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Authors: Pamela Clayfield

Til We Meet Again (19 page)

BOOK: Til We Meet Again
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Dean and Katie faced the minister, who smiled at them and began the service in the usual fashion.

“Katie and Dean have chosen to write their own vows so I will turn this part over to them,” he declared.  “Dean, you may begin.”

Dean looked at Katie and squeezed her hands in his own.  “Katie, when I first met you my heart started beating a little faster and when you smiled the first time, my heart melted.  I fell in love with you at that moment and had to have you in my life.  We’ve been through a lot in our short time together but I would never turn back the clock to change any of it,” he stopped to wink at her.  “I look forward to everything the future has to throw at us,” he winked again, “and I vow to stand by you through all of it.  I love you Katie, with all my heart.”

Katie smiled at him and felt tears in her eyes.

“Katie,” the minister said.

“Dean, you were the first friend I made when I came here.  I was in a new town where I didn’t know a single person and you befriended me.  I had no idea when I first met you that we would be here a few months later but we are.  It has felt like a very long journey down a very long road and I too will cherish whatever God has waiting for us in our future.  Whatever challenges, we’ll deal with together and I know I can do it with you by my side.  I love you Dean.”

The minister motioned for Beth and Steven to come forward and place the rings in his hand.  He said a short prayer to bless them before holding his hand out to Dean who took the smaller of the two and held it for a moment while the minister said the words for Dean to repeat.

“Katie, I give you this ring as sign of my everlasting love for you,” he repeated as he slid the ring onto Katie’s finger.

Katie repeated the process and it was after that the minister had them step aside to sign the register.

When they returned to the front of the church they faced one another once more waiting for the sacred words to be spoken.

“By the powers vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife.  You may kiss the bride.”

Dean leaned in and took Katie into his arms.  He kissed her like he hadn’t seen her all day and she kissed him back as fervently.

Everyone clapped and they parted in time for Katie to take her bouquet back from Beth.

“I give you Mr. and Mrs. Dean MacKenzie,” the minister announced as Katie slid her arm through Dean’s and they walked back down the aisle to celebrate they day with their family and friends.














Chapter 17






That night, both Dean and Katie’s parents made wonderful welcoming speeches as did many others. 

They found a brief moment alone in the foyer and Dean pulled Katie into his arms. 

“You feel so good,” Dean told her.

“I just want to go home now,” Katie replied as she snuggled in a little.

“You know what I can’t wait to do?” Dean asked.

“What?” Katie asked.

“I can’t wait to get you out of this dress,” Dean whispered in her ear.  “To undo every one of these buttons and untie all of these ties.”

“Mmm,” Katie murmured.  “I hate to say it, but I’m looking forward to getting out of this dress.”

“You looked absolutely delectable today, I just wanted you to know that,” Dean told her.

“Thank you.  You look pretty sharp yourself handsome.  But I would like to see you out of this tux too.”

They went back into the hall where everyone was enjoying themselves and Dean pulled her into his arms for their first dance.  They had chosen ‘Dream Come True’ for their first song as it held special meaning to them.

“I love you,” Dean whispered in Katie’s ear.

“I love you too,” Katie replied as she let him lead her around the dance floor as all of their friends looked on.

She took his hand and placed it on her stomach between them.

“Baby’s having a good time too,” Dean whispered to her.

“A very good time,” Katie replied and smiled. 

Later in the evening, the restaurant, as a thank you, served a complimentary lunch during which time Katie and Dean cut their cake and served it to everyone who was still there.  Right after that, Dean left Katie’s side to go speak to the person in charge of music.  She noticed but thought nothing of it until he was back at her side, holding out a single red rose in one hand and holding out the other as an invitation to the dance floor.  She accepted the rose and slid her hand into his and let him lead her to the center of the dance floor where he pulled her into his arms as the beginning bars of
You Look Wonderful Tonight
began playing. 

“In case I didn’t tell you,” Dean said as he led her all over the floor.

“You did,” Katie told him.

“I wanted you to hear it again.”

Katie smiled.

“It was a toss up between this one and
Have I Told You Lately That I Love You
,” he said.

“You’ve told me that too,” Katie told him.

“I’m never going to stop telling you,” he whispered.  “Either one of you,” he whispered as his hand pressed against her tummy.

Katie smiled.  “Do you think it’s too soon to go?” she asked.

“Oh, I don’t think so.  I think everyone thinks this is our last dance anyway,” Dean said looking around.

Katie looked around too and noticed they were alone on the floor and everyone was watching.  Even the photographer was still there snapping as many pictures as he could.

“I can only wonder how he’s been changing rolls,” Katie whispered and Dean laughed and shrugged.

When the song ended, everyone in the room clapped and formed a tunnel with their arms leading towards the door.

Katie and Dean looked at each other before Katie retreated to get her purse off the head table and slid her hand into Dean’s and allowed him to lead her through the tunnel which gave them a chance to say goodbye to everyone as they went along.

Those that formed the tunnel wished them well and when they reached the other end they found their families waiting for them.  As the music started up again and their friends began dancing, they hugged and said goodbye and thank you to their families.

Dean helped Katie with her wrap before he would allow her to go outside and they bid a final farewell to everyone before they left the building.

Dean helped her into the car and went to the other side.

“So where to?” he teased when he got in the other side.

“Anywhere where I can be alone with you,” Katie said.

“That I
do tonight,” he replied as he started the car.

When they got back to the house, Dean started a fire and got out some wine.

“Where did that come from?” Katie asked.

“Oh, I had it hidden,” Dean said.

Katie smiled.  “You know I can’t drink that though,” she reminded him.

“Actually, it’s very low alcohol content and I thought you could have a couple sips,” Dean told her as he opened it.  He had the lights off so the room was lit entirely by firelight and Katie looked absolutely radiant as the firelight danced and reflected off of her hair.  He had noticed it on the dance floor too with the fire roaring in the fireplace at the restaurant.   He filled two glasses and handed one to Katie.

Katie looked over the glass at her new husband as she took a sip of the wine.

“What?” Dean asked after taking a sip out of his own glass.

Katie looked down at her left hand and watched as the diamonds glistened in the firelight.  “You are my husband now,” she said.

“Yes, is there something wrong with that?” Dean asked.

“Not at all,” Katie laughed.  “It was just the realization.  The day has been so busy that it had yet to cross my mind.”

Dean looked at her for a minute before a smile spread across his face.  “You’re right.  I never thought of you as my wife until now and now I want to do something about that.”

“Oh really?” Katie asked.

“Oh yeah,” he replied.  He stretched a hand towards her and waited while she slid her hand into it.  He pulled her off the couch and pulled her into his arms. 

“What did you have in mind?” Katie asked and then yawned.

Dean yawned in automatic response.  “Take you to bed,” he said.

“Sounds great,” Katie replied and rested her head on his shoulder.  “Guess I shouldn’t have sat down,” she whispered.

“Glad I didn’t build a huge fire,” Dean said.  “Why don’t you go upstairs and wait for me.  I’ll be right up.”

Katie nodded and gathered up as much fabric of the dress as possible to avoid tripping up the stairs.

She thought this was great timing as it would allow her to light the candles she had placed around the bedroom and bathroom earlier.  She walked into the bedroom and grabbed the lighter she’d remembered to put there and made her way around the room and into the bathroom.  She just returned to the bedroom when Dean walked in and she could see the surprise on his face as she stood there.

“Oh my, Katie,” he said.  “When? How?”

“I had a little spare time earlier before we left for the church,” she told him.

“It’s wonderful,” he said and approached her.  Again he pulled her into his arms but this time he kissed her.  He brushed his lips gently over hers and let his tongue push against her lips.  She parted her lips willingly and his tongue met hers.  He felt her press against him and he suddenly couldn’t wait a second longer to get her out of the gown.  He fumbled with some of the buttons before his fingers found the corset ties and pulled.  Slowly the gown began to loosen and he could feel Katie’s fingers trying to help as well.  As soon as the ties were undone, the gown fell away revealing Katie’s creamy skin and Dean let out a moan.

“What’s wrong?” Katie asked.

“Nothing.  You are just so very beautiful,” he told her.  He helped her get the rest of the way out of the gown and all of the petticoats beneath it.

“You have no idea how it feels to be out of that thing finally,” Katie said as she moved to undo the buttons on Dean’s shirt. 

Dean nodded and ran his hands over her skin.  “Yeah, I think I do,” he whispered in her ear before he nibbled there.

“Mmmm,” Katie moaned as she slid the shirt tails out of his pants and ran her hands over his chest.

It wasn’t long before they were finally rid of all their clothes and undergarments and they were on the bed making love.  Dean was kissing her all over and Katie let out soft whispers and moans as he touched her.  

“I love you, Katie.  Thank you for marrying me and making this such a wonderful day.”

“I love you too and it
a great day.  Now we get to wait for our baby,” Katie replied. 

“I can’t wait but I have to admit that I’m looking forward to some time alone with you first,” Dean said.

“Mmmm,” Katie agreed.

They kissed goodnight and Dean wrapped her into his arms and they fell asleep, exhausted from their long day, only to dream about what their future would bring.









































“Push Katie, push,” Dr. Stevens was saying.

The nurses in the room bustled about getting ready for what was to come.

“We’re almost there, it’s almost time,” Dr. Stevens continued to encourage her.

“Push sweetie,” Dean encouraged from behind her. 

Katie once again sucked in a deep breath and pushed down as hard as she could.  She had been in labour for about seven hours and was getting extremely tired.

She rested back against Dean’s arms again and breathed heavily.  “I’m tired,” she told him.

“I know, but we’re almost there,” Dean said looking to the doctor for reassurance.

Dr. Stevens gave a short nod.  “I can see a head Katie,” she said.  “On your next contraction, I want you to push like you’ve never pushed before.”

BOOK: Til We Meet Again
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