Read To Love a Shifter: A Paranormal Romance Boxed Set Online

Authors: Marian Tee

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Anthologies & Literary Collections, #General, #Short Stories, #Anthologies, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Anthologies & Literature Collections, #Genre Fiction, #New Adult & College, #Demons & Devils, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Romantic Comedy

To Love a Shifter: A Paranormal Romance Boxed Set (14 page)

BOOK: To Love a Shifter: A Paranormal Romance Boxed Set
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            Alejandro shook his head. “Here we go again.” He and his twin left, too.


            Misty started when someone curled an arm around hers. It was Emilia. The young girl was just about fifteen, clearly the baby of the family. “You shouldn’t mind them. My dad and Domenico always fight. It’s not a big thing, really. If they were girls, they’d be long past this misunderstanding. But you know boys.”


They had reached the refreshments table by then. Esmeralda was nodding sagely. “Boys are trouble.”


            Misty wanted to ask what exactly the trouble was but didn’t, afraid it would make her seem too curious or meddlesome.


            Estrella, the eldest and quietest of the three, gave her a sympathetic smile, as if understanding Misty’s trepidation. “Are you really marrying my brother?”


            She didn’t hesitate to answer. “Yes.”


            “Then I suppose you should know what’s between Domenico and our father. No one else would tell you.” She glanced at Esmeralda.


            The middle sister nodded. “Domenico used to have a twin. Then, Domenico had been wild and fun, like the younger twins. That’s what they say at least. His twin – our brother – Danilo, he was the serious one. Like Estrella.”


            Emilia giggled while Estrella rolled her eyes. “You seriously had to say that?”


            Esmeralda answered that with a grin before continuing, “But even though they were opposites, Danilo and Domenico always, always spent time together. They liked to go hiking. One time, my father warned them not to go because there were reports of rogue werewolves out to kill. Domenico insisted on going, escaping late at night. Danilo went with him to make sure he was safe.”


            “They were attacked, weren’t they?” Misty asked, even though she already knew the answer.


            “The bad things are always so easy to guess, aren’t they?” Esmeralda said sadly. “Yes, they were attacked. They managed to escape, but then Danilo lost his balance and would have fallen off of a cliff if Domenico hadn’t caught hold of him. Unfortunately, Domenico was badly hurt by then, having been weakened by the fight. It wouldn’t be much longer till he’d slip. Danilo knew Domenico would never let go, and it would only mean they’d both fall to their deaths. Danilo made a decision--”


            “He let go.”


            “To save Domenico’s life,” Esmeralda said.


            “And your father? He blames Domenico for what happened?”


            “In a moment of anger. You know how we say things we don’t mean. My father was furious and…he was grieving. Domenico just became wilder and wilder. One night, my father exploded and said he wished that Danilo was the one alive.”


            Estrella was the one who spoke next. “The very next day, Domenico had changed. He was no longer wild, no longer…” Her voice lowered. “He was just suddenly perfect. He used to smile all the time, but not anymore. Everything he did was perfect, but he tends to choose alternatives that are sure to make Father angry.”


            Misty almost didn’t want to ask the obvious. But she had to. “Like marrying me, you mean?”


            Emilia squeezed her hand, rushing to say, “Please don’t take it personally. My father simply wants Domenico to marry a pack princess. Times are hard these days and we need to strengthen our alliances. Marriage is the best way to do that. Of course, Domenico would disagree. And now he’s brought you--”


            Again, she had to ask. “Do you guys hate me?” Would they suddenly become sisters-in-law from hell, out to punish her for daring to marry their beloved, unreachable brother?


            Estrella was shocked. “Of course not. It’s obvious that Domenico cares for you. He smiled at you, didn’t he? We just want to make sure that you understand what’s happening…you’re possibly the only one who can reach his heart. So make him come alive again, will you, Misty?”


            Before she could answer, fingers clamped around her wrist. She looked up to meet Domenico’s furious eyes. “We’re leaving.”


            She barely had time to wave at his sisters. She was panting by the time they reached the lobby. His strides were so hard to keep up with. “What’s wrong?” she asked, concerned.


            Domenico shook his head. “Nothing.”


            Their limousine came to a stop and Domenico all but shoved her inside. The chauffeur shut the door closed. Domenico opened the chiller and took out a wine bottle. He punched a button and out came wine glasses. He poured the wine in a glass and drank it in one gulp.


            “Are you okay?”


            “Not really.”


            Her heart constricted at the sight of his hardened countenance. She had a feeling he was hiding sadness behind that cold face of his and wondered madly what she could do to amuse him. Not long after, she had an idea and fished out her mobile phone, hurriedly punching buttons to get to the right message.


            The continuous beeping of keys being pressed pulled Domenico out of his train of thought, one that involved long-buried but never forgotten memories. He frowned at the sight of Misty with her head bent down, hair falling to cover most of her face. “What are you doing?”


            “I have a joke,” she blurted out.


            His frown darkened even more. “A what?”


            What am I doing
? She asked herself.


            The frown was scary. It reminded her that this guy was a werewolf. What if he got so mad he decided to eat her? “Umm…on second thought--”


            Domenico crossed his arms across his chest. He placed the wine glass down. “I’m sorry. Please continue.”




            “You have a joke, don’t you? Share it, please.”


            Shick. When he sounded like that, she felt like she had no power to refuse. He was in BOSS mode and it made her revert to EMPLOYEE mode.


            If--when--we marry, it can’t be like this. It won’t be like this
, she promised to herself.




            She almost jumped.


            Stupid, stupid Misty. What have you gotten yourself into now


            She cleared her throat. “There were three guys…”


            Domenico raised a brow. “I hope this isn’t a sexual joke.”




            “Or a joke about stupidity,” he added.




            He rolled his eyes. “Go on.”


            “I can’t,” she practically wailed. “You’re scaring me!”


            That made him blink. Then Domenico started to laugh. “I have, haven’t I?” His laughter faded. “I’m sorry.” He looked at her, glued to the other end of the seat. “Come here, Misty.” He patted the space next to him.


            She went to him tentatively.




            She moved an inch.


            “Misty,” he growled.


            She moved two inches closer.


            He sighed and without further ado, pulled her closer until they were skin to skin, her back against his chest.  He sighed again, relaxing. Misty had that effect on him, and it was extremely nice, especially after another bitter exchange of words with his father.


            “Relax, Misty. Get used to this. We’re getting married, remember?” His arm tightened around her waist as he spoke the words. More and more, Domenico was realizing how much her presence meant to him, and it was unnerving. This hadn’t been part of the plan at all.


            Domenico leaned his head back and closed his eyes. When he did, he felt Misty gradually relaxing against him as well, her back curving naturally to his chest.


            “Tell me the joke,” he murmured.


            Reluctance lined her voice when she said, “Are you sure?”




            She cleared her throat. “So, there were three guys stranded on an island. Jack, Jim, and John.”


            He smirked without opening his eyes.


The women he knew would never make a joke like this. It would be something else, something witty, satirical even, and sophisticated. Or naughty – anything to impress him.


            “Now, these three guys were stranded on the island. Bandits had caught them and brought the three to their leader. The leader then orders them to bring him 10 pieces of any fruit.”


            He heard her pushing the buttons on her phone and knew she was scrolling down to read of the rest of her joke. Domenico wanted to smile but managed to stop himself in time. Too much smiling would make him weak, and he didn’t want that.


            Misty continued, “Jack was the first one to come back. He brought 10 apples with him. The leader then tells him that each and every one of them would be shoved up his butt.”


            Domenico choked.


            Misty was already into the joke and didn’t notice Domenico’s reaction. The chauffeur and bodyguard in front snickered. Then they caught sight of Domenico’s frown through the rearview mirror and coughed.


            “The leader also adds that if ever Jack grimaces or laughs, even just once, they’d cut his head off. Jack got as far as two before he grimaced. So it was off with his head!” Misty was narrating the joke like a standup comedian now, hands flying in expansive gestures, completely carried away.


            This time, it was impossible for the chauffeur to stop himself from smiling.


            Domenico was in the same state. Misty looked simply adorable.


            “Jim comes back with ten grapes. He’s given the same ultimatum. By the ninth grape, however, he laughs. And it’s off with his head, too!” Misty made a chopping motion.


            “Jack and Jim met each other in Heaven. Jack asks Jim, why did you laugh? You were on your 9
grape already. One more and you could have been saved.” Misty couldn’t help it -- she fell back onto the seat, laughing. She knew the punch line of course, but it still made her double over every time.


            Domenico nudged her as his smile widened at the picture she created. “Finish the joke.”

BOOK: To Love a Shifter: A Paranormal Romance Boxed Set
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