Time for Love (25 page)

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Authors: Emma Kaye

Tags: #Romance, #Historical, #English, #Time Travel, #Regency

BOOK: Time for Love
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Chapter Nineteen

May 3 (26 Days Remaining)

Alex spent the next day alone in her room. Well, not entirely alone. Evelyn refused to heed Alex’s request for privacy and watched over her as if she were on her deathbed, rather than simply overwhelmed by all that had transpired the day before.

Evelyn spoke in whispers and insisted on keeping the curtains shut and a fire blazing. Alex gave up reasoning with her and gave in. It wasn’t all bad. Being coddled and cared for like a child was kind of nice for a change. She couldn’t remember ever having anyone make such an effort on her behalf.

In fact, her head ached from trying desperately to remember something, anything about her family before the fire. She couldn’t, even though she had spent half the night trying.

She had tossed and turned thinking through all the crazy conversations she’d had the previous evening. She went over and over everything that had been said. And not said. It was almost more than she could bear.

If only Nicholas loved her, how happy she would be! Instead, she was in this stiflingly hot room, wallowing in self-pity. If only she could get past her feelings for Nicholas and deal with her family.

Sometime in the middle of the night, she’d finally come to the conclusion the Creswells were indeed her family. Hard to believe, but it actually fit the facts better than the story she’d been told. She should have been overjoyed. Instead, she just wondered what she was going to do.

Up until accepting the truth last night, everything had seemed clear. She would find her sister, and together they would return to the present, or future, or whatever.

She had never really considered Nicholas’s offer seriously, because she couldn’t accept it. She had no idea what she should do. Going back home was no longer the easy answer, because now she had two homes.

She could return to her life back in the twenty-first century. Back to hot showers and electricity, cell phones, and cars. Back to her lonely apartment and late nights working the bar while trying to avoid the octopus-like tentacles of horny college boys. Back to where Nicholas and her family would be but a memory, long since dead and buried.

Or she could stay. Stay where women were little more than property, hygiene was a fashion trend, and she would be forced to marry a man who didn’t love her.


“You must get up now, my lady! One day is quite enough for you to stay in your room and sulk.”

Evelyn’s commanding voice woke Alex the next morning. She had fallen asleep in the wee hours of the morning, completely exhausted and still unsure of what she was going to do.

“I was not sulking; I was processing,” Alex grumbled, shutting her eyes tight against the bright light flooding through the window. Evelyn moved around the room, muttering to herself. “What was that?”

“I said you most certainly were sulking, and it was not at all becoming, my lady,” Evelyn replied tartly. “Your family is sick unto death about you, and they have enough to worry them at the moment, what with your sister missing as well. I would think you would not wish to cause them further pain.”

Alex opened her eyes and blinked until she was able to focus properly, and the white spots had faded from her vision. In a quiet voice, she asked, “Are they really that worried? I didn’t mean for them to be. I just couldn’t handle seeing anyone. I thought they understood.”

“They do understand, but that does not mean they don’t worry all the same,” Evelyn said in a gentle voice. “The captain, Lord Oakleigh, has been here as well. He was most reluctant to leave yesterday without speaking with you.”

Alex sat bolt upright in the bed. “Nicholas was here? What did he say?”

“He simply wanted to see you. He said he had told you he would be paying you a visit.”

“Oh, yeah, that’s right. I forgot.” She sank back into the feather mattress and sighed. “Did he say whether he was coming back today?”

“Of course he will come today. Don’t you remember? You are to have dance instructions. He will be your partner during the lesson.” Evelyn took hold of a corner of the blanket and twitched it back, leaving Alex to shiver at the sudden chill. “Now, time to get up if you wish to be properly dressed in time.”

Alex stood and looked over the dresses Evelyn had pulled out to show her.

“These new dresses arrived today. My, they are lovely.” Evelyn smoothed a hand down a sage green dress and looked shyly back at her. “I am glad you have finally accepted your place here. I know it has been difficult, but I am confident you will be very happy, in the end. It’s just like a fairy tale—and they all lived
happily ever after.
” She sighed dreamily.

If only Alex could be so sure.


Knowing how much the family had worried about her, Alex practically ran down the stairs to meet them for her dancing lesson, an apology on the tip of her tongue.

She stopped short at the door. Nicholas stood in the corner talking to Gregory. She had known he would be there, but that didn’t stop her heart from tripping at the sight of him. She wondered what they were talking about. Gregory seemed a bit on edge.

“Good morning, everyone,” Alex said from the doorway, her voice squeaking. She cleared her throat. “I’m sorry if I kept you waiting.”

Nicholas stepped forward and looping her right arm over his left, escorted her into the room. “You are worth the wait. You look lovely, Alex.”

She blushed. “Thank you.” A fist squeezed her heart, and she took a deep breath to calm herself. She would get through this. She didn’t need to worry about hiding her feelings now. He already knew how much she cared.

In fact, everyone in the room knew just about everything by now. She could actually relax, truly relax, for the first time since she arrived. She didn’t have to worry about what she said or how she acted. Everyone knew she wasn’t from here, so they wouldn’t wonder if she didn’t know something she should.

“Father and mother will be joining us in an hour or so. They asked that I give their apologies for being late. There has been a slight issue with the planning of Mary’s ball, and mother needed father to help deal with a difficult merchant.” Gregory bowed slightly in Alex’s direction.

“Are you feeling better now?” Mary asked. “You look much improved.”

“Yes, much better, thank you.” Alex smiled. She was feeling better all of a sudden. True, Nicholas didn’t love her. Now. But he was obviously attracted to her, she could build on that. Maybe, given a little time, she could make him love her.

She turned to Nicholas and grinned. “So, you’re going to help me learn to dance?”

He gave a little half bow, without letting go of her arm. “It will be my pleasure.”

She gripped his arm a little tighter and leaned into him. “And mine.” She let go and turned to Mary. “So, are these dances very complicated? I’ve never really been that great a dancer, and I have a feeling the kind of dancing I’m used to is nothing like yours.”

“Ooh, Alexandra. Please show us some of your dances. I would love to see how people dance in the future.” Mary clapped her hands and bounced lightly up and down.

Alex caught Nicholas start and frown out of the corner of her eye, so she was prepared when he leaned in close to whisper harshly to her, “You told them that ridiculous tale you told me the other night?”

“Yes. I did. And
believed me.” She tossed her hair and turned away from him to cross the room and stand next to Mary. “I don’t think our parents would approve my teaching you the kind of dancing I’m used to,” she said, shaking her head.

“That makes it even more interesting. You must share this with us,” Mary said, the excitement plain on her face.

“Yes, Alexandra, please do,” Gregory chimed in. “It must be fascinating in the future. While dancing is not my main interest, art in its many forms can tell a great deal about a culture.”

“What is your main interest in the future?” Alex asked curiously.

“Science! What improvements have been invented to improve the lives of everyday people?” His face lit with enthusiasm.

“Oh, jeez. I could go on forever. Cars, AC, Television. The list goes on. I would have a hard time figuring out what makes the biggest change. But I have to say, I miss hot and cold running water the most.” She sighed and glanced at Nicholas. A pang twisted her heart from the look on his face.

“You actually believe this preposterous story?” he asked.

Gregory looked angry as he answered, “Of course we do. She is our sister after all, and what reason would she have to lie?”

Alex gave Nicholas a triumphant glare. Of course, glaring at him was probably not the best way to win his love. And maybe showing him a small hint of the future might not be such a bad idea. “On second thought, maybe a small dancing demonstration wouldn’t be completely out of order. I’m afraid it might look a little odd without music.”

“I can play for you!” Mary volunteered. “What would you like?” She ran over to the piano and sat.

“I don’t even know how to begin to explain the music. Let me think for a moment.” Alex paced, trying to come up with a song she could remember well enough to sing or hum. She needed something that would get Nicholas’s attention but not make anyone drop dead from shock. The first thing that came to mind was the twist.
Way too embarrassing.

She pictured the bar and a classic rock song
came to mind. The college boys went wild when the girls danced to its beat.
That’ll have to do.
She’d try a little dirty dancing next time she had Nicholas all alone.

She started moving, the song playing in her head. She sang the words quietly to herself as she closed her eyes and memories of her last night on board
The Reliant
with Nicholas played in her mind. The song and memories of Nicholas naked made her heart beat faster and her movements seductive. The soft fabric of her dress caressed her skin, and she imagined Nicholas’s hands replacing her own as she ran her hands along her sides and up to lift her hair off the back of her neck.

She opened her eyes to see Gregory and Mary staring at her, mouths open. She stopped dancing. “Okay. So maybe I should have gone with my first instinct and not shown you anything.”

“Oh no, Alexandra. It’s just I have never seen anything like it.” Mary tried unsuccessfully to keep the shock from her voice.

“Well, of course you haven’t. It won’t be around for more than a hundred and fifty years or so.” She shrugged. “It probably looks pretty ridiculous without the music, and I really can’t explain the music, or eighties’ hair bands for that matter. Anyway, I have absolutely no musical talent.”

She finally took a look at Nicholas, but his back was turned.
Had he even seen her little performance?

He turned around and her breath caught in her throat. The fire in his eyes told her the answer.


Nicholas couldn’t keep his eyes off her. He was livid she stuck to this ridiculous lie and had somehow managed to convince her whole family it was true.
Why couldn’t she be honest with him?
Since the beginning, it had been one lie after another. Would he ever be able to trust her?

Why had he promised to listen to this nonsense without judgment? What secret did she hide from him? She refused to tell him anything about her past, and her lies were becoming more and more elaborate. How could he gain her trust and win the truth?

All thoughts left his head as she started singing, poorly. He cringed as the thankfully quiet sound assaulted his ears, but her lack of musical instruction barely registered before she started moving. Her hands caressed her body as her movements seduced him into a frenzy of need.
Was she trying to kill him?
Because he certainly felt he would die on the spot if he couldn’t get her in private in the next few minutes.

Her sensual movements brought with them visions of the last week on board
The Reliant
and their passionate lovemaking.

All he wanted was to spend time alone with her, while she was locked up in this house as surely as if she were the innocent maiden most assumed her to be. Leaving him rather frustrated. Their wedding, particularly their wedding night, couldn’t come soon enough.

Thankfully, her dancing didn’t last long. Judging by the looks on the faces of the others, he wasn’t the only one floored by the past few moments. He turned away and struggled for control lest he embarrass himself.

When he turned back he caught her looking at him and from the look in her eyes, she wanted time alone as much as he did.

He cleared his throat. How he was going to survive this lesson was anyone’s guess. He walked toward her, drawn like a sailor to the sea. “Perhaps we should continue with the lesson.” He wanted nothing more than to drag her from the room to gain the privacy he desired, but there was no chance of that. The next few hours were bound to be hell, close to her, touching her, yet forced to keep his distance.

The prudent course of action would be to cancel the lesson until he regained control, but he’d be damned if he could walk away from her. No matter how sensible it might be.

“We do not have a large amount of time to teach you to dance well enough for the ball next week. Although I can see you have a natural talent.” He gave her a wink and led her into the middle of the room. “Perhaps we should start with the waltz.” His desire to get his hands on Alexandra spurred the suggestion rather than experience or knowledge of the requirements of a London ball.

“No,” was the immediate and suspicious denial from the puppy. “While the waltz has become quite popular, other dances are more appropriate and will take more time to teach. Therefore we should start with the cotillion.”

Nicholas hated to admit it, but he knew the pup was most likely correct. Young though Viscount Creswell was—his experience in London society far surpassed Nicholas’s own. It would also be unwise to get so close to Alex. Self-restraint did not come naturally.

They spent the rest of the afternoon with the dance lessons. Unfortunately, when Nicholas left the Creswell home at the end of the day, his exhaustion did nothing to dampen his desire to drag Alex to the nearest bedroom and not release her for days.

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