To Know Her (Erotic Romance) (4 page)

BOOK: To Know Her (Erotic Romance)
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She watched Derek with his jaw,
tensed, and his fists, clenched.  He finally nodded once before retreating
from the room. 

The doctor placed his bag on a
chair before moving to the bathroom.   He returned and turned up the
light before sitting beside her on the bed and covering her face with a soft
damp cloth.  It blocked out the light and wiped her tears at the same

She exhaled a sigh of relief.

“Painful headache?”

She nodded.  He asked
questions to localize the pain and find out the details.  He felt under her
chin, down her throat, and looked for bumps on her head.  He checked her
forehead and Derek’s handiwork at first aid.  Finally he dimmed the light
again and sat back before removing the cloth. 

“What is the first thing you

 “It was dark.  I was
on the highway.  I guess I walked awhile before Derek drove by.” 

“You don’t remember anything
before walking?”

She searched her memory. 
She must have been in a car to get to the highway, but she didn’t remember
one.  “Nothing.”

“Which direction were you

She thought about the
headlights.  They had been at her back.

“The other way.  Derek
came up from behind.  Then he turned around when I got in.”  She
replayed the scene in her head.  “Hmm.”

He cocked his eyebrow and

“I don’t know where he was
going.  He just brought me back here.  He said there wasn’t anything
close, but I don’t know why he was out.”

 He nodded. 
“Something for him to answer.”  He glanced over the rest of her. 
“Any other pain, Sara?” 

She stretched, testing her condition. 
“Just some nausea a few times today.  This morning.”

He watched her eyes for a
moment.  “Any chance you could be pregnant?”

Her breath caught.  She
had almost had sex today.  Was she pregnant?  “I don’t … I don’t

Dr. Hendrix moved to his bag
and pulled a small paper cup free.  “We need to know what we’re dealing
with.  I want to check for signs of trauma if you are.  I also can’t
prescribe pain medicine without knowing.  Give me a urine sample if you
can.  I’ll do a quick test, and we’ll know for sure.”

She rose gingerly with his help
and went to the bathroom to do as he asked. 

She left the cup on the
counter, and after he assisted her getting back into bed, he went to the
bathroom to complete the test. 

“Dr. Hendrix…”

“Please, call me Gideon. 
I am as much friend as family doctor to Derek.”

“Oh.  Alright then. 
Gideon, Derek gave me some pills last night to rest.  An antibiotic he had
on hand and another pill for pain.  What if...”

He nodded.  “Tylenol, he
already told me.  It is fine.”

She watched him as he stood in
the bathroom for a few minutes before he dumped the cup and cleaned up the
items he’d used. 

“Well, it seems you are



He gave her a few moments to
digest the information. 

“I don’t know how.  I mean
I know I have a whole life before yesterday, but I don’t know where or when or
even who.”  Sara felt the tears well up again.  The pain in her head
was overwhelming and the feeling of desperation was soul crushing.  How
would she care for a baby?  She knew nothing to help herself. 

“Let me do a quick check and
tell you how far along you are, and make sure everything is proceeding

She nodded and glanced at the

“Just a quick check for your
health and the health of the baby.”

She swallowed and nodded. 
Gideon slipped into the hall as she slipped off her pants and climbed back onto
the bed.  He returned a moment later with Derek behind him. 

“Your host is very
irritating.”  His words were stern, but the doctor’s eyes were
light.  “He claims you need him.  He’ll need your permission to
stay.”  He waited for Sara’s nod before continuing to grumble as he pulled
out a pair of gloves and put them on. 

Sara glanced at Derek where he
sat beside her.  This was all so strange.  She was in the room with
two men, virtually strangers. 

Derek’s jaw was still
tight.  He slipped her hand into his as Gideon returned to do the
exam.  She felt her face flush when she was uncovered with both men
watching as she was examined, exposed and uneasy.  The whole experience
made her head throb harder.

Her discomfort must have been
apparent because Gideon promised it would take just a moment more.  Derek
leaned down to kiss her lightly on the forehead.  


She nodded, not sure how.

When she was covered once
again, Gideon spoke. “You’re about eight weeks pregnant, from what I can tell.”

Derek stood from the bed and
moved to the hall, shutting the door as he left.  Sara watched, waiting
for him to return, but he didn’t. 

“I’ll be able to tell more with
an ultrasound.  Maybe he can bring you by in a few days.  For now,
I’m going to give you a pain shot and a prescription for pain pills that are
safe for the baby and you.  The headache may be associated with emotional
trauma that made you lose your memory.   I see no signs of physical
trauma besides the cut which is really minor.  It isn’t the cause.  I
think as you settle down over a few days, the headache will disappear.  If
we’re lucky, your memory will reappear.” 


He administered the pain shot
and left the room.

Before Derek or the doctor
returned, Sara was asleep. 

Sometime in the night, Derek
joined her in his bed.  She woke in the dark from her dreamless sleep
lying on her side, headache gone.  Derek’s arms were wound around her, his
mouth on her neck, and his cock hard against her backside.  The fingers of
one hand played with her clit as the other hand stroked her nipples.  He
had been playing for a while because almost as soon as she woke, she cried out
as she came.  Fluid wet the folds of her sex and her thighs.  

“So ready.  Warm and
wet.”  The tip of his cock brushed her folds before pressing deep inside.

Her moan was loud, and the
feeling was exquisite.  She arched her hips into his thrust.  His
fingers continued to strum and play her body, winding her up for another
orgasm.  She heard the wet, slapping sounds as his sex filled hers. 

“So fucking good.  Pussy’s
so tight.”  He licked up her neck and found her mouth.  His tongue
was insistent, mimicking the thrust of his cock.  It wasn’t long before
she moaned again, her skin flushed with wanting, as she began tightening around
his hard erection. 

“That’s it.  Tighten down
on me, babe.”  He used the palm of his hand to bear down on her mound,
tightening her further, keeping her in place as he drove in and out at the
leisurely pace he set.  He pinched her nipple with each thrust and then
bit down on her neck when she pulsed around him. 

He was everywhere.  In
her, around her, working her body into a frenzy that pushed her from one orgasm
to another.  When she felt wrecked, totally exhausted from the play, he
pulled away, only to turn her on her belly.

“Tuck up on your knees,
babe.”  She did little.  He moved her where he wanted her before she
felt his fingers on her bare folds.  She was totally exposed to him this
way, her cheek resting on the mattress with her ass in the air.  His
fingers were soon replaced with his cock again.  He pulled her backwards
to sit, impaled on him.  He pumped ever so slightly in and out and she
wondered how he would ever come this way.  Then his finger was at her
anus, pressing in with cold fluid.

“Lubricant.  It’ll feel
good. You’ll see.”  He didn’t wait for an answer.  His finger nudged
at the entrance. 

He was perched behind her, in
her, watching her.  Was this a turn on for him?

“Push against me.”  She
did, and he pressed further inside, breeching her entrance.  He stroked
her tissues and rolled his finger several times before pulling out and adding
more of the slippery fluid with his thumb.  He gently moved it around
inside before doing it again with two fingers.  His cock still pierced her
core.  She felt him grow harder, longer each time he entered her hole
again.  Yes, this was a turn on for him. 

“Oh.”  She cried out at the
pressure, doubled with his cock inside her.  She felt his fingers stroking
her soft barrier between his fingers and his cock.  Of its own volition,
her body bucked, pushing back against him, pressing his cock deeper inside and
lodging his fingers deeper. 

“Mmmm.  There’s my
girl.”  His words were like a balm to her soul.  Her breathing was no
longer steady.  She tilted forward again before bumping back against him
and crying out. 

He bent over her back to kiss
her spine before pulling back and pushing deeply again.  She was filled
with him.  So filled, and focused on keeping him there.  If he moved
an inch back, she followed, lodging him deeply again.  He slid his hand
under her belly, stroking the soft skin there.


The baby.  It didn’t seem
real.  She nodded.  “Very.”

His hand slid up to pinch her
nipple.  She gasped at the flash of pain but whined when it was
gone.  He kneaded her breast before pinching again, harder.  She felt
her core flex on him. 

He pulled his fingers free and
she groaned when he totally disengaged from her body.  It was only a
moment before she felt something edge between her folds.  Sara glanced
back, a questioning look crossing her face.

“Trust me.  You’ll love
it.”  He waved the silicone phallus so she could see.  He waited a
moment for her to respond.  She laid her head back on the mattress and
waited.  He slid his fingers between her wet folds and forward to play
with her swollen clit.  His fingers lightly circled there before delving
back inside her pussy to stretch and play.

“You are so amazing.  So
trusting.  So ready.  I’m going to reward you for that.” 

He slid the vibrator just
inside of her folds.  It felt enormous.  She tried to spread her legs
a little, but he stopped her with his knees. 

“Stay still.”  He left the
bed and returned moments later with a pair of fur lined cuffs attached to a
third ring.   “Hands.” 

She didn’t question him and she
tried not to think about the pictures she had found.  He pulled her shirt
free and sucked her nipples before cuffing her wrists and attaching them to a
wood piece of the headboard.  She was completely vulnerable now. 

He stroked her back before
pushing her back down into the lowered kneeling position she had held
before.  He used the vibrator on her pussy as he played with her
clit.  She was so turned on by the cuffs and not having to think about
anything but pleasing him with her body.  She felt it slide deeper and
caught her breath.  It was lodged so deep she didn’t think she could take
any more.  He pulled it back slightly before nudging it in again.  He
wrapped straps around her thighs, moving her this way and that before getting
her just like he wanted.  The movements moved the vibrator within her, and
it felt so sexy that she was on the verge of another orgasm when he settled her
back into position with a sharp slap to her ass. 

He rubbed her anus again with
more lubrication and she held her breath.  Was he going to?

“Press out as I push in. 
It’ll make it easier on you.”  He pressed the head of his cock against her
hole, moving forward.  If she could have inhaled any more deeply, she
would have, but it made no difference.  His head cleared the tight ring of
muscle with a pop feeling and she exhaled.  Sweat dotted her skin. 

“So fucking good.  You are
so tight, beautiful girl.  So good.”  He slid forward a little before
easing all the way back out and starting again.

“Why?  What are you

He slapped her ass twice this
time.  “I’m doing

He pressed the head back
against the muscle.  “Open for me.”

Her body responded by pressing
against him, and he slid deeper this time.  Sara caught her breath. 
He thrust several short pulses before pulling free again. 

“Oh, please.”  She wasn’t
sure what she was asking for.  Derek seemed to know.   He licked
up her back before pressing the head of his cock against the entrance again.

“You feel so amazing squeezing
against the head of my cock.  Like a tight little home made just for
me.  Now, one more time, and I’m going to fuck you like this.” 

She pressed against him, and he
slid all the way in.  She might have protested but before she had the
chance, he flipped a switch, and the vibrator lodged deep in her pussy began to
rotate and pulse, stroking her deep inside and circling a piece around her clit
on the outside.

“Oh, Derek.”

“Mmmm.  Yeah.  Let me
hear you.”

And he did.  She couldn’t
stop moaning and crying out.  The pressure within was so intense.  He
stroked her on the inside, riding her at the pace he set.  She felt his
sweat drip onto her back and knew he was caught up in his pleasure.  He
leaned forward to grab her breast and roll her nipple.  The movement
shoved his cock more deeply inside her ass, pressing the vibrator down on her g
spot, and she groaned out loud.  As he tweaked and pinched one nipple then
the other, he pumped his hips in short thrusts, and she came. 

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