To Love and Submit (19 page)

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Authors: Katy Swann

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: To Love and Submit
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“I’ll need you to stay late tonight. I think we need to have a little chat about discipline.” He emphasised the word discipline and the promise of punishment hung seductively in the air.

Her stomach somersaulted and her heartbeat quickened as she replied, “Yes, Sir,” and turned away from him with an enormous smile on her face.

Chapter Seventeen

At six thirty, Rachel finally finished a second tape Adam had given her earlier that afternoon. She ran her hand through her hair as she went through her mental checklist to make sure she had done everything he had asked. She sent the document to print and glanced uncertainly at his door as the small machine behind her sprang to life.

She’d been rushed off her feet since their encounter that morning and was determined to prove to Adam that she was professional and efficient enough to be his PA. There had been no more fuck-ups or embarrassments, and Adam had been his usual polite and slightly aloof self as she had ushered people in and out of his office. She had arranged meetings, screened calls and made his coffee without any hint that behind the professional facade, their relationship took a dark and kinky turn.

She stood up, smoothed her skirt down and picked up the work from the printer, before walking tentatively to his door. Taking a deep breath, she knocked gently and waited for his response. Maybe he wouldn’t hear and she could slip out unnoticed, or maybe he would send her home having forgotten about his earlier threat.

Although she had originally been excited at the idea of Adam punishing her at the office, reality had kicked in as soon as the heat from her arousal had cooled. Apart from the obvious fact that someone could walk in and catch them, there was also the small problem that it might actually hurt. Really hurt. He had made it perfectly clear that punishments weren’t for enjoyment and he had looked seriously pissed off with her when he’d hinted at what he had in mind. Suddenly, the idea of staying behind and taking his punishment wasn’t quite as sexy as it had been that morning.

She swallowed nervously when she heard his response, and pushed the glass door open with shaking hands. “All done, Sir,” she said, smiling with false bravado.

“Good.” His voice was steady and his eyes unwavering, giving nothing away as to his intentions. “Sit down, Miss Porter.”

Miss Porter? Bloody hell, he hadn’t called her that since the first time he’d met her. Was that a bad sign? She sat as instructed, folded her hands on her lap to cover her nerves and waited. He didn’t say anything while he read through the report she had just typed, and the silent minutes seemed to drag on forever, increasing her apprehension with every one that passed.

After what felt like an eternity, he eventually stopped reading and raised his deep blue eyes to meet hers, but still he remained silent. Her breath caught in her throat and she uncrossed her legs only to cross them again straight away.
Say something, you bastard
. She felt a rush of blood stain her face as he seemed to challenge her. Finally, she couldn’t stand it anymore. “Er, is everything all right?”

He sat back and raised his eyebrows. “You did well with this report, Rachel, but we still need to discuss your performance this morning. Do you remember what we spoke about earlier?” His voice was stern, but there was no anger, thank God.

“You said something about wanting to discuss discipline, Sir.” Even as she spoke the words, the warmth from her face shot down to her groin.

“Hmm, yes,
. What do you think I meant by that, Rachel?” He gave her a cold hard stare and she had nowhere to hide as she fought for her answer.

“Erm, did you mean that you were going to spank me, Sir?” She practically whispered the word ‘spank’ as her embarrassment quickly turned into arousal.

“Do you think you deserve to be spanked, Rachel?” His voice remained controlled. In fact, everything about him was controlled—unlike her.

She couldn’t bring herself to look him at him as she struggled to reply, and lowered her head, almost squeaking when she replied, “Yes, Sir.”

“Pardon? Look at me, Rachel, and speak up. Tell me if you think you deserve to be spanked.” He sounded more like Adam the Dom now and Rachel felt herself surrender under his ruthless interrogation.

“Yes, Sir, I deserve to be spanked.” Her nipples hardened when she heard herself say the words and she knew her arousal was clear to see through her thin blouse.

He stood up and walked silently around the desk to stand next to her. He nodded and she immediately stood up, feeling dwarfed next to his huge frame. He took her arm and led her firmly towards the boardroom. The boardroom? Was he going to spank her in the boardroom? He pushed the door open then led her inside, before closing it firmly behind him.

“What if someone…?”

He put his finger over her lips. “No one but myself or my PA is allowed in here without my permission. We won’t be disturbed.”

“Oh!” There went that excuse.

“Remove your knickers, Rachel.” It wasn’t a request.


.” His voice was uncompromising and she knew there was no point in delaying the inevitable.

The recessed halogen lights were dimmed to the lowest level, making the atmosphere subdued and sultry, and she was grateful for the small amount of modesty the subtle lighting gave her. As she pulled the thin silky material over her knees, she felt a slight chill brush over her bare, sensitive mound, and when her hand accidently touched the gusset, she was shocked at how damp it was.

Adam took the tiny garment from her and smiled when he too noticed the damp material. “Good. Now, bend over the table.”

Oh God, this couldn’t be happening. She wanted to run out of the boardroom, out of the building and home to the safe cocoon of her flat, but she wanted to stay even more. Taking a deep breath, she laid herself across the end of the table and felt the cool air tease her buttocks as Adam lifted her skirt and exposed her arse.

She sighed when she felt his hands, strong and hard, caress her. He lightly stroked his fingers up her lower back, across both buttocks and over her thighs, which were now trembling. He was in no hurry and she felt herself relax as she became lost in the erotic massage.

Then, without warning, he lifted his hand and hit her hard on her left cheek, the sharp slap echoing slightly in the still room. Her body jerked, but quickly relaxed again as she took a deep breath. It didn’t really hurt that much, certainly no more than it had on Friday night. She braced herself for the next smack at the same time as his hand made contact with her skin again, hitting her in exactly the same place as the first time, only harder.
Ow! That hurt.

Before she had a chance to recover from the shock of the pain, his hand landed hard on the already sore spot on her left arse cheek. Hot, burning pain seared across her bottom as he smacked her again and again, always on the same cheek. Tears stung her eyes as she fought to cope with the overwhelming sensations coursing through her body, and still he continued his ruthless onslaught.

She tried to move out of the line of fire so he would hit at a slightly different angle, in the vain hope that it would offer some relief, but he held her with his free hand on her back, pressing her firmly onto the table, giving her no room for movement.

She kept waiting for her body to absorb the pain the way it had the other night, but she remained painfully aware of every strike. Another hit and she screamed, the agony becoming too much to bear.
Safe word, I need to say my safe word
. Just then, though, a fog enveloped her head allowing her to drift into that wonderful floaty feeling from before. Thank God the endorphins were finally kicking in.

But just as she started to enjoy the sensation, he suddenly stopped and gave her an almighty slap on the other buttock. “Ahh,” she screamed, as she crashed out of the euphoria and became aware again of the intense pain on her arse.

Then the bastard started hitting her left buttock again, reigniting the fire that was smouldering on her skin, sparking fresh pain. She needed to escape into that place again.
Go with the pain
. She tried to breathe with each stroke, but every time she edged closer to the altered state she so desperately sought, he would stop and hit her other cheek.
Bastard, he’s doing it on purpose

“Bastard!” Oh God, did she just say that out loud? A harder strike scorched her raw skin, confirming her fear, and she screamed, the tears running freely down her face now. She no longer cared what he thought—the only thing that mattered was the pain. Oh, the exquisite pain—yes she could feel herself floating again. Then he stopped—again.

“Please don’t stop,” she cried, “please.”

But Adam was having none of it and hit her right arse cheek one final, agonising time before he gently rubbed the tender skin. He slid his finger down to the crack of her arse and gently probed the ring of muscle around her anus before continuing to her pussy.

She gasped when he slid his finger into her wetness. She was practically dripping and flushed when she heard Adam chuckle and say, “I knew you loved it.” Then she heard the sound of a zipper being undone and felt his hard, solid cock teasing her entrance.

She needed him inside her so badly, and it was all she could do not to reach back and pull him into her. “Please, Sir,” she begged, “please…”

Finally, with a hard thrust, the dots all joined up as everything made sense. The pain, the torture, all led to this incredible sensation. She had thought she’d hated the pain while he’d been spanking her, but now she realised it had been necessary for her to have this incredible feeling that was taking over her body.

He fucked her hard and had barely started pounding into her when her body arched in an agonising climax that shook her world. She screamed as she rode the wave of ecstasy, the pain from her stinging arse now inseparable from the pleasure as her body surrendered completely.

Adam continued fucking her through her orgasm, slapping her sore buttocks every now and again sending fresh shock waves of pleasure to her pussy. His cock felt so big she wondered briefly how the hell she managed to take him, but he didn’t seem to have any problems as he thrust roughly into her from behind, grabbing her hair and pushing her into the table, emphasising her submissive stance.

His breathing suddenly increased, coming in short rasps, and he quickly reached down and pinched her clit as she felt him explode inside her. The combination of his pinch and his climax sent her to new heights and she felt her body spasm, yet again, as she screamed out her second orgasm.

Finally, Adam’s breathing slowed as he collapsed onto her back. She winced when he brushed against her battered buttocks and smiled as she felt his hot breath in her ear. He started kissing her ever so softly on the back of her neck and, at that moment, she had never been more content.

She was still panting, her breathing shallow and quick, and was still lying limp across the table when Adam eventually pulled himself off her. He stroked her back and gathered her hair in his hand, gently tugging it so her head leant back.

“By the way, sweet thing,” he murmured. “That wasn’t a real punishment.”

“It wasn’t?”
Bloody hell!

“When I punish you, it won’t be with my hand, it’ll be with a paddle and it’ll hurt, really hurt, so don’t try to deliberately provoke me for a repeat of this little funishment.”


“If this had been a real punishment, sweet thing, you wouldn’t have come, and you certainly wouldn’t be smiling afterwards. I never intended to punish you properly tonight—I just wanted us both to have a bit of fun.”

He lifted her gently up from the table and held her in his arms, careful not to touch her bare bottom. She clung to him, still on a high from the spanking and resulting sex, and breathed in his delicious male scent. Hmm, she’d wanted to do this all day.

“Come for a drink with me,” he said, nuzzling her ear.


He raised his eyebrows.

She grinned and added, “Sir.”

They found a quiet bar hidden away at the back of Holborn. It was too discreet to attract the tourists and not glamorous enough to draw in the local office workers so it was only half full.

“Glass of wine?” asked Adam, as they approached the bar.

Rachel nodded, surprised that he had actually asked and not chosen for her. When they got their drinks, he nodded towards a free table tucked away in the corner, away from the main bar, and they made their way over. Without thinking, she sat down heavily on the sofa and cried out as her sore bottom took the weight of her body. It took several wriggles and gentle easing onto the seat before she was reasonably comfortable, but even then, there was no escaping the burning reminder of her so called funishment.

Adam sat down next to her and, much to her annoyance, just grinned, clearly enjoying her discomfort. “Is it very sore?”

“Yes, Sir,” she hissed, hating him for gloating.

“Good, it’s comforting to know I haven’t lost my touch.” He was sitting so close that his leg touched hers and she instinctively leaned against him, enjoying a new kind of closeness they hadn’t shared up until that point. When his hand rested on her thigh she didn’t try to move it.

She took a sip of her wine and felt herself relax. “You know, all the times I’d fantasised about being spanked, I never dreamt it would actually hurt so much.”

“Well, that is the point,” stated Adam, running his hand lightly along her thigh, sending little shivers back to her groin.

“I know, but it’s still so different from what I’d expected.”

“You liked it, though,” he said, telling her rather than asking her.

“What makes you so certain?” She frowned. God, he was so bloody sure of himself.

He laughed. “Rachel, you came so hard you nearly squeezed the life out of my cock.”

“Oh yeah. You don’t think anyone heard, do you?”

He shook his head confidently. “No, the boardroom is soundproofed for confidentiality and, besides, the door to my office was closed as was the one to yours. Don’t worry, our secret is safe.”

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