Timeless (Immortal Love Series) (38 page)

BOOK: Timeless (Immortal Love Series)
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For what?”

Oh, nothing big, just saving my life.”

I didn’t actually do much,” I shook my head.

Yes, you did.”
I just smiled and shrugged. Achilles and Dominick rescued us both from the VC and David changed her but I would have done more. I would have done anything to save her. So I just smiled.

David is going to make me an artificial hand.” We both looked at her neatly healed stump where her hand should be.

I’m sure it will be…um…” I tucked my hair behind my ears.

Yes, it will be,” she smiled. “It will also be functional and realistic in appearance. Every time I look at it I think; there are so many things that could have gone worse.”
I looked down at my own two fully intact hands. I’m sure Nadia didn’t mean to make me feel shallow. “Yeah.” We both looked away, remembering the same night through different eyes.

Eva,” David brought me back to the present, “we’ll be leaving Blakesly House in the morning.”

You’re leaving?”
He narrowed his eyes briefly. “I miss Lexon.”

You’re going back to Lexon?” My eyes nearly popped out of my head.

Where else would I go? Although I’ll always be welcome here,” he sighed, “Blakesly House is for the Letrell’s. The warriors and their mates.”

But what if Neleh comes back? I don’t think she’ll be happy to see you there.”

Neleh won’t come back. There is nothing to be afraid of.”
David and Nadia were leaving. I thought they would stay with me. “When are you leaving?” In the morning, I remembered before he answered.

In the morning.”

Won’t you come with us Eva?” Nadia implored.

I’m not…I don’t want…” I shook my head.
David took my hand again. “Even if he comes back, Kiera will tell him you’ve gone to Lexon.”

Paris and Marcus have already left.”

Marcus left too?” I didn’t think he would leave Claudia.

Claudia and Achilles will leave tonight to join them.”
Confusion wrinkled my brow. “Why are all the Letrell’s rushing to help with a werewolf problem? Isn’t Neleh there?”

They aren’t going to help Neleh,” David explained in his calm way, “They are going to help Lexi. And Lexi went to help the sisters.”

Besides, not all the Letrell’s are going,” Nadia contradicted me. “Rueben and Anya are coming to stay at Lexon and Damien and Kiera are staying here.”

And Elizabeth?” David and Nadia looked at each other. “Where will she be?”

Wherever you are,” Nadia replied.

What do you mean?”

Dominick asked Elizabeth to watch you, make sure you were ok,” David revealed.

And she takes that very seriously. She isn’t going to leave your side,” Nadia finished.

So if you go to Lexon, she will go with you.”

But Elizabeth likes it here.” By the way her voice shone with pride when she talked about Blakesly house, I knew that Elizabeth was happy here.

Yes,” David nodded in agreement. “She does like it here. This is Elizabeth’s home, in every sense.”
It was easy to come to a decision. “I will stay here with Elizabeth. When Dominick comes back and changes me, we’ll come to Lexon and see you. Then Elizabeth will be free to do as she pleases.”
The couple looked at each other again but this time they didn’t say anything. It wouldn’t have done them any good to argue with me, my mind was already made up.
The next morning I got up early to see David and Nadia off. It was the start to a new life for both of them, but for Nadia even more so. David knew Lexon and the people there. I wondered if everyone was still there, not knowing if David would ever come back.
I hugged David awkwardly. We had never been affectionate with each other, but a handshake just didn’t feel right. Nadia, on the other hand, flung her arms around me and squeezed tight. I had to remind her that she was a vampire now and I was still human.

I’m going to miss you Eva, it feels like I have always known you.”

Anya will be coming to see you soon,” I reminded her.
She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I know.”
Elizabeth, Kiera, and Damien came out to join us. “You’ll be back in August right?” Kiera asked.

What is in August?”

We all try to get together here at Blakesly House on August 23

The day the warriors were made,” I concluded. Of course. “David isn’t a warrior.”

But he is family.”

I’ll see you before august,” I promised Nadia before she got in the auto and disappeared.
Elizabeth and I stood out in the driveway long after the auto disappeared from view. She put her arm over my shoulders and pulled me close. “You want to see the garden?” she asked gently. “It’s my favorite place to go when I just need to think.”

Yes, I would like to see the garden.”
Elizabeth and I walked hand in hand through Kiera’s enormous garden. I was sure that I wasn’t the right person to appreciate all its glory but it was beautiful and the smell was intoxicating. “It’s lovely here, isn’t it?” She led me to a white stone bench in the center of a colorful scene.

It is unlike anything I have ever seen,” I said truthfully. “No wonder you like it here.” I sat beside her on the bench.

Blakesly House is the first home I ever had. When I am away, I long to come back.”

It doesn’t bother you that Kiera hears all your thoughts?”

My thoughts are usually transparent anyways. Kiera takes it in stride; she doesn’t tell all the secrets she knows.”

Does Achilles like it here as much as you do?”

I think Achilles feels most at home when he is fighting something.” She smiled. “But we are happy here together.”

Does Damien ever leave?”
She snarled her features up. “Damien and I have always been a little at odds with each other. He is arrogant. I cannot see what Kiera sees in him.” She pursed her lips thoughtfully but then brought her attention back to me. “But to answer your question, he does leave. Kiera hardly ever leaves home but Damien will often run off to play.” She curled her lip again.
I couldn’t help but laugh. “It is so different than I thought it would be.”

What did Neleh say about us?”
My laughter died on my lips. “Nothing.”

Why do you do that?”


Try to protect Neleh.”

I don’t.”
She smiled in an ‘I-know-you’re-lying’ kind of way and played absently with a pretty yellow flower. “Will you miss David?”

I guess. I mean with David it’s more just familiarity rather than kinship. After my Reva was taken from me, David was all I had. No one else was even allowed to talk to me.”

What’s a Reva?”

Who. She was…my surrogate mother of sorts. Until I was thirteen.”

What happened to her?”

Neleh had her killed.”

Wow, that’s harsh.”

She had her moments.” I smiled without humor. “You told me you would show me the library today.”

Yes I did. You ready to go?”
The sun was just coming up on the sixth morning since Dominick had left. I had woken up six times with the hope that he would be there and been disappointed each time. Since Elizabeth had shown me the little stone bench in the garden, I spent most of my mornings there.
I knew that Elizabeth slept late in the mornings and Kiera hated the sunrise so spending the mornings outside was sure to give me some time alone. I closed my eyes and tilted my face into the light breeze. It was going to be a beautiful day.
I heard footsteps on the path behind me and gritted my teeth. It was more than likely Kiera so I knew I had to not think anything too bad. I couldn’t let my thoughts of how annoying it was that she could hear my thoughts get too loud in my head. I loosened the pressure in my back teeth and sighed.
Maybe it was just Elizabeth. I couldn’t imagine her getting up this early, but it was possible. And if she was searching for me she must have something important to say. Maybe she had heard from Dominick. Or maybe David had called.

It sure is a lovely morning,” said a voice that made my heart stutter and then stop all together.
Chapter Forty-Five


It wasn’t until after I looked up into his familiar dark brown eyes that my heart started again. “Dominick.”

Hello Eva.” He sat down heavily beside me. “Kiera told me where to find you.”
I couldn’t take my eyes off of him, drinking in his every feature. His dark eyes weren’t resting on my face. I noticed a rugged scar that went down the length of his chin and disappeared in the shadows of his neck. Someone had gotten awfully close. My eyebrows furrowed at the thought.

I know you must be surprised to see me here so soon.” So soon? It had seemed like ages to me. “I had every intention of staying away for a while longer. Maybe even go to India and see what kind of trouble I could stir up there.” He grinned slightly.

With the wolves?”

With Neleh.” My mouth dropped open.

I’m glad you didn’t go.”
He raised his eyebrows. “I didn’t make it that far.” The way he looked at me made my breath catch. His eyes seemed to blaze into flames, burning into me.

What made you come back?”

This.” He placed a squared shaped package next to me on the bench. It was wrapped in pretty pink paper.

What’s that?”

It’s a gift.” He looked angrily at the pink wrapping paper and then turned those same eyes on me. I tried to hide my smile. “I was in London, at the airport, and this,” he gestured to the offensive package, “was there-taunting me. I left the airport and stayed at a hotel that night. The next morning,” he paused dramatically, “it was still there. So I bought it and came back here to give it to you.” He barked his narrative out in harsh tones, contrasting comically to the actual words he said.

Why did it take you so long to come back?”

It didn’t. I got here the morning Nadia and David left,” he admitted.

What? You’ve been in Blakesly House for four days now?”

Not here, but close.”

How close?” My eyes flashed my anger.

A ten minute ride,” he shrugged.

Why didn’t you tell me you were here?” I wondered if Elizabeth had known.

I knew you would be angry to see me. And…”

And what?” I was still outraged that I had been miserable and aching for him and he had been here all along.

And,” his eyes narrowed angrily, “I didn’t want you to see how weak you make me.” He bit the inside of his cheek and glared at the ground. “Don’t think you have control over me,” he warned harshly.
My smile grew wider with each new realization. I heard his low growl and almost laughed outright. My heart danced. “You bought this for me?” I picked up the gift.

Yes, open it.”
Being very careful not to rip any of the precious paper, I slowly opened Dominick’s gift. A book. I fondly traced the gold letters on the front.
Jane Eyre.
A lump formed in my throat that I couldn’t swallow past. My bottom lip quivered.

There’s no need to be so emotional,” he said uncomfortably. “It’s just a cheap book from the airport book store.”

No one has ever gotten me a gift before.” One tear managed to slide down my cheek before I got control of them.

Eva,” he growled my name. “I should have never gotten you the stupid book.”
I sniffed and ran my hand under my nose. I placed my book on the other side of my leg and turned my full attention to Dominick. I took his head between my two hands and brought my lips gently to his. He stopped breathing completely. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face in his shoulder. “Thank you,” I whispered hoarsely.

You don’t have to…”
I pushed myself away far enough so I could be face to face with him. “I need to tell you something.”

What?” he demanded darkly.

Dominick Letrell,” I tilted my head dramatically while he rolled his eyes. “I want you too.”

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