To Be Chosen (3 page)

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Authors: John Buttrick

BOOK: To Be Chosen
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“You haven’t many arrows left in that quiver,” Stephanus informed him as if the fact was not obvious. The man could not be more than ten years older than Daniel and yet he seemed to be as prickly as Orin Netless, one of the oldest men on
Mount Tannakonna. One would think the man had caught a truant sneaking out of the learning circle. “What would you have done if I or Silvia or David hadn’t killed some of those yetis?”

The two individuals named stepped forward to meet the man who faced the yetis from outside the firewall. One, at first glance, seemed to be a girl with short bow in hand and a quiver bristling with arrows.  She was wearing bright green trousers and a tight yellow shirt with orange stripes that emphasized her ample chest, showing she was a woman, not a girl. She had a broad leather belt around her waist with a hand-sized crossbow hanging from a clip on her left hip, and a row of miniature bolts that went all the way around the belt at about two finger widths apart. Each bolt was about a hand span in length and no bigger around than her pinky finger. Daniel heard that the Zunean and Pentrosan infantry had crossbows but those were much larger and a bit cumbersome. This hand-held crossbow looked sleek, manageable, and probably did not have much range, but might be deadly at intermediate and close range if she can reload the thing fast enough. Clearly she preferred the regular short bow
for killing yetis in the night.

Her black hair framed her face and fell over her shoulders in waves down to her lower back. Her eyebrows were thick but not nearly like those of the men and her lashes were long. A sudden smile formed dimples in her cheeks, making her altogether adorable, not that Daniel was interested in having a relationship with her. It is just that ignoring her would be like ignoring a bri
ght flower in a patch of ferns.

“Why would he worry about fighting the beasts?  He’s nearly as big as a yeti and much better looking,” She said while answering Stephanus, glancing at David, and then looking Daniel in the eye.

Considering the tough leathery face of a yeti, Daniel could hardly take her comparison as a compliment but the tone in which she had said it while batting her eyelashes at him indicated she meant it to be one. He gripped the knife in its sheath. “I would have killed them anyway.”

“Ducaunan mountaineers are reputed to be masters of the bow and knife but I think even you might find yourself overmatched,” David stated while moving closer to Silvia as if staking a claim. His pants were bright blue and his shirt yellow with red horizontal stripes. He had a knife on each hip and rested a hand on the hilt of the one on the left. He also had a slim throwing knife strapped to each black shiny boot and perhaps more secreted within his clothing. His eyes were dark brown, nearly as dark as Daniel’s, and his hair was longer than most men wore, slightly below his shoulders, but not as long as the Teki women wore theirs.

Silvia smiled at the young archer and Daniel realized her flirt was just to see how the other man would react. Stephanus shook his head and began walking the perimeter while grumbling about rash young men jumping thoughtlessly into danger. Enrick studied Daniel with a knowing eye.

“You are a long way from Tannakonna,” the chief commented.

“At least Tannakonna mountaineers dye their buckskins rather than leaving them bland and tanned, even if the red of your shirt and blue of your pants is dull rather than bright,” Silvia added, and kept staring at him as if this was the first time she had ever seen a stranger in the camp.

Considering the color choices of the Teki, Daniel could see where she would think so. This troop was obviously well traveled, enough to recognize the clothing styles of different regions throughout the realm, perhaps the whole continent. “I decided it was time to take a look at life beyond the slopes of Tannakonna.”

David laughed and clapped Daniel on the back, hard, “No one better than a Teki understands that sentiment,” he said and his eyes widened, hitting the invisible shield beneath the buckskins must have felt like slapping a stone. “I think you’re tough enough to face the dangers of the flatlands, and besides, the world is way too big and interesting to spend all your time on one mountain.”

A young dark-haired girl in a bright orange dress ran up to the Teki chief, whispered something in his ear, and then sprinted bare foot to the wagons, slipping past the outer group and disappearing somewhere in the middle of the cluster.

Enrick stared out at the firewall for about a ten count and then shouted orders. “The danger is past, put out the fire, wagons are to be placed back in camp pattern, and set the regular guard,” he commanded while gesturing with his hands and watched as scores of men and women ran to carry out his orders, and then focused on his unexpected guest.

Daniel knew the danger from the yetis was over but how did the Teki chief know? And there was still the question of what a Teki troop was doing so far from any possible audience and how they knew to make the firewall.

“Daniel Benhannon, our Seer, Ruth, has a revelation for you,” Enrick said while motioning with his right hand in the direction the girl had run.

How did this man know his full name? The girl must have told the chief, perhaps she came across a drawing in some remote town or village. Enric
k appeared solemn, not angry, which was a sign the troop might not get hostile. Daniel wanted to decline hearing the revelation and yet did not want to offend these people.

Enrick seemed to perceive his hesitation and so added, “At the word of our Seer, I directed this troop to leave Lobenia, where we were earning no small amount of coins, to travel through the Ducaunan wilderness, avoiding all cities, towns, and villages, all on her say so. We camped in this spot for three days, waiting for something that, “must be,” her words, and then began making the firewall hours before we knew yetis were in the area. Her gift of Sight is strong and only a fool ignores her words. I do not think you a fool.”

All eyes were on Daniel. He could mount Sprinter and ride away. There was nothing any of them could do to make him stay, but to leave at this point would be impolite in the extreme. “Can someone direct me to her?”

As he was speaking, wagons were being repositioned, and one wagon painted dark blue with yellow stars and the different fazes of the moon depicted on the side, remained unmoved yet in the center of a slowly forming spiral pattern.

“I will guide him,” Silvia volunteered.

“We will both escort him,” David said while stepping between Daniel and the Teki woman, who smiled at the archer but did not argue with him.

“You have your guides, not that you need them now,” Enrick said while smiling patiently at the couple. “Ruth’s wagon is there in the center. That blue one with the stars on it.”

An escort clearly was not needed but Daniel followed the pair. They led him to the back steps of the wagon while the rest of the Teki, those not involved in setting up the camp, watched him wait for his audience with their Seer. The door opened and the girl in the orange dress beckoned for him to enter, which he did, after ducking his head because the opening was half a hand lower in height than he was tall. His escorts took up positions on either side of the s
teps, as if a guard was needed.

Inside the wagon the colors were soft rather than glaringly bright. The walls were pale green and yellow curtains covered the side and back windows. At the back of the wagon was a cushioned bunk strewn with fluffy white pillows trimmed in lace. In the center of the space was a white table with a chair facing the door on one side and a three legged stool on the other. Oil lamps hung from the roof provided the light. The occupant of the chair was a gray-haired woman, wrinkled and wizened, with a floral-patterned violet scarf on her head and a dress that seemed to take in every possible shade between red, purple, and

“Come sit, Daniel Benhannon, I have seen much that you need to know,” the old woman said while waving casually at the stool.

Daniel sat down. His knees were higher than his bottom, not the most comfortable position, yet even so he was eye level to the Seer. He folded both hands over his left knee, finding that more comfortable, and then asked, “What do I need to know?”

The girl closed the door and then went and stood behind the seer. The old woman stared at Daniel as if reading something in his eyes. She finally gave a satisfied nod of the head. “You get right to the point, I like that. I am Ruth, Seer for the Reshashinni Teki and my revelation begins with this; you must be in the north or someone close to your heart will die. This I see and so it will be.”

Daniel did not want to scoff but the revelation was vague, without specifics, and practically useless. “Who will die, when, and exactly where up north?” he asked while trying to keep a respectful tone.

“I cannot say for the view is unclear at this time. There is much more so listen to my words. I know who you are and I know what you are,” Ruth told him.

Could she know about his being an Aakasear? He kept his mouth shut.

“At the dawning of the sun, when this night is done, will be the twentieth year since the birth of the Creator’s Chosen Vessel, every Seer alive at the time saw this, and those of us among the Teki have been discussing this for years. Our Seers have been looking forward to the coming of the champion for five centuries, all wondering when, both longing and dreading the day, each wondering which of us would be first to proclaim him.”

This had to be a coincidence. Daniel had put the date out of his mind. What did he care if tomorrow marks the twentieth anniversary of his birth? He had no one to celebrate it with so the day held little meaning. When he still kept quiet she added, “It was your birth that I saw and not only me, every Seer, even those not among the Teki.”

The girl gasped, clearly taken aback, quickly covered her mouth, and then flushed red when Ruth glanced at her. “The Sight in you is small, do not worry, it will grow. At least now you know what i
t is you are seeing.”

Daniel decided to respond before the situation got out of hand. “I heard from an old Accomplished that the Chosen Vessel is the Creator’s champion, born to oppose the champion of evil, in this age,
Tarin Conn. No thanks, that can’t be me. I’ve tangled with him enough already and would rather not do it again. Besides, the Chosen Vessel should come out of Aakadon, one of the Maestros or the Grand Maestro, certainly not me. Anyone who fights Tarin Conn needs to be able to summon potential,” there he said it, does she see what he really is, does she realize he is an Aakasear?

Ruth chuckled. “If you have lost the ability to cast Melodies, then you will soon find a way to regain it, if you have not already. The Chosen Vessel draws what he or she needs. Whatever is necessary for him to match his rival gets caught up in his or her swirl of events. The Vessel is a walking vortex and the rest of us must get out of the way, go along for the ride, or be smashed in your path. It is the same for both champions. Tarin
Conn, even from the bowels of Kelgotha has a powerful effect on the world, drawing what he needs, and many people have been destroyed opposing him.”

She was making Daniel nervous. He took a deep breath and proceeded in a casual voice. “So you have seen the proclamations about Daniel Benhannon, hero of the Battle of Bashierwood, bane of the Serpent Guild, and vanquisher of Balen Tamm; if that is so, then you know I am no longer that person. I have been to Aakadon and Silenced by the Grand Maestro, not a very good start for one who is supposed to be the Creator’s champion, and Efferin would have imprisoned me at the possibility that I
might be the Chosen Vessel.”

“The Sight in me is stronger than in most others but every person who possesses even the slightest ability can see that you are the Chosen Vessel, even those few who are not of the Teki. There is a glow about you, no not that of your potential, this is different, a white aura apparent only to the eyes of a Seer, like Sasha here, and
Tarin Conn has one as well, although his is dark,” Ruth explained. “The Grand Maestro is like the rest of us; he can stand aside, join you, or be smashed. The Teki will aid you as we can, but not everyone in the world will welcome you. Some will be irritated that they have been caught up in the swirl of events surrounding you, others will oppose you because they are serving the other champion, while still others will refuse to believe you are who we Seers say you are and will therefore seek a champion more suited to their expectations. There will be good people who will oppose you believing they are doing the right thing while others will fight you for riches, power, or influence. Many of the nobility will want to manipulate you and failing that, will seek to destroy you, some out of pride and some out of jealousy. As to your recent accomplishments, we have neither seen nor heard of them, although we all felt the world tremble and I knew it was you, the Chosen Vessel, confronting the evil that was Balen Tamm. I told Enrick months ago that we were fated to leave Lobenia, travel the back trails of Ducaun, and avoid all human contact. I did this because I wanted to announce who you are before my people learn you are a Melody Wielder. Even now I am trying to come to grips with having to sit just a few paces from one. But I will manage, can even sympathize, knowing it must be even harder for you a Ducaunan to grow up fearing and despising Melody Wielders, and then learn that you are one. If I did not know any better I would suspect the Creator has a taste for irony. Ducaun, the most devastated of the twelve kingdoms during the Great War, the one kingdom wanting the least to do with Melody wielding of any sort, becomes the birthplace of His champion.”

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