Tinseltown: Murder, Morphine, and Madness at the Dawn of Hollywood (66 page)

BOOK: Tinseltown: Murder, Morphine, and Madness at the Dawn of Hollywood
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and White House, 134

and Zukor, 389

Federation of Women’s Clubs, 279, 294, 334–35, 337, 384

Fellows, Harry, 29, 61, 84, 108, 180, 197, 199, 200, 215, 225

Fellows, Howard, 143, 197

Ferguson, Hilda, 292

Film Daily
, 167, 245, 337, 369, 394

First National Pictures, 38, 389

Fischer, Nicholas, 354

Fitts, Buron, 399

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 32, 424–25

Flagg, James Montgomery, 387

Flamingo Hotel, 224

Ford, Henry, 169

blame on Jews for scandal, 169

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
, 146

Fox, William, 67, 101

Francisco, Betty, 181

Franklin Theatre, 365

Frayne, Hugh, 261, 338

Frear, James A., 368

Fremont Place, 26, 56, 80

Freud, Sigmund, 190

Frohman, Charles, 57

Fuller, W. Hayes, 347–48, 349

, 87

Fussell, Betty Harper, 410

Garbutt, Frank, 238

Gardner, Margaret, 52

Garrick Theater, 277

Garrow, Ida, 237

Gasoline Gus
, 155, 156, 276–79, 280

Georgia Federation of Women’s Clubs, 296

Gerber, Neva, 86, 87–88, 109, 241

Gershwin, George, 386

Gibson, Charles Dana, 45

Gibson, Margaret “Gibby,” 24–26, 34, 48–54, 75–79, 94–97, 110, 123, 125–30, 139, 151, 162–63, 270–71, 405–7

Across the Border
, 162

aka Pat Lewis, 407

aka Patricia Palmer, 25, 53–54, 110

and Al Christie, 126–27, 183

arrest, 52, 371, 372

Associated Producers, 97

bail, 372

blackmail by Lasher, 365

and Bushnell, 418

childhood, 25–26

Cowboy and the Lady
, 287–90

dismissal of charges, 374

and Don Osborn, 75–79, 94–98, 184

and Don Osborn, proposal for Read, 94–97

and Don Osborn kickbacks, 185

dreams, 185

and Elbert Lewis, 418

financial trouble, 126

Golden Trail
, 94

Greater Than Love
, 95, 97

and independent producers, 162

and J. Parker Read, 94–95, 96, 97

and Joe Pepa, 48, 49–53

, 129

To the Ladies
, 370

Lasher scam, 340–43

Lasky, power over, 417

marriage, 370, 387, 418

and Minter, 287–90

Mr. Billings Spends His Dime
, 312–13

Pair of Hellions
, 343, 365

papers, 407

Patricia Palmer Productions, 270–71

quest for fame, 48

rental income, 49

rental income, and Don Osborn, 165

residence, 24, 26

responsibility for murder, 416–17

return to Colorado, 162

scams, 125–26

slip into obscurity, 387

and Taylor, history with, 26, 54

and Taylor, knowledge of homosexuality, 130

and Taylor blackmail, 413

at Taylor funeral, 243

and Taylor scam, 128–30

and Taylor secrets, 413

, 75–76

testimony, 52–53

train accident, 289–90

trial, 52–53

vow to mother, 48–49

Web of the Law
, 309–10

westerns, 25

Gibson, Tom, 309

Girl Scouts, 295

Giroux, Robert, 408

Gish, Lillian, 146, 154

Glaum, Louise, 94

Glennister, J. W., 105

Glen Springs Sanatorium, 71–72, 74

Golden Trail
, 94

Goldwyn, Sam, 23, 46, 90, 101, 261, 368, 390

and Mabel Normand, 72–73, 93

Grant, Lawrence, 186–87

Grau, Robert, 138

Grauman, Sid, 156, 250, 251, 390

banning Arbuckle films, 155–56

Greater Than Love
, 95, 97, 110, 126

Green, Tom, 91–92, 153

Green Temptation
, 180

Greer, Horace, 383–84

Griffith, D. W., 14, 17, 45, 101, 106

Guinan, Texas, 386

Hahn, S.S., 51, 383, 384

Hamburger’s department store, 96, 173, 312

Hamilton, Mahlon, 110

Hammerstein, Arthur, 339, 393

Hamsun, Knut, 188

Harding, Warren G., 64, 67, 134

death, 368

Harriman, Mrs. Oliver, 338

Harrington, Neil J., 144, 181, 195, 197, 213, 414

Harris, Nick, 304–5, 307

Harron, Robert, 12–13, 31, 33, 123

cover-up, 17

death, 17

D. W. Griffith, demotion by, 14

funeral, 18

shooting, 13

Hart, William S., 177–78

Hartley, Floyd, 186, 414

Harvey, Brinton McClellan, 368

Hays, Helen, 170, 330, 334

Hays, Will H., 166–71, 251, 261, 291–97, 330–39, 391–92

and Arbuckle, 332, 333–34

Arbuckle announcement, 334

Arbuckle backlash, 334–39

Arbuckle compromise, 338–39

Arbuckle films, banning of, 279–82

Arbuckle letter, 296

Arbuckle statement, 281

Astor Hotel meeting, 261–65

Astor Hotel meeting, speech, 264–65

belief in the market, 169

consolidations, 332

contract renewal, 392

decision to join industry, 178

description, 167

divorce, 367, 423

drugs, 331

duties, 262

Europe, 367–68

family history, 169

the Formula, 92

Gibson, charges against, 418

Gibson’s release, role in, 374–75

goals, 263

growing power, 332

at Hollywood Bowl, 291–97

later life, 423–24

life insurance, 178

and Loew, 333, 351

Loew, death of, 395

marriage, 170–71

office, 262

political career, 167

Production Code Administration, 424

Public Relations Committee, 295, 300, 336–37, 338, 368

readjustment of industry, 369

and Reid, 331–32

reimagining industry, 332

religion, 171

The Sins of Hollywood
, 294

top-secret memo, 332

Zukor, control by, 292

Zukor, letter to, 167–68

Hearst, William Randolph, 216, 261, 390

Heart Specialist
, 204

Hendrick, Peter A., 105

Herron, Mark L., 294, 372–73

release of Gibson, 373, 374

Hickenlooper, Smith, 371, 380

Higham, Charles, 408

Hilo Tribune
, 284

Hodkinson, W. W., 65, 66, 349

Hollywood Bowl, 19, 291

Hollywood Memorial Cemetery, 244, 259

Hollywood sign, 358

Holmquist, Sigrid, 361

Hoover, Herbert, 168

Hoover, Mrs. Herbert, 338

Hopkins, George James, 86–87, 111, 130, 173, 200, 225, 240

later life, 421

and Mary Miles Minter, outing, 116–17

reaction to murder, 197

and Taylor, relationship, 115–17

Hopper, Hedda, 44

Hotel Alexandria, 45

Hotel Ambassador, 221

Hoyt, Arthur, 198, 200, 235, 241

Hughes, Gareth, 285

Illustrated Films Monthly
, 129

Ince, Thomas, 32, 65, 67, 79, 97, 190

Ince Studios, 94

International Reform Bureau, 99

Isherwood, Christopher, 422

Ivers, Julia.
Crawford-Ivers, Julia

Ivy H. Overholtzer mortuary, 208, 212

Jesserun, Emile, 195, 197, 198

Jewett, Christina, 190, 191, 414

Jewish Welfare Board, 295

Johnson, Hiram, 168

Jolson, Al, 386

Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Mattison Boyd, 116

Jones, Richard, 269

Joy, Jason S., 300

Kahn, Otto, 39, 119, 351, 393

Kansas City Journal
, 337

Katz, Sam, 393

Kaufman, George S., 370

Kennedy, Brownie, 16, 17, 34, 122

Kent, Sidney, 349

Keyes, Asa, 345, 346, 376, 377, 397

indictment, 399

, 6

King, Edgar C., 211–19, 222, 231–37, 272–73, 283, 314–15, 345, 396–401

later life, 421

and Minter, 303–8

and Osborn, 357

piece for
True Detective Mysteries
, 399

and press, 234–35

reputation, 212

and Sands, 231–32

Shelby, plot against, 304–8

and spiritualist, 305

Taylor case, obsession with, 376

Winn, partner, 218–19

Kingsley, Grace, 110, 277

Kingston, Winifred, 83

Kipling, Rudyard, 311

Kirkpatrick, Sidney D., 408

Kirkwood, James, 59

, 129

Kokomo Tribune
, 278

Kosloff, Theodore, 180, 236

Kuhn, Loeb & Co., 39

Ladd, Edwin, 368

Laemmle, Carl, 67, 101, 300

Lake, Virginia, 423

Landis, Kenesaw Mountain, 168

Lasher, Christine, 343

Lasher, George, 340–43

blackmail of Gibson, 365

and Bushnell, 365

Lasker, Albert, 261

Lasky, Jesse, 16, 31, 101–4, 223, 226, 250, 251, 252, 393

and Arbuckle verdict, 276

and Gibson, 312–13, 366, 417

reaction to murder, 206–7

and Reid, 331–32

Last Tycoon
(Fitzgerald), 424–25

Lazarus, Judge, 159

Leacock, Stephen, 187

Lee, Lila, 32

, 367

Lewis, Elbert E., 418

Lewis, Pat.
Gibson, Margaret “Gibby”

Lichtman, Al, 349

Life with Father
, 421

Lifted Veil
, 114

Lindsey, Estelle Lawton, 242

Lindsey, Judge Ben, 32, 129

Little Lord Fauntleroy
, 154

Little Mouse
, 385–86

Lloyd, Harold, 32

Locklear, Ormer, 31, 33

Loew, Arthur, 37, 146

Loew, Jane Constance, 302

Loew, Marcus, 35–40, 41, 101, 169, 261, 368, 394

ambition, 36

Automatic Vaudeville, 35

as beloved figure, 37

dress, 36

feature-length films, 36–37

FTC hearings, 349–50

FTC testimony, 391

funeral, 394–95

and Hays, 333

and Lottie Zukor, 37

Merger, 390

Metro Pictures, 36

MGM, 390–91

and MPTOA, 39

Pembroke, 391

radio, 390

tennis, 36

theater ownership, 38

theater ownership rise, 146–47

and Zukor, 301–2, 390, 395

Zukor, assisting, 253

and Zukor, defense of, 136

and Zukor rivalry, 132

London Follies
, 266

Long, Bruce, 409

Long, Ray, 405–9

Long, Stephen G., 372, 374

Long Beach Press
, 283

Lord, Eva, 16

Lord’s Day Alliance, 99–100

Los Angeles, population increase, 19

Los Angeles Examiner
, 33–34, 84, 222, 244, 253, 257, 288, 304

Los Angeles Herald
, 23, 52

Los Angeles Police Department, 5, 198

Los Angeles Record
, 201, 223, 361

Los Angeles Speedway, 267

Los Angeles Times
, 31, 89, 116, 277, 283, 292, 305, 307, 326, 358

Mabel at the Wheel
, 46

Mabel’s Married Life
, 46

MacDonald, William, 200–201

MacLean, Douglas, 6, 190–91, 192, 196, 198, 199, 233

MacLean, Faith, 190, 191–92, 214, 233, 285, 306–7, 412–14, 416

description to police, 214

MacLean, Lawrence, 380

aka Larry Outlaw, 363

Bushnell scheme, 363

letters, 366

Madsen, Blackie, 127–28, 139, 184, 310, 366

aka Ross Garnet Sheridan, 319

Army, 319

assault, 320

bail for Osborn and Putnam, 364

Bushnell scheme, 317–26, 354–56, 363–64

family, 319

FBI hunt, 377–79

gun, 414

later life, 420

mother, 378–79

mustache, 416

sentence, 380

Maigne, Charles, 197, 198, 199, 200, 203, 225, 286

Mailheau, Theodore, 236

Male and Female
, 32

Maloney, Leo, 184, 365, 420

Mann Act, 322, 343, 353

Marion, Frances, 72

Mark of Zorro
, 79, 94

Marsh, Mae, 32

Marshall, Charles, 117

Martin, Vivian, 115

Maurice and Hughes, 181

Max O. Miller Productions, 365

Mayer, Louis B., 351, 390

McCoy, Kid, 421

McFarlan automobile, 84, 91, 112, 116, 117, 142, 179, 187

McGinness, Arthur, 365, 370, 387

McGuire, W. D., 106, 296

McKean Democrat
, 224

McMahon, Charles, 338

McNab, Gavin, 333

McPherson, Jeanie, 361

Meehan, Owen, 371, 377, 379

Meighan, Thomas, 32, 43

Melrose Avenue, 29

Melrose Hotel, 24, 26, 48, 53, 125, 128

Methodist Preachers Association, 331

Metro Pictures, 36

merger, 390

Metropolitan Quartet, 33

MGM formation, 390

Miles, Julia, 57, 273–74

gun, 274

Miles, Lilla Pearl.
Shelby, Charlotte

Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 386

Miller, Bill “Ranger,” 343

Miller, Gov. Nathan, 120, 121

Miller, Max O., 341, 343

Million Dollar Theatre, 84, 156

Minter, Mary Miles, 26–28, 34, 54, 55–63, 79, 80–83, 109, 116, 127, 243, 286–88

age, 58

aka Juliet Reilly, 57

alibi, 205, 399

Anne of Green Gables
, 60

attempted murder story, 361

Cadillac roadster, 55

and censorship, 253–54

comeback, 361

contract and salary, 245

contract nonrenewal, 327, 346

Cowboy and the Lady
, 286

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