To Be Grand Maestro (Book 5) (59 page)

BOOK: To Be Grand Maestro (Book 5)
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“I assure you the conclusion I reached was not rashly arrived at,” Maestro Barroon stated firmly.

“Maestro Cransur, are you still basing your belief on the testimony of Senior Forester Galloway?” Lena inquired, leaning forward and raising an eyebrow.

Runyen leaned forward, meeting her eye to eye. “Barnabas is a Scholar of the Willow Guild and next in line to be a Scholar of Aakadon. His opinion carries weight and cannot lightly be dismissed. So on the basis of faith in the testimony given by a person who is knowledgeable, trustworthy, and reliable, I accepted the conclusion. Since then I have investigated the matter enough on my own to be satisfied Daniel Benhannon is the Chosen Vessel.”

The Maestro of the Sun Guild leaned back and brought her hands together, forming a steeple. “As it happens, I have also been gathering information about the Benhannon boy, and much of what I have learned agrees with a number of points Maestro Barnes has just shared. His facts are more numerous and given in greater detail, him having been directly involved with some of the events. I was able to glean the truth even though the account was influenced by his feelings toward the young man he tutored,” she stated and her hands came down and rested on the table. “I was on the verge of drawing the same conclusion as you, Maestro Cransur, before agreeing to this meeting, and now after finally hearing your testimony, Maestro Barnes, I am now fully persuaded that Daniel Benhannon, the Creator only knows why, is the Chosen Vessel.”

“Wonderful,” Runyen blurted. “Now we four have time to persuade Geran DuSorin and David Svennar.”

Lena’s lips stretched into that practiced smile of hers. “Yes, and that will leave you three who believe he is still needed and four Maestros who believe Daniel Benhannon has fulfilled his purpose, brilliantly snaring Tarin Conn in a deathtrap. The news has been published throughout the world and has clearly demoralized the Serpent Guild. The Chosen Vessel should have dissolved his guild, which I will admit he needed to form in order to be successful, and then travelled to Aakadon after the joint victory at Shantear. Instead, we have a headstrong Seven-bolt Accomplished who does not seem to know his task is done and it is time for him to stand down.”

It may not be possible to convince her that the champion is still needed in this one meeting,
Terroll concluded. Step one has been achieved, his basic goal has been attained, and he will just have to be satisfied with that, for now.

The chrono disk on the wall above the door began the first of twelve chimes, before the second chime sounded; the harmonic wave of a High Power spell came in from the northwest, followed quickly by another, and another. This did not feel as powerful as the morning event but definitely was a spell that cannot be ignored.

“I suppose you will tell us your protégé has nothing to do with this,” Lena stated, almost as if she expected something of the sort. After all, most everybody blamed the mountaineer for every ripple of energy felt in the world, and Terroll had a reputation for deflecting the blame onto the Serpents.

“I truly doubt Daniel is the cause of this effect, no more than the spell we experienced earlier,” Terroll replied, evenly and honestly.

Within fractions of a mark, ripples were coming in from the southwest, possibly Lobenia, and the voice of Senior Cyclone Sherman Dysin, assigned to the flotilla currently anchored on the east bank of the Joren River, sounded in his head. “Maestro, huge harmonic waves are emanating from Shantear. It seems to be in response to whatever is happening in Demfilia.”

“Acknowledged,” Terroll sent through the mental link. “I hope the Eagles and Suns camped closer to the mountain do not choose this moment to act against the Atlantans.”

“Vice-Maestro Jerrian Tobermin does not approve of Daniel Benhannon or the formation of the Atlantan Guild, but the man has enough prudence to hold off attacking at a time when lethal spells are likely to be used,” Sherman replied.

Aaron KaTaar entered the office and came to the table. “Maestro, Corona Zewen Loaq is reporting an attack on our embassy in Zune. More than a hundred Accomplisheds of the Serpent Guild are focusing spells. He managed to incinerate two of them. A High Power spell is being focused at the lower levels and the entire building is shaking.”

“We have no assets in the region to assist them,” Lena replied grimly. “Everything we have is in Aakadon, Ducaun, and Lobenia. All we can do for our embassy now is to pray.”

Terroll chose that moment to share his news. “The Atlantan Guild is responding to the harmonics to the north by going on high alert.”

Runyen was frowning and his eyes were staring straight ahead and yet did not seem to be focused on anyone in the room. He blinked, clearly having received a message from one of his associates and now seemed prepared to share his news. “Senior Forester Lanna Kerbin has just informed me of a fleet of flying ships that have destroyed the warships in the Harbor at Aria. The extraordinary vessels are now dropping oval objects onto the royal palace. These new weapons hit the ground and release the equivalent explosive force of a High Power spell, yet no Aakacarn potential is detected. The airships are at an altitude beyond the reach of ballista bolts and so the King and his family have decided to evacuate and travel to Bethel. It is believed Zune is in the process of attacking all military targets along the coast and possibly launching a ground invasion from the undefended northern border.”

“Wait,” said the Maestro of the Willow Guild, a few minutes passed and he nodded. “Geran has just informed me Oceanic Bufer Quooter is dead and our embassy in Decoda is lost to the Serpents. Like in Zune, it was attacked by over a hundred Accomplisheds.”

Janna sighed and shook her head. “Senior Practitioner Hanja Toweran is reporting from the palace in New Oben. The Lobenian Royal Navy allied with the Taracopian Navy is battling the navies of Battencay and the five northern kingdoms Terroll’s former protégé warned us about. The Accomplisheds of the Atlantan Guild are combatting the Serpents in southern Lobenia and the Royal Legions are fighting an invasion led by General Kall.”

Lena Beyers closed her eyes and leaned back in the chair. When those iridescent orbs opened, she nodded grimly and focused on Terroll. “According to Maestro Svennar, Battencayan destroyers, carrying Accomplisheds of the Serpent Guild have sailed up the Kesson River into the Aczen Sea, along with Ecoppian troop carriers, and are assaulting the palace at Venture. Demfilian freighters have been armed with a new kind of ballista bolt that have the explosive force of a High Power spell,” she stated. “These new weapons sound similar to what is currently being dropped on the capitol of Cenkataar. It seems. Maestro Barnes, your student was correct about the alliances of the north,” she admitted and then stood up. “I stand corrected, Daniel Benhannon’s task is not done and this is not the time for him to stand down.”

Terroll did not enjoy being proven correct by the current swirling of events, mostly due to the fact he could not be sure which of the two vessels’ eddies was in effect. Judging by the scope of the events, it could be both, and with the entire world caught in the mix. “I hope we can count on you to help persuade Geran, David, Talmon, and the Grand Maestro of that fact and how badly we need our champion.”

Lena nodded agreement. “I will endeavor to do so. The harder part will be in persuading Daniel Benhannon to join us and be subordinate to the will of the Maestros and the Grand Maestro.”

Terroll failed to keep a sigh from escaping. “You are skipping ahead. Let us first convince them he is still needed and then work on reunification.”

Lena smiled and it seemed genuine. “Well put, I will contact Talmon right now,” she replied and removed an amulet from her pocket.

Terroll watched as a single tear flowed from Aaron’s left eye. “Solar Vivian Tapica has just died after reporting the deaths of Corona Zewen Loaq, Solar Manson Morris, and Solar Railen Genn.”

Lena removed the amulet from against her forehead and put it back into her pocket. “Maestro Reese agrees with us concerning Daniel Benhannon.”

“What persuaded him?” Terroll had to ask.

“Senior Soarer Hopar is dead along with three Soarers and two Fledglings. The last two died after being given amulets belonging to their mentors and being commanded to make the reports. The Serpents wanted us to know what happened. But I believe the greatest reason for Talmon’s conversion to our point of view is something he could not accept until now. Vance Cummin has denounced Aakadon and declared himself to be the Maestro of the Serpent Guild. According to the traitor, the monarchs of Battencay, Fon Kay, Demfilia, Pentrosa, and Zune have declared their allegiance to Tarin Conn, the true Chosen Vessel of the Creator.”

“That is preposterous,” Terroll blurted. “Daniel is the Creator’s choice.”

“Yes, but that does not change what the leaders of those countries believe,” Runyen was quick to point out. “I just received word from David Svennar, Master Artisan Melanie Carsolaan, Aakadon’s Accomplished to Fon Kay, is dead along with her five associates. He also now believes as Maestro Beyers concerning Daniel Benhannon.”

Terrell stood up, saddened by the fact that what he had feared is exactly what has happened. The proof his colleagues required was nothing less than a catastrophe on a global scale. “The War of the Champions is upon us, out in the open, and with the sides in the conflict clearly defined. Daniel and the Queen of Ducaun have been preparing for this event for months and we have a lot of catching up to do.”

Runyen and Janna stood up. “We will need to send Accomplisheds to Cenkataar and Aczencopa, as well as Serinia. The island kingdom is highly vulnerable and will also need our assistance,” he said.

“The skills of my guild will be needed on a scale we have not experienced since the war Della Lain originally waged against Tarin Conn,” the Maestro of the Aloe Guild stated.

Terroll eyed his fellow Maestros while wishing either Daniel or Sherree would stop whatever they were doing long enough to pick up one of the two amulets he had given them. The transmission of information was going to be crucial in the short and long term but he could not control them or the timing such communications might occur.
One step at a time,
he told himself, and out loud said, “We might as well go to the ruby pyramid, the Grand Maestro will be summoning us at any moment, and we all have a tremendous amount of planning to do.”

Chapter Nineteen: World at War


Tarin Conn sat up in bed and drank from his crystal goblet. The private chamber he created deep within the complex at Mount Filia gave him the solitude he needed to contemplate his conundrum. His guild was advancing in almost every part of the world, although still struggling to gain a significant foothold in Ducaun, and unable to hold onto gains in Lobenia for more than half a day before the Atlantan Guild took the area back. Even so he was prevailing in the War of the Champions. His vast number of Aakacarns and superiorly armed commoners guaranteed him the victory. What his followers could not do was provide a way for him to solve a puzzling question. How can he escape a shield with a Da Capo tied to his own life force?

He had pondered the matter ever since Vance revealed the truth and was not any closer to finding a solution. How does one die and yet live? He could feel the answer tickling his subconscious but was unable to make it coalesce into a coherent thought.
An Aakasear is limited only by his talent and imagination,
he once explained to Daniel, and therefore knew the solution would come to him eventually. For now, this day of triumph will be satisfying enough.

As he had done for the past thirty-five consecutive mornings, Tarin summoned the potential for the spell, Mend the Wound, which only required a trickle of energy, and placed a Da Capo on the Melody. He made himself comfortable and then cast Free Me. Power filled his being, tingling and hot, on the verge of being unbearable, at the same time making the world seem as putty in his hands, and a thing to be shaped according to his will. He focused all of that force at the remaining gem in his body. The mountain began to tremble and soon the whole world could feel his crafting and he laughed as time passed and the stone began to fracture under his unstoppable will. He could feel the crystal gem heating up, burning in his abdomen and the spell healing the flesh almost instantly, but not quick enough to keep him from experiencing pain. The agony reached a crescendo, causing him to scream out until the crystal gem disintegrated, and Mend the Wound healed him moments later.

He laughed while reaching for more water. Being free to teleport after such a long time filled him with mirth. Even though he should rest and take nourishment, the temptation was too great. Tarin played the Melody, Teleportation, in his mind, summoning the six bolts of potential, and focused on the crystal throne in his courtroom. For the first time in over a thousand years, the black void of between here and there enveloped him, and three heart beats later he appeared on his seat of power. He concentrated on Serena, this time not for communication purposes but to utilize the special link he made with her before Benhannon’s spell hobbled him. Through the link Tarin could see through her eyes. She was in Ecoppia with Rex and staring at Trogan, a large man whose head was shaved, and who was complaining about the delay in taking the area below the Troas Mountains from his brother.

Tarin put on his royal finery and cast Teleportation. He appeared right in front of Serena, who jumped back. Rex spun on his heels, ready to strike, and then his eyes widened at the sight of his revered leader. Trogan fell on his rump, while the other two bowed in dignified fashion.

“As you can see, I can be anywhere at any time. It is unwise to complain about your circumstances. You vowed to serve me and in return you will be allowed to manage the affairs of your fellow commoners in Ecoppia,” Tarin Conn admonished him.

The Prince managed to rise and his face had grown several shades paler, almost brown. “Supreme Maestro, I am honored that you would deign to listen to one such as myself. I am truly thankful for all you have done for me,” Trogan spoke in a deep, steady voice, even though his whole body was trembling.

“It is truly wonderful to see you here, Great One,” Serena said as her eyes seemed to glaze over with barely contained elation.

Rex kept his neck bowed but looked up. “Supreme Maestro, how may I serve you?”

Tarin pointed to Trogan. “The taking of Ecoplis can wait. Crown this one and move onto the next phase of the plan. You and Serena should make known to everyone, I can be anywhere at any time.”




Daniel appeared with his boots buried in two cubits of snow on a tree-covered hill at the western border of Ducaun and fresh from receiving donated life force energy. His vat needed filling several times a day since the war began in earnest. Carlos and Sero stood behind trees to his right and left while David was behind a broad trunk up ahead and Silvia stood behind Daniel, right where he had pictured each individual before casting the spell.

Snow covered the branches above, which were filled with countless crows, while his furry allies crouched hidden all around the neighboring hills. The wolves had alerted him to the Battencayan incursion of the scarcely populated region. Fort Doxie, home of Ducaun’s West Central Legion commanded by General Maddox, located fifty spans to the north, was actively engaged in repelling an assault up there while General Conner, Commander of the Southwest Legion, defended the area around Bolover and Mount Piron. Between those two fronts is where this particular Battencayan division clearly thought they could drive a spear into Ducaun, perhaps all the way to the Tollus River. Daniel intended to teach them how wrong they were.

“I sense Aakacarns with this group,” Carlos confirmed what Daniel’s own spell revealed.

“Only twenty,” Sero said as if that was not nearly enough to worry him.

“Let he who thinks he is running unimpeded take heed lest he trip,” Silvia quoted an ancient proverb. “Daniel was once rendered unconscious by a Talented of the Serpent Guild, so let’s be cautious.” It was a good and timely reminder.

“They are half a span into Ducaun, how much farther will you allow them to advance before ordering the attack?” David asked with a daggerlance in hand and a finger poised to touch the gem. He was itching to attack the triple columns.

Silvia stepped to the side, no doubt for a view other than Daniel’s back. “The supply train is still crossing the border. I’m guessing we will attack once they are fully on this side. What I don’t know is why we are not going on the offensive and taking the fight to Trevica.”

Daniel continued to watch the enemy soldiers, keeping a close eye on them while considering how much of the Seer’s conclusion and question he wanted to speak of. He made up his mind. “You are correct, I am waiting until the entire force is in Ducaun, and as for Trevica, we can launch raids and do damage, but we would not be able to hold it without diminishing our ability to defend Ducaun and Lobenia.”

Carlos was rubbing his hands as if envisioning such damage. “Lightning raids on the enemy capitols would at least make those responsible for the war pay their part of the butcher’s bill.”

The Three-bolt made the very point Daniel had discussed earlier with Sherree, Leah, Jeremiah, Samuel, and Chas. Daniel made another quick decision to share the result with his team. “Animal scouts are on their way to the various capitols and those raids will be carried out after current, at the moment, visuals are available,” he explained while watching men in heavy armor guide their mounts forward ahead of the light cavalry. Those lances were clearly meant to lead the charge and might have been extremely effective against ordinary defensive forces, but what Daniel had in mind for them was far from ordinary.

The cavalry and supply wagons had to go between the hill he was on and the next one over, which was why he conveyed to this spot using the visual provided by Sniffer the wolf. “Silvia, when the last wagon is fifty paces from the passage I want you to begin at the rear and keep shooting towards the front until they are dead or running for the border. Make sure to destroy the wagons. David, concentrate on the light and heavy cavalry. Sero, Carlos, we will be concentrating on the Aakacarns. Darrel Logan and his ISIG team will be arriving soon, along with a hundred Sentinels to help us keep this army from advancing,” he ordered out loud while silently commanding the wolves to begin howling and the crows to get ready to feast.

The effect on the horses was immediate. The sound of their natural enemies had many of the equines jumpier than frogs in a snake pit. As the riders worked to steady their steeds, lances of light streaked at the Battencayan lancers. No shield or armor could stop those blue streaks from punching all the way through and coming out the other side of those men. The brave souls who attempted to form up to do battle died and those who turned about were permitted to live, hopefully the remaining people would soon get the message. Silvia launched streaming pebbles of flame at the canvas covers, burning wagon after wagon. Enemy archers sent arrows up into the trees, one bounced off Daniel’s forehead while he was peaking around the trunk. His focus was on the Aakacarns, who were scattered throughout the procession rather than conveniently in a group where he could have killed them all at the same time. Even so they were about to be on the receiving end of Maestro level spell-casting. Sero and Carlos were armed with level four crescendos and therefore currently wielded eight and seven bolts respectively.

Daniel aimed his diamond-bladed knife, summoned three of his seven bolts, and focused on an Aakacarn riding a palomino near the center of the triple file line that was moving forward rather than in retreat. A lightning bolt, backed by ten bolts of potential, shot from the point, instantly blasting the Serpent into char, and creating a kill zone seventy paces across. Men and horses were flung in all directions, dead by the time they hit the ground. He sprang behind the next tree over as flaming arrows came in response and the remaining Aakacarns sent flaming spheres at the place he had been standing. Many of the trees on the hillsides were suddenly aflame and crows took to the air. Sero and Carlos followed his example, sending crackling lightning bolts at the Accomplisheds of the Serpent Guild. The Battencayan cavalrymen nearest the enemy spell-casters began distancing themselves when it became obvious anyone within fifty to seventy paces of a person in black silks was going to die.

“Maestro,” Bernard’s voice entered Daniel’s head while he sent another lightning bolt, and Logan arrived with his team and the Sentinels. They immediately attacked the horsemen. “I know it is early, but we only finished the negotiations at sunrise. Van Efery has accepted Van Kestrel back as an ally. The southern lord will have to pay restitutions after he has helped destroy Van Joppa’s ability to make war. Ned Bartimus, that former bartender from Arend, is a good and sympathetic listener, and was instrumental in calming both sides and persuading them to reach an agreement.”

Brightness came streaking toward Daniel, he jumped and rolled twenty paces to the right just before the cone-shaped beam struck the tree and blasted away enough of the trunk to bring it snapping and cracking to the ground. He sprang to his feet, sprinting to the dubious safety behind another flaming oak. His back slammed against the trunk, causing the array to slip a little on his head. “You and your emissaries have done a great job. Please express my congratulations to Accomplished Bartimus for his good work,” he sent while trying not to be overcome by the thickening smoke.

“You seem a little distracted, did I report at a bad time?” Bernard inquired, along with a strong sense of accomplishment mixed with a trace of concern.

Daniel sent another lightning bolt into the maelstrom of violence below; wagons in flames, men and horses charging in every possible direction, all occurring while the Sentinels shot lances of light down from their position on both hills. “No, I’m currently in the middle of an unscheduled chore, but your news is important and I am glad you chose to inform me sooner rather than later,” he replied with as much calm as he could muster. After he went to all the trouble to encourage timely reports, he was not going to discourage them now.

“I will leave you to your chore,” Bernard sent and the connection ended.

Silvia torched another wagon and Daniel felt the first ripple of the regularly scheduled spell from the north. This was the thirty-sixth casting and he would have been more concerned about it if two different beams of energy, from two groups of three in concert, were not converging on the spot he currently occupied. He extended his shield to cover his entire body, temporarily cutting off the ability to breathe and hear, and flipped backwards as the Melodies struck. The heat would have seared his lungs and the light, unfiltered from the spell, would have blinded him if not for altering the shield. He landed at the base of a snow-covered elm with chunks of bark falling like rain, followed by frozen white sheets that buried him completely.

He cast a heat spell and waited patiently as the millions of icy white flakes around him melted into a puddle, and then sprang to his feet. Silvia and David were half way to him when another blast from the enemy struck near their feet and sent them flying out of sight behind a flaming oak. A growing sense of alarm for their loss arose within him, he could not breathe, until they crawled into view moments later, saved by the shield amulets, for which he felt intense relief. He readjusted the shield and took a breath as the sounds of battle returned to his ears.

A sense of cool clarity came through the link in the array before the words, “Maestro, this is Jennel Obenport,” the Conductor of Health announced, “I am in Lyson City. The siege is over and the Aczencopan legion here has retreated back across the border. I spoke with General Kalleth before he departed. They are leaving the territory taken from Taracopa in order to try and win back control of their coasts. Eighty percent of their navy has been destroyed, everything that was not in the Aczen Sea. It will take months of travel for King Bolton’s legions to arrive where he needs them.”

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