Time Out (7 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

Tags: #Breanna Hayse

BOOK: Time Out
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Byron arrived at the police station 20 minutes later and walked inside.

“Holy cow! Are you Bill Johnson’s boy? You look just like him.” an older officer asked, reaching out his hand. 

“Bryon Johnson. I gather you know Pop.”

“Played with him way back when a football was still made out of pigskin.  I ran into your kid sister last year.  How’s she doing?”

“I don’t think you or Pop are quite that old.  Cassie is doing much better, though.  I appreciate your asking.  No more pot or hanging out with sailors.” Bryon smiled. “I’m actually here for my girlfriend, Kristina Barker.”

“Ah, yes, our reckless driver.  She tested negative on the breath analysis, but appeared to be driving under the influence.”

“I can vouch for her.  She pulled a double shift and shouldn’t have been driving because she was so tired.  Was anyone hurt?”

“Fortunately not. She’s a first time offender and…. Hell, just take your girl home and make her get some sleep.  No charges will be filed,” the man smiled kindly, feeling very sorry for the young woman who would have to face the frown attached to her giant of a boyfriend.

“Thank you so much.  Here’s Pop’s phone number.  Why don’t you give him a call? I’m sure he’d like that,” Bryon said gratefully, scribbling down the information.

“I’ll do that. Cal! Let Miss Barker out.  She has a pick up,” the officer shouted to the back. He turned again to the towering young man, “Hey, Bryon?”

“Yes, sir?”

“Be gentle with her.  I think she’s scared out of her mind.”

“Of course I’ll be gentle with her.  I’m the family Teddy Bear. Don’t worry,” he promised, turning when Kristina was brought into the room.  Bryon reached his long arms out to her and she rushed into them, clinging to him tightly. “Are you ok, Krissy?” he asked, kissing the top of her head.

“Just take me home, Bry.  Please,” she begged, closing her eyes.  Bryon waved to the officers and, placing his arm around the girl’s shoulders, led her out to his jeep.

“You look terrible,” Bryon said, reaching across her to buckle the seatbelt. 

She just shook her head. “It’s been a day from hell.  Thank you so much for coming to get me.  I didn’t know who else I could call.”

“I’m glad you did. Let’s get you home and to bed.”

“Thanks,” she yawned, curling her legs underneath her on the seat and leaning against the door.

A few minutes later, Bryon glanced at her to find her sound asleep.  Poor kid. Instead of driving to the dorms, he turned the car towards Bill’s house knowing that he could keep a better eye on her if she was close by.  He carried Kristina upstairs and placed her on Cassie’s bed, pulling off her shoes and tucking her under the blankets.  Stroking the curly red hair from her face, Bryon studied her. Her complexion was light and flawless, with long dark lashes and a few freckles sprinkled across the bridge of her nose.  Again, as on the night they met, he could easily envision her wearing a flouncy light blue dress and ankle socks. She looked so young and so adorable that he couldn’t help but lean forward and kiss her forehead. 

“Bryon?” Her eyes fluttered opened.

“Shhh, I took you to my house.  You’re in Cassie’s room.  Get some sleep and I’ll see you in the morning.”

“I have to work tomorrow. I can’t….”

“You are
going to work tomorrow.  Period.  You
stay in bed until I feel you are rested enough to have a little discussion as to why you almost killed yourself tonight. I will call your boss and let him know you are ill and in my care.”

“You can’t do that. I’ll lose my job!” Kristina protested, sitting up. 

Bryon pressed her back down. “I certainly can.  Better your job than your life.  I warned you about what happens when I get involved in your life.  No more arguing, young lady.  I’m down the hall if you need me.”

“My car?”

“I’ll have Pop drive to the station with me to get it.”

“I can’t be such an inconvience to you, Bryon! It’s not right.”

“You will never be an inconvience to me or anyone in my family.  And it’s right if I say it’s right, so I don’t want to hear another sound about that.  Go to sleep.”

“Don’t you have to work tomorrow?” Kristina suddenly yawned.

“I’ll have the team captain run the plays and call in a sub for my class,” Bryon stood, turning towards the door. “Oh, by the way; didn’t you tell me you were off tomorrow? We were going to go out for dinner.”

“I took an early shift for some extra money. I was going to be off by five,” Kristina said quietly. 

“I see. Tomorrow, my dear, I promise that you and I are going to sit down and have a serious talk.  There will be some changes. Now, go to sleep.”

Kristina stared at him then, huffing, flipped to her side with her back to him.  Bryon hid a smile. So, there was a little defiance in her after all!


* * *


“First position!” Rob barked after Bryon had driven away.  Cassie smiled, scrambling to obey.  Rob shook his head, walking around her slowly.

“What is this?” he asked, tugging on her sweater.

“Um, a shirt, Robby,” Cassie answered, frowning.  Rob placed his hands on his hips and stared at her.  “But, we’re in the middle of the living room,” Cassie said, realizing what he wanted.

“Take it off.”

“Yes, sir,” Cassie whispered, slowly removing her sweater and letting it drop to the floor.  Rob pointed to her jeans, which also landed in a heap.  Cassie stood, shivering, in her pale pink bra and matching panties.

“Go upstairs and bring me leather.  Your choice,” Rob commanded.  “And come back naked!”

Heart pounding with excitement, Cassie rushed to obey. She shed what little protection she had left on her and grabbed the flogger that she had felt that ‘special, secret’ night when she was consumed by primal lust.  She wanted to experience this delightful implement to the fullest.

Rob grinned, stoking the fire and glancing around the room.  They had always initiated their ‘playtime’ in the bedroom, but he was in the mood for something different and very naughty. He went into the garage and brought out a new ‘toy’.

Cassie skidded to a halt, staring at the device Rob placed in the center of the living room floor.

“What’s that?” she asked.

“I’ve been doing some more wood working, my love.  Look at how smooth the edges are,” Rob commented wickedly, running his hand over the beveled interior of the single holed stocks.  Cassie nervously approached him.

“What’s it for?” she asked as he pulled her into his arms and drew her mouth deeply into his. Her knees buckled in his embrace.  She loved him so much!

“My pleasure,” Rob responded. “You trust me, right?”

“Of course I do, but this looks scary.”

“I’ll never harm you.  Kneel onto the platform and place your stomach over that hole.”

Holding her breath, Cassie obeyed.  She felt him drop the top of the stocks across her back and latch it into place.  The device was well-padded and supported her upper body well, leaving her bottom half completely vulnerable to every impulse Rob could imagine. 

“I can’t see what you’re doing back there,” Cassie said softly, unable to look around or see past the high piece of wood that walled her back end from her front. 

“Are you comfortable?” Rob asked, running his hand along her back and flank. 

“Yes, sir.  I guess,” Cassie responded timidly.  She cringed as Rob snapped the flogger into his hand.

“This little piece of furniture should be a lot of fun.  How do you feel?”

“Very vulnerable and exposed.  Anything can be done to me and I have no defense.”

“Precisely.  You are in my complete control.  Can you guess what I’m going to do?”

Cassie shivered as his hand gently stroked her bottom and the inside of her thighs, and then traveled down her right leg to her ankle.  She gasped as he bound her leg in place.

“Are you ok?” he asked with concern, seeing her tremble as he secured her other foot as well.

“I’m just really nervous.  You’re never done anything like this to me before.”

“I know…. I’ve been waiting for the right time and now seems to be perfect.  How’s your little bottom feeling?”

“I’m… I’m still sore from yesterday,” Cassie confessed, closing her eyes as she felt his hand stroking her still tender cheeks. His warm hand felt so comforting and safe.

“Very good. Now, where should I begin?” Rob asked, pulling back his arm with the flogger extended…


* * *


Bill was in the kitchen, paper in hand and drinking his coffee when Bryon came downstairs the following morning. “Morning, Pop,” Bryon yawned, pouring himself some juice.

“You got in late last night, son.  I thought I heard a woman. Is Cassie with you?”

“No.  I helped a friend of mine who landed herself in some trouble with the police.  Fell asleep behind the wheel.”

“Is she ok?”

“She’s fine, just exhausted.  Full time student pulling double shifts at the Denny’s.”

“That’s not good,” Bill shook his head.

“Yeah, I know.  I’m going to have a long talk with her when she gets up and see if we can work out a strategy to keep her from killing herself.  She’s helping my friend Suzanne on a project and will be compensated, so I’m hoping it will be enough to cut back her hours.”

“Suzanne? The gal Glenn is dating now?” Bill frowned.

“Yes, Pop. She’s a wonderful woman. Glenn adores her.”

“She’s a very pleasant gal, and very pretty, but she’s old enough to be his mother.”

“Pop, let’s not go there.  They enjoy each other and she’s helped him mature quite a bit.  You need to get used to it. You wouldn’t have a problem with it if it were a guy dating a younger woman.  How old is Julie?  35? That’s only one year older than Rob, and 20 years younger than you,” Bryon said slyly. 

Bill shook his head. “It’s different with men.  I wanted grandkids and it looks like none of you are going to give them to me.”

“I know it’s hard, but you have to allow us to do what's best for our lives.  We still love you.”

“I’m just an old-fashioned, selfish asshole.  I’m sorry.”

Bryon hugged his father. “I understand. I know it’s been a tough year for you.  Look at the positive side.  Rob has to deal with Cassie now and Suzanne gets Glenn.  Your two problem children are someone else’s responsibility.” Bryon smiled. 

Bill glowered. “Are you still involved with Cassie, too?”

“I have not deviated from my responsibilities with her, if that what you are asking. Nor do any of us intend on that changing,” Bryon said firmly. 

Bill sighed.  He now knew about the ‘role’ Bryon had assumed with his step-daughter and, although he still did not understand the dynamics, he could not deny the benefits. Cassie was happy and actually pleasant to be around now. “I wish I could understand, but I still don’t.  No matter, it works for you three.  And this young lady? Are you going to be involving her in the same way?”

Bryon shrugged. “Not for me to know right now.  She’s unaware of the lifestyle and I would appreciate it if nothing was mentioned.”

“Hey, you don’t have to worry about me.  I wouldn’t know where to begin,” Bill grunted, downing the rest of his coffee before standing. “I gotta go to work.  Are you off today?”

“Yeah.  I’ll get that fence fixed for you, ok?”

“Great, thanks.  Have a nice day, son.”

“You too, Pop.”

Bryon sat down heavily after his father drove off.  He hated conversations like that one and always felt a little guilty for a short time afterwards.  It would take time to teach that old dog some new tricks.


“Well, Looky at what the cat dragged in!  Did you sleep well?” Bryon smiled, standing as Kristina entered the living room.  She was still dressed in her wrinkled Denny’s uniform, but had brushed her hair and cleaned up her makeup.

“Like the dead.  Thank so much for last night.  You were right. I pushed myself too far,” she sighed, accepting the cup of coffee he fixed for her.

“I’m always right.” Bryon stated bluntly, seating her at the table before joining her.

“Yes, and also very humble about it. Was that your dad I heard?”

“He’s on his way to work.  We’ll get your car after he comes home.  Or, I could call Rob.”

The fear on her face was obvious. “No! I mean, please don’t.  He scared me the other day,” she admitted. 

Bryon was amused. “Rob?  He’s a pussycat.  What did he do?”

“Nothing, really.  It was… this look he had when he warned me he was as protective as you are.”

“Yes, his game face.  He was telling the truth.  He and I are cut from the same cloth.  We watch out for our girls very closely and put up with no nonsense.”

“I’m not your girl.”

“You will be if I have anything to say about it.” Bryon informed her with a slight smile. 

Kristina blushed. “Don’t I have anything to say about it?”

“Not really.  I always get what I want and I’m a very patient man.”

Kristina blushed again, her heart racing.  He wanted her?  It did not make sense, not with his looks, intelligence, and personality. “Why me?” she coughed out.

“What kind of question is that? You’re beautiful, smart, and funny and a little bit of a brat.  Why wouldn’t I want you?”

“You must be talking about someone else.  I’m none of those things. Except maybe the brat,” Kristina argued. 

Bryon leaned forward. “You are all those things and so much, much more. Just count yourself fortunate that we’re just starting our relationship.  If I had known you better, you would have been in big trouble for the stunt you pulled last night.”

“I couldn’t help being so tired.  Do you think I wanted to fall asleep while driving?”

“There was no reason to take a double shift after you stayed up the whole night before writing.  What exactly were you writing, anyway?”

“Nothing interesting. It was ideas for the project.”

“Really?  I’d like to read it.”

“Absolutely not!”

“Why not?  You will eventually have to submit your findings to Suz to get paid.  Did you know she’s been authorized a stipend of $300 a week for you?”

“That’s nearly what I make working doubles!”

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