To Love and Obey (Boundaries) (5 page)

Read To Love and Obey (Boundaries) Online

Authors: Katy Swann

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: To Love and Obey (Boundaries)
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“You’re late,” he snapped.

“What? Adam, it’s eight o’clock. Two hours before the board meeting starts and an hour earlier than my official start time.” She pushed past him and made her way to her desk, knowing he would be following her.

She wasn’t too bothered about Adam’s snappy mood, in fact, she’d been expecting it. She knew he was stressed about this meeting today. Lord Granville was being a pain in the arse about something and the whole Dominique thing hadn’t exactly helped his stress levels.

She put her takeaway coffee on her desk and turned to hand him the one she’d gotten for him. She’d gotten into the habit of stopping at Starbucks each morning to get them both a coffee on her way to work and, if he had time, they would drink it together before they got on with their respective jobs.

“Sorry.” He grinned sheepishly and took his coffee. They made their way into his office, shutting the door on their way. Nobody dared disturb Adam Stone when his door was shut, even if Rachel wasn’t at her desk to shield him from any visitors.

Sitting next to each other on the sofa, they ran through the agenda, double-checking all the paperwork was in order and, once Adam was happy that all was well, he put his coffee down and pulled her close. Hmm, he smelled freshly showered, the slight musky scent of his deodorant teasing her nostrils. Her pulse quickened as the scent reminded her of their shower last week and she glanced wistfully over at the bathroom door, wishing they could do it all again now.

Adam ran his finger lightly over the soft material covering her breasts and grinned as her nipple instantly hardened under his touch. He then reached down to her legs and stroked her thigh, before sliding his hand under the short skirt she’d worn, as ordered. When his fingers reached her bare pussy and gently probed her entrance, she groaned.

“Good girl for obeying my orders,” he growled.

She felt herself moisten at his words and a deep sense of well-being enveloped her.

“Get up and follow me,” he said suddenly, and pulled her up to stand. Silently, and without question, she followed him into the boardroom. “I want you to serve the coffee yourself once everyone is seated.”

She frowned in surprise. “But, I thought everyone just helps themselves?”

Adam swatted her ass, just hard enough to sting. “Today,
serve them. Understood?”

“Yes, Sir,” she mumbled, annoyed at having to play waitress for them. She wondered why he suddenly demanded that she serve them when, only yesterday, he’d told her to just leave the coffee on the table.

“Bend over the table,” he said.

She giggled, not sure she’d heard right. In about an hour and a half’s time, the whole Board of Directors would be sitting around this table and he wanted to fuck her there now?

“I won’t say it again, Rachel.”

Oh shit, he’s bloody serious.
Without another word she turned toward the table and slowly lowered her upper body onto the cool, polished wood. He pushed her legs so her body was completely flush with the table, giving her no room to move, and she sighed as he started stroking the soft skin of her arse.

“I want to mark your lovely ass,” he said, his voice suddenly gruff and raw. “But not now. Today we try something new.”

She remained silent and wondered what on earth he was going to do this time. She soon found out as something cold and wet spread over the opening to her arse followed immediately by something hard pressing against her tight hole.

“No,” she cried, and tried to stand up in panic.

“Sssh.” Adam pushed her back down and held her in place with a firm hand on her back. “This won’t hurt, I promise. It’s a small butt plug, the smallest there is. Please try it for me and if you really hate it, I won’t ask you again.”

A nervous shudder ran through her as she replied, “Okay.” She wanted to please him and if this pleased him, then she would do it.

“Good girl. Relax your muscles and it’ll slip in easily.” His voice, although still holding an excited edge, comforted her and she allowed herself to relax as the hand on her back started gently massaging between her shoulder blades.

She stiffened as the alien object probed a little farther, but relaxed again when Adam stopped and continued his massage. Then there was a deep burning sensation and she moaned a little, more from discomfort than actual pain. The burning got worse though and she was just about to cry out for him to stop when it slipped in with a little plop and the burning went away.

She waited for the pain, but all she felt was full and, oddly enough, aroused. Adam wriggled the plug slightly, sending little shivers through her and she whimpered as nerve endings she hadn’t known existed, sparked excitedly to life. He rubbed his finger along her slit and when he pushed it through her folds, she was shocked at how easily it slid into her soaking wet pussy.

“Oh, Rachel,” he whispered, and pushed his solid erection against her arse. He teased her clit and the combination of the new sensations from the plug and his coarse fingers rubbing her throbbing nub, was all it took to take her to a new level of pleasure. Just as the first telltale signs of orgasm started building though, he removed his hand, causing Rachel to emit a groan of frustration.

“Please, Adam. Please let me come.” She needed to come and she needed it now, but Adam moved away from her and slapped her arse.

“Get up,” he said, firmly. “If you behave, I promise you’ll get your orgasm later.”

Rachel pulled herself up from the table, squirming at the unfamiliar fullness in her arse as she straightened her body. She frowned as it dawned on her what he was up to. He was going to make her serve the coffee in the meeting, fully aroused and with a fucking butt plug shoved up her arse. If she performed to his liking, he would reward her with an orgasm after the meeting and if she didn’t…

She put her hands on her hips and glared at him. “Adam, I know how seriously you take this business and these meetings. Do you seriously want to risk your reputation if anyone guesses what you’re up to?”

Adam just laughed though. “My dear Rachel, what makes you think it’ll be my reputation on the line? As far as they would be concerned, you’re just an over-amorous temp who’s behaving like a whore in my boardroom.”

Even though Adam’s crude words were so harsh, Rachel’s knees went weak as heat shot through her body. He was right—he would just look shocked and outraged and she would be the one having to live with the shame. He knew she wouldn’t risk that, and he clearly also knew that the whole idea of the risk of being caught behaving like a whore turned her on in a way she would never have known herself.

“Adam Stone, you are one sick bastard.” She scowled, as her body quivered again with arousal.

He laughed as he slid his hand up her skirt and brushed against her burning pussy. He held up his finger, glistening with her juices, and raised his eyebrows. “Who, me?”

Despite this slightly scary turn in their erotic play, Rachel couldn’t hold back the naughty grin she’d been trying to hide. Damn him, but this was so sexy.

“I’ll serve your coffee, Sir, and will behave with the utmost decorum.” She lifted her chin and walked out of the boardroom and into his office. The plug moved as she did and the sensation was nearly enough to send her over the edge right there and then. Maybe a quick trip to the bathroom would help to ease the tension so she didn’t spill any coffee.

“Oh, and Rachel?”

“Yes, Sir?” She could hear the quiver in her voice as she turned awkwardly back to face him.

“You don’t have permission to pleasure yourself. Do I make myself clear?”

God, she’d like to wipe that smirk of his face.

,” she hissed, and walked as gracefully out of his office as she could, all things considered.

About an hour later, people had started arriving for the meeting. Lord Granville was already there, along with a couple of other directors. Just before the meeting was due to start, Joanne Baker, the Finance Director, rushed past her desk. She stopped briefly when she saw Rachel, and smiled. “Can we have a chat after the meeting? I’ve got a proposition for you.”

“Oh. Yes, of course,” said Rachel, wondering what on earth Joanne Baker could possibly want with her.

When the final person had arrived, Adam popped his head round the door. “Can you bring in the lunch at twelve-thirty please?”

“Yes, Mr Stone,” Rachel purred, sounding every bit the professional she intended to be.

“Oh, and you can serve the coffee now.” He paused in the doorway while she rose from her chair, and grinned when she squirmed as the plug moved in her arse.

Once in the privacy of the kitchen, Rachel let out the nervous breath she’d been holding. She was so aroused, she barely knew what day it was, but she’d be damned if she would make it obvious for him. After all, he was making her suffer by withholding her much-needed orgasm. Well, two could play at that game! She would be as cool as a cucumber when she served that coffee. No one would guess a thing and he’d owe her big time.

She grinned to herself as she carried the coffee jug toward the boardroom. She knocked and walked in.
Game on, Adam Stone

“Ah, Miss Porter, come in. My very efficient PA is going to serve the coffee now,” he said smoothly.

He grinned at her as she walked as gracefully as she could, heading deliberately to the opposite end of the table so she would serve him last.

As she leaned over Lord Granville to pour the coffee into his porcelain cup, her breasts, without their usual support, fell forwards. She knew her nipples would be hard so anyone looking at her now would easily work out she wasn’t wearing a bra. Thankfully, they were all focused on what Joanne Baker was saying and she got past the first couple of people with no problems.

She moved smoothly, trying not to look too obvious as the plug teased her nerve endings. “Are you all right, Miss Porter?” Adam’s voice snapped her back to attention. “You seem to be walking a little awkwardly.”

“Yes, thank you, Mr Stone. I twisted my ankle earlier, that’s all.”
Ha, that’ll shut you up

She continued serving the coffee, aware of his eyes on her the whole time. A quick glance around the table told her no one else was paying attention and she relaxed slightly and allowed herself to flash him a little smile. He’d known no one would notice her, she realized. He’d just wanted to wind her up.

Finally everyone had their coffee except for Adam, who was sitting at the head of the table. As she leaned over his shoulder to pour his coffee, his hand crept slowly up the back of her thigh until it reached her arse. She looked around and was thankful that, from where he was sitting, it would be difficult for anyone to see where his hand had gone. Her legs weakened slightly as her body thought it might finally get its reward, and it took all of her willpower to force herself to look cool, calm and collected.

Then the bastard pulled slightly on the plug and jiggled it a little bit. She couldn’t help it—she let out a gasp of shock as the sensation increased the intense ripples of pleasure pulsing through her body. Everyone looked up and she quickly feigned a little sneeze. “Excuse me.” She smiled and straightened back up when she’d finished pouring Adam’s coffee.

“Bless you,” said Joanne, barely looking up from her papers.

“Thank you.” Adam moved his hand slowly down her leg again and she was finally able to make her exit, with her modesty and reputation intact.

Once outside the boardroom, she leaned back against the door and allowed herself to breathe normally again. Fuck, he’d really pushed his luck.

She made her way back to her desk and slowly lowered herself onto her chair, careful not to put too much pressure on the plug. She was surprised that it didn’t actually hurt and even more surprised that it was as sexy as it was. As long as Adam didn’t get any ideas about anything too big, she supposed she wouldn’t mind doing it again.

“Miss Porter, a word please.”

She hadn’t heard Adam come out of the boardroom and jumped slightly as she looked up at him. He nodded toward the kitchen and she quickly got up and followed him. As soon as the door had closed behind them, he gathered her in his arms and nuzzled her neck.

“Thank you for making such a dull meeting so much fun,” he said, nibbling her ear gently. “You have no idea how much I hate these meetings.”

“You’re very welcome, Sir,” said Rachel, surprised at his revelation. She’d never have thought Adam Stone hated this necessary side to the business.

He pushed her against the wall and pinned her arms to her sides. “Now, I believe I owe you an orgasm,” he murmured, and slowly brought his hand up her skirt until it reached its target. He moved his hand slowly back and pulled on the plug, dislodging it to the point she thought he was removing it, but then he pushed it back in again and fresh sensations rippled through her body.

“Ohhh,” she groaned and closed her eyes.

“Touch your breasts,” he ordered. “Pull and squeeze your nipples. Hard.” As he said it, he found her entrance and he moaned as he slid a finger deep inside her.

Rachel reached under her blouse and soon became lost in the sensations taking over her body—her nipples burning from being pinched by her fingers, Adam’s fingers inside her pussy while he played with the plug with his other hand. As the waves started building, Adam suddenly pulled the plug out and her knees buckled slightly as the sudden emptiness overwhelmed her. She just about managed to slap her hand over her mouth to stop herself from crying out loud, as her control shattered and her body finally received its delicious reward.

As she slowly recovered, Adam pulled her half-slumped body back up into his arms and held her tight. “God, you’re amazing,” he breathed, and planted lots of light kisses on her head.

All too soon though, he pulled away and sighed regrettably. “I’d better get back in there,” he groaned. “I told them I had an urgent call to make. See you later.”


He stopped in the doorway and turned around, “Yes?” he said, softly.

“Thank you.” She knew he’d know what she meant. It wasn’t just the orgasm she was thanking him for, but the fact that he’d pushed her boundaries, making her feel terrified of being caught, but all along knowing she’d be all right. She knew without a doubt that if anyone in that boardroom had looked up and seen anything untoward, he’d have covered for her.

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