To Kingdom Come (49 page)

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Authors: Robert J. Mrazek

BOOK: To Kingdom Come
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Interview with General Ira Eaker by Dr. Charles H. Hildreth and Dr. Alfred Goldberg, May 1962. U.S. Air Force Archives.

Interview with General Ira Eaker by Arthur K. Marmor, January 1966. U.S. Air Force Archives.


Lieutenant Colonel Richard D. Hughes served on the staff of General Frederick Anderson and was a senior member of the “Enemy Objectives Unit” that recommended which strategic targets should be attacked in 1943. In the book, he makes strikingly candid comments about many of the senior commanders in the Eighth Air Force, including Ira Eaker, and offers his perceptions of why the air offensive against Germany was suspended in the wake of the Stuttgart and Schweinfurt raids. It is archived at the Air Force Historical Research Agency, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama.


Of significant value to the author in understanding the internal conflicts between the senior commanders of the U.S. Army Air Forces in 1943 were the confidential diaries, correspondence, and cables found in their papers, including those of:

General Henry H. Arnold, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

General Ira C. Eaker, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

General Carl A. Spaatz, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

General Frederick Anderson, Jr., Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford University,

Stanford, California.

General Curtis E. LeMay, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

General Robert Jesse Travis Collection, Manuscript, Archives, & Rare Book Library, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia.

Web Sites

The following Web sites were particularly useful in researching different parts of the story. The Luftwaffe Archives site is extraordinarily helpful as a resource for researching the personal backgrounds and tactics of the fighter pilots who proved to be such a nemesis to the Eighth Air Force in 1943. Another site that provided important information about the Luftwaffe pilots, including Egon “Connie” Mayer, was Kacha’s Luftwaffe Page. The author was able to utilize the user-friendly Footnote Web site to access all the Missing Air Crew Reports of the Eighth Air Force.

Most of the Eighth Air Force Bomb Groups now enjoy a Web site dedicated to their contributions to winning the air war against Germany. Due to the focus of this story on a limited number of squadrons and groups, the author was especially grateful for the information found at the Web sites of the 303rd, 306th, 384th, and 388th bomb groups.

American Swiss Foundation

Kacha’s Luftwaffe Page

Luftwaffe Archives & Records Reference Group

Missing Air Crew Reports

303rd Bomb Group

306th Bomb Group

384th Bomb Group

388th Bomb Group

388th Bomb Group Database



Abbey of Monte Cassino, Italy

Adelboden, Switzerland

Aldenhoevel, Frank

Alford, Sid

Allied Expeditionary Force

Anderson, Frederick, Jr.

Andre, Marcelle

Andre, Marie Therese

Andrews, Jean

Andrews, Martin “Andy,” birth and childhood of

Dulles and

education of

flight to Switzerland after Stuttgart mission

flying and

intelligence work of

Mavis, relationship with

Nantes mission and

photographs of

physical appearance of

postwar life of

return to U.S.

second marriage of

Stuttgart mission and

in Switzerland

Antiaircraft flak

Armstrong, Alice

Armstrong, James E. “Jimmy,”

crew of

escape from France by boat and

family of

French underground and

Gelsenkirchen mission and

injuries to

marriage of

missions of

in occupied France

parachutes from
Yankee Raider

photographs of

physical appearance of

postwar life of

return flight from Stuttgart mission and

returns to France

Schweinfurt mission (first) and

Stuttgart mission and

Yankee Raider

Armstrong, Jean

Armstrong, Jim

Armstrong, Nita DesChamps

Arnold, Bruce

Arnold, Eleanor “Bee,”

Arnold, Henry “Hap,”

childhood of

children of

Claridge’s dinner and

as commanding general of U.S. Army Air Forces

death of

Eaker and

Eaker relieved of command of Eighth Air Force by

in England

father of

flight to Prestwick, Scotland (1943)

flying by

health of

heavy bomber offensive planned by

long-range fighters and

marriage of

personality of

photographs of

physical appearance of

postwar life of

results of Stuttgart mission and

resumption of German air offensive and

retirement of

on second Schweinfurt attack

Arnold, Herbert

Arnold, John

Arnold, “Pop,”

Artaud, Robert

B-17 Flying Fortresses. (
see also
Eighth Air Force; specific airplanes; Stuttgart mission)

description of interior of
Yankee Raider

fuel tanks

Luftwaffe frontal pass technique and

Mayer’s attacks on

B-18 Bolos

B-24 Liberators

B-26 Marauders

Bad Check

Baker, Dan E.

Balthasar, Wilhelm

Baltimore Bounce

Basel, Switzerland

Bassett, Preston

Battlin Betsy

Beecham, Bill

Bell Telephone Company

Berlin, Germany

Bern, Switzerland

Bernard, Robert

Bernberg, Germany

Bernese Alps

Bf 110 fighters

Biddle, Anthony Drexel, Jr.

Biggs, Ralph

Billy, Father Nethod

Blitz, the

Bobbitt, Aubrey

Bonnard, Abbé Jean

Bosch Magneto Works, Stuttgart

Bouchy, Suzanne

Boulogne Harbor, France

Bowen, Myron “Mike,”

Bowers, Gordon

Bowhill, Sir Frederick

Branholm, George

Bremen, Germany

Brest, France

British Hurricane fighters

British SOE (Special Operations Executive)

British Spitfires

Burtonwood, England

C-54 Skymaster

Cabot, Woody

Caesar, Julius

Calhoun, William R.

Cambrai, France

Carcassonne, France

Carlin, Creighton

Casablanca meetings

Champigny, France

Checketts, Johnny

Chelveston, England

Chiquita, La

“Choric Song” of
The Lotos-Eaters

Churchill, Winston

Claridge’s Hotel, London

Cordes, Gene

Cotterell, Edward

Cunningham, Dick

Custer, George Armstrong

Daudelin, Eldore

David, Bill

Daylight precision bombing

see also
B-17 Flying Fortresses; Eighth Air Force)

de Gaulle, Charles

Deibert, William

Denton, Johnny

Devers, Jacob

Dewey, Thomas

Dick, Henry

DiPietro, Guido

Doolittle, Jimmy, as commander of Eighth Air Force

Doré, Marcel

Douarnenez, France

Drancy, France

Dübendorf Air Base, Switzerland

Dulles, Allen

Dulles, John Foster

Dungeness, England

Eaglesham, Jane

Eaker, Dona

Eaker, Ira C.

Arnold and

childhood of

Claridge’s dinner and

command of Eighth Air Force

daylight precision bombing and

death of

education of

flying and

marriage of

Mediterranean theater and

parents of

photograph of

physical appearance of

postwar life of

promotion to Lieutenant General

relieved of command of Eighth Air Force

reprimand of Travis by

results of Stuttgart mission and

resumption of German air offensive and

retirement of

Stuttgart mission and

Eaker, Leah Chase

Eaker, Ruth

Eaker, Y. Y.

Edman, Bruno

Edwards, Idwal

Eich, Henry J.

Eichholz, Johnny

8 Ball

Eighth Air Force

First Air Division

First Bombardment Group

First Bombardment Wing

Fourth Bombardment Wing

Forty-first Combat Wing

56th Fighter Group

92nd Bomb Group

94th Bomb Group

95th Bomb Group

96th Bomb Group

100th Bomb Group

102nd Combat Wing

303rd Bomb Group “Hell’s Angels,”

305th Bomb Group

306th Bomb Group “The Reich Wreckers,”

355th Fighter Group

358th Fighter Squadron

379th Bomb Group

384th Bomb Group

385th Bomb Group

388th Bomb Group

390th Bomb Group

422nd Squadron

545th Squadron

546th Squadron

“Black Week” and

Doolittle as commander of

Eaker relieved of command of

headquarters of


Eisenhart, William E.

Eisenhower, Dwight D.

Entrépagny, France

Est Nulla Via Invia Virtuti

Estella (Reb’s girlfriend)

European Theater of Operations (ETO)

Évreux, France

Fakenham, England

Falmouth, England


Faulkner, Russ

Fawcett, Jack

Fisher, William A.

Flynn, James

Focke-Wulf 190 fighters

Fort Myer, Virginia

Frankenberg, Manley

Frankfurt, Germany

Frazier, Bill

Free French

French underground

Friedrichshafen, Germany

Fullem, Pete

Fw 190 fighters (
Focke-Wulf 190 fighters)

Galland, Adolf

Gamble, Don

Gander, Newfoundland

Gay, Arthur

Gelsenkirchen, Germany

George, Jack

Gowen Field, Idaho

Graff, Warren

Grafton Underwood, England

Grant, Brenda Jo

Grant, David

Grant, Eli Sullivan

Grant, Janet Leigh

Grant, Olen “Reb,”

childhood of

crash-landing of
Yankee Raider

Estella, relationship with

in German military hospital

injuries to

interrogation of

marriages of

photographs of

postwar life of

as prisoner at Stalag

reconstructive surgeries on face

regains consciousness

return flight from Stuttgart mission and

return to U.S.

Stuttgart mission and

volunteers as machine gunner

Grant, Priscilla Hutchinson

Grant, Terry Lynn

Gremlin Gus II

Grinstein, Sid

Hamburg, Germany

Hammock, Clifford

Hannover, Germany

Harbach, Otto

Harriman, W. Averell

Harris, Sir Arthur “Bomber,”

Hawker Typhoons

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