers. He had never kissed a girl with such passion, never put his whole self into it, never felt the so-called sparks. With Fallon, he did.

When they parted, only for air, she smiled sweetly up at him.

“So my secret is safe?”

Lucas was still stunned as he nodded. “Oh you are safe with me baby girl. Come here.”

Lucas wrapped her back up in his arms, kissing her senseless, excited for the future that was before them. Yeah, after a kiss like that, he was looking at the future because he knew he had just found
The One.


Chapter 1

Nine years later……

Fallon Parker’s feet hurt.


Her decision to wear a brand new pair of black Kate Spade ankle boots on the night of the Assassins’ New Year’s Eve party would haunt her for weeks. She wanted to look cute because she would be seeing friends and a lot of customers so she had dressed to impress. She had done that by wearing a high-waisted black pencil skirt with white lacy shirt.

Even if her feet were killing her; it was the price of fashion.

Fallon tried to walk lightly as she made her way around the bar to look over the crowd of 500 that had gathered at the Luther Arena. The party was in full swing since the crowd was celebrating the New Year and also the run for the Stanley Cup. The Assassins were having a winning hockey season from what Fallon was told, not that she cared.

Those days were over.

All Fallon cared about now was that the sponsorship was perfect between Rocky Top Wines and the Assassins. For the most part it was. Rocky Top Wines had its own level in the Luther Arena AND a restaurant. But what Fallon
wanted was a cellar in the arena. A place where customers could pick up a bottle of their favorite wine for the after party at home. It was her dream, and she was working hard to make it a reality.

Fallon slowly leaned against the bar, sipping on her own glass of the company’s Chenin Blanc. It was one of her favorites, going down smoothly as she took in the scenery of the arena. The team colors, purple and black, covered every inch of the arena. People moved around her, buying bottles and getting refills of their favorite wines.

God, she loved her job. Being surrounded by wine all the time!

Who could ask for more?

A smile broke across Fallon’s face when she spotted one of her dearest friends. Of course, Elli Adler was dressed to impress in her floor length black sparkly dress. Her beautiful brown hair was in an intricate updo and her makeup was done to the nines. No one would ever be able to tell that Elli had just had a baby two months ago. No matter how many times Fallon told her, Elli still didn’t believe it. But it was true. Elli was beautiful. She was also the team’s newest owner, which made her the center of attention that night. Elli wore a full smile as she wrapped her arms around Fallon, hugging her tightly.

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